The Adair County News, June 6, 1900.

Capt. J. W. Prowell, who was born and reared on the farm now belonging to J. R. Montgomery, four miles from Columbia, is now in this locality visiting friends and to view his old home. Capt. Prowell served in the Mexican war and when the Civil war broke out he made a good soldier in the Confederate ranks. His home is in Cedar county, Mo., and this is his first visit to this section since 1852. He is now 73 but active and vigorous for a man of that age. He attended the re-union in Louisville* and came out here to spend a week or two.

[* A Confederate Veterans' Reunion was held in Louisville, Ky., in late May, 1900.]

A detailed biographical sketch of Capt. James W. Powell appeared in HISTORY OF HICKORY, POLK, CEDAR, DADE AND BARTON COUNTIES, MISSOURI, 1889, pp 770-771. Goodspeed Publishing Co. This sketch may be viewed online at <>, about halfway down the page.