County Deaths & Obituaries
Adair County News, Wednesday,
February 7, 1900 Obituary Mr. Mose[s] Medaris was born July 13, 1814 and died January 20, 1900. He was married February 15, 1845, to Martha Murrell, and to them were born six children, three boys and three girls, all of whom are still living and the widow to mourn the loss of their father and husband. Mr. Medaris had lived in the Glensfork creek country [in eastern Adair County] for several years, and was a good neighbor, a kind husband and a loving father; and all can join me in saying that the neighborhood has lost a good citizen and the family their best friend. Just a little while before he died, he professed faith in Christ, and seemed to be happy until death; though he was conscious of everything and showed all signs of being very happy even in the last moments. And now to the widow, children and friends, let us all so live that we can meet him in the Canaan land where parting will be no more. The writer conducted a short funeral service at the home of the deceased, afterwhich he was laid to rest in the Garnett grave-yard to await the resurrection. /s/ J.A. Johnson. [Mr. Medaris was a son of Charles Medaris and Barbara Grider. The Joppa community newsletter in the January 17, 1900 edition of the News stated that "Mr. Mose Medaris is quite ill;" and the "Personal Mention" column in the same edition noted that "Mr. Mose Medaris, one of Adair county's best citizens, is very low with kidney trouble and is not expected to survive. He is in his 85th year." The children were Cornelia P.; John F.; Lucy Emaline; Melford R.; Mary L.; & Charles Murrell Medaris. ] * * * * * Adair County News, Wednesday, March 21, 1900 Obituary Mrs. Martha Medaris was born in Adair county, Kentucky, July 29, 1817, and died at her home, near Glenville, March 13, 1900. She was the daughter of John and Mary Murrell, who have long since passed from earth to heaven. She was a sister of Rev. S.L. Murrell, of the Louisville Conference, who was for four years Presiding Elder of the Columbia District. She was the last of her father's family, save one, Jesse Q. Murrell, once a merchant of this town, now living in Fort Worth, Texas. He is now nearly ninety years old and is in good health. She was married to Moses Medaris February 15, 1845, who departed this life about two months hence in hope of a blessed immortality, and she has quickly gone to join him on the other bright shore to part no more. She was converted when quite young and joined the Methodist church, and for nearly seventy years walked in the light of God's truth, and let her light shine before those around her, and especially around her home. She was never very vigorous, but had a good measure of energy, and was busy all through life. She was very even tempered, rarely if ever, showing any lack of patience. She was a good neighbor, and was greatly beloved by those with whom she mixed and mingled. She never recovered from the shock her husband's death gave her... May the God of all consolation comfort the hearts of all the children and grandchildren and help them to be ready to meet Him when death shall come /s/ Jesse L. Murrell. * * * * * Adair County News, Wednesday, February 11, 1903 Dead at 91 Years Died February 1, 1903, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. C.C. Leonard, Ft. Worth, Texas, Jesse Murrell in the 91st year of his age. Mr. Murrell was born in Adair county, Kentucky, July 28, 1812, and lived for many years in his native State. He was married to Miss Clarissa Medaris, December 19, 1833, and in the year 1837 united with the Methodist church in which faith he lived 65 years. To them were born twelve children, and eight of these were with him at the close of his life. About 18 years ago he removed to Ft. Worth and was engaged in the hotel business 'till old age required him to require from business since which time his home has been with his youngest daughter, Mrs. Leonard. Mr. Hiram Murrell, of Dallas, Mr. Luther Murrell, Misses Mary and Ellen Murrell, Mrs. Suddarth, Mrs. McDaniel, Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Leonard of Ft. Worth, and many grand children mourn their loss. Indeed their devotion to him and care of him was beautiful to see and was the joy of his life. Funeral services were conducted by Dr. S.H. Werlein, pastor of 1st Methodist church, this place, and the remains were carried to Cleburne, Tx., for interment by the side of his son, Henry. "But the path of the just is as the shining light that shineth more and more until the perfect day." /s/ A Friend, Ft. Worth, Tx. [Mr. Murrell's wife was a daughter of Charles Medaris & Barbara Grider and was a sister of Moses Medaris.] |