
Bracken County 2007 Obituaries

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Compiled by Marla McCullough, Coordinator - Bracken County KYGenWeb

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2007 Obituaries in The Bracken County News

Edited and Revised September 2010

Surname Given Names Age Residence or
Place of Death
Edition Date
Adams Todd E. 71 Cynthiana, KY 6/28/2007
Allen Albert Richard 70 Bracken County, KY 7/19/2007
Allen John Thomas "Junie" Jr. 65 Mt. Olivet, KY 6/14/2007
Allender Andrew Wayne 28 Lexington, KY 12/13/2007
Ashcraft Pauline Tackett 80 Brooksville, KY 2/15/2007
Aulick Agnes Bell 54 Irvine, KY 8/2/2007
Aulick Elnora Elizabeth Conrad 82 Falmouth, KY 2/22/2007
Bach William Thomas, Sr. 83 Independence, KY 10/25/2007
Barker Alice Marie 58 Bracken County, KY 6/7/2007
Barnard Betty L. Woods Colemire 63 Cynthiana, KY 12/6/2007
Bates Iris Louisa McCrosky 93 Hilliard, OH 7/19/2007
Berry Johnny Campbell 71 Mt. Olivet, KY 1/18/2007
Bertrand Elizabeth H. Delano 79 Berea, KY 1/25/2007
Blackburn Johnny Dwaine 47 Foster, KY 7/19/2007
Boggess Dr. Robert Lyman 80 Mt. Pleasant, SC 5/3/2007
Bolden Myrtle Ewing 76 May's Lick, KY 1/25/2007
Bonar Doris N. 82 Highland Heights, KY 3/15/2007
Boston Gilbert P. 74 Brooksville, KY 6/14/2007
Boyd Emogene 56 May's Lick, KY 1/11/2007
Brewer Rev. Paul Jackson 89 Maysville, KY 7/5/2007
Brierly Alton B. 85 Independence, KY 4/26/2007
Brokamp Minnie Elizabeth McCane 81 N/A 2/15/2007
Brooks Sabrina Elizabeth Infant Brooksville, KY 11/22/2007
Browning Beryl Lloydine 61 Brooksville, KY 4/5/2007
Browning Dorothy Jean (Cookie) 65 Augusta, KY 7/26/2007
Burton Rella Elizabeth 89 Mt. Olivet, KY 6/7/2007
Bush Hadley E. 87 Augusta, KY 3/15/2007
[re] 3/22/07
Bush Willa Mae 72 Augusta, KY 1/11/2007
Campbell Sharon Lynn 38 May's Lick, KY 11/22/2007
Case Mabel Tucker 94 Brooksville, KY 1/25/2007
Clark Ruby Wagoner 90 Bourbon Heights, KY 1/4/2007
Clark T.A. 81 Cynthiana, KY 11/8/2007
Clark Wilbert Wilson 84 Brooksville, KY 4/26/2007
Claypool Diane Dammert 72 Augusta, KY 11/8/2007
Claypool Margaret Marie 92 Augusta, KY 2/1/2007
Clifford Roger L. 73 Butler, KY 8/16/2007
Cline Harry H. 83 Foster, KY 1/4/2007
Clos Donald Edwin 59 Butler, KY 5/10/2007
Colbert Jane Ann 80 Falmouth, KY 2/22/2007
Cole Ruby 66 Falmouth, KY 2/22/2007
Cooper Bradley Allen 41 Augusta, KY 6/21/2007
Courtney Edward "Red," Jr. 80 Kennesaw, GA 11/22/2007
Cox Lee 68 Alexandria, KY 8/23/2007
Cracraft Ashley Wayne 25 Maysville, KY 6/7/2007
Crawford Jean 76 Brooksville, KY 9/6/2007
Cummins Dorothy Jean 67 Maysville, KY 1/11/2007
Cummins Wilbur P. 89 Crestwood, KY 7/5/2007
Curtis Jesse Foster 48 Worthville, Owen Co., KY 6/28/2007
Dammert William Stanley "Chub" 98 Augusta, KY 8/9/2007
Dargavell Walter Kenneth 83 Robertson County, KY 1/11/2007
Davis Fred Edward 61 Harvey, IL 1/25/2007
DeJanette Ralph L., Jr. 56 Maysville, KY 9/20/2007
DeMoss Elma Pangburn 92 Foster, KY 11/29/2007
Denham Harriet S. 92 Maysville, KY 9/13/2007
Distel Louis Walter 85 Brooksville, KY 12/20/2007
Dorn Lena Belle 72 Augusta, KY 10/11/2007
Dotson Winona Massey 95 May's Lick, KY 11/22/2007
Downard Dale 63 Crestview, KY 6/28/2007
Downard Martha Louise Combess 72 Powersville, KY 2/22/2007
Downard Roy B. 86 Bracken County, KY 7/12/2007
Downing Gene B. 81 Maysville, KY 6/14/2007
Doyle Leo Burgess 83 May's Lick, KY 8/16/2007
Doyle Norwood 83 May's Lick, KY 11/1/2007
Doyle Wendell Scott 44 Ft. Mill, SC 2/15/2007
Earlywine Chris 38 Richmond, VA 7/12/2007
Earlywine Don Avery 48 Mt. Olivet, KY 12/13/2007
Eder Jack Eugene 74 Dover, KY 7/12/2007
Edwards Celona Bacon "Nono" 86 Louisville, KY 12/27/2007
Eggleston Debbie Ann 46 Independence, KY 5/10/2007
Eichner Mary Catherine Kalb 92 Ft. Thomas 2/1/2007
Ellis Alma Lee 80 Augusta, KY 1/18/2007
Ellis Strother B. 77 Mt. Olivet, KY 8/23/2007
Federer Judith Pauline 70 Augusta, KY 8/23/2007
Fields Joe E. 70 Brooksville, KY 3/29/2007
Fields Roy 58 Dover, KY 7/19/2007
Fitzgerald Sally Frances Glasscock 70 Cynthiana, KY 12/27/2007
Flaugher Vicki Lynn Grigson 60 Brooksville, KY 12/6/2007
Fleeman Paul Clark 84 Foster, KY 10/25/2007
Florer Johnny 77 Lexington, KY 12/20/2007
Foley Ethel M. 92 Maysville, KY 2/22/2007
Fryman Dennis Ray 49 Engleside, TX 3/29/2007
Fryman Louie E. 64 Augusta, KY 4/19/2007
Fryman Mary Jo Scharfenberger 67 Bracken County, KY 9/6/2007
Fryman Virginia B. 89 Las Vegas, NV 3/22/2007
Galbraith Donna Sue 74 Louisville, KY 12/20/2007
Gallagher Ommie Smitson 93 Brooksville, KY 4/26/2007
Gallenstein "Eddie" Thornton Collins 86 Maysville, KY 3/29/2007
Garrison Betty J. 75 Brooksville, KY 8/23/2007
Garvin Buddy Lee 66 Brooksville, KY 2/8/2007
Gibbs Lillian J. 86 Maysville, KY 7/12/2007
Gifford Alice Faye 66 Lexington, KY 11/22/2007
Gill Irene Fulton 94 Maysville, KY 3/22/2007
Gilligan Marian Byron 79 Maysville, KY 11/8/2007
Gillespie Harold (Buck) 79 Falmouth, KY 10/11/2007
Gillespie Kenneth Filmore 76 Falmouth, KY 11/8/2007
Goldberg Max 94 Falmouth, KY 12/27/2007
Gordley Margaret Allen 78 Germantown, KY 12/20/2007
Graham Ruth Bell 87 Montreat, NC 6/21/2007
Graves A.C. 86 Bracken Co., KY 11/29/2007
Grigson Raymond Howard 65 Mt. Olivet, KY 2/15/2007
Haley James 89 Louisville, KY 6/21/2007
Haley Kathleen Frances 80 Butler, KY 1/25/2007
Hall Thomas Allen 82 Mason County, KY 8/16/2007
Hall Wendell 76 Covington, KY 12/20/2007
Hamilton Elmo 79 Bracken County, KY 8/16/2007
Hardin Margaret Marie 58 Maysville, KY 10/25/2007
Hardy Ernest G. 58 Brooksville, KY 3/1/2007
Harper Wanda 82 Falmouth, KY 8/9/2007
[re] 8/16/07
Hartley Lila M. Bailey 91 May's Lick, KY 9/6/2007
Hedges William Erwin "Bill" 69 Cynthiana, KY 8/23/2007
Henderson Alvin "Alvie" 80 Broksville, KY 10/18/2007
Henderson Charlotte Curtis 78 Brooksville, KY 8/9/2007
Henson Cecil Calvin 82 Cynthiana, KY 1/4/2007
Henson Eldridge Brenton 65 Edgewood, KY 3/29/2007
Hester Gordon 88 Germantown, KY 4/26/2007
High Alaysha Leanne 5 mo. Dover, KY 4/5/2007
Hiles James A. 58 Brooksville, KY 11/29/2007
Hill Dianne 64 Ft. Thomas, KY 10/4/2007
Hinson Maurice "Donnie," Jr. 72 Germantown, KY 9/27/2007
Hoover Ethel 80 Mt. Olivet, KY 2/1/2007
Hornsby William Boyd 76 Foster, KY 10/4/2007
Hughes Clifton Elwood 74 Berlin, KY 11/15/2007
Humphrey Robert Perry "Free" 71 Columbus, OH 10/4/2007
Hutchison Reynolds 72 Dayton, KY 3/8/2007
Iles Michael Joseph, Jr. 34 Crittenden, KY 3/29/2007
Insko Irene E. 97 Brooksville, KY 2/22/2007
Ison Crystal Ann White 50 Mt. Olivet, KY 4/19/2007
Jefferson Earl Wayne 62 Seaman, OH 2/8/2007
Jefferson Nathan Thomas Infant Augusta, KY 11/8/2007
[re] 11/15/2007
Jett Janice Marie Haitz 67 Brooksville, KY 1/4/2007
Jones Caroline Grace infant Cincinnati, OH 3/1/2007
Kinder Sharon L. 61 Ocala, FL 5/24/2007
Kirk Nell 85 Maysville, KY 7/26/2007
Kiskaden James "Bill" 85 Augusta, KY 10/4/2007
Kiskaden James Robert 92 Paris, KY 11/15/2007
Kiskaden Larry (Fuzzy) 64 Augusta, KY 10/25/2007
Klee William Carton "W.C." Jr. 86 Falmouth, KY 8/16/2007
Kurtz Mildred England 86 Brooksville, KY 6/7/2007
Lawson Rose Mary Haley 77 -- 8/16/2007
Layman Laura Ann "Quinlin-Twin" 42 Findlay, KY 1/25/2007
Lea Marjorie Allen 82 Fairfield, OH 1/11/2007
Lee Loretta "Snookie" 71 Brooksville, KY 12/20/2007
Lewis Emma Katherine 75 May's Lick, KY 10/4/2007
Lewis John Allen 60 Lake In the Hills, IL 6/7/2007
Lee Linville Iona Joyce 73 Brooksville, KY 7/12/2007
Linville Verna M. 91 Maysville, KY 7/5/2007
Linville William Earl 88 May's Lick, KY 8/16/2007
Lippert Scott 73 Brooksville, KY 8/23/2007
Lucas Adrine 84 Augusta, KY 4/19/2007
Lynn Ida Elizabeth 80 Ft. Mitchell, KY 7/12/2007
Mack Jesse A. 62 Maysville, KY 3/8/2007
Mains Larry Wayne 59 Germantown, KY 11/22/2007
Marshall Lucille 85 Brooksville 2/1/2007
Marshall Novella Blanche 95 Marysville, OH 8/2/2007
Martin John Murray 84 Upper Marlboro, MD 11/22/2007
Mastin Robert Earl 61 Falmouth, KY 1/4/2007
McCann Arnold W. 82 Glasgow, KY 8/16/2007
McDaniel Thomas W. "Tom" 73 Maysville, KY 3/1/2007
McDowell Angie 42 Harrison, OH 9/20/2007
McDowell Edward 57 Brooksville, KY 10/11/2007
Merrill Elmer (Gene) 71 Augusta, KY 9/13/2007
Merrill James Frank 67 Safety Harbor, FL 4/19/2007
[re] 4/26/2007
Miller Billie Jo 19 Germantown, KY 10/25/2007
Miller Charles Nicholas "Nickie" 61 Augusta, KY 12/27/2007
Mingua Loretta Bee 59 Augusta, KY 9/27/2007
Mingua Norma Jean 70 Maysville, KY 3/22/2007
Mingua Roy 96 Germantown, KY 3/29/2007
Mitchell Juanita L. 85 May's Lick, KY 3/22/2007
Mitchell Robert Thomas 77 Mt. Olivet, KY 6/21/2007
Mofford Larry Garland 63 Lutz, FL 6/7/2007
Moneyhon Ludie Meyer 100 Mt. Olivet, KY 2/22/2007
Montgomery Marjorie Mullikin 85 Mt. Olivet, KY 1/18/2007
Moorhead Robert Allen 73 Brooksville, KY 1/18/2007
Moore Donald Ray n.p. Fairfax, VA 12/13/2007
Moore Mary Elizabeth McDowell 84 Mt. Olivet, KY 3/15/2007
Moran Aldora 89 Lewisburg, KY 12/27/2007
Mullikin William L. "Bill" 82 Robertson County, KY 4/26/2007
Murray Wendell 67 Brooksville, KY 1/4/2007
Myers Glendora D. "Mickey" 98 Versailles, KY 5/3/2007
Newby Bonnie Lou Taylor 68 Hamlet, NC 10/11/2007
Northcutt William "Buddy" Swinford III 31 Bracken County, KY 5/10/2007
Nuxoll James C. 71 Germantown, KY 10/25/2007
Ogden Doris "Nanny" Clark 77 Maysville, KY 5/3/2007
Pastor Betty Lou 69 augusta, KY 11/22/2007
Pepper Charles R. 72 Brooksville, KY 2/22/2007
Polley William "Bill" Lynn 60 Brooksville, KY 6/14/2007
Pope Ann Elizabeth Gwinn 73 Brooksville, KY 8/9/2007
Porter Addie Ellen 92 Maysville, KY 1/18/2007
Puckett William Alexander Infant Knoxville, TN 11/22/2007
Pumpelly Wanda Wood 85 Maysville, KY 11/8/2007
Raymer Daryl Janet 72 Maysville, KY 8/30/2007
Reed Mabel McCracken 90 Bracken County, KY 5/31/2007
Reeves Norma Jean 48 Foster, KY 1/11/2007
Rice Early D. 84 May's Lick, KY 1/4/2007
Ritchie Pauline W. 90 May's Lick, KY 9/20/2007
Rogers Eddie "Tex" 67 Erlanger, KY 3/29/2007
Ross Betty Lou 73 Maysville, KY 8/16/2007
Ruf Dorothy Day 83 Foster, KY 9/27/2007
Sanders Ivan Wayne 73 May's Lick, KY 8/9/2007
Schiltz Eddie Ethel 93 Augusta, KY 12/20/2007
Selby Wayne Foster 76 Robertson County, KY 4/5/2007
Sellers Faye Hargett 81 Brooksville, KY 4/12/2007
Shackelford Judith A. 65 May's Lick 2/1/2007
Sharp James A. 74 Falmouth, KY 1/18/2007
[re] 1/25/2007
Sharp William Wallin 82 Brooksville, KY 5/17/2007
Sholler Peyton Samuel Infant Alexandria, KY 5/31/2007
Singer Rondal George 67 Hamilton, OH 11/29/2007
Smith Donald Paul 60 Foster, KY 1/4/2007
Smith Elwood Keith 64 Brooksville, KY 5/17/2007
Smith Virginia Mae Woods 70 Bracken County, KY 10/11/2007
Spence Bonnie 65 Falmouth, KY 10/25/2007
Staviski Leo 81 Cincinnati, OH 9/27/2007
Stehlin Richard 48 Alexandria, KY 5/10/2007
Taylor Frances Poe 78 Maysville, KY 2/22/2007
Taylor Reginald Wayne 72 Fiskburg, KY 5/31/2007
Teegarden Harold Randolph "Jack" 88 Maysville, KY 3/29/2007
Teegarden Jacob Andrew Infant Brooksville, KY 9/13/2007
Thomas Russell D. 61 Independence, KY 5/10/2007
Tolle Linda Sue 56 Maysville, KY 5/17/2007
Tongret Doris A. 83 Augusta, KY 3/1/2007
Travis Wilbur Gene "Bert" 83 Mount Vernon, OH 5/24/2007
Tucker Audrey Novenda Jones 71 Germantown, KY 2/15/2007
Tucker Christine Woods 87 Brooksville, KY 12/27/2007
Tucker Rebecca Jane 26 Germantown, KY 7/19/2007
Turner Stella Frances 92 May's Lick, KY 11/8/2007
Uchtmann Cathy Ann 48 Butler, KY 3/22/2007
Vermillion Ruth Grimes 93 Aberdeen, OH 9/27/2007
Vice Alice Dryden 79 Maysville, KY 1/18/2007
Walton Helen L. 90 Kentontown, KY 5/3/2007
Ward Carol E. 44 Brooksville, KY 9/13/2007
Watson Richard Lyn 47 Newport, KY 1/4/2007
West Nellie 86 Foster, KY 1/25/2007
White Anna Pearl 79 Maysville, KY 9/27/2007
White Brady Owen Infant Brooksville, KY 12/6/2007
White Thelma Eileen 75 Falmouth, KY 6/14/2007
Williams Herman H. 71 Falmouth, KY 12/20/2007
Williams Walter Joe 55 Bailey, CO 9/20/2007
Wood Clarence Woodrow 86 Oakland Community, Bracken Co., KY 1/18/2007
Wood Lloyd Anthony 31 Houston, TX 7/19/2007
Woods Cory Dean 32 Maysville KY 10/18/2007
Woodward Anna Elizabeth Campbell 99 n/a 2/1/2007
Workman Lawrence 85 Bracken County, KY 6/28/2007
Wren Laura Beth 71 Bryan, TX 3/15/2007
Yelton Mary Pumpelly "Pell" 98 Augusta, KY 12/6/2007
Yoder Norma Kay 9 mo. Bracken Co., KY 7/26/2007
Youngman Rosemary Phillips 53 Mason County, KY 8/16/2007
Youngman Wanda Marjorie Brothers 84 Germantown, KY 12/13/2007
Zoy Norma Pope 78 Withamsville, OH 3/1/2007

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