Submitted by Lesa Scheid

Civil War Pension Deposition of
Hannah Goodin Carroll wife of Alexander Carroll deceased

Case # 520467

 On this 11th day of Aug, 1892, at Ingram, county of Bell State of Ky, before me, W.H. Neas, a Special Examiner of the Pension Office, personally appeared Mrs. Hannah Carroll (clmt), who being by me first duly sworn to answer truly all interrogatories propounded to her during this Special Examination of aforesaid pension claim, deposes and says;

   I was 55 years old last New Years Day. I am a housekeeper and have 3 children with me. My Post Office is: Ingram Bell Co Ky Res. About 1 mi. N. on Greasy Creek.

   I am the widow of Alexander Carroll and the claimant in this case. I claim pension as widow and for 2 minor children.

   Neither me nor my husband had ever been previously married. He enlisted in 1863 and served in Co “K” 49th Ky Vol Infy about 16 months. He was never otherwise employed in the military or naval services. He died June 18, 1891 here at home of a heart disease that I believe was due to Jaundice and measles contracted in service.

   I knew him from the time he was 14 years old, lived in 1 ½ miles of me and stayed with and worked for my father a year, went to Mo. and stayed about a year came back and we were married at my fathers about ¼ of a mile from here by Kiah Goodin a preacher of the Gospel. We were married in 1858, and have lived here and in about 3 miles of here ever since.

   He had as good health as any man I reckon, never heard any complaints of short breath or heart disease prior to enlistment. He was at home once for about 1 week in Oct 1863 recruiting for the company. I know the date by one of my children that was born at that time. He had the Jaundice, looked yellow, skin and eyes, and his stomach was swelled until his pants would not meet by some days 5 inches. He said it was caused by “jaunders”.  He could not eat much and when he did it swelled his stomach worse. Did not complain of anything else.

   In a month or so after returning and while at Point Burnside, Ky he wrote me he had measles. Don’t remember of his being at home but this one time.

   On return from discharge he appeared a little better than when he was at home before, but in about a month I noticed him complaining of shortness of breath, said he could not work to do any good and that he reckoned he never would get well of the jaundice. He continued to complain of this shortness of breath off and on and gradually grew worse to death. It was a few months or a year after discharge that I noticed he was nervous and trembly and would sometimes say his heart appeared to not beat, and have a dull aching around it. He never was sick but would complain of being trifling and gradually gave away. He did not complain of any rheumatism. He said he thought it was caused by exposure and sickness in the service.

   My two children are at school today. I have no other witnesses than those already used to show heart disease in service. I will be present during this examination.

   I have understood your questions and my answers are correctly recorded in this deposition.


Hannah Carroll


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