County Obituaries
Adair County News, January 1, 1902 Mrs. Lou B. Taylor Dead Last Thursday night [Dec. 26, 1901] about the hour of 9 o'clock this well-known and highly respected lady -- born, reared and educated in Columbia -- looked upon dear and familiar faces for the last time... She was taken ill Saturday night before and gradually grew weaker until the final dissolution. Several years ago the deceased received a fall, injuring one of her limbs, and since that time she walked with great difficulty, but her general health was comparatively good for a person of her age. The immediate cause of her death was heart failure. The deceased was a daughter of Col. William Owens, a noted lawyer in his day, and a great-niece of Simon Kenton, one of the pioneers of Kentucky. In early life she was married to Mr. Chesley Jones Taylor with whom she lived happily until his death, which occurred about seven or eight years ago. Her life was spent in our town... In the house where death came she was born 77 years ago the 24th of last May, and in this dwelling her life was spent, excepting the few years she passed in residence where Mr. L.C. Hurt lives, and one year in the property now owned by C. S. Harris... Mr. W. C. Turpen, who was taken from the Baptist Orphan's Home, Louisville, and adopted into the family, is deeply grieved. He is now about twenty-six years old, and for twenty-four years he has known no other home... The passing of Mrs. Taylor removes from the Christian church, this place, its oldest member with but one exception--Mrs. Mary J. Burton, 87 years old, who was sister of the subject of this article, the two being received into the church many years ago by "Father" Steel, if we have been correctly informed. The funeral services were held at the residence last Saturday forenoon, conducted by Eld. J.W. McGarvey, Jr., many friends being present, in testimony of the love and respect they had for a departed friend, and through sympathy for the surviving daughter, grand-daughter, aged sister and other relatives. The interment was in the city cemetery... [The 1860 Adair County census, District 2, household # 601, shows Chesley J. & Louisa B. Taylor with three children: Isabella, Chestoe [sic], & Wynona. In the 1900 Adair census, West Columbia Pct., hh# 25, Louisa B., 76, was head of household. The other two family members in the household were her widowed daughter Wynona Cabell, 42, and Wynona's daughter, Pauline O. Cabell, 18.] |