County Obituaries
Adair County News, January 26, 1938 Glensfork Citizen Dies Suddenly At Age of 75 Uriah P. Morgan, 75 years old, died Saturday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Levy Andrews in Glensfork after a prolonged illness. The deceased is survived by three sons and two daughters. Funeral services were conducted at Mt. Zion Baptist Church at 2 p.m. Sunday. Burial was in the Grant Cemetery. ******* Adair County News, April 5, 1944: Heart Attack Fatal To Green County Man J.W. Sneed, 62, died suddenly on Tuesday, March 21, at his home near Gresham, in Green County, as the result of a heart attack. The deceased was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Matthew Sneed. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Myrtie Collins Sneed; three daughters, Mrs. Frank Corbin, Mrs. Finis Coffey and Mrs. Titus Coffey; three sons, Robert, Edwin and J.B. Sneed; one brother, Perry Sneed, of Lebanon, and a sister, Mrs. Jim Montgomery. Funeral services were held on Thursday, March 23, at 2:00 p.m., at Jones Chapel, conducted by Rev. Frank Furkin. Interment was in the family cemetery. The pallbearers were: Messrs. Dewey, Tennie and Vernon Scott, Tommy Burris, Lucian Moss and Taft Coffey. ******* Adair County News, June 5, 1946 J.B. Sneed Killed in Accident Ex‑Sailor Meets Death Wednesday In Logging Accident Near Milltown. J.B. Sneed, 19, died Wednesday afternoon in the Milltown community as the result of injuries received when a load of logs rolled off a truck and crushed his body. He recently returned from overseas duty with the U.S. Navy and was given his discharge after 16 months service. While in the service he professed faith and united with the Baptist Church. He wrote home afterward that he had been in many tight places but the Lord had taken care of him. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Myrtie Sneed, three sisters, Mrs. Frank Corbin, Mrs. Finis Coffey and Mrs. Titus Coffey, and two brothers, Robert Sneed and Edwin Sneed. Funeral services were held at 2:30 p.m. Thursday at Jones Chapel, conducted by Rev. H.J. Conover. Interment was in the Jones Cemetery. The pallbearers were: Messrs. Hollis Downey, Coy Downey, George A. Kemp, Kenneth Downey, Clifton Rodgers and Oagle Parnell. ******* Adair County News, June 5, 1946 Services On Friday For Richard E. Sneed Richard E. Sneed, 70, died at his home in the Weed community on Wednesday morning, May 29. Mr. Sneed, a retired farmer, was born and raised in Adair County and was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Sneed. He was a former Magistrate from the district in which he resided and belonged to the Baptist Church. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Lucy Sneed; two daughters, Mrs. Ada Jessie and Mrs. Gladys Moore, of Adair County, and two sons, Lawrence Sneed, of Jefferson County, and Eddie Sneed, of Adair County. Funeral services were held at Big Creek Church at 2:00 p.m. Friday, conducted by Rev. C.E. Pickett and Rev. M.B. Hodges. Interment was in the Antioch Cemetery. ******* Adair County News, March 22, 1939 Services For George E. Powell held Today Funeral services were conducted at 10 a.m. today for George E. Powell, 79, well-known and respected citizen of the Joppa community, who died at his home Monday night following an illness of a few days with pneumonia. Services were conducted by Rev. H.J. Conover of Cane Valley and burial was in the family cemetery. A framer and blacksmith all his life, Mr. Powell was born and reared in the neighborhood in which he passed away. He was a member of the Pleasant Hill Christian Church and was a regular attendant at all its services. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mary S. Powell; a son, Bradley Powell, of Wadsworth, Ohio, and a grandson, Ralph Willan, who has made his home with his grandparents. ******* Adair County News, November 18, 1936 Long Illness Fatal To Ernest F. Hadley Ernest F. Hadley, prominent 63 year old farmer of Cundiff, this county, died at his home on Sunday, November 8, after having been in declining health for more than three years. Mr. Hadley was a leading citizen in the community where he made his home. he was active in church affairs, interested in the welfare of the schools, being a trustee, and a valued citizen who will be greatly missed. He was a member of the Baptist Church. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mamie Huddleston Hadley and the following children: Norwood Hadley, Chicago, Ill.; Clurel Hadley, Bart Hadley, Ruth, Ben and Warren Hadley, all of Cundiff, and Mrs. Oral Pettey, of Inroad. the oldest son, Herriford Hadley, died five years ago. Funeral services were conducted at the residence on Monday by Rev. Joe Stotts, assisted by Rev. Morris Antle. Burial was near Bryant [sic] in Russell County. |