
Bracken County 2009 Obituaries

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Compiled by Marla McCullough, Coordinator - Bracken County KYGenWeb

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2009 Obituaries in The Bracken County News

Edited and Revised September 2016

Surname Given Names Age Residence or
Place of Death
Edition Date
Abernathy Lucille Ritter 93 Cynthiana, KY 8/6/2009
Allison Danny 60 Dover, KY 3/5/2009
Appelman Mary Rita Holleran 92 Bracken County, KY 11/26/2009
Arthur Jacqueline "Jackie" 66 Brooksville, KY 6/18/2009
Askin Juanita Dawn "Donna" 80 Milford, KY 4/9/2009
Bailey Maggie Carpenter 95 Robertson County , KY 4/30/2009
Baker Belle 96 Brooksville, KY 1/22/2009
Baker Lloyd 81 Bracken County, KY 1/8/2009
Baker Nerissa Dane Workman 79 Covington, KY 3/19/2009
Baldwin Michael Royce 51 Sanders, KY 4/2/2009
Ballard Victoria D. McGlothin 51 Brooksville, KY 8/20/2009
Barton Mabel E. 90 Falmouth, KY 10/15/2009
Beagle Robert Allen "Bob" 67 Mt. Olivet, KY 7/2/2009
Bellows Clyde J. "Buck" 50 May"s Lick, KY 3/26/2009
Bentley Rev. Howard, Sr. 64 Brooksville, KY 9/10/2009
Bess Omar Francis, Jr. "Jack" 85 Germantown, KY 1/8/2009
Beyersdoerfer Herbert "Hobe" 92 Bracken County, KY 2/26/2009
Beyersdoerfer J.L. 85 Foster, KY 6/18/2009
Bishop Betty Marie Tyre 80 Foster, KY 4/16/2009
Bishop Dempsey Robert "Rob" 87 Falmouth, KY 2/12/2009
Bishop Gladys Teegarden 71 Cincinnati, OH 7/16/2009
Blackburn Anna Frances 83 Falmouth, KY 3/19/2009
Bradford Robert William 50 Foster, KY 6/11/2009
Brown Kenneth 83 Berry, KY 3/19/2009
Browning Joshua "Josh" Wilson 20 Falmouth, KY 6/25/2009
Burton Ronnie "Pete" 62 Mt. Olivet, KY 4/16/2009
Buser Helen Feagan 90 Bracken Co., KY 8/27/2009
Cannon Michael Robert 37 Berry, KY 2/12/2009
Cannon Paul LeRoy 67 Brooksville, KY 12/31/2009
Carmack William P. 71 Mt. Olivet, KY 3/12/2009
Carpenter Marjorie Pauline Lach 85 Wilmore, KY 2/19/2009
Carrington Edward Allen 46 May's Lick, KY 9/10/2009
Chandler Dorothy Fields 87 Bracken County, KY 4/23/2009
Chinn Ann Haughaboo 87 Maysville, KY 5/14/2009
Coleman William Burke,Sr. 86 Edgewood, KY 12/24/2009
Colemire Lovell B. 72 Mt. Olivet, KY 6/18/2009
Colemire Mary K. 70 Bracken County, KY 11/26/2009
Collins Betty Whaley 76 Independence, KY 7/23/2009
Collins William E. "Bill" 60 Vanceburg, KY 10/1/2009
Collins Wilson Glenn 69 Mason County, KY 10/29/2009
Colvin Alta Marie 82 Falmouth, KY 12/3//2009
Conley Virgil David 67 Brooksville, KY 10/8/2009
Cooper Evalena Marie 69 Augusta, KY 6/4/2009
Cooper Josie G. 80 Bracken County, KY 7/9/2009
Cottey Nina Rose 73 Bracken Co., KY 9/3/2009
Cox Danny Ray 52 Cincinnati, OH 6/25/2009
Cracraft Anna Marie 88 Maysville, KY 1/15/2009
Crawford Tillie Worthington 96 May's Lick, KY 12/17/2009
Cummins Joshua Wells 86 Bracken County, KY 5/21/2009
Curtis Ella Frances 86 Newport, KY 9/24/2009
[re] 10/1/2009
Dean Pam 59 Brooksville, KY 1/8/2009
Decembly Bessie Mae "Betty" 79 Maysville, KY 8/20/2009
Delaney Cyniah Marie Infant Bellevue, KY 4/2/2009
Donahue George Robert "Bob" 74 Falmouth, KY 10/22/2009
Dotson Elizabeth M. "Betty" 84 Maysville, KY 10/15/2009
Doyle James S., Jr. 77 May's Lick, KY 3/5/2009
Doyle Neville 82 May's Lick, KY 5/21/2009
Doyle Ramona Jean Allen 78 Mason Co., KY 9/10/2009
Duncan Jack Colton 76 Bracken County, KY 1/29/2009
Elrod Stephen D. 24 Foster, KY 7/30/2009
England Emma Estep 58 Mt. Olivet, KY 9/10/2009
England Gladys Jett -- Brooksville, KY 8/13/2009
Evans Billy J. 74 Cynthiana, KY 12/24/2009
Fegan Harold Roy 88 Bracken County, KY 1/22/2009
Fields Winsol Wayne 83 Bracken County, KY 7/2/2009
Florence Janice Karen 67 Falmouth, KY 11/12/2009
Florence Marvin Wayne 50 Bracken County, KY 4/16/2009
Frederick Stanley Earl 82 Wellsburg, KY 4/2/2009
French William Darrell 53 Cynthiana, KY 6/18/2009
Frodge Frances 94 Bracken County, KY 1/8/2009
Fryman Grover T. 81 Augusta, KY 4/23/2009
Fryman Tammy Gail Fite 40 Mt. Olivet, KY 12/31/2009
Galloway Donald Poe 71 Reno, NV 1/15/2009 [article]
2/12/2009 [obituary]
Gaunce Garnett 87 Milford, KY 4/2/2009
Gaunce Russell H., Sr. 70 Mt. Olivet, KY 8/13/2009
Gifford Nancy Burns 62 Sardis, KY 10/29/2009
Glasscock Mary 65 Cynthiana, KY 3/5/2009
Goddard Patsy Crawford 74 Sardis, KY 12/17/2009
Graves Jacqueline Paige 24 Mt. Olivet, KY 2/12/2009
Graves Zane 75 Sardis, KY 3/26/2009
Gray John Barker 56 Lexington, KY 7/16/2009
Griffin Thelma Ruth 63 Bracken County, KY 11/19/2009
Grigson Elsie Peed 76 Powersville, KY 3/26/2009
Groves Joy C. 77 Robertson County, KY 8/13/2009
Haberle Robert 78 Bracken County, KY 3/26/2009
Habermehl Louis Franklin 56 Augusta, KY 5/7/2009
Hall Alan Curtis 48 Falmouth, KY 7/16/2009
Hall Luther Harrison 66 Bracken County, KY 1/22/2009
[re] 1/29/2009
Hamilton Alma Fay Bryant 80 Morgan, KY 5/14/2009
Hamilton Cecil Carl 89 Bracken County, KY 2/5/2009
Hamilton Sarah 87 Johnsville, KY 2/5/2009
Handshaw Teresa Ann Burns 52 Germantown, KY 12/24/2009
Hardy Andrew Wyatt 24 Masa [Mesa?], AZ 8/13/2009
Hedges Nina Elizabeth 83 Fernleaf, KY 3/19/2009
Heiert Lewis "Skip" Carl 54 Brooksville, KY 5/21/2009
Henderson Penny Michele 66 Mt. Olivet, KY 11/5/2009
Hensley Patsy Ruth 71 Norwood, OH 1/22/2009
Herald Carol 61 Ft. Thomas, KY 6/4/2009
Herrmann Alice Josephine Cline 81 Fulton, MO 7/30/2009
Hicks Karl V. 88 Falmouth, KY 10/29/2009
Hitt Glenford E. "Toby" 82 West Chester, OH 2/26/2009
Hodge Howard B. 59 Covington, KY 5/28/2009
Holland Barbee 64 Maysville, KY 2/12/2009
Holleran Thomas J. "Tom" 90 Moore Haven, FL 12/10/2009
Honan Rhonda Burke 44 Maysville, KY 1/22/2009
Hornbeck Sue Carol Orme 70 Mt. Olivet, KY 7/30/2009
Hudson Leona Bach 84 Augusta, KY 3/19/2009
Hughes Iona Fields 82 Maysville, KY 5/7/2009
Humphrey Trenton "Trent" 42 Maysville, KY 3/12/2009
Hutchison Juanita "Dee Dee" (Walters) 88 Villa Hills, KY 11/12/2009
Inloes Danese Jo 58 Highland Heights, KY 12/24/2009
Jarrell Brenda Shields 62 Germantown, KY 3/26/2009
Jefferson Vicki E. 51 Brooksville, KY 8/6/2009
Jett Bonnie A. 40 Flemingsburg, KY 10/22/2009
Johnson Sanford 92 Maysville, KY 2/26/2009
Johnson Stanley T. 94 Falmouth, KY 1/22/2009
Jones Charlotte Campbell 65 New Albany, IN 6/11/2009
Jones Harvey 74 Morningview, KY 12/3//2009
Kearns Jason Bradley 32 Augusta, KY 1/22/2009
Kelly LTC Alan C. 80 Mason County, KY 4/23/2009
Kelty Anna "Pauline" 91 Maysville, KY 1/1/2009
Kennedy Beulah 86 Port St. Lucie, FL 4/9/2009
King Billy Ross, Sr. 81 Aberdeen, OH 6/25/2009
King Jean McCord 74 LaBarge, WY 5/21/2009
King Kenneth Eugene 77 McDonough, GA 12/31/2009
King Regina Gail Roark 28 West Union, OH 1/8/2009
King Robert Allen 58 Maysville, KY 6/4/2009
King Wilma Lee 82 Maysville, KY 10/1/2009
Kirk Bernes 87 Mason County, KY 7/9/2009
Koehler Bonnie Jean Arnold 73 Elizaville, KY 8/20/2009
Kurtz Maude Poe 93 Mason County, KY 7/23/2009
Lail-Willis Melvin Bernice 44 Cincinnati, OH 3/19/2009
Lane Elizabeth Thornton Harbeson 94 Augusta, KY 4/30/2009
Lathem Thomas Bradley "Brad" 32 Bracken County, KY 10/8/2009
Lawson Fred T. -- Knoxville, TN 5/7/2009
Lea Betty Louise 71 Falmouth, KY 10/15/2009
Lemmon Charles Robert, Jr. 90 Falmouth, KY 8/20/2009
Lemons Larry Lee 55 Millersburg, KY 2/26/2009
Lewis Loretta R. 88 Avon, IN 7/16/2009
Light Doris Jean Johnting 67 Ft. Thomas, KY 9/24/2009
Linville Carolyn Huddleston 66 May's Lick, KY 4/23/2009
Linville James Thomas "Boodoo" 46 Mt. Olivet, KY 7/30/2009
Linville Keevil 88 Mt. Olivet, KY 2/26/2009
Litzinger Frank 40 Bracken County, KY 4/2/2009
Lynn David Lee 70 Brooksville, KY 2/26/2009
Mains Catherine Virginia 86 Crothersville, IN 1/8/2009
Mains Omar F. 77 Brooksville, KY 1/15/2009
Marquette Alta Caine 81 Ocala, FL 8/6/2009
Marshall Alice Westbrook 90 Brandon, MS 1/15/2009
Marshall Mildred Price 87 Falmouth, KY 9/10/2009
Martin Charles "Charlie Mike" 52 Maysville, KY 1/22/2009
May Don Keith 46 Augusta, KY 11/12/2009
May Tracy Fite 40 Germantown, KY 4/2/2009
McCane Nina Mae 100 Augusta, KY 7/30/2009
McCane Rena Bay 82 Bracken County, KY 12/10/2009
McConnell Lannis Marion 83 Mt. Olivet, KY 3/5/2009
McDowell Opal Dean Hedges 87 Cynthiana, KY 3/5/2009
McGee Alma Jean "Jeanie" 75 Bracken County, KY 1/29/2009
McGee Wayne Boyd 76 Germantown, KY 7/16/2009
McNeese Brent E. 45 Uniontown, OH 6/25/2009
Merrill R.C. 81 Maysville, KY 10/22/2009
Meyer David Lee 58 Bracken County, KY 11/19/2009
Meyer Elizabeth 92 Bracken County, KY 6/11/2009
Miller Carl "Peanut" 68 Demossville, KY 6/11/2009
Million James Pearce 73 Hebron, KY 3/19/2009
Million Mary Geneva Chasteen 98 Berry, KY 1/15/2009
Mingua Lucille 93 Bracken County, KY 7/2/2009
Mitchell R.B. 82 Carlisle, KY 12/17/2009
Moneyhon Helen Bruist 93 Bracken County, KY 5/7/2009
Monson Betty Juanita Rumford 81 Bracken County, KY 10/15/2009
Moran David Lee 40 Robertson County, KY 1/29/2009
Moran Mary Lou Gay 74 Robertson County, KY 10/1/2009
Nickerson Eva Jean 85 Bracken County, KY 7/30/2009
Nickerson Nellie 73 Augusta, KY 5/7/2009
Nickoson Maggie L. 90 Bracken County, KY 8/20/2009
Nickoson William "Billy" Andrew 86 Bracken Co., KY 8/27/2009
Oldham Joe Thomas 53 Demossville, KY 12/24/2009
Parker Elizabeth Jett 93 Augusta, KY 4/16/2009
Pendergest John Edward 84 Bracken County, KY 4/23/2009
Perkins Wendell Edward 67 Bracken County, KY 5/21/2009
Perraut Louise Kern 94 Villa Hills, KY 12/31/2009
Pferrman Gary Paul 67 Falmouth, KY 12/3//2009
Phillips Jesse Vernon 90 Florence, KY 7/23/2009
Poage Dolores Palmer 80 Valrico, FL 7/16/2009
Poe Juanita Linville 79 Mt. Olivet, KY 6/4/2009
Poe Shelby G. 68 Foster, KY 5/28/2009
[re] 6/4/2009
Pollard Charlotte England 66 Bracken County, KY 10/22/2009
Polley William Edward 74 Independence, KY 10/1/2009
Pribble Thomas Edward "Mike" 61 Butler, KY 5/21/2009
Price Donnie 65 Lexington, KY 11/5/2009
Price Joe Donald 77 Falmouth, KY 12/31/2009
Price Richard Joseph 26 Falmouth, KY 12/31/2009
Price Robert L. 79 Falmouth, KY 3/12/2009
Priest Evelyn Mae Thompson 82 Falmouth, KY 12/3//2009
Quinlin Bennie Lee 57 Augusta, KY 6/11/2009
Razor Billy Dean 80 Flemingsburg, KY 3/12/2009
Redden Edward, Jr. 79 Maysville, KY 5/28/2009
Reed Susie 94 Newport, KY 12/3//2009
Reinheimer Lois Brabender 74 Austin, TX 1/8/2009
Reynolds Martha Ann Clos 61 Winchester, KY 7/2/2009
Rogers Darrieaux "Drew" Harrison 45 Robertson County, KY 7/16/2009
Rumford Marjorie Waters 83 Bracken County, KY 5/7/2009
Saner Rev. Daniel Joseph, V.F. 64 Bracken County, KY 10/29/2009
Saunders Angel Nicole 2 Foster, KY 7/30/2009
Sawyers John Joseph "Joey" Redstine 38 Maysville, KY 10/1/2009
Scott Lawrence Milton 84 Point Pleasant, WV 1/29/2009
Scott Sue Sweet 79 Maysville, KY 5/28/2009
Sharp Wanda Sparks 80 Bracken County, KY 1/8/2009
Sharp William Clarence "Tommy" 80 Butler, KY 11/26/2009
Sidebottom Ronnie Cooper 71 Bracken County, KY 11/12/2009
[re] 11/19/2009
Sizemore Barbara Williams 41 Augusta, KY 6/18/2009
Sizemore Margaret 72 Mt. Olivet, KY 10/29/2009
Smith Alma Louise 93 Robertson County, KY 4/2/2009
Smith Eva 89 Bracken County, KY 6/25/2009
Smith John F. "Fritz" 80 Bracken County, KY 5/7/2009
Smith Robert (Bob) Thompson 95 Maysville, KY 5/28/2009
Stears Louella Beckett 85 Germantown, KY 1/8/2009
Stephenson Larry W. 68 Morehead, KY 1/29/2009
Stewart Michael E. 51 Augusta, KY 7/30/2009
Sullivan Mary Frances 84 Erlanger, KY 7/2/2009
Tarr Leah Francis "Frankie" 84 Mt. Olivet, KY 8/13/2009
Taylor Delia Crump "Maw" 91 Maysville, KY 4/30/2009
Taylor Nicholas S. 65 Bracken County, KY 12/10/2009
Teegarden Evelyn Ruth Frederick -- Bracken County, KY 12/17/2009
Teegarden Mary Ann 75 Bracken County, KY 2/26/2009
Teegarden Ronald Lee 70 Berry, KY 3/19/2009
Thomas Kenneth Dale 69 Augusta, KY 3/5/2009
Thomas William E. "Beany" Jr. 59 Cincinnati, OH 6/4/2009
Thompson James H. 79 Augusta, KY 8/6/2009
Thornberry Robbie 52 Butler, KY 1/15/2009
Todd Marvin, Sr. 88 Brooksville, KY 2/5/2009
Toomey Ronald Thomas 64 Bracken County, KY 8/6/2009
Tucker Samuel Josiah 10 Bracken County, KY 10/22/2009
Tuel Jeanie King 74 Robertson County, KY 8/20/2009
Turner Betty 81 Williamstown, KY 3/12/2009
Turner Jesse, Jr. 66 Bracken County, KY 6/18/2009
Ulrich Katherine Dorothy Perry 75 Germantown, KY 10/29/2009
Ulrich Marion 82 Brooksville, KY 7/16/2009
Wachter David 29 Brooksville, KY 2/12/2009
Wagel Kathleen Claypoole 87 Bracken County, KY 1/29/2009
Wagoner Omer Leon 82 Gillette, WY 6/18/2009
Wenzel Floyd Joseph 87 Falmouth, KY 12/10/2009
Wheeler Barbara 77 Foster, KY 2/26/2009
White Charles N. 30 Augusta, KY 9/17/2009
White Christine Juanita 84 Alexandria, KY 12/31/2009
White Evalena Merrill 73 Chatham, KY 7/2/2009
White William Earl, Jr. 83 Bracken County, KY 7/23/2009
Whitely Ruth Ann Hornback Knapp 72 Bracken County, KY 10/1/2009
Williams Hope 92 Germantown, KY 7/16/2009
Williams John Walter 56 Anderson, IN 4/9/2009
Wilson Betsy Ann 48 Berry, KY 6/11/2009
Wilson Iva J. 90 Falmouth, KY 3/19/2009
Wilson Paul R. 85 Bracken County, KY 1/22/2009
Wood Steven Joseph 63 Bracken County, KY 8/27/2009
Wood Virginia Hedges 85 Bracken County, KY 1/29/2009
Woodhead Ilene 76 Falmouth, KY 9/17/2009
Woods Michelle Saunders 26 Foster, KY 2/19/2009
Workman James Lawson 85 Brooksville, KY 6/25/2009
Workman Ruth 71 Bracken County, KY 6/25/2009
Wright Hon. Douglas R. 48 Butler, KY 6/18/2009
York Alben Winston 79 Falmouth, KY 11/19/2009

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