Posted With Permission of a Paul Descendant
To tell the story of Fannie Kinnett Paul, you first have to give the
background of some of the people that touched on her life after the
death of her husband, James Roe Paul. In my opinion, from her
actions, I suspect she had gone into a mental depression and was not
wholly accountable for the things she did. She tried to run away
from her troubles by going to Illinois and Texas. It seemed the
further she would go the worse her troubles would be. Fannie Kinnett Paul
After her return from Illinois and Texas, she married Rubin Johnson Shadoin. They lived in the house that James Roe Paul and his father Samuel H. Paul had built. At this time there were two brothers, Dr. Nick Stigal and Dr. John Stigal living here. Dr. Nick was a plodder and would never think of doing a thing unethical. Dr. Nick’s wife died and some people said he picked his second wife at his first wife’s funeral. At any rate he was remarried within a short time. Dr. John’s wife also died, but instead of remarrying he sought solace in the bottle. It wasn’t long until there was no longer any comfort in drinking. At this time in the early 1900’s morphine was easy to get and not too expensive. So, Dr. John got on morphine and was leading a happy life.
Fannie was about the right age to be going through the change of life, so she started going to Dr. John. It wasn’t too long until he had her on dope along with several other ladies, who were having similar problems. All were getting along fine, when the U.S. government started passing stiff narcotic laws and their source was dried up right now.
I guess, from what I hear, she just about raised the roof. Her husband was standing by her all the while and sent her to a sanitarium for the cure. She was home in a month or two supposedly cured. Things went along smoothly for awhile. Then she slipped around and managed to get some more dope from a druggist who was one of Dr. John’s disciples. At any rate that is what people said and I know he had to go out of business about this time.
Estelle, Marie, Gladys & Charles Paul Rubin, her husband, always provided well for her. She always had a maid and ate in the dining room and used the white linen tablecloth and napkins. To my knowledge my mother never ate a meal there or even visited her. When she died, she never went to her funeral. Somehow I have a suspicion she never approved of the way she had used her life. (3)
Copy of letter from W.J. Judd of Stanberry, Mo. To Mrs. S.H. Paul, Abilene, Kansas – January 22, 1936.
I was checking over my old file of letters received during the year 1935 and I find your letter of January 21st, 1935, in the files and as I find no copy of answer I am afraid I had not answered it. If I have it was over looked and I am very sorry for the reason you asked some information in regard to Phoebe Judd. I don’t remember her but I know all about her by hearing my folks talk about her. If I had time to think up the chain of record I can give you the full history of the Judds from the first one that ever took the name of Judd.
The first one to ever assume the name of Judd was in the year 1670, in England, when Andrew Judd was knighted for establishing a grammar school, and he took the name of Judd. Up to this time the name was spelled Jude and Jued, and when he was knighted for founding this school he took upon himself the name of Judd. His old armor is still at this school.
Now in the year 1700 his two sons started to America, one of their names was John, and the other one was William. John Judd landed along the eastern coast and his descendents are mostly in the northeast part of the United States. One of his descendents, Dr. Charles Judd is now director of education in the Chicago University, and some of them are in Maine and along the coast but the one you are inquiring about is a descendant of William Judd. The vessel he came over in was captured and the ones on the vessel were taken ashore. William in the bunch were sold as slaves in North Carolina. Now this William’s children scattered out, one of them in an early day landed in the Hawaiian Islands and one of his descendants was governor of the Hawaiian Islands a few years ago. One of William’s sons was named Nathaniel and this is the one you are interested in knowing, landed in south Missouri. His family branched out and one of his sons was my Grandfather, Jesse S. Judd. My Grandfather’s sister is the one you are inquiring about – Phoebe Judd. She married John Frank Paul’s father, that made my father and John Frank Paul, first cousins, now your husband and myself would be second cousins.
Now old Uncle James Thomas married John Frank Paul’s sister and no doubt you have heard S.H. tell you there names; James, Wheat, Sam and Sarah. Anything you want to know about S.H. Paul’s relation here, be free to write and I will check up on it for you. By the way, Uncle Jeff Thomas is a very old man, but glad to tell you that he and his wife are living in a block of me and they are getting along fine and reasonable good health. If you people ever come through Stanberry, Missouri, my wife and I would be glad for you to visit us as I always had a high opinion of S.H. Paul and regarded him as one of my best friends.
So please remember that Jesse S. Judd, my Grandfather and Phoebe Judd were Brother and sister. My Grandfather, Jesse S. Judd, married a Thomas, and old Uncle Jim Thomas that raised S.H. Paul, I mean that is where S.H. Paul made his home when I first remember meeting him, was first cousins of my father. Samuel Hillis Paul was the son of James Paul and Phoebe Judd Paul, born January 20, 1829, in Russell Co., Kentucky. He died July 4, 1911. He was buried in McBeath Cemetery in Russell Co. He married Nancy Richardson McKinney, widow of E.T. McKinney, Wayne Co., Kentucky. He was a carpenter, blacksmith and operated a saw mill and store. He was also Justice of the Peace and would marry people and preach funerals. Sam and his brother, Jim, built a steam boat on the Cumberland River where Greasy Creek flows in. They ran the first steam boat up the Cumberland to what is now Burnside. At that time it was called Point Isabel. Sam continued on the Cumberland and ran what was called the Cumberland River Rout. While Captain Jim went on the Ohio and Mississippi he did quite well. Sam was quite a practical joker. One time after the Civil War, they had a cargo of war material bringing it back north and had a watchman on board who liked to take a little nip occasionally. His job was to make his rounds, inspect the hull, to see there were no leaks and that everything was ship-shape. On this certain night he had a few nips and got sleepy. He got a chair, found a warm place by the boiler and went to sleep. Captain Sam came by and saw him. Now in the cargo was cannon rifles, powder, leg irons and other war material. So, Captain Sam had the crew breakout leg irons, rifles and had a couple of the cannons loaded and started shooting and yelling “Rebels”. The poor watchman liked to have killed himself trying to take cover. You see they had fastened a leg iron to his leg and a stanchion.
The stern of the steam boat is subjected to a lot of wear and tear from the water thrown on it from the stern wheel so they have to paint it at every opportunity. This boat was tied up for a couple of days and was dry enough to paint. There was a doctor and his wife on board and the good doctor had given his wife a laxative and she had a sudden urge and rushed to the stern. She didn’t look down the hole where old Jack was painting and let go dead center on old Jack’s head. His first reaction was to dip his brush and paint the thing that had so defiled him. The lady went screaming and running back to her cabin. The good doctor came running with his gun. Old Jack took off. People would ask Jack about what had happened and he told them that “She -----------on my head so I painted it red.
Letter from S.H. Paul to his brother J.F. Paul, Drury, Mo., December 24, 1898.
Mr. J.F. Paul and Family
Dear brother and sister,
I write to let you know that we are well. Hope this may find you all well. Your very welcome letter of the 22nd came to hand today. Was truly glad to hear from you. Sorry to hear that Martha was in bad health, but we ought to be thankful for the blessings. So long I find by looking over the record in our father’s old Bible that you will be 75 years and I will be 70 at our next birthday if we live to see it. We ought to be very thankful to the great giver of all good and try to love and praise his Holy name for all his good gifts.
Well, Nancy had gone to Russell to spend a few days left on the Str Burnside this morning.
I will go to Cincinnati in a day or so to bring the new Str Burksville around which takes the place of the Str Samuel H. Paul which has been dismantled. Ben Halt is no better. I learn J.R. Pauls widow is in Illinois doing no good trying to spend the money he left her. Sam is with us. He will go clerk on the new boat.
We have a business town here and would like for you to come and see us. We have a nice home here and I am able to get 50 dollars per month for work. Write us often – your brother, S.H. Paul.
The new boat, Str. Burksville, he went to Cincinnati to bring around, turned out to be quite a Joner before they brought her in. They were loaded to the gunnels and had come on by Louisville. The river was up and full of ice when the wall of the starboard engine blew out; at one of the valves. There they were helpless in flood water full of ice. The big freeze of 1899 set records that stand to this day and all the rivers were full of ice all the way to New Orleans. They managed to get a line laid to shore and pulled her in with the Capstan. One of the crew by the name of Ramsey froze a finger and had to have it taken off. They removed the damaged engine and sent it back to Cincinnati to be repaired. The Str. City of Burnside came and took their cargo off and brought it on around. It was well into the summer before the Str. Burksville was in service.
(6) Potter Shop Cemetery
Nancy Richardson Paul’s father Joseph Richardson Born Sept. 20, 1799 Died March 4, 1879
A faithful husband and father don in sweet repose sleeping here. His painful loss is deeply felt, but God can all our sorrows heal.
Father of Samuel Richardson Born May 2, 1826 Died March 4, 1897
His Wife:
Elizabeth Richardson Born December 14, 1830 Died January 4, 1917
Paul, Samuel H. and Nancy McKinney (Bond said “Nancy Richardson” – Richardson was crossed out and “McKinney” inserted). Surety, Joseph Richardson Married 12 January 1854 by William W. Bernard at the house of Joseph Richardson. Present was George McKinney and Reuben Dunbar. Groom resides in Russell Co., Ky., age 25 years; bride resides in Wayne, age 24 years, a widow. After the death of James Paul, b. January 1798, d. October 13, 1853, his widow Phoebe Judd Paul had a store in Jamestown, Kentucky. During the Civil War, Morgan and his men came through and wrecked the store. They took bolts of ribbon and tied them on their horses and wagons - - rode out of town with streamers flying. It surely was no bed of roses for the people who lived along the border areas during this time. If they had food or forage for livestock, the soldiers on both sides would just come in and take what they wanted. James
A. Paul - Inspector's Certificate, 1896
After Phoebe’s death in 1874, the store was run by her son, Samuel Hillis 1829-1911. Here are a few entries of 1883 – January 11 powder caps and lead – 15 cents – February 15 – 2 horse shoes 15 cents – March 6 – 195 ft. lumber 97 cents – May 12 – ½ lb. Shot, 5 cents – January 31 – made coffin for Josie Cook – Made steeple for ox yoke, 15 cents – Brummet Bros. Sharp Plow, 10 cents – One gallon Brandy $1.50.
(7) He also kept a memorandum of the weather, January 18, cold and snow river fell 3 ft. January 19, cold and sunshine Str. Cumberland passed up 1:00 p.m. January 20, thawed some in sun – ground 25 bushels corn – A.L. Coffey drunk – January 21 cold and clear got wood – Str. Cumberland passed down 9:00 a.m. January 22, clear and cold ground 5 bushels corn, passed up Str. Cumberland 2:30 p.m. January 24, cloudy and warm, ground 20 bushels corn, drayed up 50 bbls. Salt – passed up Str. Fite and down Str. Cumberland at 11:30 a.m. January 27, warm and cloudy, ground 25 bushels corn, killed 2 hogs, married L.I. Marcus to M.J. Loulis, got letter from G. Bettie Choat, Str. Cumberland passed down at 1:30 and that’s what I call pretty busy.
Winston Ballenger states that he can prove by B.F. Sweeten that he was presented with this deft at the house of L.I. Marcum on or about the 28th of February, 1885. The time and place specified in the warrant and that the said witness gave deft the pistol which he is charged with carrying concealed and the deft did not conceal the pistol or put it out of his hand or about his person, but kept it openly and in plain view from the time said Sweeten gave it to him until the deft traveled from L.I. Marcum house to big road, a distance of 50 or 60 yards, and then give the pistol out of his hand back to said Sweeten and never had it concealed at any time. Signed, Winston Ballenger. Subscribed and sworn to me by Winston Ballenger, March 24, 1885. S. H. Paul
About 1887, S.H. Paul and wife left Kentucky and went to Calvert, Texas where Mr. Paul and his son James were blacksmiths. They didn’t stay long and were back in Kentucky within 2 years working on the Cumberland river and Burnside and Burksville Transportation Co. Samuel
H. Paul, Sr's Riverboat
Samuel Hillis Paul and his son James Roe Paul and their wives made their home in Burnside. James Roe was stricken with consumption of the stomach of which he died on April 9, 1897. After his death, his wife took all the money he had left her and took off for Illinois and Dallas, Texas leaving her son, Samuel Hillis Paul, Jr. with his grandparents, Samuel Hillis Paul, Sr. See letter to J.F. Paul dated December 26, 1898.
S.H. Paul, Jr. – February 22, 1881 – August 17, 1965 – married Ida Ellis Hardgrove on August 18, 1900. They made their home with his grandparents, S.H. Paul Sr. and Nancy. They lived together until 1904 when Samuel Jr. and wife, Ida, moved to Ipse, Alabama, where a son, Charles Samuel was born on August 8, 1905.
John Beaty b. March 13, 1775 married Polly Forgey b. April 27, 1776. John Beaty built the first house overlooking the Cumberland river now known as the Newel place in Bronston in 1795. This house is remarkably well preserved. John and
Polly are buried on a little Knoll about one fourth mile west of this house, a sight chosen by John because he could see all his land from the top of this Knoll. They had twelve children, one of the twelve being William F. Sr., b. 1801, married Nancy Price, daughter of James Price.
One of the stories told about William Sr., during the Civil War is a most interesting one. A party of union soldiers were foraging and came to his home one evening and were just helping themselves to what they wanted. They came into his house looking for food. He grabbed his gun from over the fireplace and was going to shoot them, but his gun wasn’t loaded. He raised so much cain that the soldiers couldn’t do anything to quiet him, so they decided to take him to the guard house, a distance of about six miles. He wouldn’t go so two big union soldiers took him by the arms and walked away with him. He sounded like a wild cat. His wife came running along behind them with his shoes pleading with them to let him go. After they got to the guard house, Capt. Billie Balow talked and got him quieted down. It was in the wee hours of the morning before they got home.
The eight child of William Beaty Sr. and Nancy Price married Charles Cowan Hardgrove to whom five children were born; Linsey, Kitty, Ida, Lucy and Edgar.
The Hardgroves were in Kentucky long before it became a state. One of the stories told by my Aunt Lucy was that her Grandfather was captured at the mouth of Buck Creek and Cumberland rivers. I was taking this story with a grain of salt thinking she was referring to Capt. Linsey Hardgrove of the 49th mounted Infantry during the Civil War who was her Grandfather.
While doing some research, I came across a paragraph in Alma Owens “Tibbals History of Pulaski Co., Ky.” That reads as follows:
“In the month of December, 1786, a body of Indians defeated a party of whites under the command of Capt. James Hardgrove, at the mouth of Buck Creek. The Indianas attacked in the night, killed one man and wounded Capt. Hardgrove. An Indian at whom Hardgrove had probably fired made an onset on Hardgrove with his tomahawk and a fierce encounter took place—Hardgrove finally succeeded in wrestling the tomahawk from the hands of the Indian and bore it off.”
On February 25, 1801, the day after the site for the county seat was selected, the court appointed commissioners to plan the town and to select locations of public buildings. Samuel McKee, James Hardgrove, Edward Turner, John Prather, Nicholas Jasper, and William Fox were appointed “to let out and superintend the public buildings,” a court house, jail and etc., to lay off 40 acres of land yesterday granted to the court by William Dodson. It was to be made into convenient lots, streets and etc. Robert Moderell was added to this commission the same day.
In 1775, a son John Hardgrove was born to James Hardgrove. John Hardgrove and Susanna Benson were married March 15, 1801. His son Isaac Linsey Hardgrove was married to Polly L. Cowan August 4, 1840. On December 13, 1863, Isaac Linsey Hardgrove and his son, Charles Cowan, were mustered in the union army Company 1 49th Kentucky Infantry. Isaac Linsey went in as 1st Lt. And was promoted to Captain the next day. Charles Cowan, as private, in which ranks they served until they were musteered out in December 1864.
After Charles Cowan Hardgrove left the army, he ran flat boats down the Cumberland river to Nashville. Their cargo was local produce, and sometimes coal mined on the Rock Castle River. An exceptional good grade of coal and in great demand down the river especially by blacksmiths. Getting the coal down as far as Burnside was quite a chore and dangerous as there were many shoals between the Rock Castle River and Burnside. They would wait for high water and then cut the boat loose and let it make the trip without any hands on board. There were many boats that didn’t make it and broke up losing boat and cargo. After the Civil War, the demand for lumber in Nashville was great and they ran rifts of logs down the river to Nashville. About the 1890’s the Kentucky Lumber Mill built a big saw mill at Burnside. Chicago Venere Mill, Spoke Mill and Tie Mill also had plants there so the logs didn’t get past Burnside. Charles Cowan Hardgrove and Mary Elizabeth Beaty were married and lived in the house that served as headquarters for General Ambrose Burnside. They had five children, Isaac Linsey, Kitty Ann, Lucy, Ida Ellis and Edgar Lawrence. After the death of Mary Elizabeth, the mother, in September, 1885, the children had to shift for themselves. Linsey helped what he could with farming, Lucy went to stay with Grandmother Beaty who had consumption, Kitty stayed and tried to make a home for her father and younger sister, Ida, and younger brother, Edgar. According to Ida, she didn’t do anymore than she had to and by the time Ida was 7 or 8 years old, she and Edgar were doing most of the work. Kitty just laid around and complained that she didn’t feel well.
Charles Cowan remarried and they had one child, Lela. Lela died in 1968. This marriage didn’t work out. His wife was always wanting to go home for a visit. One day she was getting ready to go home for a visit and Charles told her to take all her things and stay and that is just what she did. (11)
Samuel Hillis Paul, Jr. and Ida Ellis Hardgrove were united in marriage on August 17, 1900. They made their home with Samuels’s grandparents. The men were gone most of the time away working on the Str. Burksville, Samuel Sr. as Captain and Samuel, Jr. as clerk.
This arrangement worked out pretty well for about four years. During this time two girls were born, named Estelle and Marie. I don’t know what happened, but I suspect Ida got tired of her man being gone from home so much. So, Sam Jr. got a job with the Alabama Great Southern Railroad at Epse, Alabama. They moved to Epse and a son, Charles S., was born August 8, 1905. They continued to live in Alabama until 1907. Marie became ill with malaria and was about to die, so they moved to Gen Mary, Tennessee. Sam was still working on the railroad. Here their youngest child, Gladys, was born on July 13, 1908.
In March, 1909, Charles, less than four years old, pulled a tea kettle of scalding water off the stove and critically scalded his right breast and arm. The wonder was that he survived this as there were no hospitals and no wonder drugs. On top of all this he got pneumonia. The only thing that saved him had to be the tender loving care of his mother.
If there ever was an angel, it was my mother. When I was about six years old, I got the measles and Mother nursed me through that. The treatment was a tablespoon of whiskey about each hour. One thing for sure a six year old doesn’t feel much pain under such treatment. When I was about ten, I got typhoid fever. At Christmas the folks were going to an entertainment and I didn’t feel too good so I stayed home. By the time they got home, I was good and sick. I had vomited all over everything and was about half conscious. The Doctor came and said I had typhoid. The first few days I was delirious and could imagine the plaster was falling or the house was burning. I imagined all sorts of horrible things. The first two weeks I couldn’t stand the thought of food and wouldn’t eat anything. Then my appetite returned and they wouldn’t feed me anything. I remember there was an old couple that lived next door who would come over and visit. They would talk about how poor and skinny I was and tell about someone who had had typhoid and how skinny they were before they died. After this, Mother wouldn’t let them in to see me anymore. Also there was a girl who lived nearby who came in and said, “Ya, Ya, Ya, Charlie’s going to die.” Needless to say, her visiting privileges were cut short.
Dad bought me a five pound box of chocolates. The Doctor said I could have all I wanted. I couldn’t stand them, but I worked out a deal with my youngest sister. I would trade her chocolates for crackers. Believe me, I never tasted anything so good. It is a wonder they hadn’t killed me as I wasn’t supposed to have any solid foods. When it was all over, I had to learn to walk again. My right leg was about two inches shorter than the left. I practiced walking a great deal. I would stretch my right leg and go easy on my left. At night, I would tie an iron to a rope around my right leg. Anyway, I came out of it allright. I might have grown out of it but one never knows.
(14) Another time I skinned my shin all the way to the bone. I just pushed the skin back, went down to the creek and washed it off. I got an old piece of sheet and tied it up. In a few days it was so sore, I could hardly use it. I suppose if I hadn’t accidentally bumped it and passed out, I would have died. When Mom found out, it didn’t take long to get the doctor on the job. The treatment was to dust it with burned alum, which was like pouring acid on it. I owe much to my Mother and Dr. N.D. Stigal for saving my life.
By this time, I was big enough to make trips on the steam boats with my Dad. Sometimes when I would be making a nuisance of myself, the mate would set me down some place, out of the way, and put me to splicing chokers. That is, splicing about a six inch loop in one end of the rope, then splicing the other end back to keep it from raveling. I remember Captain Joseph J. Dunn, Inspector of Boilers, of being such a large stately man. I also remember Captain J.E. Abrahams, Inspector of Hulls, who was always dressed as if he was going to a formal ball. He wore a Prince Albert Coat, and striped pants with goatee whiskers. This is the way he would go down in the hull to inspect it. I would go with him to hold the light while he would take his little hammer and pick around looking for dry rot..
These men had issued licenses to my Father, Grandfather, and Great Grandfather and I think they were looking forward to giving me the examination, but by the time I was old enough to get a license, the stem boats were about all gone.
These are my recollections of the Great Spanish Influenza epidemic.
The first case I heard of was a cousin, Walter Beaty. He had been ailing, but no one thought he was very sick. One morning my mother suggested we go over to see him. It was summer and a nice pleasant day as we walked up to the house. Aunt Lucy, Walter’s mother, and his wife were working over him rubbing his arms and head with whiskey. Walter was lying there gasping for breath. Mother went on in and tried to help them, but there was nothing anyone could do. I cut out through the woods headed for Uncle Fount’s, Walter’s father. I met old George, a neighbor. He asked me how Walter was doing and I told him he had better stop and see for himself. Of course, he was dead by the time he got there. I went on a little farther and met two of Walter’s brothers and they asked about him. I told them I thought he was dying, but they didn’t believe me. No one thought he was that sick. By late fall people were dying so fast they could hardly get them buried.
Our family all got the flu except me. Dad was off down the river and I had to wait on them. I was half scared to death. Mom, Gladys and Marie just laid there, but Estelle was delirious. Old Dr. Nick would drive by in his horse and buggy. I think he was so sick he should have been home in bed. He would ask me how the folks were
and would give me big brown pills for them to take. These pills would really send them. It kept me busy cleaning up after them.
About the time they were getting on their feet, Dad came home. He had had the flu and was still pretty shakey.
In January of 1920, Estelle Paul, daughter of S. H. Jr. and Ida Paul was married to Claude Shadoin, son of William and Lucy Shadoin. They moved to Sidney, Ohio. We moved to Louisville, Ky. The same summer. Dad was engineer on the Cherokee, a government boat. This boat was working at the locks in Louisville. This job didn’t last too long and in the spring of 1922, we moved to New Castle, Indiana. Here dad was engineer at the Maxwell Motor Company.
I enlisted in the Army on August 3, 1922 and was discharged in August, 1925.
In June, 1926, I was married to Jewel Horseman, daughter of Charles and Ollie Horseman. To this union was born two sons, Richard Earl in 1928 and George Edward, May 1, 1930. Richard Earl lived only three days. In 1931, Jewel filed for divorce which was granted September, 1931. After being divorced, I met my present wife, Lorene Wantz, and was married to her October 12, 1934. To this union was born three children. Barbara Ann was born June 21, 1938, Roberta Kay, March 9, 1940, Charles Steven, April 22, 1942.
George Pierce born – December 1802, died 30th of May, 1850. The Pierce family originally came from England. Three brothers coming at one time, one of whom settled in North Carolina. It was of this family that George was a descendant. His father was a soldier in the War of 1812, and lost a leg in that conflict.
George went from Carolina to Montgomery Co., Ohio. While living there he was married to Ann Davis in 1836 and moved with her to Henry Co., Blue River township the same year. The Eastern part of the County then was almost an unbroken forest. Here was found deer, wild turkey, black bear, wolrus and panther. They began the arduous task of helping to convert the wilderness into the beautiful country we now see, with its’ improved farms and many homes. Death brought sorrow into this home on the 30th day of May 1850. George passed away leaving the widow and six children. They are Alvin E., William D., Jonathan, Mahalia, Elizabeth and Ann.
One of the strange things, on the 30th of May 1850, he signed a will with an X which indicated that he was pretty far gone. The men he appointed as executors of his will were Andrew J. Holiday and Joseph Bales, both neighbors. One of the provisions
of the will was that Ann was to be his sole heir, as long as she remained his widow. But, if she remarries she was to receive $5.00 and the two farms, and all other Chattels be sold and divided equally among the children.
In my opinion this was a pretty tough restriction on a thirty-two year old woman with six children. But, love will find a way. On March 14, 1852, Ann Pierce and Joseph Bales were united in marriage by A.J. Holaday, Justice of Peace, the two executors of George Pierce’s last will.
Alvin E. Pierce was born December 9, 1838 and died February 9, 1929. In August of 1865, he was married to Caherine Covalt, the daughter of Cheniah and Lucinda Covalt. To this union were born five children. Flora, who was married twice, first to David Farlow, and second to Harvey H. Main; James A., married to Sarah Ulrich; Edmund to Ida Hay and Ulysses and Benton.
Catherine Pierce died in 1875 and Alvin E. married her sister, Lavisa Covalt, in 1877. To this union were born five children; Arlo born December 24, 1877; Wilbert born August 8, 1880; Bertha born March 4, 1882, Effie born March 24, 1885 and Mamie’s birth on March 9, 1888.
In politics he was a life long Republican. He voted for Lincoln in 1860 and again in 1864. In 1894 he was elected township trustee and served until 1900. He was elected by a majority of 24 in a township whose normal democratic majority was about 50, thus enhancing his popularity.
The family was members of the Church of God, the church at which they worshipped being about a mile south of their home.
Alvin was honorable and upright in all his dealings. He occupied a conspicuous place among his fellow citizens and no one enjoyed in a more marked degree the esteem and confidence of the people at large.
GRANDFATHER’S HOUSE the roof was put on with wooden pins. These pins were made by one of the old trusty slaves that knew just how to do the job. He first sawed off small blocks of hickory wood about four inches long then he split the little blocks in small bits about a fourth of an inch square at the ends then he had an iron piece with holes drilled through just the size that he wanted the pegs to be then he drove each peg through the hole and out came the finished product. (When you use a nail now you can really appreciate it). This hickory was well seasoned and the pegs were made up a time when the servants were resting, so to speak, a good job for rainy days.
There was a fireplace at each end of the big log house. The house was divided into two big rooms downstairs and two big rooms upstairs.
The kitchen part had a large iron crane for hanging pots over the fire for cooking. There was no stoves at that time and the fireplace in the kitchen was very large; five or six feet wide. An iron post was set on the left corner of the fireplace and the crane fastened to this could swing the pots over the fire. The front room did not have a crane at the fireplace.
There was a large stairway that went up in the kitchen. The big rooms upstairs had plenty of beds to accommodate all visitors and kin that might come that way. Old nigger Sue and Doc, her husband, attended to the household for many years. There was a big corner cupboard that had doors and a lock and key and Sue carried the key for all her “goodies” were stored away in that cupboard and she was a wonderful cook. (Little boy Johnie spent a lot of his time there and he had a good nose to smell with).
After Grandfather’s death, Grandmother Paul came to live with our Father and Mother. Grandmother still kept niggar Sue, she was just like one of the family and took care of Grandmother for many years.
John says “I remember very well when Grandmother Paul died. I went to Uncle Jim Thomas’ and told them. Aunt Nan Wheat and Uncle Doc lived close by and they were all at the funeral.”
John says he don’t know how they divided up the old Paul estate but Si Harris lived on the old home place and his wife’s name was Eliza Harris.
The Paul’s had a large track of land originally and raised lots of tobacco. The Paul estate was within walking distance of John Irvin’s store (that might mean miles) in Russell Co., Kentucky. John Irvin had goods hauled from Briertown that is up towards Lebanon, Kentucky. John Frank Paul, our Father did a great deal of hauling for the store; he drove a team of four mules.
(27) John Irvin was the business man of his time he had the store, grist mill and cotton gin, not to mention the still in season of whiskey making.
Father tended the mill for years. (Do you suppose the old mill would be there?)
Gladys, I will send this in installments as I have time to copy from my book. I still have more about the Irvin family as they played a very important part in the story.
This Bible also contains a picture of John Cowan, born 1783 and taken in St. Joseph, Mo. No date on picture.
Bible presented to the Historical Society by Mrs. Jessie L. Waddle, Route 3, Somerset, Kentucky, July 18, 1960. The title page of the Old Testament is missing, also the covers, however, the title page of the New Testament is as follows:
The New Testament of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ…..; Brattleboro’ Feseenden & Co. and Peck & Wood. Boston: sold by Lincoln, Edmans & Co. and William Peirce; 1834.
John W. Cowan, born December 4th, 1783, died June 3rd 1860. Jane Patterson born September 11th 1802
James D. Cowan – June 24th 1810 Polly Ann Cowan – December 24th 1813 Jackson Cowan – January 12th 1815 Nancy Cowan – April 19th 1817 Eleanor Cowan – August 24th 1819 Caroline Cowan – January 25th 1822 Samuel D. Cowan – January 25th 1825 Frances Cowan – December 14, 1827 Sarah Cowan – December 22nd 1832 Andrew Cowan – March 17th 1834 (?) Elizabeth Cowan – November 4th 1836 Amanda Cowan – December 10 1839 Lewis P. Cowan – July 25th 1842
Caroline Cowan b. January 25th 1822 – died May 29th 1837 Nancy Cowan – b. April 19th 1817 – died October 4th 1839 Elizabeth Cowan – b. died August 10th 1840 Frances Cowan – b. died July 11th 1844 Sarah M. Cowan – b. died January 27th 1905
John W. Denham – January 10th 1861 Lewis W. Denham – January 19th 1863 Sarah F. Denham – February 23rd 1866
Names of Negroes:
Cealy was born Polly was born January 27th 1821 Joseph was born – September 1825 Benjamin was born – February 1826 Alexander was born Campbell C. was born August 24th 1831 Harriet was born April 15th 1824 John B. was born December 9th 1838 (?) Rose Ann was born April 14th 1842 George W. was born April 30th 1843 Eliza Jane was born October 4th 1843 Jerre Martain was born March 14th 1846 Millnor (?) was born July 22nd 1848 Comodore Perry was born May 10th 1850 Samuel King was born November 8th 1851 Mary Elizabeth was born April 5th 1847 Brent was born May 1st 1852 Jordan (?) was born June 29th 1837 (?)
KENTUCKY STORIES By John Paul Copied by his sister, Luetta Paul Heard
Sarah and John Irvin - - - continued from Chap. I.
Sarah and John Irvin lived far ahead of the Kentucky Mountain style. John was a man that looked ahead and tried to have everything in his store that the mountaineer would buy and in turn took for barter anything his country could produce.
If a housewife wanted something that John Irvin had in his store all she had to do was to get the cards and spinning wheel out and get busy carding the wool that had been sheared from the sheep on the hillsides, card this wool into rolls and then spin into yarn and be ready to knit socks.
The Mothers would sit up by the light of the fireplace and knit well into the night. As they were so used to knitting they did not have to count stitches as we do now when we take a pattern off a paper.
(I remember as a little girl my Mother taught me to knit but I could not turn the heel. I was about four years old when I knitted enough socks to buy me a dress with my Mother turning the heel - - Luetta - -).
Now after all this work the socks were taken to John Irvin and he would give 10 cents a pair for the socks in merchandise.
If families were not fortunate enough to have sheep to get wool to make socks they could dry apples and sell the dried apples from three to five cents a pound. There were many old apple orchards and most folks could get plenty of apples in the late summer.
Then if all this failed and the mountaineers had neither sheep nor apples they could dig “ginseng” which was plentiful in many places. This “sang” was more valuable as just a few roots tied up in a handkerchief; it would buy a yard or two of calico. In the meantime calico was only used for summer as lincy dresses were worn in winter. One dress for every day and one for Sunday. (Wonder what we did for a bath? Just didn’t have any as there wasn’t any germs in those days).
Sarah and John Irvin had four girls – Janie, Liza, Cooch, and Dutch. Sarah was so big and fat she could hardly get around so she had to have help to get all her work done.
(30) Janie married John Weathers and Liza married Jim Weathers. They had a big double wedding. (I remember my Mother telling me about this wedding many times. She had cooked for days getting ready for the occasion). This wedding was the talk of all the country around. Some of the old folks looked upon the affair as being bad luck to make such a big ado and having a double wedding too.
Sure enough true to tradition both the girls dies before the year was up. There was Cooch and Dutch left so the brothers tried again. John married Dutch but alas when Jim wanted Cooch, John Irvin said NO in real Kentucky language. This didn’t stop things by any means; Jim and Cooch ran away to the next County. (I have heard my Father tell this story and it just happened my Father was working near the creek and here came John Irvin on horseback with a long shotgun laid in front of the saddle. My Father said he never saw a madder man when he asked if Jim and Cooch had crossed the creek. The man said, “Oh yes, they have been gone a long time; you never can overtake them. The fact was, they were barely out of sight). John Irvin finally turned his horse and rode back to Irvin’s Store.
Supplemental on John Shepherd issued May 12, 1970 (notification date) to Bessie Lorene Shepherd (Mrs. Daniel S.) Raid- DAR National No. 339531
Information sent with application.
John Shepherd, b. ………….Spotsylvania County, Virginia d. Between 4-21-1810 (will date) and 7-1810 (Court date) m. Sarah ……….. Virginia
Children (listed in order as mentioned in will)
NAME To Whom married, noting if Married more than once
Anne Shepherd William Viars Susannah Shepherd Andrew Vannoy 10-18-1779 James Shepherd Mary Sartain 9-1-1779 Lucy Shepherd Henry Pumphrey 12-24-1783 John Shepherd, Jr. Phoebe Nancy Shepherd John McQuarry
Stephen Shepherd Mary Robertson Lewis Shepherd Jane Sarah Shepherd Elijah Jennings Delphia Shepherd Nathaniel Judd, Jr. Andrew Shepherd (1) Unknown (2) Nancy Cunningham (3) Barbara Phillips
Service Rendered
Patriot – Rendered Material Aid – Listed on Revolutionary Army Accounts Vol. XI, p. 82, f. 104 of North Carolina. Filed in North Carolina Dept. of Archives & History, Raleigh, NC.
Papers sent as proof:
Certified copy of his will. Certificate from Raleigh certifying service rendered.
To obtain this certificate write to:
North Carolina State Department of Archives and History Box 1881 – Raleigh, N.C. 27602
Ask for certificate showing payment made on above services rendered. Given on certificate “Revolutionary Army Accounts”, Vol. XI, Page 82, Folio 3; Heading: list of currency paid by John Brown, Treasurer-Morgan District. Number: 729 ………. Name: John Shepherd – Amount: 400 pounds – Other Information: None. (Note difference in number of folio)
Also sent was sketch of land owned by John Shepherd which was sent me by Mr. Gregory but which I do not think would be necessary in your case and maybe not the certificate as John Shepherd, Sr. has been accepted.
William Weddle land deeded to him by trustees of the Somerset Academy. (8-618) Peter Tarter to John Tarter, July 21, 1811. (3-349)
The first military claim was to Thomas Hansford on April 22, 1800 and the second to Henry Waddle and Michael Stoner (Page 42, Order book I). There followed those to Samuel Duncan, David McElmer, Thomas Banks, Henry Moore, Aaron Lawson, Edward Cooper, Isaac Ingram and Drury Lee. (Order Book I, page 39).
Andrew McDaniel gave power of attorney to Achilles Jasper to collect for troops commanded by Colonel Micah Taul, Seventh Regiment of Mounted Volunteers, he (Andrew McDaniel) was entitled to pay as a private for two months and twenty-one days for services under Captain Samuel Tate, August 19, 1815. Spencer McDaniel had a son who served in the Ware of 1812, named Billy McDaniel.
Bedford County – Virginia
Abstract – Will of Jonathan Richardson,
Died, Bedford, Va. – 1773 – Probated May 1773
Names – Wife, Anna
Children – Jesse, Amos, Joseph, Mary, Nancy, Aimy and Thomas
Note: You will notice that this family lived in Loudoun Co. Va. – 1760 – when Jesse was born; but were much farther south 1773 – in Bedford, Va. When Jonathan died.
Judd from Dallas Co., Mo. History
Nathaniel Judd (1777 - ) N.C. farmer came Ca. 1845, settled N. Jasper Township, wife Delfa (1777) N.C.
Franklin Judd (1815-1866) N.C. came Ca. 1845 farmer N. Jasper Township. M. Elizabeth (Polly) Clark (1826-1864) N.C. Children Abigail 1845; Nancy D. (1847-1916) M. Thomas B. Adams and Minerva.
Mineva Judd (1862-1940) M. Francis Marion Coggins (1863-1935).
Julia Coggins (1886-1973) M. Irwin Guthrie – Jessie Guthrie 1910 M. Andrew Smith (1896-1969).
Hildreth Smith 1931 M. Spencer Swanigan – Joyce Swanigan 1951 M. Bill Ray.
The intention of this work is to give this generation and the following generations a start on a family History. I know somewhere there are persons that can add a great deal to this work and I would appreciate hearing from them.
I would like to thank Gladys Carnahan who has been a big help and also my wife whose patience has been tried many times. Thanks sweetheart.
Charles Paul
While waiting for other members of the company to arrive, Harrod’s men spent their time rechecking their rifles, engaging in shooting matches or frequently the grog shapes of Fort Redstone. The women in the neighboring cabins cooked up batches of cornmeal Johnny cakes to send along and put in readiness bottles of home made brandy for going away presents.
After the canoes were loaded and ready, James Harrod decided that the time had come for the election, as was the custom of a leader.
This stubborn penchant in the pioneer’s mind for a democratic election was not just a formality. It was a fore-gone conclusion that James Harrod, who had not only staked out the future settlement site in Kentucky, but had also enlisted and organized the expedition, would be the Captain. But there had to take place the all important election. Practically all of the men in this party had served in combat duty during the French and Indian War. Their experience had taught them the necessity of having a leader in absolute command. However, they deplored the British method of officer selection, based partially on political and family connections. They would yield little respect to such a leader.
At this gathering, Harrod followed the accepted procedure among frontiersmen. He pulled the ramrod from his rifle, drew a line in the dust, and without hesitation, nominated John Cowan for the position of leader. Cowan, an experienced woodsman, was actually Harrod'’ preference for the vital second in command, in the event he was killed or wounded. Harrod cast his vote for Cowan by stepping over to the Cowan side of the line he had drawn.
Cowan acting with the rule of the frontier, pointed out the attributes of Harrod as a Woodsman, placed his name in nomination, and stepped on the Harrod side of the line. No other names were proposed, so there followed a good natured discussion of the two nominees among the rest of the party.
After a lull, Harrod called for the election, asking all to join him on Cowans side of the line. Cowan responded immediately with the same request for Harrod’s election. The party joined Cowan, thus electing Harrod.
The polls were not closed, however, after a brief exchange of banter which was a customary sign of acceptance. The men were asked to join him on Cowan’s side of the line, thus making Cowan second in Command.
The outcome of the election had been obvious, but it had bound the men to follow the newly elected Captain.
However, in the following court the order for the above commissioner was quashed and following appointed: Jesse Richardson, Nicholas Jasper, James Hardgrove, Phillip A. Sublette, John Prather, and Andrew Russell.
The forty acres making up the town were divided into eighty lots, four of which were set aside for a public square. The plan for the town was not recorded, “owing to neglect,” until January 16, 1820. On that plot principal streets were laid off as they exist today.
On this land was a spring, an important factor in the choice of this particular site, and the path by which it was reached became the main street of Somerset. It is remembered as Spring Street, now Vine Street.
On June 24, 1801, the court decided to build a temporary courthouse (said to have been built of logs) in the county seat. The court, the first not held in the Henry Francis home, convened at the Baptist meeting house, which was on the hill near Sinking Creek west of the Public Square in Somerset.
In less than a year commissioners were appointed to let out and superintend the building of a brick courthouse. This action was taken August 24, 1802. According to tradition it was located in the center of the Public Square and became the seat of justice in 1808. This courthouse served the county for thirty years.
At a court of May 13, 1812, it was decided to build a brick house for a clerk’s office. The clerk’s office up to this date had been in the home of William Fox. George Allcorn was the contractor for this building which was completed in June, 1816. From references it must have been built of stone rather than brick. This “little stone” clerk’s
office served until 1829 when it was declared too small for that purpose. At that time the county clerk, William Fox, was authorized to procure a suitable house or room for the office, and again it was moved to his home.
The first Court of Quarter Sessions was held at the home of Henry Francis in County of Pulaski on Tuesday, the 23rd day of July, one thousand seven hundred and twenty nine. A commission of the Peace from His Excellency, James Garrard, Esq. Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, directed to Samuel Gilmore, Joseph McAlister, and John Hardgrove, Gentlemen, appointing them justices of the Court of Quarter Sessions for said County of Pulaski, whereupon they produced a certificate of their having taken necessary oaths, and thereupon the court was held for the said County: Present, the worshipful Samuel Gilmore, Joseph McAlister, and John Hardgrove, Gentlemen.
The first grand jury was as follows: Henry James (foreman), Thomas Cowan, Joseph Matthews, George Allcorn, Nicholas Alexander, Robert Henderson, Samuel Duncan, Edward Turner, George Smiley, Thomas Sugg, Malikiah Cooper, John Prather, and John Jasper.
On February 24, 1801 in court held in house of Henry Francis on “Fishing Creek” – action was taken to accept gift of 40 acres of land on “Sinking Creek” from William Dodson to be laid off in convenient streets and lots – for a county seat and was named Somerset by a group of settlers of English background for Somerset, England. A committee of six men were appointed to let out and superintend the Public buildings, lay out lots, streets, etc. These commissioners appointed Jesse Richardson, Nicholas Jasper, James Hardgrove, Phillip A. Sublette, John Prather and Andrew Russell.
A tax list of 1800 showed that Jesse Richardson owned 1500 acres on Pitman Creek. (Note: This was the 1500 acres granted to him as payment for his service as a Revolutionary War Soldier. The Joseph Thurman farm where Mother Ellen Thurman Eads was born and raised was a part of this 1500 acre tract.)
Members of Kentucky State Legislature from Pulaski Co.: Jessee Richardson – Senate 1800.
On March 28, 1808 – Jesse Richardson of Pulaski County Kentucky – bought of William Augustus Washington – for 1000 dollars, a tract of 1000 acres lying and being in the county of Pulaski.
From Deed Book 5 – page 199 – Pulaski County, Kentucky – a deed in which Jesse Richardson gave four acres of land to the Rocklick Baptist Church “on which the meeting house now stands” for the use of the church…Dated December 14, 1822.
(37) Note: This 4 acre church yard is used as cemetery. In a lot quite near the door of the present church – the old stones badly worn and broken – are four graves. We know that two buried there are Benjamin Thurman and his wife, Lucy Richardson Thurman. We think the other two are Martha English Richardson, first wife of Jesse Richardson and likely his second wife also whose name we do not know. Our grandparents – Joseph Thurman, his wife Jane Cundiff Thurman and many others of Mother’s family are buried in other lots in this same Rocklick Baptist Church yard …. Jesse Richardson himself died in McCracken County, Kentucky, December 17, 1839 while visiting one of the children of his second wife. He is buried there in McCracken County but we do not know exactly where.
The earliest record of a school in Pulaski County was the “Somerset Academy” established December 18, 1802. The first trustees were William Fox, James Hardgrove, Robert Modrell and Jesse Richardson.
Service records: Among the patrollers or militia men for the east and of Pulaski County – November 1799 – Benjamin Thurman.
John Griffin, 1808 1814-19, Thomas Z. Morrow, 1865-69 1828-32 SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 36resigned 1866, succeeded Thos. Dollerhide, 1819-21 by John W. F. Parker, John Cowan, 1821-24 1866-69 Achilles Jasper, 1836-40 Wm. McKee Fox, 1869-73 Tunstall Quarles, 1840 Fountain T. Fox, 1844-48 From Pulaski and Wayne Cyrenius Wait, 1848-50, (counties): 1857-61 Berry Smith, 1850 John McHenry, 1833-36 Walker W. Haley, 1851-53
From Pulaski and Cumberland (counties):
Jesse Richardson, 1800
John James, Sen., 1800 Tunstall Quarles, 1811, 1812, 1828 1802, 1807 Robert Maderil, 1806 Henry James, 1813
From Collins, History of Kentucky (Covington, Ky., Collins and Co., 1878) Vol. II, p. 683
The following indictments were returned:
We of the grand jury do present Henry Francis for retailing spirits and no list of his license presented to us. We do present Wiatt Atkins for profane swearing by the name (by God) on this day at Henry Francis. We do present Ephriam Churchwell and John Trap for gambling for one half pint of whiskey. The grand jury having received thie charge retired to consider their verdict.
The retiring of the grand jury consisted of going outdoors as there was no room to meet inside.
Both the courts of quarter sessions and county court were held at the house of Henry Francis until 1801.
On February 24, 1801, William Dodson, Reubin Hill and Moses Hands made bond for $1,000 to justices for Dodson, conveying the forty acres of land to the court on or before March 1, 1802. Dodson made bond to convey all this land except one acre on which the Sinking Creek Baptist Church stood and three lots which he retained for himself.
The name selected for the county seat was Somerset. Concerning the location of the county seat, a legend relates that a group of people from Somerset County, New Jersey who had settled north of the present of Somerset (this is said to have been at Mt. Gilead), insisted the county seat be located where they lived. Another story is that another group, who lived south of the Cumberland, wanted it located south of the present site on top of the hill (at Allen’s Branch) which commanded a beautiful view of the surrounding country. A duel was almost fought as a climax to this dispute. However, the matter was comprised satisfactorily – so the story goes – with the New Jersey group naming the county seat town for Somerset, England.
On February 25, 1801, the day after the site for the county seat was selected, the court appointed commissioners to plan the town, and to select locations of public buildings. Samuel McKee, James Hardgrove, Edward Turner, John Prather, Nicholas Jasper, and William Fox were appointed “to let out and superintend the Public Buildings”, a courthouse, jail, etc.” to lay off forty acres of land yesterday granted to the court by William Dodson, into convenient lots, streets, etc. Excerpts from “A History of Pulaski Co., Ky. Printed 1952.
Pulaski County – created by act of the General Assembly – December 10, 1798 – to begin June 1799 – out of territory belonging to Lincoln and Green Counties.
In 1800 Wayne Co. was created from the southern portion of Pulaski Co.