News From Lindsey Wilson College
Photograph of the Lindsey Wilson Chapel taken by Angella Watson
The 'Russell County News'
January 28, 1943
Enrollment Up at Lindsey Wilson
Lindsey Wilson junior college, Columbia, Ky., began its second quarter
with an increased enrollment and a general feeling of optimism. The
college has already passed the low ebb in enrollment; and even though
the emergency continues, the attendance will be upward from now on, says
an announcement from the school.
Another matter of encouragement is the fact that a number of
additional students are planning to enter college on January 25. To
accommodate these, most of whom are persons who have been teaching on
emergency certificates and mid-year graduates from high schools, special
schedules will be started in freshmen and sophomore subjects.
The 'Russell County News', June 3, 1943
Lindsey Wilson Junior College Summer School
Classes in the Lindsey Wilson Junior College Summer School will open
on Monday, June 7, at 7 a.m. Registration will be held on Friday and
Saturday, June 4 and 5. However, those coming from a distance can
register on the morning of the seventh.
The cost of the Summer School will be $48.00 for eight quarter hours.
There will be a room and key deposit of $3.00 and any unused portion
will be returned at the close of the session. For one taking chemistry
or zoology, there will be a special fee for these courses. All classes
will be held in the morning, six days a week.
VICTOR P. HENRY, President.
The 'Russell County News'
June 17, 1943
Faculty Changes Made At Lindsey Wilson
President V.P. Henry of Lindsey Wilson junior college, Columbia,
announces the following changes in faculty for the year 1943-1944:
Dean John Montgomery, for 13 years dean of Lees junior college,
Jackson, Ky., has been employed in the place of Dean A.M. Shelton, who
is in the army air corps. Mr. Montgomery will serve as dean of the
institution and be a teacher of mathematics.
Miss Lottice Dalton of Bowling Green has been employed to take the
place of Miss Lucille Smooth, resigned, in the commercial and
secretarial science department.
Miss Margaret Read of Chapmansboro, Tennesse, has been employed as
critic teacher in the place of Mrs. Todd Jeffries who resigned at the
end of the regular school year.
Professor N.D. Bryant, for many years superintendent of schools in
Scottsville and more recently principal of the Memorial school in Hart
county, has been employed to teach agriculture and as farm manager for
the college.
President Henry also announced that an improvement campaign for the
school is underway and that contributions are being made by patrons and
the alumni of the institution in a beautification and repair campaign.
The summer school is now in progress and has a splendid attendance. An
unusual matter of financial interest is that every student account for
the past year has been paid in full. Although this is an emergency year,
Lindsey Wilson has moved upward throughout the year, both in the matter
of attendance and finance.
The 'Russell County News', October 3, 1946
Letters to the Editor
L.W. Kuhn of Jamestown writes us:
On a recent visit with relatives in Leonard, Texas, I met the daughter
of Mr. R.R. Moss, who for many years was a teacher at Lindsey Wilson in
Columbia, Ky. Former pupils of Mr. Moss will remember the daughter as
Maxine, but she is now Mrs. Ernest B. Leinart and very proud of her
daughter Diane and her son Jim Blaine. Mr. and Mrs. Moss now live in Mt.
Vernon, Texas, and those who remember Mr. Moss will be sorry to hear he
has been seriously ill for several weeks. Although his health has
failed, Mr. Moss still holds dear the memory of his former pupils in
L.W. Kuhn
The 'Russell County News', January 14, 1943
Increase Expected at Lindsey Wilson
Lindsey Wilson Junior College is preparing for its second quarter with
an increased student body in prospect.
The Rev. Victor P. Henry, the new president, is prosecuting his new
duties with considerable vigor, especially as field man seeking new
students and as financial administrator.
The emergency, combined with the long illness and death of the former
president, Rev. A.P. White, resulted in a small enrollment the first
quarter. The prospects for the second quarter, however, is improved by
the fact that a number of of former students who are teaching on
emergency certificates will be free to return to school in January.
A complete new schedule will be started on the 25th of January and
will be operated six days a week to accommodate those who cannot be
present at the opening of the quarter, the 4th of January.
Realizing that many housewives and other non-professional persons will
want to do their part in emergency teaching, the college is emphasizing
the privilege which they have to better prepare themselves for the work.
The depart of business education which was begun this quarter will
organize new courses in typewriting and shorthand in an effort to do its
part in training students for emergency positions.