Samuel P. Slavey(Slavy) 

Criminal Documents of Butler, Adair, and Wayne Co's KY:

Transcribed and Submitted By: Lanny & Sharon Slavey

(Note: areas in Italics are hand written areas on printed forms.)

Butler Co. KY

(Note: Butler Co. KY C.C. Case files, Box 11, #1939.)

Note: this first section of Butler Co. KY documents deals with Subpoenas,
Warrants and other printed documents



vs. }Warrant of arrest upon the charge of (blank)

Slavy & Powel

Execute by arresting the within Slavy & Powell & bringing them before B. L.
D. Guffy county Judge Sept 20th 1879 also by Summoning B G Rush and & S. Y.
Hutchison to attend ("at said " crossed out) before said Guffy at the trial
Sept 20th 1879

O.(?) C. Nell CBCC





It appearing that there are reasonable grounds for believing that Samuel P
Slavy & F W Powel has committed the offense of Feloniously(?) breaking into
the dwelling house (?) of B G Rush & feloniuosly taking therefrom property
of value in the County of Butler you are therefore commanded forthwith to
arrest the said Slavey & Powel and bring him (sic) before me or some other
magistrate of Butler County, to be dealt with according to law.

Given under my hand, this 20th day of Sept 1879

Att B L D Guffy Judge B L Guffy RJBCC County

Summon B G Rush as witness (-?-) pltf(?) also S Y Hutchinson



No. (blank)

Commonwealth Plff.


S P Slavey &c Deft. 1(?)

To 22 day of Sept

Term 1879

Court Commences (blank)

For (blank)

Officer's Return. Executed on the within named

C Y Morehead Sept 22nd 1879

J D Turner SBC

by T C Carson DS


SUBPONEA FOR WITNESS IN CIVIL* CASE, Q. C. (*note: printed form used)

THE COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY: To the Sheriff, Coroner or any Constable of
Butler County:

You are commanded to summon C Y Morehead

to appear before the Judge of Butler County Quartly Court, on the 22nd day
of Sept 1879 ("term" crossed out) to testify on the behalf of the Pltf in
an action in ("said Court" crossed out) before me, between The Commonwealth
Plaintiff, and S P Slavey &c Defendant, and have then there this writ, with
due return upon it.

Given under my hand as Judge of the Court aforesaid, this 20th day of Sept





1974 (Note: Case File #)

No. ("30, 25" crossed out), 24.

Commonwealth of Kentucky


Grand Larcency

S. P. Slavey and F. W.Powell


D M Stahl

Foreman of the Grand Jury.

Presented by the foreman, in the presence of the Grand Jury, to the Court
and filed in open court.

This 25 day of nov 1879

Att C. Kelley Clerk

Bail -- $250



B G Rush

Charley Y Morehead

S Y Hutchison


alias B. W. & Sub issue

July 16th 1880


(Note: This next item, the Jury's decision, was written on back of the
packet's cover sheet.)

We the Jury find the defendant guilty as charged in the within indictment
and fix his punishment at confinement in the Penitentiary for one year

Jas. M. Cook Foreman



Nov Term, 1879

The Commonwealth of Kentucky


S P Slavy and F W Powell

The Grand Jury of the County of Butler, in the name and by the authority of
the Commmonwealth of Kentucky, accuse

S P Slavy and F W Powell

of the Crime of Grand Larcency

committed as follows, to wit: The said Slavey and Powell

heretofore, to wit: on the day of

A. D., 187(blank) , in said County of Butler did

feloniously steal take and carry away with the intent to appopriate(sic) to
there(sic) own use two mens coats and one pair pants, the coats being of a
dark color with stripes and the pants being black said coats and pants
being the property of B G Rush and were taken from said Rush with out his
knowledge or consent and with the intent to deprive(?)him thereof by said
Slavy and Powell

against the peace and dignity of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.


Commonwealth's Attorney.




(Note: This next section contains various handwritten items invovling the
Butler Co. KY case.)



The Commonwealth of KY

vs } Felony Homebreaking

Samuel P Slavy & F W Powell

This day came the dfts in the Custody of the Jailer O C(?) nell(?) CK(?).
Commonwealth by Atty (_?_) (_?_) Dfts still plead guilty. B G Rush sworn
testifies(?) that some one got the(?) clothing from his house unbeknown to
him and the Court (_?_) of the opinion that there are reasonable grounds In
believing that the defts are guilty of the ofense charged It is adjudged &
ordered that they be held In trial in the Butler Circuit Court and allowed
to give bail in the sum of one hundred & fifty dollars each and not giving
bail they are Committed to the Cty Jail of Butler County

The witnesses on behalf of the Commonwealth B G Rush and C Y Morehead were
entered(?) into(?)recognizances for their appearances in the Butler
Circuit(?) Court & by(?) mandate(?) of court, recognizances accordly(?) the

Given my hand Sept 22 - 1879


B G Rush, S Y Hutchison and C Y Morehead witnesses for(?) the (?)
Commonwealth were allowed to claim one day each at 1.00 per day each 3.00

att B L D Guffy jud(?)

It seems that B G Rush was absent(?) from(?) home & that the defts broke
into his house & took away

one cashmere coat value 10.00

& another coat value 5.00 (_?_) (_?_) 5.00

& one pair of pants value 5.00



Commonwealth Kentucky of(sic)

vs } Examen Edict(?)

S P Slavey &

F W Powell



(note: written on back of above)

B G Rush (_?_) 1.00

C Y Morehead (_?_) 1.00

S Y Hutchison a 1 day 1.00


Sept 20th 1879

Examining Court(?) for Butler Co Ky

The Commonwealth of Ky. plff

vs } Felonious House breaking

Samuel P Slavey & F W Powel Dfts

This day the above named dfts were brought before me and being informed of
the nature of the charges against them Plead Guilty thereto and on their
motion the exam is postponed until the 22 Sept 1879 and the Dfts are
Commited to Jail to await the exam

B G Rush & S Y Hutchison

Witness(sic) for the Commonwealth were reco in the sum of 1.00 each for
their appear(sic) Cont ordered to 22 Sept 1879


Witnes(?) for Plff claims(?)

B G Rush 1 day 1.00

S Y Hutchison 1 day 1.00

Att B L D Guffy Judge

Sept 22 1879 Court(?) (_?_)

pursuant(?) to adjourn(?) Present

B L D Guffy Co Judge.



(note: next section is the instructions to the Jury)

If the Jury believes from the evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that the
accused S P Slavey did in this County prior to the finding of the
indictment feloniously steel(sic) take & carry away with the intent to
appropriate to his own use, two dark colored mens(sic) coats with stripes
and one pair of black pants, or either of said articles of the value of
more than ten dollars & the property of B G Rush, they should find him
guilty & fix his punishment at confinement in the penittintiary(sic) not
less than one nore(sic) more than five years -

If they believe that the said property was so stolen by the said Slavy, but
was not worth more than ten dollars, & was so stolen by him within one year
before indictment, they should find him not guilty as charged, but guilty
of petit larceny & fix his punishment at confinement in the county jail not
less than one nor more than 12 months, or the jury in their verdict may
direct his punishment to be hard labor, for a period not less than on enor
more than twelve months.




vs } order

SP. Slavey and F. W Powell

This day the Grand Jury having returned indictment in above case agt S P
Slavy and F. W. Powell and said Powell being solemnly called to answer in
said indictment and failing to respond it is hereby ordered that the money
$150.00 deposited with J C Skillern (_?_) (_?_) (_?_) (note: 3 unknown
letters or symbols) as bail for said Powell be (_?_) the same is hereby
declared forfieted -




(Note: This next section deals with entries from Butler Co. KY, Circuit
court Order book "P".)


Pages 24 & 25

Butler Circuit Court Nov 25th 1879 (? 2nd day?)


Commonwealth of Ky Plff

} Grand Larceny

S P Slavy & F W Powell Deft

The Grand Jury empanneled(?) & Sworn at its(?) (_?_) terms of this court by
their(?) foreman D M Stoke in open Court in its(?) (_?_) all of the Grand
Jury returned an Indictment against S P Slavy & F W Powell for Grand
Larceny which is to be filed Wherefore it is orderedby the court that this
cause be Set for Trial on the 3rd day of this term of this court and the
defts being solemly called to answer Said Indictment & failing to respond
It is hereby Ordered that the money $150.00 deposited with J C Skillern
Trustee of the Jury fund(?) as bail be and the Same is hereby declarred


Page 51

Butler Circuit Court Nov 26th 1879 (3rd day)

Commonwealth of Ky Plff


S P Slavy & F W Powell Defts

This day came Attorney(?) for the Commonwealth and the Deft S P Slavy in
the custody of the Jailor(sic) and thereupon came a Jury to wit: & all
Venable J M Cook J J B Lee C S Thomas(?) Martin McKinney Robert S Carver(?)
J N Tatum J Buxton J Berry E P Lee Ephrum(?) McCoy M F Berry and J A Taylor
who being selected(?) and Sworn after hearing all the evidence and argument
of counsel returned into Court the following verdict: We the find the
defendant Guilty as charged In the Written Indictment and afix his(?)
punisment, at confinement in the Penitentiary for one year J M Cook foreman
It is therefore ordered thus(?) the deft S P Slavy be remanded to the
custody of the Jailor(sic) to await Sentence




Page 62

Butler Circuit Court Nov 27th 1879 (? 4th day?)

Commonwealth of KY Plff

S }Grand Larceny

F W Powell Deft

Ordered that a (?) Search warrant issue against the defendant allowing him
to give bail for his appearance in the sum of $250---- & (?) that the (_?_)
this court Send Same to the Sheriff of Adair County


Page 127

Butler Circuit Court Nov 29th 1879 (6th day)

Commonwealth of KY Plff

vs }Grand Larceny

S. P. Slavy Deft

The Defendant was this day brought into Court and being informed of the
nature of the Indictment plea and Verdict was asked if he had any legal
cause to show why Judgement should not be pronounced against him & none
being shown it is adjudged that the defendant be taken by the Sheriff of
Butler County to the State Penitentiary & there Confined at hard labor for
the period of one year.


Page 146

(Note: No notations at the top of this page.)

Same (The Commonwealth of Kentucky) Plff

Vs } Grand Larceny

S. P. Slavey & F. W. Powell Defts

Ordered that this prosecution be Continued as to F. W. Powell

that an alias Bench Warrant be issued to Adair County against Deft F. W.





(Note: This next item is the receipt given to the Butler Co. KY Sheriff's
Deputy from the Penitentiary)



FRANKFORT, Dec 4th 1879

RECEIVED OF T. C. Carson Deputy, Sheriff of Butler County, by the hands of
(blank), the body of S P Slavy, convicted of Felony at the November Term,
1879, of the Butler Circuit Court, and sentenced to confinement and hard
labor in the Jail and Penitentiary House of the State of Kentucky for the
term of (1) One Year

J W South, Keeper Ky. Penitentiary.

By L. C South, Clerk Penitentiary.





(Note: This next section deals with the Penitentiary records for S. P. Slavy)


(Register Book entry #1)

Book: 1876 - 1880

Register of Prisoner Confined in Kentucky Penitentiary, on and after the
first day of January, 1876

Slavy, S. P.

Crime: Fellony (sic)

Sentence: One year

County sent from: Butler

Term of court: Nov 1879

When recieved: Dec 4th 1879

Expiration of sentence: Dec 4th 1880

Age: 18

Education: None

Nativity: Ky

Occupation: Laborer

Previous Habits: Temp

Social Relation: Single

Height: 5-9 3/4

Weight: 168

Complexion: Fair

Color of eyes: Grey

Color of hair: Light

Marks, scars, &c: Scar in breast

No. 445

Remarks: (blank)


(Regiter Book entry #2)

Book: 1880 - 1887

Register of Prisoner Confined in Kentucky Penitentiary, on and after June
the First, 1880

Slavy S.P.*


(Symbol after name: @)

Crime: Feloney

Sentence: One yr

County Sent From: Butler

What Court: Cir

Term of Court: Nov 1879

When Received: Dec 4" 1879

Commution: (blank)

Expiration of Sentence: (blank)

Age: 18

Education: None

Nativity: Ky

Occupation: Lab

Previous Habits: Temp

Social Relations: Single

Height: 5.9 3/4

Weight: 168

Complexion: Fair

Color of eyes: Grey

Color of Hair: Light

No. of Committal: 445

Indentification Marks, Scars, &c.: Scar on Breast

Former Convictions, if Any: (blank)

How Discharged: Served time out Oct.11" 1880 by Commutation

Remarks: (blank)





(Note: this next section deals with the 1880 Census entry for S. P. Slavy)


1880 Franklin Co. KY Census (June, 1880)

State Penitentiary

Line 8:

Slavy S.P.


Age 18;


Born: KY;

Father's POB: KY;

Mother's POB KY





(Note: This next section deals with material concerning F. W. Powell alone.)


No. 25.



vs } Commonwealth Case.

F W Powell

To 2nd day of Sept

Term 1880

Court Commences 4th Monday

For Plff

Officer's Return (blank) Executed on the within named

S Y Hutchinson Sept 21st 1880

T D Turner SBC

& W H Turner DS





To the Sheriff Butler County:


You are commanded to summon B. G. Rush, Charley Y. Morehead, S Y Hutchison

to appear before the Judge of Butler Circuit Court, on the 1st day of next
Sept, term, to testify on the behalf of the Plff in a prosecution of the
Commonwealth of Kentucky, plaintiff, against F W Powell defendant.

Given under my hand as Clerk of said Court, this 16th day of July 1880.

C. Kelly Clerk.

By (blank) D.C.


No. 30

Commonwealth of Kentucky,

vs } Bench Warant

F W Powell

To 1st day of May

Term, 1880.

Came to hand (blank) day of (blank) 187 (blank), at (blank) o'clock (blank) M.

BAIL. - It is ordered by the Court that the within named defendant may give
bail in the sum of Two hundred & fifty Dollars; and if he desires to give
such bail, it may be taken by the Sheriff of the County in which he was
arrested, or by the Sherrif of Butler County.

Any other than a Sheriff or Deputy making this arrest, must take the
Defendant to a Sheriff or Deputy, who alone can take bail

C Kelly CBCC


Officer's Return Not Executed on the within named

F W Powell "not found" in Adair County April 19th 1880

Tim Bradshaw SAC



Butler Circuit Court.

The Commonwealth of Kentucky,

To any Sheriff, Constable, Coroner, Justice, Marshall, or Policeman, of the
Commonwealth of Kentucky:

You are hereby commanded forthwith to arrest F. W. Powell and bring him
before the Butler Circuit Court, to answer an Indictment in that Court
against him for Grand Larcency or, if the Court be adjourned for that term,
that you deliver him to the Jailer of Butler County.

Given under my hand as Clerk of said Court, this 15th day of July 1880.

C Kelly Clerk

By (blank) D. C.




No. 25

Commonwealth of Kentucky,

vs } Bench Warrant

F. W. Powell

To 1st day of Sept

Term 188 (sic)

Came to hand (blank) day of (blank) 187 (blank), at (blank) o'clock (blank) M.

Adair Co. (note: written at bottom)


BAIL. - It is ordered by the Court that the within named defendant may give
bail in the sum of Two hundred Dollars and if he desires to give such bail,
it may be taken by the Sheriff of the County in which he was arrested, or
by the Sherrif of Butler. County.

Any other than a Sheriff or Deputy making this arrest, must take the
defendant to a Sheriff or Deputy, who alone can take bail

C. Kelly CBCC

Officer's Return ("Executed on the within named" crossed out)

The Defend F. W..Powell Not found Aug 24th 1880


W T White DS

for Tim Bradshaw SAC



Butler Circuit Court

The Commonwealth of Kentucky,

To any Sheriff, Constable, Coroner, Justice, Marshall, or Policeman, of the
Commonwealth of Kentucky:

You are hereby commanded forthwith to arrest F. W. Powell and bring him
before the Butler Circuit Court, to answer an Indictment in that Court
against him for Grand Larcency or, if the Court be adjourned for that term,
that you deliver him to the Jailer of Butler County.

Given under my hand as Clerk of said Court, this 15th day of July 1880.

C. Kelly Clerk

By (blank) D. C.




(Note: This next section deals with John Slavy. Printed documents will
appear first. No proof, but I believe this John Slavy was the older brother
of Samuel P. Slavey, who was also living in the Adair Co. KY region at this

Butler Co. KY Circuit Court Case # 1975




Commonwealth of Kentucky


vs { C D W

John Slavey

A True Bill

P. W. Thomasson(sic)

Foreman of the Grand Jury

Presented by the foreman, in the presence of the Grand Jury, to the Court
and filed in open court,

This 25th day of May 1880

C. Kelly, Clk

By T J Burch D.C.

BW 100 bail



James P Rives


B. W. & Sub issued

June 19th 1880



May Term, 1880

The Commonwealth of Kentucky


John Slavey

The Grand Jury of the county of Butler, in the name and by the authority of
the Commonwealth of Kentucky, accuse

John Slavey

of the ofense of unlawfully carrying concealed upon his person a deadly
weapon, other than an ordinary pocket knife. Committed as follows: The said

heretofore, to wit: on the (blank) day of (blank) A. D., 187(blank), in the
County of Butler did umlawfully carry a concealed upon his person, a deadly
weapon, other than an ordinary pocket=knife(sic), to wit: a pistol.

against the peace and dignity of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

David C. Walker,

Commonwealth's Attorney.


No. 8

Commonwealth of Kentucky


John Slavy

To 1st day of Sept

Term, 1880.

Came to hand (blank) day of

(blank) 187(blank), at (blank)

o'clock (blank) M.


BAIL. - It is ordered by the Court that the within named defendant may give
bail in the sum of One hundred Dollars; and if he desires to give such
bail, it may be taken by the Sheriff of the County in which he was
arrested, or by the Sherrif of Butler County.

Any other than a Sheriff or Deputy making this arrest, must take the
Defendant to a Sheriff or Deputy, who alone can take bail

C Kelly CBCC


Officer's return NOT Executed on the within named Sept 21st, 1880

T D Turner SBC



Butler Circuit Court

The Commonwealth of Kentucky,

To any Sheriff, Constable, Coroner, Justice, Marshall, or Policeman, of the
Commonwealth of Kentucky:

You are hereby commanded forthwith to arrest John Slavy and bring him
before the Butler Circuit Court, to answer an Indictment in that Court
against him for Carring Concealed a Deadly Weapon or, if the Court be
adjourned for that term, that you deliver him to the Jailer of Butler County.

Given under my hand as Clerk of said Court, this 19th day of June1880.

C. Kelly Clerk

By (blank) D. C.


No. 8



vs } Commonwealth Case.

John Slavy

To 2nd day of Sept

Term 1880

Court Commences 4th Monday

For Plff

Officer's Return (blank) Executed on the within named

G Y Rives Sept 9th 1880

T D Turner SBC

by T C Carson DS





To the Sheriff Butler County:


You are commanded to summon James T Rives

to appear before the Judge of Butler Circuit Court, on the 2nd day of next
Sept, term, to testify on the behalf of the Plff in a prosecution of the
Commonwealth of Kentucky, plaintiff, against John Slavy defendant.

Given under my hand as Clerk of said Court, this 19th day of June 1880.

C. Kelly Clerk.

By (blank) D.C.


(Note: This next section deals with entries from Butler Co. KY, Circuit
court Order book "P".)


Page 180 (Note: There were no notations at the top of this page.)

The Grand Jury empanneled & Sworn at this term of the Court, by their
foreman P W Thomason, in the presence of the Grand Jury returned unto Court
an Indictment against John Slavy for Carrying Concealed a deadly Weapon
Which Indictment was ordered a true bill & signed P W Thomason foreman of
the Grand Jury which Indictment is ordered to be filed


Page 257

Butler Circuit Court Sept Term 1880 (2nd Day)

Same (The commonwealth of Kentucky) Plff

Vs } C. C. D. W.

John Slavey Deft

Attorney for the Commonwealth ordered that this prosecution be stricken
from the (_?_ faded)





Adair Co. KY


(Note: this first section of Adair Co. KY documents deals with Subpoenas,
Warrants and other printed documents.)





The Commonwealth of Kentucky

vs. } Indictment.

Samuel Slavy

A True Bill

F. T. Shearer.



W.C. Slavy

John F Slavy

Bail, $40


(Note: Side notes to above document)

1882 Jany 14th filed

in court BW & Bail $40

Test(?) J Hancock clerk? (note: unknown symbols)

1882 Sept Contd & als(sic)

BW & Bail as heretofore


1883 March same


" Sept same


1884 March same


" Sept same


1885 March same


" Sept same


1886 March same


1886 Sept same


1887 March same


1887 Sept same


1888 Mch Filed away




Adair Circuit Court

The Commonwealth of Kentucky,


Samuel Slavy Deft

The Grand Jury of Adair County, in the name and by the authority of the
Commonwealth of Kentucky accuse Sam Slavy of the offense of carrying a
deadly weapon, other than an ordinary pocket knife, concealed upon and
about his person.

Committed As Follows:

Heretofore, to-wit, on the 25th day of Dec 1881, in the County and State
aforesaid the said Samuel Slavy then and there unlawfully did carry a
pistol, a deadly weapon other than an ordinary pocket knife, concealed upon
and about his person, contrary to the form of the statute in such cases
made and provided, and against the peace and dignity of the Commonwealth of

S M Payton

Commonwealth's Attorney





(_?_) 34

No. 2


of Kentucky


Vs.} Weapon

Saml Slavey

A True Bill

James T Yates

Foreman of the Grand Jury

Presented by the Foreman of the Grand Jury of the Court, in the presence of
the Grand Jury, and received from the Court by me and filed in open Court,
Sept 18, 1879

&Sums ord

Juniis Hancock, Clerk

Bail, $Summons(???)


(Note: side notes to above document)

1880 MCH cont & _____ Sums

1881 Jany filed away &c


Indictment for Carrying

Concealed Weapons.


The Commonwealth of Kentucky. INDICTMENT

Against Saml Slavey

Adair Criminal Court, Sept Term, 1879

The Grand Jury of Adair County, in the name and by the authority of the
Commonwealth of Kentucky, accuse Saml Slavey

of the offense of carring concealed upon and about his person a deadly
weapon (blank) committed in a manner and form as follows, to-wit: The said
Saml Slavey heretofore and on the (blank) day of June 1879, in the County
and State aforesaid, did unlawfully carry concealed upon and about his
person a deadly weapon, other than an ordinary pocket knife, to-wit a pistol



Chas Bryant

}Contrary to the form of the Statute

}in such cases made and provided,

}and against the peace and dignity

}of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

D R Carr

Attorney for the Commonwealth, (blank) Dist. Ky.



B of P 426

Commonwealth of Kentucky.


Frank Powell

Saml Slavey


James T Gates


Returned by Grand Jury and filed

Sept 18 1879

& Summons (Note: 2 check marks.)

Junius Hancock Clerk


Attorney for the Commonwealth

Wit = M Henry McAlroy



1880 Mch Cont

& als(sic) summons


1881 Jany Same


" July Cont & BW

ord to issue & Bail

fixed at $40 each


1882 Jany cont & als

Bw & Bail as heretofore


1882 Sept Same (Note: 2 check marks)


1883 March filed




Adair Criminal Court

The Commonwealth of Kentucky,


Frank Powell }

Saml Slavey } INDICTMENT

The Grand Jury of Adair County,

in the name and by the authority of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, accuse

Frank Powell Saml Slavey

of the offense of a breach of the peace

committed as follows, to-wit:

The said Frank Powell Saml Slavey

did heretofore to-wit: on the (blank) day of Sept 7" 1879, in the County
aforesaid, unlawfully

commit a breach of the peace by Defts then and there firing off guns &
pistols on the Sabbath day Drinking liquor & being drunk hollering &
cursing threatening to fight Const & boisterious (?) & with(?) the (_?_) &
disturbance of the citizens then & this being

Contrary to the form of the Statute in such case made and provided, and
against the peace and dignity of the Commonwealth of Kentucky

D R Carr

Atty for the Comth



No. 2

The Commonwealth


Saml Slavey

Court commences on the 2nd

Monday MCH, 1880

Chas Bryant* (*see note below concerning surname Bryant.)



The Commonwealth of Kentucky

To the Sheriff of Adair County, Greeting:

You are commanded to summon

Chas Bryant

to appear in the Adair Criminal Court on the

7th day of its next March Term, to testify in behalf of the

Plff in the prosecution of the Commonwealth of

Kentucky against Saml Slavey

Given under my hand as Clerk of said court this 21 day of

October, 1879

Junious Hancock, C. A C. C.



No 2

(Note: This all on the cover for this document.)



Adair Criminal Court.

The Commonwealth of Kentucky,

To any Sheriff, coroner, Jailer, Constable, Marshall, or Policeman of this

YOU are hereby commanded to summon Saml Slavey

to appear in the Adair Criminal Court, on the first day of its next

March term, to answer an indictment for misdemeanor found against

him in that Court.

Given under my hand as Clerk of said Court, this 26 day of Sept 1879

Junious Hancock CACC




No 2

Comth of Ky

vs} Sums

Saml Slavey

To Mch Term 1880


Saml Slavey Not

found this Jany

2 2/80

Tim Bradshaw SAC


(Note: This item seems identicle to the previous, but isn't.)


Adair Criminal Court.

The Commonwealth of Kentucky,

To any Sheriff, coroner, Jailer, Constable, Marshall, or Policeman of this

YOU are hereby commanded to summon Saml Slavey

to appear in the Adair Criminal Court, on the first day of its next

March term, to answer an indictment for misdemeanor found against

him in that Court.

Given under my hand as Clerk of said Court, this 26 day of Sept 1879

Junious Hancock CACC



No. 2

The Commonwealth


Saml Slavey

Court commences on the (blank)





The Commonwealth of Kentucky

To the Sheriff of Adair County, Greeting:

You are commanded to summon

Charles Bryant

to appear in the Adair Criminal Court on the

5 day of its next Jany Term, to testify in behalf of the

Comth in the prosecution of the Commonwealth of

Kentucky against Saml Slavey

Given under my hand as Clerk of said court this 17 day of

August, 1880

Junious Hancock, C. A C. C.



No 2

Comth of Ky

vs } Sums

Saml Slavey

To Jany 1881




Adair Criminal Court.

The Commonwealth of Kentucky,

To any Sheriff, coroner, Jailer, Constable, Marshall, or Policeman of this

again YOU are hereby commanded to summon Saml Slavey

to appear in the Adair Criminal Court, on the first day of its next

Jany term, to answer an indictment for misdemeanor found against

him in that Court.

Given under my hand as Clerk of said Court, this 24 day of August 1880

Junious Hancock CACC



No 2

(Note: This all on the cover for this document.)


(Note: This item seems identicle to the previous, but isn't.)


Adair Criminal Court.

The Commonwealth of Kentucky,

To any Sheriff, coroner, Jailer, Constable, Marshall, or Policeman of this

again YOU are hereby commanded to summon Saml Slavey

to appear in the Adair Criminal Court, on the first day of its next

Jany term, to answer an indictment for misdemeanor found against

him in that Court.

Given under my hand as Clerk of said Court, this 24 day of August 1880

Junious Hancock CACC


(* Note concerning surname Bryant: 3-18-1881:  Samuel P. Slavey marries
Ellen L. Bryant; John F. Slavey listed as principal on bond; first marriage
for groom; married at Susan Slavey's in Adair Co. KY; marriage witnessed by
William Slavey, George Slavey, and Jeptha Slavey. Taken from marriage bond,
and certificate.
Relationship to Charles Bryant unknown.)





Wayne Co. KY

(Note: as of 2-10-2003, all I have on this case is from Wayne County KY
Court Order Book "22", and Adair Co. KY Deed Book "2".)


Wayne Co. KY Court Oder Book "22".


Page 63

November Term 24 Day of November, 1882

Comwlth of Ky vs Samuel Slavy House breaking &c

The Plff appeared by atty and the Deft in person being set to the bar in
the custody of the Jailer waived an an(sic) argument and plead that he was
not guilty of the crime charged in the indictment thereupon came the
following Jury Viz Saml Ga Thomas Alexander Sr Chas. Buncumb J. S. Weaver
J.O.P. Sloan J.F. Coffey Cosby Oatts James Vaughn N. S. Davis Alfred Mulder
Andrew Chrisman and Martin Back who were sworn well and truly to try the
issue and after hearing the evidence retired to their room to consider the
Verdict and after spending a short time and failing to agree they are now
finally discharged and the Deft remanded to the Custody of the Jailer of
Wayne County.


Page 73

November Term 25 Day of November, 1882

The Comth of Ky. Plff

vs. } House Bking &c

Saml Slavey

This day Joseph E Heays(sic) As the Surity of the deft Came into Court and
executed bond for the Appearance of said deft At the next term of this
Court in the sum of Seventy five dollars which bond and Security is
Approved by the Court And Joseph Williams J M Shoemaker Martha Smith and
Jarvis Buck, Witnesses for the Plff being in Court were duly recognized for
their Appearances here (_?_) An for the first day of the next term of this
Court in the Sum of fifty dollars.


Page 141

November Term 17 Day of May, 1883

The Comth of Ky Plff vs Saml Slavy Deft

On Motion of Plffs atto ordered that this prosecution be filed away, and
the proceedings an(?) the forfeited bail bond herein dismissed



Adair Co. KY Deed Book "2"

Pages 526, 527, & 528

This Deed this day made between Susan Slavy of Adair Co Ky near Milltown of
the first part & Joseph E Hays of the second part Witnesseth that whereas
said Hays has this day become bound to the Comth of Ky in a bail bond for
the Appearance of Samuel Slavy in the Wayne Circuit Court At the next May
Term 1883 of said Court to answer an indictment found in said Court against
him for house breaking & Larceny from the house of one Joseph H Williams &
that he shall answer said Charge & not depart without leave of the Court
first had & obtained & whereas the said Susan Slavy in indebted to said
Hays in the sum of fifty dollars As a fee for his services in heretofore
defending & undertaking hereafter to defend said Samuel Slavy Against said
Charge now to imdemnify said Hays on account of said suretyship(sic) in
said bond and to secure the payment of said fifty dollars fee the party of
the first part hereby grants bargains sells & conveys to said Hays the
following described tract of land towit Containing by recent survey 96
acres & a fraction lying in Adair County Ky on Big Creek & between it &
Russels Creek and about three miles from Milltown & bounded by the
homestead of Jesse Franklin James Dohoney and Mr. Parson And the homestead
of the old Man Hindman the father of the Hon J R Hindman of Columbia & on
which the said first party now lives And she hereby waives All benefit of
Homestead which she otherwise would or might have & under the laws of Ky &
agrees to deliver possession of the premises to said Hays unless she shall
save him harmless on account of said bond & pay of said fee by the first of
Sept 1883 with interest from This date the land was Conveyedf to the first
party by George Thompson Rogers of Milltown Adair Co Ky which deed is of
record in the County Court Clerks office in the town of Columbia Adair Co
Ky & is refered to as part of this deed for better description of the land*
In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand this 25th da

Susan Slavey (her mark)


J M Shoemaker

State of Kentucky

Wayne County } Sct

I J N Shepperd Clerk opf the County Court for the County and State afsd do
certify that this deed of conveyance from Susan Slavey to Joseph E Hays was
on this day produced to me in said County and acknowledged before me by the
said Susan Slavey to be her act and deed Given under my hand this 25th Day
of November 1882

J N Shepperd Clerk

State of Kentucky

County of Adair } Sct

I L B Herrot(?) Clerk Adair County Court Certify that the foregoing Deed
from Susan Slavey to Joseph E Hays was this day Lodged in my office for
record with the Certificate of authentication thereon endorsed Whereupon I
have recorded said Deed and Certificate together with this Certificate in
my office Witness my hand this 16th Day of December 1882

L. B. Herrot(?) CACC

By R. A. Burton D.C.

Notation on side:

Examined & Delivered to James Gannet for J E Hays Jany 27th 1883

(*Note: Susan Slavey originally purchaes this land from George Rodgers in
1879, Adair co. Deed Book "1", pages 320 and 321.)




Additional notes:

Notes: As of 1-25-2003, the last known location of Samuel P. Slavey is in
the Wayne Co. KY Jail, 11-24/25-1882, during his hearing before the Wayne
Co. KY Circuit Court on Housebreaking charges. The last reference we have
for Samuel P. Slavey, b. 4-20-1862:  (Samuel P. Slavey, son of Pleasant and
Susan Slavey, born, apparently in Wayne Co. KY; date taken from the
Pleasant Slavey military pension file), is the 3-?-1888 filing away of the
Adair Co. Weapon's charge. It would appear that Samuel had a child by his
wife Ellen, shortly after their marriage, for an Ellen Slavy, with 1 child,
appears on the 1883/85/86 Adair Co. KY Tax Lists, in the same district 5,
as Susan Slavey and some other members of Susan's  family. 1886 is the last
reference we have for Ellen and this child.

 10-15-1897:   Susan Slavey dies; age 74. Was living in Cane Valley, Adair
Co. KY. Affidavit for reimbursement filed by John J. Slavey. Taken from
Pleasant Slavey military pension file. Burial site unknown. Would like to
discover her finall resting place. Also, would like to find the final
resting places for Susan's son, William C. Slavy, and his wife, Liza Jane
Slavy, both would probably been buried in Adair Co. KY. 

1-12-1901:  William C. and Eliza Jane Slavey, living in Elkhorn,  nearest
neighbor of Wm. and Eliza Slavey is W. L. Hubbard, resident of Burdick,
Taylor Co. helped bury Wm. Slavey. Taken from Wm. C. Slavey military
pension file.

8-30-1901  Wm. C. Slavey, son of Pleasant & Susanna dies in Taylor Co.  Age
52, farmer. From Wm. C. Slavey military pension file.

1-28-1915:   Eliza Jane Slavey dies Elkhorn, Taylor Co. KY. Body taken to
Christi's Chapel, along the Taylor/Adair Co.'s KY boundary line.Was living
with Sam Slavey (son of Willam and Eliza)at time of death. Taken from
William C. Slavey military pension file.

(Transcribed by Lanny and Sharon Slavey)