by Rev. Thea O. Carter



“After an acquaintance spanning more than sixty-three years, I am persuaded to conclude this author is a dynamic personality, not only in the ministry, but even as a lad of twelve years, six years my senior, he amazed us, his school mates, with his athletic agility.  We considered him a “Tarzan” at Booneville Elementary School in Owsley County, Kentucky.  However, had the Olympics learned of him, he might have missed God’s plan for his life.  

I recall his returning to his hometown, Tazewell, Tennessee, where he was converted in 1931 at the age of fifteen years.  However, his first introduction to the Plan of Salvation was while listening to the preaching of my grandfather, the late Reverend Ezekiel Spencer, on the Owsley County Court Square in Booneville.  

In 1940, he returned to our community as an evangelist to hold monthly meetings in our home; and his evangelism took him principally throughout Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee.  He made such an impact on my life, on March 14, 1942, when I entered the ministry, I traveled with Thea and Thelma Carter in special meetings throughout the Virginia/Kentucky/Tennessee tri-state area; and since Brother Carter sold religious mottos and Bibles to supplement his ministerial income, he introduced me to these items in August 1942, and with God’s help, I was blessed to set a world record in personal Bible sales.  

Brother Carter’s ministry has been not only in church pulpits, but hospitals, courtyards, street corners, 25 years on radio, conducting thousands of funerals, and any open doors where he could tell the story of Jesus.  He was privileged to minister in Bible Lands in October 1963, when we were honored to have him with us in our first group of pilgrims to visit Bible Lands.  

Sit back and relax while you read these inspirational pages, “Sixty-Six Years of Ministry,” compiled by the author, a Voice of Experience, from the diary he has kept daily for the past sixty years.  You cannot help being blessed!  

--Kash D. Amburgy  


Pastor Thea O. Carter is truly called of God.  His ministries have grown in perspective and effectiveness though sixty years of preaching. 

The Holy Spirit has taught and quickened this Man of God.  I have known Brother Carter for about fifty years.  I was a young lad when I first met him.  One of my twin brothers was sick and he was called to our home to pray for him.   

Brother Carter has been a blessing to thousands of families throughout Southeastern Kentucky.  Under his ministry, there has been a multitude of people led to Christ and many held by the Power of God.  

He has been a great Pastor to many people performing marriages, funerals, counseling and comforting them with their problems.  This man is a true humanitarian.  I am honored and privileged to call this man a great friend. 

--Gaston Rose  


I have known Brother Thea Carter for many years.  It is my pleasure to honor him on his special occasion.  Brother Thea has been a minister who has blazed the gospel trail for any minister or Christian to follow.  His life has been clean, and he is a man of good report.  He has set an example of true Holiness according to God’s divine word.  

He has given of himself freely for the Gospel’s sake.  And only another minister knows the burden of being a true servant of God’s Holy Word.  Your life, Brother Thea, has left a lasting impression upon all who have known you.  Words on paper could never express my true feeling for you; but God keeps a perfect record and payday will come with just rewards.  

God bless you now and eternally.  May God give you many years in His service.  With deepest respect…  

Your Brother in Christ,

--Brother Harley Hensley

