Deposition of Albin Hurt Contributed By: Crystal Dingler
The Deposition of Albin Hurt of full age Taken at the house of Daniel Trabue in Columbia Adair County to be Read as Evidence in a suit now pending and undetermined in the Adair County Court in Chancery wherein Edmond Wagoner is Plaintiff and Guy Lee is Defendant. Taken this 1 day of September 1815. This Deponent after being sworn Deposeth and sayeth that about last spring two years ago that He was (this Deponent) employed by Edmond Wagoner to go with him in his boat Down to New Orleans and on Cumberland River below Nashvil Guy Lee this Def Got his boat stove and Edmond Wagoner this Comp bought a quantity of bacon hogs lard and some Turkeys from this Def Question by Def’t Was the bacon that this Com bought from the Def’t good when bought and Did you Eat off it and in what way Did the Comp’t Wagoner take care of it and what did he Do with it Answer I Do believe the bacon was all good when bought and Did eat of it often and the Bacon apart was hung upon the bough of the boat which was taken Down to orleans and I believe every piece was good but the balance of the bacon was put on the top of some corn which was over a quantity of hogs and the heat from the bacon as I believe and their was a quantity of Turkeys somewhere between 50 & 100 was over the bacon on the corn and the Roof of the boat was ____ __ ____ a manner that the filth of the Turkeys _______ _____ ___ that was covered with their excrement and it Rained very often and the rain runs through the Turkey pens and through the cracks of the cover of the boat and Down on the bacon which Did I believe Injur it very much and this Deponent sayeth not Albin Hurt
This is to Certify that the foregoing Deposition was taken before me Daniel Trabue a Justice of the peace for said County of Adair on this 1 of September 1815 at my house in Columbia given under my hand this Day above written. Daniel Trabue
Justice fee $1 1 witness attending $ .50
Source: Kentucky Archives, Frankfort, 2 loose sheets filed in box _, found April 2010.