
Bracken County 2006 Obituaries

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Compiled by Marla McCullough, Coordinator - Bracken County KYGenWeb

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2006 Obituaries in The Bracken County News

Surname Given Names Age Residence Edition Date
Allison Myrtle R. McCord 97 Maysville, KY 10/12/2006
Antrobus Patsy Jean 67 Versailles, KY 10/19/2006
Archibald Rhonda Sue McElfresh 35 Augusta, KY 3/30/2006
Ashcraft Ruby White 90 Germantown, FL 8/24/2006
Ballingal Emma Elizabeth 88 Lexington, KY 4/13/2006
Beals Jo Ann 80 Fredericksburg, VA 12/21/2006
Bentley Grace Wilson Wells 87 Brooksville, KY 3/2/2006
Berry Kathleen C. 90 Mt. Olivet, KY 1/12/2006
Berry Robert Kerns 69 May's Lick, KY 2/16/2006
Bess Alletha M. 86 Brooksville, KY 8/10/2006
Biddle Mary 98 Butler, KY 8/3/2006
Black William (Dick) 68 Augusta, KY 2/9/2006
Boone Keevil 67 Maysville, KY 9/21/2006
Boone William Ralph 85 North Carolina 10/19/2006
Bowles Leland Earl 77 Brooksville, KY 3/30/2006
Brierly Murleen Ivis Jones 74 Independence, KY 6/15/2006
Brogdon David Irvin 34 Newport, KY 10/19/2006
Brumagen Owen W. 64 Cynthiana, KY 1/12/2006
Bryant Chet N/P N/P 5/4/2006
Buckler Jefferson 'Buck' 61 Florence, KY 3/2/2006
Burns Ruth Adamson 83 Lewisburg, KY 9/14/2006
Burton Clarence Bennitt 'Buster' 74 Germantown, KY 11/2/2006
Burton John Gilbert 79 Augusta, KY 5/18/2006
Butts Lula Mae 79 Falmouth, KY 11/30/2006
Campbell W. Cole 92 May's Lick, KY 9/28/2006
Carpenter Lida Bramel 94 May's Lick, KY 11/30/2006
Carpenter Myrtle D. 93 Maysville, KY 4/6/2006
Carter Madison Brooke Infant Cynthiana, KY 6/15/2006
Centers Linda 56 Bracken County, KY 9/21/2006
Chandler, Jr. H.B. 85 Mt. Olivet, KY 3/16/2006
Chinn Raymond Lloyd 86 Germantown, KY 6/15/2006
Claypoole Avis Jones 84 Maysville, KY 4/27/2006
Claypool Robert Allen 67 New London, NC 10/19/2006
Clayton Jennifer Michele (Testa) 38 Uniontown, MD 8/24/2006
Cochran Herman, Jr. 73 Foster, KY 11/30/2006
Coleman Franklin Leo 73 Brooksville, KY 7/6/2006
Collins Katherine Boothe Fraysure 93 Augusta, KY 1/12/2006
Commodore Mildred Hawkins 92 Maysville, KY 2/23/2006
Conley Donald Lee 60 Lexington, KY 10/26/2006
Cooper Emma P. 84 Brooksville, KY 9/14/2006
Cooper Jerry Craig 58 Mt. Olivet, KY 11/16/2006
Cordray Everett J. 'Jiggs' 87 Falmouth, KY 12/7/2006
Courtney Ileen J. Ruhlman 82 Cleves, OH 2/23/2006
Couture Rossa Edmond 94 Robertson Co., KY 5/4/2006
Cox Nora 'Nonie' L. 56 Pahrump, NV 4/13/2006
Cummins Dorothy Jane 62 Cincinnati, OH 4/6/2006
Cummins Elizabeth A. 'Betty' 79 Brooksville, KY 1/26/2006
Curtis Cora Stribling 86 Carlisle, KY 8/3/2006
Davis Irene Breckenridge 91 Lewisburg, KY 3/16/2006
Doerr Amy Lynn Barnard 30 Falmouth, KY 2/16/2006
Donahue Rosnetta Field 60 Falmouth, KY 3/16/2006
Downard Harold W. 84 Brooksville, KY 12/7/2006
Doyle Carol Ruggles 69 Tollesboro, KY 10/12/2006
Dugan Chester 'Buzz' 70 Washington, KY 3/2/2006
Duncan Mamie Emmons 68 May's Lick, KY 1/12/2006
Earlywine Billy Eugene 72 Mt. Olivet, KY 3/9/2006
Edwards Lowell 'Scrappy' 70 Foster, KY 6/15/2006
Edwards Robbie Lee 58 Brown Co., OH 11/9/2006
Ellis Dorothy (Snapp) 90 Cincinnati, OH 2/9/2006
England Janet Graves 58 Mt. Olivet, KY 3/16/2006
Estill Maxine Lyons 75 May's Lick, KY 3/16/2006
Fathergill Mabel Lynn 85 Augusta, KY 7/13/2006
Fegan Mildred Hall 84 Germantown, KY 10/5/2006
Fields David Lee 36 Foster, KY 10/19/2006
Fields Inez Deane 96 Robertson County, KY 9/28/2006
Fields Lawrence Eudell 60 Brooksville, KY 12/7/2006
Figgins Robert Howard 82 Largo, FL 8/31/2006
Fleeman Viola Morris 96 Foster, KY 1/5/2006
Fleig Margaret Dole 84 Augusta, KY 4/20/2006
Frank Deborah Moorhead 48 Cincinnati, OH 6/8/2006
Frederick Gladys 61 Bracken Co., KY 11/2/2006
French Royce G. 70 Deerfield Beach, FL 2/9/2006
Fricke Roger J. 79 Columbus, OH 10/26/2006
Frodge Henry 95 Maysville, KY 8/17/2006
Fryman Anna J. Glasscock 74 Brooksville, KY 5/18/2006
Fryman Darrell L. not given Ft. Thomas, KY 1/19/2006
Fulton Janice Stanton 67 Maysville, KY 3/2/2006
Fulton Leon K. 73 Germantown, KY 9/14/2006
Gallagher James 'Jim' 79 May's Lick, KY 1/5/2006
Gibson Bruce Kenneth 67 Falmouth, KY 5/25/2006
Gibson Cecelia Eugenia 49 Augusta, KY 8/10/2006
Gifford Helen W. 82 May's Lick, KY 1/12/2006
Gillespie David 'Pete' 49 Latonia, KY 4/13/2006
Goff Terry Lee Hutchison 50 Maysville, KY 12/7/2006
Gordley Diana Browning 86 Petra Community, KY 1/5/2006
Groves Herbert Lee 'Frog' 85 Mt. Olivet, KY 12/21/2006
Guthrie Carole Marsh 65 Mt. Olivet, KY 8/10/2006
Hale Ocie Mildred 86 Foster, KY 6/15/2006
Hall Virgie Hedges 89 Falmouth, KY 4/20/2006
Halleran James Henry (Jim) 75 Augusta, KY 7/6/2006
Hamilton Charles, Jr. 85 Louisville, KY 10/19/2006
Hamilton Dorothy May 91 Willow, KY 8/17/2006
Hamilton Mark David 42 Brooksville, KY 5/4/2006
Hamilton Wayne King (Cowboy) 72 Butler, KY 3/2/2006
Hampton Avord Stanley 75 Dover, KY 2/9/2006
Hardin Willard Delbert 61 Maysville, KY 12/21/2006
Hayes Virginia Faris 86 Maysville, KY 6/1/2006
Henson Porter 84 Mt. Olivet, KY 10/26/2006
High Marvin Lee 96 Charleston, IN 5/25/2006
Hiles-Elliott Jarrod Bernard Infant Brooksville, KY 5/25/2006
Hill Anna Rae 80 Falmouth, KY 2/23/2006
Hix Katherine Ann 'Kitty' 68 Dover, KY 4/20/2006
Honan Marjorie Jett 82 Brooksville, KY 12/14/2006
Honican Eloise Garrison Mastin 85 Robertson Co., KY 12/7/2006
Howard Verner Lee 89 Batavia, OH 8/24/2006
Hughes Pee Wee 62 Falmouth, KY 4/27/2006
Humpert Dr. Joseph H. 90 'of Northern Kentucky' 7/13/2006
Hutchison Anna Belle Cummins 81 Melbourne, KY 3/2/2006
Hutchison Lelia J. 84 Butler, KY 6/1/2006
Insko Ray Woodward 82 Augusta, KY 8/17/2006
Jett Wanda Bernell 77 Louisville, KY 7/13/2006
Johnson Jordyn Marie Infant Aberdeen, OH 10/26/2006
Johnson Josephine Mains 91 Brooksville, KY 5/4/2006
Johnson Thomas Howe 79 Lexington, KY 2/9/2006
Jones Harold L. 77 Germantown, KY 5/25/2006
Joshi Ramesh 60 Augusta, KY 1/12/2006
Kalb Natalie Murray 85 Farmington, KY 12/14/2006
Kelly Thomas P. 80 Demossville, KY 3/30/2006
King Dorothy Jean Blades 82 Augusta, KY 6/29/2006
King Herbert Allen 38 Brooksville, KY 12/14/2006
King James Thomas 76 North Ft. Myers, FL 8/10/2006
Kirk Erma Dale Hargett 74 Augusta, KY 8/24/2006
Kiskaden Ilene 84 Augusta, KY 1/12/2006
Lacey Hildreth Lorraine Turner 86 Butler, KY 6/1/2006
La Monda Elwood 83 Brooksville, KY 2/9/2006
La Monda Ruth Jett Fralix 79 Milford, KY 4/6/2006
Lang Emma Louise 98 Lexington, KY 9/28/2006
Leathers Ruth Christine Kalb 83 Frankfort, KY 10/19/2006
Lewis David L. 35 May's Lick, KY 11/16/2006
Littleton William Alexander 'Alex' 20 Foster, KY 10/26/2006
Lloyd Geneva 92 Corbin, KY 3/9/2006
Lockhard Jeanne M. 80 Falmouth, KY 6/1/2006
Lofton John Lee 70 Mason Co., KY 12/21/2006
Lofton Paul William 56 May's Lick, KY 3/30/2006
Lucas Bobby L. 69 Brooksville, KY 8/3/2006
Lucas Florine Clinger 94 Augusta, KY 8/31/2006
Lukins Evelyn Middleton 85 Georgetown, KY 12/21/2006
Luman Cecil Edford 75 Mt. Olivet, KY 12/7/2006
Mathews Louis Parker, Jr. 82 -- 12/7/2006
Matthews Harold 86 Falmouth, KY 6/29/2006
McCann Geneva Baker 78 May's Lick, KY 2/23/2006
McClanahan Frances 90 Falmouth, KY 11/2/2006
McClanahan Lossie 91 Falmouth, KY 3/9/2006
McClanahan Paul Edward 83 Highland Heights, KY 3/16/2006
McCracken Donald, Sr. 83 Gertrude Community, KY 10/26/2006
McDowell Marcella Charlotte Howard 71 Brooksville, KY 1/26/2006
[re] 2/9/2006
McKee Elnora 83 Foster, KY 3/30/2006
[re] 4/6/2006
Meadows Diane Ernest 45 Cincinnati, KY 8/3/2006
Meyer Janet E. 83 Cincinnati, OH 5/18/2006
Mitchell Josephine Beckett 77 Dover, KY 11/2/2006
Monson James 74 Augusta, KY 3/23/2006
Moore Leo 73 Falmouth, KY 8/24/2006
Moran Anna Elizabeth 91 Brooksville, KY 8/31/2006
Mullikin Donald W. 66 May's Lick, KY 1/26/2006
Murray Janet Hester 84 Robertson County, KY 9/28/2006
Myers Carole Ann Dimmitt 68 Dayton, OH 8/3/2006
Nickerson Charles Thomas 63 Augusta, KY 2/23/2006
Norris Elizabeth Lee Hull 87 Mt. Olivet, KY 12/14/2006
Norris Harold E. 42 Sidney, OH 8/31/2006
Orme Octa Gillespie 82 Milford, OH 12/14/2006
Osburn Robert (Bobby) 33 Augusta, KY 4/6/2006
Padgett Donnie H. 71 Foster, KY 3/23/2006
Perkins Robert Lee 29 Alexandria, KY 2/23/2006
Phillips Margie Mae Thacker 69 Minerva, KY
Poage Juanita Cummins 79 Brooksville, KY 3/2/2006
Poe Donna Sue Heater 56 Augusta, KY 12/21/2006
Poston Roy Estill 55 Augusta, KY 4/27/2006
Presley Rose (Thornton) 75 Livingston, TN 8/31/2006
Price Jerry 67 Helena, KY 9/14/2006
Priest James Wesley 81 Cynthiana, KY 9/21/2006
Rechtin Carole Sue Bonfield 57 Brooksville, KY 9/14/2006
Reed Marcella Fulton 86 Robertson Co., KY 11/30/2006
Reed Ralph Hampton 'Buddy' 71 Clarksville, TN 9/28/2006
Reynolds Joseph F. 'Joey' 52 Falmouth, KY 8/3/2006
Rhodes Alice G. Applegate 79 Maysville, KY 10/26/2006
Ritchie Michael Davis 35 Pendleton County, KY 6/8/2006
Roberts William Joseph 55 Brooksville, KY 8/24/2006
Robinson John 43 Guieley, Englang 7/13/2006
Rudd Rodney Fesler 49 May's Lick, KY 11/30/2006
Saylor Ruth Ann 47 Falmouth, KY 7/6/2006
Schlosser Jane Keller 88 Augusta, KY 12/21/2006
Schweitzer Clarence E. 72 Augusta, KY 5/25/2006
Shelton Major General 81 Dover, KY 10/12/2006
Smallwood Dillard 76 Fort Thomas, KY 2/2/2006
Smart Joy L. 62 May's Lick, KY 3/2/2006
Smith Cecile A. Fox 49 May's Lick, KY 2/23/2006
Smith Hildreth Workman 86 Augusta, KY 1/26/2006
Smith Norma Lee Redden 59 Butler, KY 6/8/2006
Sullivan Ellen Ann 66 Shelbyville, KY 6/1/2006
Swartz Dorothy Devon 90 Maysville, KY 3/16/2006
Taylor Robert B. 77 Hillsdale Road, Bracken County, KY 6/8/2006
Teegarden Charles Marvin 59 Germantown, KY 3/2/2006
Thomas Doris 90 Augusta, KY 2/2/2006
Thomas Dorris Chaney 84 Carrollton, KY 4/13/2006
Thomas Jackie LeRoy 64 Cynthiana, KY 3/9/2006
Thompson William Giltner 90 Falmouth, KY 3/23/2006
Tollner Esther Aleane Kalb 85 Brooksville, KY 6/22/2006
Tongret Charles 82 Augusta, KY 6/1/2006
Trappe William Ralph 83 Alexandria, KY 6/1/2006
Traylor Bill, Jr. 64 Falmouth, KY 11/23/2006
Trueax Gladys Marie 81 Mt. Olivet, KY 11/23/2006
Tuel Elsie R. Hollar 84 Maysville, KY 4/6/2006
Turner Naomi Simpson 87 Maysville, KY 10/12/2006
Vickers Sharon Ann 64 Brooksville, KY 10/26/2006
Wachter James 89 Augusta, KY 3/2/2006
Wagel Mildred Sharp 86 Bryan, OH 9/14/2006
Wagner Julia Virginia 90 Foster, KY 2/2/2006
Wallace Bertha Mae 91 Falmouth, KY 3/2/2006
Walton Karl Kendal 83 Venus, FL 12/7/2006
Ward Garnett Kabler 94 Brooksville, KY 4/6/2006
Ward William Michael 'Bill' 57 Augusta, KY 11/2/2006
Ware Sidney Allen 49 Augusta, KY 8/3/2006
Watson Jack 71 Cold Springs, KY 5/4/2006
Weaver Woodrow 89 New Castle, IN 9/7/2006
Welte Betty Stamper Mills 76 Augusta, KY 12/28/2006
Welte Coletta 90 Augusta, KY 7/13/2006
White Michael Herbert 37 Brooksville, KY 3/30/2006
Wood Hazel D. 96 Robertson County, KY 9/28/2006
Woods Stanley C. 67 Mt. Olivet, KY 4/6/2006
Woodward Calvin Lloyd 91 Leesburg, FL 8/24/2006
Wyatt Eleanor Rose 70 Brooksville, KY 8/17/2006

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