County Marriages
The Adair County News, May 22, 1946
Adair Natives Observe 60th Wedding Anniversary
The following, taken from a Garber, Okla., newspaper, will be read with interest here as Mr. and Mrs. Goode formerly lived at Casey Creek: Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Goode are observing their 60th wedding anniversary today. They were married in May 9, 1886, in Adair County, Ky., and came to Oklahoma four months before the opening of the Strip, arriving in Marshall March 9, 1893. They settled a claim southwest of Garber and spent their early days in a sod house. They moved to Garber in 1904 to a new home and have lived in it down through the years. They are both active and have a large garden and yard that ate taken care of well and a pleasure to see. |