County Obituaries
The Adair County News, Wednesday, January 9, 1923, page one. Mr. Josh Butler In his Eighty-Fifth Year, Dies at His Country Home. _____________ The Funeral Largely Attended. _____________ On Friday night, about 12 o'clock, the subject of this writing, died at his late home near Columbia. He was known to be in a critical condition, and his going away was not a surprise. He had been a very active man all his life, and was one of the best-known farmers in Adair county. he was strictly an honorable man, his word was as good as his bond. He was especially good to his wife and daughter, who survive him, and will never forget his loving devotion. His record as an upright citizen, known to be such by all his acquaintances, is a priceless heritage to those who loved him most dearly. Mr. Butler was a member of the Christian Church and had been for many years. When the war between the States was declared he espoused the cause of the Union, entered the Federal army and served his country until hostilities ceased. He was a member of the 13th Kentucky and was in Capt. O. B. Patterson's Company. The funeral services were held Sunday, Eld. Wheeler officiating. The interment was in the Butler graveyard. A large number of relatives and friends gathered to pay their last respects to one they loved while living. We trust that God will pour the balm of Gilead into the aching hearts of the wife, son and daughter and that when the time comes they will be ready to join husband and father in that better world beyond the skies._____________ _____________ The Adair County News, Wednesday, January 16, 1923, page one. A Heroic Act _____________ I am reminded by the death of our countryman, Mr. Joshua Butler, of an incident of the Civil war related to me by Gov. Hindman which illustrates the character of the good citizen who after a long life has gone to his rest. In one of the engagements of the war, I do not now recall the place, the Federals being hard pressed by the Confederates, retired back over the brow of a hill as a protection against the shots which were thinning the ranks. Before reaching the place of safety, *Harrison Womack, a member of the company, commanded by Capt. N.G. Butler, and to which company Joshua Butler belonged, fell badly wounded; and in a position which left him exposed. He called to his comrades who had found shelter to rescue him from his perilous position of danger as he was exposed to the enemy's fire, and liable to be killed at any moment. Captain Butler said to the members of the company around him; "boys, we must not leave Womack exposed to death, who will go with me and assist me in removing him to a place of safety." Joshua Butler responded at once, "I will go with you, Captain." The two brothers, one an officer and the other a private, dashed over the hill in the face of shot and shell, gathered the disabled soldier in their arms and carried him out of range of the enemies guns. Could there be a greater courage or a greater manifestation of human love than this? It is surely a record worthy of remembrance. H.C.B. Jan. 8, '23. (The author, "H.B.C.," almost certainly was Judge Henry Clay Baker.) *Harrison Womack's death certificate may be seen by clicking on his name, above. |