
Bracken County Marriage Registers

Bracken County Marriage Register Entries, 1852-1904

Files transcribed and contributed by Ken Dunlap

Prior to the 1911 standardization of public vital records in Kentucky, the family bible was where important life events were recorded. For researchers, not knowing the whereabouts of the family bible is a major obstacle to compiling a family history.

The Commonwealth of Kentucky gathered registers of births, marriages and deaths held by the local county clerk's office for a few years between 1852 and 1904. The records were compiled and eventually captured on rolls of microfilm, which may be purchased from the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives (KDLA) at the KDLA Website. Registers for Bracken County were compiled only for 1852, 1854, 1855-58, 1860-61, 1875-78, 1893-94 and 1903-04. Not every event that occurred in a given year was recorded on these registers, as involved parties were not always diligent about reporting. However, for the lucky researcher, these fragmented records may contain just the documentation needed to fill a gap. Many of the microfilmed images are faint and very difficult to read.

We are indebted to Ken Dunlap for painstakingly transcribing the entries for Bracken County to simplify your research. Ken has also shared the following observations about codes and markings on the entries:

1852: The '1, 2 and 3' notations in 'Remarks' are not explained but I see those brides were not born in KY.

1855: The Xs were notations made later on the document counting those previously married, or of higher age, and persons of foreign birth. This is a deduction on my part and is not explained at all in the pages.

1857: In the later years, they switched up the notes for 'Condition' from Single or Widowed, to the number of the marriage. Widows/widowers remarrying were given 2s and there were a couple of 3rd marriages in there too. Again deduction, not explained on the pages.

Richard Hughey had his system and stuck pretty much to it for a long period while he was Court Clerk.

The marriages are mostly not consecutive, and that leads me to think they were compiled from different sources after the fact.

To browse by year, jump to:

1852 - 1854 - 1855 - 1856 - 1857 - 1858 - 1860 - 1861 - 1875 - 1876 - 1877 - 1893-94 - 1903-04

When the copyright page appears on the screen, scroll down with your mouse or keyboard directional keys to view all pages for the year.

OR, check for surnames by year, below.

A - B - C - D - E/F - G - H - I/J/K/L - M - N/O/P - R - S - T/U/V - W/Y/Z

Abel 1876 ; Ablen 1875 ; Adams 1852 , 1854 , 1856 , 1861 , 1876 ; Adamson 1855 ; Anderson 1852 , 1854 , 1861 ; Antle 1857 ; Applegate 1861 ; Archibald 1861 ; Armen 1855 , 1861 ; Armicant 1854 ; Armour 1856 ; Arnold 1856 ; Asberry 1894 ; Ashcroft 1857 ; Askin 1861 ; Askine 1854 ; Askins 1857 , 1877 ; Atee 1875 ; Athwell 1855 ; Atkins 1855 ; Atkinson 1855 ; Atwell 1861 ;

Bailey 1854 ; Baker 1852 ; ; Baldwin 1877 ; Ballenger 1852 ; ; Ballinger 1856 ; Barnett 1877 ; Barrett 1852 ; Bastion 1860 ; Battow 1852 ; Bell 1861 , 1875 ; Benjamin 1856 ; Bentley 1861 ; Best 1852 , 1878 , 1854 , 1856 , 1876 ; Bettis 1857 ; Biddle 1856 ; Biggers 1854 ; Bishop 1877 ; Black 1854 , 1856 ; Blackaby 1877 ; Blackburn 1856 , 1876 ; Blackerby 1876 ; Blades 1856 , 1858 , 1860 ; Block 1854 ; Bloom 1856 ; Blythe 1852 , 1856 ; 1876 ; Bonde 1856 , 1861 , 1876 ; Bonduraub 1903 ; Boon 1861 ; Boone 1852 ; Booth 1893 ; Boothe 1852 , 1856 ; Boots 1861 , 1877 ; Bosake 1876 ; Boske 1904 , 1904 ; Bosley 1855 ; Boss 1861 ; Boudin 1855 ; Boughner 1856 , 1857 , 1858 ; Bowles 1894 ; Bowman 1856 , 1861 ; Bradford 1878 , 1861 ; ; Bradley 1854 , 1855 , 1875 , 1876 ; Bramble 1894 ; Bratton 1858 , 1861 ; Bravard 1852 , 1861 , 1877 , 1903 ; Brick 1854 ; Bridges 1852 ; Brierly 1878 , 1876 ; Brine 1852 ; Brockman 1877 ; Broshears 1876 ; Brosnin 1861 ; Brown 1856 , 1857 , 1861 ; Browning 1852 , 1854 , 1856 , 1858 ; 1861 , 1877 , 1904 ; Bruin 1876 ; Bryant 1856 ; Bunch 1855 ; Bunken 1861 ; Burch 1861 ; Burgess 1856 ; Burkitt 1852 ; Burriss 1861 ; Busbbee 1858 ; Bushel 1852 ; Butler 1852 , 1876 ; Byar 1857 , 1861 , 1875 ; Byars 1856 ;

Cablen 1855 ; Cane 1861 ; Cann 1878 , 1876 ; Carr 1855 ; Carson 1852 ; Cart 1852 ; Case 1852 , 1854 , 1855 , 1856 , 1857 , 1861 , 1876 , 1877 , 1904 ; Caseman 1857 ; Chalfant 1861 ; Chalfont 1852 , 1857 ; Chapman 1861 ; Chinn 1861 , 1875 ; Chipman 1861 ; Chism 1852 ; Clark 1852 , 1876 , 1877 ; Clarke 1854 , 1861 ; Claypole 1856 ; Clayton 1875 ; Cleveland 1876 , 1877 ; Clift 1858 , 1876 ; Cline 1878 , 1855 ; Coburn 1855 , 1876 ; Cockran 1858 ; Colbert 1877 ; Cole 1852 , 1856 ; Coleman 1876 ; Collins 1861 ; Coloin 1858 ; Colvin 1875 , 1877 ; Colyar 1854 ; Connelly 1876 ; Conrad 1857 ; Cook 1904 ; Coombe 1861 ; Cooper 1856 , 1857 , 1858 , 1860 ; Cordray 1861 ; Courtney 1856 , 1860 , 1861 ; Crabb 1876 ; Cracken 1854 ; Craig 1856 , 1876 , 1877 ; Craycraft 1877 ; Cripps 1856 ; Croswell 1861 ; Crupper 1856 , 1858 , 1876 ; Culbertson 1877 ; Cullen 1856 ; Culp 1855 ; Cummins 1856 , 1860 , 1861 , 1904 ; Curren 1876 ; Curtis 1856 , 1857 , 1860 , 1861 ; Cushman 1894 , 1904 ;

Dailey 1861 ; Daily 1857 ; Daly 1877 ; Daniels 1876 ; Daum 1876 ; Dawson 1855 ; Day 1852 , 1855 , 1858 , 1860 ; Denegan 1855 ; Dickason 1861 ; Dickens 1855 ; Dickerson 1861 ; Dickson 1854 ; Diltz 1857 , 1861 ; Dixon 1852 , 1878 , 1856 ; Dobyns 1854 ; Dodson 1852 ; Doil 1855 ; Dora 1852 , 1858 , 1861 , 1876 ; Dornan 1855 ; Dotson 1855 , 1861 ; Dougherty 1852 ; Downard 1878 , 1857 , 1860 , 1876 , 1877 ; Doyle 1904 ; Dumass 1854 ; Dunaway 1860 ; Duncan 1852 , 1854 , 1861 ; Dunn 1861 ;

Earnest 1854 ; Ecklen 1861 ; Elizabeth [no surname] 1854 ; Elliott 1852 , 1855 , 1858 , 1860 , 1875 ; Ellis 1855 , 1857 , 1860 , 1861 , 1877 , 1903 ; Elrod 1856 , 1857 , 1860 , 1861 , 1876 ; England 1878 , 1876 ; Eslep 1904 ; Estep 1876 ; Evans 1852 , 1893 ; Face 1860 ; Fagan 1856 ; Farmer 1877 ; Faugatt 1894 ; Fauh 1894 ; Feagan 1856 ; Feagans 1877 ; Federer 1894 ; Fegans 1875 ; Field 1854 , 1856 , 1894 ; Figgins 1858 ; Finley 1856 ; Flannery 1904 ; Fleak 1877 ; Florer 1861 ; Foley 1860 ; Folle 1876 ; Fox 1875 , 1876 ; Frakes 1876 ; Francis 1854 ; Frank 1852 , 1855 , 1903 ; Frankie 1852 ; Frasure 1857 ; Frazier 1860 ; Free 1854 , 1894 ; French 1854 , 1876 ; Fry 1852 ; ; Fryman 1856 ; Funk 1861 ; Furber 1857 ;

Galbraith 1876 ; Galbreath 1855 , 1858 ; Galloway 1876 ; Garrett 1857 , 1876 ; Garrison 1856 ; Gasden 1855 ; Gatered 1852 ; Gates 1855 ; Geebser 1903 ; Gennett 1876 ; Gibson 1854 ; Gill 1878 ; Gillespie 1855 , 1877 ; Gist 1855 ; Givens 1855 ; Glasscock 1856 ; Glenn 1875 ; Goins 1854 ; Golden 1856 , 1857 , 1861 ; Goss 1854 ; Goswell 1858 ; Gough 1861 ; Gower 1855 ; Gragson 1856 ; Grange 1858 ; Grant 1855 ; Graw 1878 ; Gray 1877 ; Greaves 1854 ; Green 1876 ; Gregg 1860 ; Grifeth 1855 ; Griffeth 1858 ; Griffith 1854 , 1877 ; Grigsley 1861 ;

Habbleton 1857 ; Hackett 1876 ; Haley 1854 , 1857 , 1861 , 1876 , 1877 , 1904 ; Haliberthorn 1852 ; Hall 1858 , 1876 ; Hamblen 1854 ; Hamby 1855 ; Hamilton 1854 , 1855 , 1856 , 1858 , 1860 , 1861 , 1875 , 1876 , 1877 , 1903 ; Hancetton 1852 ; Hancock 1852 ; Hanley 1858 , 1861 ; Hannah 1855 , 1861 ; Hanson 1857 , 1861 ; Hanston 1852 ; Hany 1852 ; Harber 1876 , 1877 ; Hardy 1855 ; Hargett 1904 ; Harrel 1855 ; Harris 1852 , 1854 ; Harrod 1855 ; Haselwood 1877 ; Hatfield 1876 ; Haverin 1854 ; Hawkins 1852 , 1861 ; Hayes 1876 ; Hazy 1861 ; Heaverin 1876 ; Heavorin 1861 ; Hedgecock 1855 ; Heffernan 1877 ; Helton 1856 ; Helvey 1855 , 1861 , 1876 ; Henderson 1875 ; Hendrick 1854 , 1855 ; Henry 1854 , 1875 ; Henson 1861 ; Herman 1856 ; Heron 1855 ; Hester 1852 ; Hick 1861 ; Hickey 1877 ; Higgins 1854 , 1855 ; Hiles 1861 ; Hill 1854 ; Hillson 1854 ; Hines 1877 ; Hinson 1861 ; Hitch 1878 ; Hobbs 1857 ; Hobday 1904 ; Holton 1855 , 1857 , 1861 , 1875 ; Hopple 1855 ; Houston 1878 , 1855 , 1858 ; Howard 1894 ; Hudson 1854 ; Huel 1854 ; Hughbank 1854 ; Humlong 1855 , 1856 , 1857 , 1858 , 1860 ; Hunter 1878 , 1876 ; Hutchinson 1854 , 1875 ; Hutchison 1854 , 1875 ;

Insko 1878 ; Irwen 1855 ; Irwin 1852 , 1875 ; Ishmael 1877 ; Ivans 1875 ; Jack 1878 ; Jackson 1857 ; Jacobs 1855 , 1860 , 1876 ; Jefferson 1857 ; Jennings 1855 ; Jett 1852 , 1856 , 1857 , 1858 ; Johnson 1856 , 1857 , 1861 ; Jolly 1861 ; Jones 1856 , 1858 , 1860 , 1876 , 1894 , 1903 ; Jordan 1877 , 1903 ; Jordan 1904 ; Jukins 1855 ; Kauch 1877 ; Kean 1854 ; Keldon 1861 ; Keler 1877 ; Kelley 1904 ; Kelly 1861 ; Kennett 1878 ; Kenton 1858 ; Kerans 1876 ; Kidder 1854 ; King 1854 , 1857 , 1860 , 1861 , 1876 , 1894 , 1904 ; Kinney 1852 , 1861 ; Kinnon 1894 ; Kirk 1876 ; Klauk 1894 ; Klinger 1856 ; Knowler 1894 ; Kronk 1856 ; Lancaster 1861 , 1876 ; Larkin 1861 ; Lasen 1857 ; Latham 1876 ; Lea 1858 ; Leashaw 1903 ; Leatham 1856 ; Lee 1852 , 1876 ; Lemons 1858 ; Lewis 1861 ; Linnville 1856 ; Linvill 1861 ; Linzy 1877 ; Liza 1852 ; Lloyd 1857 ; Louden 1877 ; Louderbuck 1875 ; Lowe 1854 ; Lowell 1854 ; Lucas 1852 , 1861 , 1876 , 1903 ; Luicas 1861 ; Lundrigan 1894 ; Lundrigan 1904 ; Lylls 1854 ; Lytle 1878 , 1861 , 1877 ;

Macalfresh 1861 ; Mains 1878 , 1857 , 1860 , 1861 , 1876 ; Malton 1855 ; Manson 1852 ; Mariah [no last] 1854 ; Markley 1904 ; Marsh 1854 , 1856 , 1894 , 1904 ; Marshall 1854 , 1860 , 1861 , 1877 ; Martin 1852 ; Maston 1856 ; Mattingly 1861 ; Maxwell 1857 ; McAtee 1860 , 1876 ; McAvoy 1894 ; McCane 1878 , 1854 , 1856 , 1893 ; McCarthy 1856 ; McCauley 1855 ; McClanahan 1855 , 1856 , 1857 , 1858 , 1860 , 1875 ; McCoy 1855 ; McCracken 1852 , 1858 ; ; McDawece 1852 ; ; McDonald 1854 ; 1875 , 1876 , 1877 ; McDowel 1858 ; McDowell 1856 ; McElfresh 1855 ; McGill 1877 ; McGraw 1858 ; McKee 1878 , 1877 ; McKibbin 1856 ; McKinney 1860 , 1877 ; McMath 1861 , 1904 ; McMillen 1854 ; Mefford 1904 ; Melvin 1856 , 1904 ; Merrill 1855 , 1857 , 1876 ; Metcalf 1852 , 1876 ; Metzgar 1876 ; Meyer 1876 ; Millen 1861 ; Miller 1878 , 1855 , 1861 , 1876 , 1877 , 1894 ; Miner 1854 ; Mingua 1875 ; Mitchell 1855 , 1856 , 1857 , 1861 , 1877 ; Moon 1876 ; Moore 1852 , 1855 , 1857 , 1861 , 1877 , 1904 ; Moran 1857 ; More 1857 ; Moreford 1878 ; , Morehead 1876 ; Moreland 1857 , 1858 , 1876 ; Morford 1855 , 1877 ; Morgan 1876 ; Morris 1852 ; , Moss 1860 ; Most 1855 ; Mullin 1877 ; Murphy 1876 ; Murray 1854 , 1855 , 1861 ; Myer 1861 ; Myers 1855 , 1856 , 1876 , 1877 , 1894 ; Myre 1858 ; Myres 1877 ;

Neal 1855 ; Nelson 1857 , 1894 ; Nesbit 1856 , 1857 ; Newell 1860 ; Newman 1861 ; Nickerson 1852 ; Nolin 1877 ; Norris 1856 , 1876 ; Northcutt 1875 ; O'Connor 1903 ; Odgen 1854 , 1856 , 1875 , 1877 ; Ohara 1852 ; O'Neill 1903 ; Orme 1860 , 1903 ; Owens 1852 , 1855 , 1858 , 1876 ; Painter 1855 ; Palmer 1876 , 1904 ; Pangman 1878 ; Pantino 1855 ; Parker 1861 ; Parson 1854 ; Parsons 1904 ; Patterson 1861 ; Payne 1852 , 1855 ; Peak 1852 ; Peddicord 1861 , 1877 , 1904 ; Peed 1857 ; Peiter 1855 ; Pepper 1861 , 1877 ; Perkins 1878 , 1857 , 1860 , 1861 , 1875 , 1876 , 1904 ; Petel 1855 ; Pfleiger 1876 ; Philips 1860 ; Pike 1857 ; Poe 1852 , 1857 , 1860 , 1877 ; Pope 1855 ; Powell 1875 ; Power 1893 ; Pribble 1854 ; Price 1857 , 1861 ; Pritchard 1852 ;

Ramsey 1894 ; Rankin 1852 ; Raymond 1861 ; Redden 1903 ; Reddin 1854 ; Reddon 1852 , 1854 ; Redford 1855 ; Reed 1852 , 1858 ; Reese 1856 , 1861 ; Rembly 1856 ; Remley 1861 ; Reynolds 1855 , 1894 ; Rice 1852 , 1878 , 1855 , 1856 , 1857 ; Ridder 1904 ; Rider 1861 ; Riggins 1861 ; Riggs 1878 ; Riley 1857 , 1860 , 1876 ; Robinson 1876 , 1877 ; Robison 1854 ; Roby 1855 ; Roscha 1876 ; Ross 1852 , 1854 , 1861 ; Routh 1894 ; Rudd 1857 ; Rufner 1877 ; Runyan 1854 ; Ruy 1877 ; Rye 1852 ;

Sallec 1856 ; Sallee 1857 ; Savage 1856 , 1904 ; Schoolfield 1855 , 1857 , 1861 ; Sellars 1857 , 1861 ; Sellers 1856 , 1876 ; Sene 1852 ; Shalup 1861 ; Shanahan 1854 ; Shar 1877 ; Sharp 1852 , 1856 ; Shawhorn 1877 ; Sheets 1876 ; Sheppard 1852 ; Sheridan 1855 ; Sheriff 1877 ; Sherman 1855 ; Shewwarters 1876 ; Shinkle 1878 ; Shoenith 1855 ; Shopstall 1875 ; Shorhorn 1857 ; Shotwell 1856 ; Sidwell 1875 , 1876 ; Sike 1855 ; Sim 1877 ; Simons 1876 ; Skaggs 1875 ; Slack 1877 ; Slaton 1860 , 1875 ; Smarr 1875 ; Smart 1855 , 1860 ; Smith 1856 , 1857 , 1858 , 1876 , 1894 ; Snodgrass 1852 , 1854 , 1861 , 1875 ; Snow 1854 ; Soward 1857 ; Spees 1856 ; Spense 1854 ; Spicer 1894 ; Sroufe 1860 ; Srtoube 1860 ; Stairs 1876 ; Starks 1875 ; Staton 1852 ; Stockton 1852 ; Stone 1861 ; Straine 1852 ; Stroude 1875 ; Stump 1861 ; Sullivan 1861 ; Swing 1875 ; Swope 1904 ;

Tabb 1857 ; Tailor 1858 ; Talmida 1854 ; Tarleton 1855 ; Taron 1856 ; Taylor 1852 , 1878 , 1854 , 1856 , 1858 , 1860 , 1861 , 1904 ; Teagarten 1852 ; Teegarden 1876 ; Thealott 1852 ; Thomas 1852 , 1854 , 1856 , 1860 ; Thompson 1856 , 1860 , 1861 , 1903 , 1904 ; Thoring 1904 ; Tilton 1858 ; Trailer 1876 ; Traugott 1876 ; Traynolin 1852 ; Tucker 1854 , 1856 , 1861 , 1875 ; Tull 1877 ; Usleman 1875 , 1877 ; Utter 1852 ; Valentine 1878 ; Vanhook 1876 ; Vanlandingham 1858 ; Vantine 1858 , 1877 ; Verden 1857 ; Vinson 1861 ;

Wadkins 1876 ; Wagner 1904 ; Walker 1852 ; Wallingford 1852 , 1878 , 1877 ; Wallis 1877 ; Walton 1877 ; Ward 1852 ; Ware 1855 ; Warrick 1852 ; Washburn 1875 , 1903 ; Wash'gton 1852 ; Watkins 1856 ; Watson 1878 , 1875 , 1877 ; Weaver 1855 ; Weber 1855 ; Weldon 1856 ; Wells 1855 , 1860 , 1875 ; West 1852 , 1854 , 1860 , 1876 ; Whalen 1876 ; Whipps 1855 ; Whiteloaf 1877 ; Whiteman 1894 ; Wiggins 1852 , 1855 ; Wiley 1858 , 1875 ; Wilkinson 1852 ; Willet 1857 ; Williams 1852 , 1854 , 1855 , 1856 , 1876 ; Willis 1877 ; Wilson 1852 , 1858 , 1861 , 1893 ; Winbush 1876 ; Winter 1875 , 1857 ; Winters 1857 ; Winton 1893 ; Wood 1878 , 1852 , 1854 , 1855 , 1858 , 1860 , 1861 , 1876 , 1877 ; Woods 1876 ; Woodward 1852 , 1854 ; Word 1857 ; Workman 1878 , 1854 , 1856 , 1876 , 1894 , 1904 ; Worthington 1857 , 1876 ; Wyatt 1877 ; York 1858 , 1861 ; Young 1852 , 1854 , 1858 , 1875 , 1876 , 1904 ; Youngman 1878 , 1856 , 1860 ; Ziler 1876 .

Surname index created and added by Marla McCullough, Bracken County Coordinator

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Saturday, 04-Jan-2025 18:19:59 CST

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