Ballard County, Ky
Newspaper Clippings
Published in
Thanks to Teresa Morris Salonimer
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Crystal Dingler, County Coordinator
At a recent horse-race, near Hinkleville, Ballard County, Ky., tho rider of one of the horses and the horse both were killed. Mr. Faulkner, the rider, attempted to avoid a mud hole in the track, and, in making a circuit around it, he ran his horse against a mule hitched near the track, throwing tho horse a somersault, killing Mr. Faulkner and breaking the horse's neck. The accident waa the result of careless riding.

The Daily Phoenix
(Columbia, South Carolina)
05 Jan 1870, Wed  • Page 3
A CRUEL MURDER. ARREST OF SUPPOSE MURDERER. THREATS OF LYNCHING. Widow Woman Bntcbrrod In Cold Blood In Open Day Light ia Ballard County, Ky.
Mr. J. M. Durney, who is tho brother of the sheriff of Ballard Co., who has just returned from that county informs us that about two miles north of Hinkleville, a widow woman by the name of Mrs. Bloore was struck on tbe head with a' hickory club, her skull broken and her throat cut, It wan supposnd wlth a butcher knife which was found lying by the side of the corpse on Saturday week; The murder occurred in broad open day light at her own house,. A trunk belonging to her was broken open and $180.00 taken from it. Detective Officer James Guery, of Paducah, on last Sunday morning, arrested arrested Ivan Shelby, a white man, 8upposed to be about thirty years old on suspicion of the murder, Shelby was respcctably connected and his arrest created the most intent excitement. Reports reaching the town that a mob was organizing to lynch Shelby, Mr. J. K. Burney, Sheriff,' stationed a strong guard at the jail the courthouse at Wickliffe, and the .office West Bugg the attorney employed to defend Shelby. During tho night two ;men rode through Wickliffe, and eluded the Sheriff refusing to answer when hailed, and it was said that a mob of fifty men was in the outskirts of the town. They were probably deterred from making any attack by the precautions taken by the Sheriff. A reward of $1000 had been offered for the murderer, one half by the relatives of the deceased lady, and the other half by the governor of the state. Mrs. Moore was highly respected by her neighbors, and threats have been made of lynching the murderer, and if Shelby proves the guilty party, as it is generally generally supposed he will, his life will not he worth a nickle, if the mob should ever lay their hands on him.

Clarksville Weekly Chronicle
(Clarksville, Tennessee)
29 Oct 1887, Sat  • Page 2
CROSSED IN SKIFF  Connie From Kentucky Eloped to Metropolis Yesterday. Reached tho Gretna Green at 3 a m and Were Married. The elopement yesterday of Dave Edwards and Miss Harriet Hook of Cerado and Hinklevllle, Ballard county Ky resportedly was attended by unusually romantic features. They escaped from their homes and outwitting parents quickly drove to tho river being accompanied by B T Harris and Lynn Garr. There was no way to cross the river when they reached Metropolis landing except by skiff and hiring a fisherman nearby to row them over. The quartet got in and were soon in Metropolis. It was 2 oclock am when they left the Kentucky shore and about 3 when they started up the hill at Metropolis. Jnstice Thomas Liggett the old reliable "marrying squire: was roused and tied the knot and the couple turned home at once. They are of good families and the only objection to their marriage was on account of thoir age.

The Paducah Sun-Democrat
(Paducah, Kentucky)
05 Oct 1903, Mon  • Page 3
The scarlet fever is raging rather extensively in and about Hinkleville, Ballard county, and there is considerable excitement and uneasiness among tho people because of the fact. It is said that within the past few days there have been several deaths among the children of the locality named, while a large number arc sick.

The Cairo Bulletin,  11 Dec 1880, Sat,  Page 4
At Hinkleville, Ky., Jaa. L. Anderson murdered his wife because she was too sick to cook his dinner. He has probably been hung by a mob.

Interior Journal,  21 Apr 1885, Tue,  Main Edition,  Page 2