Deed Abstracts for the Banks Surname

From Adair County, KY Deed Abstracts, Books A&B, 1802-1811


(p. 2)  23 June 1802—Golston Stapp of Garrard County, KY to John Wolford of Adair County…256 acres in Adair County on Reynolds Creek, a branch of Russells Creek…”on the bank of Reynolds Creek it being one of the original corners of the 7,110 2/3 acres tract that formerly belonged to Banks and Roberts…a part of the 7,110 2/3 acre tract…”He signed.  Witnesses: William Lair, Banks Moody, and John Heath.  [deed book a, page 39]


(p. 6)   [same above-mentioned survey mentioned in the sale of another tract]


(p. 15)  [part of above survey sold]


(p. 18)  20 October 18-4—John Wolford of Adair County to William Lester of Adair…161 acres in Adair on Reynolds Creek, a branch of Russell Creek…Bounds: James Lapsley’s corner…being a part of a 7,110 2/3 acre survey patented to Banks & Roberts.  Signed.  Witnesses: John Triplett, Dutton Lane, John Lane, and Absolom Ballew.  [deed book a, page 378]


(p. 28)  part of same survey mentioned]


(p. 31)  23 March 1807—Joseph Miller, Sr. of Adair County to Hugh Beard of Adair…200 acres on Russell Creek, part of a military survey patented to Henry Banks [same Banks in all previous deeds] and William Roberts…Bounds:  Sulpher Fork of Russell Creek.  Signed Joseph Miller an Lilly Miller.  {deed book b, page 91]


(p. 34)  2 March 1808—Joseph Miller and wife Lilly of Adair County to Robert Allen, Senr. Of Scott County, KY…175 acres in Adair on Sulpher Fork of Russells Creek, part of a 1,130 acre survey patented to William Roberts an Henry Banks.  Bounds: Corner of original survey; to Bear’s line; to Beard’s mil tract.  Signed.  [deed book b, page 148]


(p. 38)  1 April 1809—Michael Hoofman of Adair County to Joseph Turnbow of Adair…[bounds corner of Banks/Roberts survey]  [deed book b, page 211]


(p. 48)  7 June 1810—John Helm to Thomas Philips/Phillips, both of Washington county, KY…500 acres “granted to the said Helm as ass’ee of William Roberts and by patent under the hand an seal of Governor of Virginia bearing date the eleventh day of February 1791…district set apart for the officers and soldiers of the Virginia State Line, but now in the county of Adair, on a branch of the Cumberland River…”  Bounds:  Corner to Banks and Roberts 1,000 acre survey.  Signed:  John Helm.  Witnesses:  Benjamin Phillips, Edmin Phillips, Richard Burkes, and John Phillips.  [deed book b, page 394]


(p. 49)  20 September 1810—Robert Cradock and Cornelius Beatty to Simon Hancock…1,000 acres in Adair “being No. 129 surveyed for Elizabeth Moody” on waters of Russell Creek, a branch of Green River.  Bounds:  East corner of a survey of Littleberry Harwood No. 57; corner to Welch and Stewarts surveys.  “That the title hereby intended to be conveyed was vested or suppose to be vested in the said Cradock and Beatty by deed bearing date the 29th of October 1798 executed to them by Charles Tathom (?) and Cuthbert Banks, attornies in fact of John Hicks an Robert Campbell, an recorded in the office of the late district of Lexington…” Signed: Robt. Craddock and C. Beatty.  Witnesses:  John Harris as to Craddock and Elijah Harris as to Cradock.  Recorded in Marion County, KY, ordered recorded in Adair 29 January 1811.   [deed book b, page 404]