County Obituaries
The Adair County News, Wednesday, May 13, 1908
ROBERT GRAVES COFFEY ___________ A Prominent Young Man of Columbia, After a Long Illness, Meets Death. ___________ Everyone Who Knew Him Mourns. ___________ Last Saturday [May 9] forenoon at 10 o'clock, after an illness of several years, Robt. Graves Coffey, one of Columbia's most prominent and highly respected young men, the fourth son of Joseph and Jennie Coffey, calmly closed his eyes in death. It was known throughout this county that the deceased could not recover, as he was a victim of pulmonary trouble; and while the family and his friends has nerved themselves for the breaking of life's cord, the hearts of the people of this community bled when the intelligence of his demise was announced. "Bob" Coffey was a true Kentucky gentleman. He stood for the right, and the littleness in any man met his disapprobation. When in health he met you with a smile and invariably his words of greeting were those of cheer. No young man has died in this community for years that has brought more universal sorrow, genuine sympathy being expressed in every household for the bereaved parents and the four surviving brothers and other relatives. The deceased was born in Columbia August 27, 1872, hence he woujld have been 36 years old had he lived until his next birthday. At the age of 16 he made a profession of his faith in Christ, united with the Presbyterian Church, and was faithful to the end. For many years he was a book-keeper in the bank of Columbia, and was very efficient in his work, and universally liked by the directory and the patrons of the institution. Several years ago he concluded that he could better his condition by living elsewhere, and he went to Dallas, Texas, where he accepted a position in a large jewelry establishment, and where his manly conduct and genial disposition soon made him a host of warm, personal friends. Ten months ago he became too weak to work and returned home, and after spending a few weeks with his parents he went to the mountains of Tennessee, hoping that a higher altitude would be beneficial to his wasting constitution. He returned home seven weeks ago, resigned to die surrounded by his loved ones. The funeral services were held at the Presbyterian Church Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. A.R. Kasey, assisted by Eld. Z.T. Williams. During Bro. Kasey's discourse there was scarcely a dry eye in the church, which was inadequate to hold many who had arrived to gain admission. The services concluded, all that was mortal of this beloeved yong man was laid to rest in the city cemetery, his grave being covered with beautiful flowers. In testimory of the high esteem in which he was held in Texas, we publish below a letter from his employer, received by the deceased the first of April. ----------- Dallas, Tex., April 1st, 1908. Dear Coffey: Marvin has just come in from Mr. Wheat's and tells me you are very, very sick. This is very sad to me as I had heard that you were much better and expected to return to Texas this Spring. Coffey, I am sure you are ready to go meet the Savior, if you must, and that you will have a much better time there with Him. I am one of many here who love you, Coffey, and will be very sad if you cannot come back to be with us again, but I will see you again in the heavenly home, if not here. If you go before I do, when you see Rosecrans, tell him how much his mother and I and the children still mis him and think of him every day with love. Tell him we will see him before long, and my father and mother and two children tell them we love them too. Goodbye, dear old Coffey, may the spirit of Chirst comfort and strengthen you and those of your loved ones, for He is able to keep that which we have committed with Him until that day. Your True Friend, Arthur A. Everts. |