
Bracken County 2013 Obituaries

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Compiled by Marla McCullough, Coordinator - Bracken County KYGenWeb

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2013 Obituaries in The Bracken County News

Edited and Revised September 2016

Surname Given Names Age Residence Edition Date
Adams Margaret Courtney 77 Milford, KY 1/3/2013
Adamson Doris 85 Mt. Olivet, KY 9/26/13
Allender Dora Frances 72 Bracken Co., KY 1/31/2013
Ashbrook Agnes Irene Poe Solzsman 73 Cincinnati, OH 2/14/2013
Ashcraft Randy 54 Toledo, OH 8/1/2013
Bach Marvin E. 84 Bellevue, KY 10/10/13
Bare Yuelta Insko 89 Bracken Co., KY 2/28/2013
Baumgartner Raymond (Ray) Arnold 92 Falmouth, KY 4/4/2013
Baxter Christopher Charles 23 Mt. Olivet, KY 8/15/13
Beagle Melvin 97 Mt. Olivet, KY 1/24/2013
Beagle Viola Christine Moran 90 Mt. Olivet, KY 1/24/2013
Bertram Robert (Bob) Alvin 90 Falmouth, KY 4/4/2013
Biddle Dennis Charles "Zeke" 61 Falmouth, KY 12/5/13
Bishop Roy Allen 78 Maysville, KY 7/25/2013
Blevins Elizabetn "Libby" 82 Bracken Co., KY 7/4/2013
Blevins Gary Lee 58 Bracken Co., KY 10/31/13
Blevins William "Bill" 68 Dover, KY 6/27/13
Bloom Ronald Gene 77 Augusta, KY 5/30/2013
Bonfield Patricia R. 67 Augusta, KY 1/17/2013
Boyce Alma Faith 79 Parker, CO 12/5/13
Bradford Wilma "Jean" Mitchell 71 Maysville, KY 1/31/2013
Brammer Lucille Hampton 88 Maysville, KY 5/2/2013
Brierly Danny R. 66 Southgate, KY 11/14/13
Browning Emily Ann 31 Amelia, OH 3/28/2013
Bruin Clevie 100 Pendleton Co., KY 6/6/2013
Bryant Dewey Elmo 84 Maysville, KY 9/12/13
Burchfield Dorothy Pearl 59 Tollesboro, KY 1/24/2013
Bush Mary Wood 88 Brookings, SD 6/20/2013
Carpenter Eva Cooper 84 Bracken Co., KY 9/5/13
Carpenter Lois Ann Bay 75 Bracken Co., KY 12/5/13
Case Phillip E. (Sonny) 82 Moores Hill, IN 8/1/2013
Chandler John Fraizer 59 Bracken Co., KY 6/27/13
Chandler Mary Jo 83 Mt. Olivet, KY 12/26/13
Clay James, Jr. 33 Mausville, KY 11/28/13
Claypoole Donald Lee (Donnie) 74 Mesa, AZ 4/11/2013
Clos Darrell Wayne 70 Augusta, KY 2/7/2013
Clos Henry "Hank" 95 Bracken Co., KY 4/25/2013
Conn Avis Marie Jacobs 48 Mt. Olivet, KY 1/31/2013
Cooper Dwight Glenn 74 Bracken Co., KY 12/5/13
Cooper Mary Lucille 91 Maysville, KY 10/10/13
Corwin Charles Clifford, Jr. "Charley" 67 Ewing, KY 2/21/2013
Cox Dessie E. 73 Brooksville, KY 5/30/2013
Craig Harold Burns 92 Richmond, KY 8/8/13
Crawford Donald L. 71 Lexington, KY 2/14/2013
Crayton Mary Jane Leewis 62 Maysville, KY 4/11/2013
Cummins Charles Samuel "Sam" 87 Bracken Co., KY 10/24/13
Curtis Linda Dee 58 Maysville, KY 3/14/2013
Dargavell Barbara Brumagen 85 Robertson Co., KY 5/9/2013
Darnell Dorothy L. 82 Maysville, KY 4/11/2013
Davis Nellie Knapp Bennett 77 Dover, KY 10/31/13
Day Judith 72 Bracken Co., KY 12/26/13
Delaney George Thomas "Tommy" 74 Taylor Mill, KY 3/21/2013
Dennis Jones Evelyn "Toby" 84 Bracken Co., KY 1/10/2013
Dingess Jay 65 Mt. Olivet, KY 4/18/2013
Doss Bradley 6 Bracken Co., KY 7/25/2013
Doss Emily 6 Bracken Co., KY 7/25/2013
Doss Michael Edward 13 Bracken Co., KY 7/25/2013
Doss Rani Ann 35 Bracken Co., KY 7/25/2013
Douglas Louise Hinson 95 Maysville, KY 8/15/13
Downie Michael Howard 67 Berlin, KY 12/12/13
Doyle Billy Lee 74 Augusta, KY 1/17/2013
Doyle Lena Clark 85 Robertson Co., KY 1/17/2013
Doyle Mary Ann 70 Germantown, KY 9/5/13
Doyle Troy Dryden 49 May's Lick, KY 5/30/2013
Dreyer Lucy Ellen (Carter) 95 Falmouth, KY 12/19/13
Dryden Deloris R. 86 Mt. Olivet, KY 2/21/2013
Eichenberger Donmald Edward 68 Bracken Co., KY 1/24/2013
Eldred Dylan 16 Bracken Co., KY 7/25/2013
England Donald Wallin 90 Falmouth, KY 8/29/13
Fannin Vernell 91 Bracken Co., KY 5/9/2013
Faris Linda Purcell 61 Bracken Co., KY 12/5/13
Faul Lucille Ross 91 Maysville, KY 6/13/2013
Faul Robert F. 75 Brooksville, KY 8/1/2013
Feagan Margaret Louise 91 Kansas City, MO 8/15/13
Fegan Doris Jean 86 Bracken Co., KY 3/28/2013
Ferrell Audrey Ellen Perkins 85 Flemingsburg, KY 9/5/13
Figgins Harold Lloyd 87 Bracken Co., KY 7/18/2013
Flaugher Elbert (Gene) 82 Falmouth, KY 1/24/2013
Fredrick James A. 48 Maysville, KY 2/7/2013
French Donald Robert 70 Bracken Co., KY 3/28/2013
French Irene 87 Maysville, KY 1/10/2013
Fryman Jeanette 62 Brooksville, KY 7/4/2013
Fryman Mary Frances Poe 80 Brooksville , KY 1/10/2013
Fugate Arthur Mitchell "Mike" 76 Bracken Co., KY 7/11/2013
Fulton Edith Wayne Orme 89 Sardis, KY 4/18/2013
Gallagher John Michael 54 Bracken Co., KY 1/3/2013
Garcia Bonnie Lou Tucker 59 Aberdeen, OH 1/31/2013
Gentry Cindy Bauer 46 Augusta, KY 9/26/13
Gifford Bradley 65 Robertson Co., KY 1/17/2013
Gifford Gerald Lane 57 Flemingsburg, KY 10/10/13
Gillespie Calvin Ray 52 Bracken Co., KY 3/7/2013
Gillespie Kenneth "Kenny" Vollie 92 Louisville, KY 7/18/2013
Goecke John L. (Bud) 82 Augusta, KY 4/11/2013
Goodwin Garneda Faris 84 Maysville, KY 4/18/2013
Gordley Aubrey M. 98 Maysville, KY 4/11/2013
Gordley Verna R. 69 Bracken Co., KY 3/14/2013
Graves Walter "Scotty" 72 Brooksville, KY 2/14/2013
Grawe Helen Smith 96 Cincinnati, OH 8/15/13
Gray Nancy W. 67 Bracken Co., KY 5/16/2013
Greenlee Michael A. 47 Bracken Co., KY 3/7/2013
Griffith Jonathan Slattery 57 Mason Co., KY 5/16/2013
Groeschen Viola 86 Bracken Co., KY 7/11/2013
Haley Huston Runyan 86 Falmouth, KY 2/14/2013
Haley Lilliam Hurt 89 Bracken Co., KY 8/1/2013
Hall Edwin 91 Falmouth, KY 2/7/2013
Hall Linda Lewis 65 Maysville, KY 10/17/13
Halleran Linda Carol Doyle 70 Augusta, KY 9/5/13
Hamilton Andrew "Andy" Clyde 52 Springfield, OH 5/9/2013
Hamilton Danny Dale 63 Sebring, FL 10/24/13
Hamilton George Corlis 60 Maysville, KY 1/10/2013
Hamilton Roger L. 66 Germantown, KY 6/27/13
Hardin Stephen "Steve" Wayne 57 Falmouth, KY 7/11/2013
Hardin William Lee "Bill", Sr. 85 Germantown, KY 5/23/2013
Hargett Mary Margaret 86 Augusta, KY 1/3/2013
Hart Forest Keevil 71 Falmouth, KY 6/13/2013
Hayden Minnie Ruth 86 Lewisburg, KY 1/3/2013
Heck Patricia Lynn 46 May's Lick, KY 10/3/13
Hemphill Fred 74 Alexandria, KY 6/6/2013
Hester Eileen Jefferson 96 Bracken Co., KY 10/10/13
Hiles Florine Teegarden 87 Robertson Co., KY 9/5/13
Holton John   Brooksville, KY 5/30/2013
Holton Lowell Charles 68 McKeesport, PA 1/10/2013
Honan Ronald Earl 66 Brooksville, KY 5/9/2013
Hough Bertha Ross 90 Augusta, KY 1/24/2013
Howell William Brent 30 May's Lick, KY 11/21/13
Huff Jerry Wayne 65 Bracken Co., KY 10/24/13
Hunt Corinne Lynn 35 Ewing, KY 4/4/2013
Jacobs Ellen Byron Kelley 86 Brooksville, KY 8/8/13
Jefferson Earleen McCarthy 93 Germantown, KY 5/23/2013
Jett Joyce Ann 64 Augusta, KY 10/31/13
Jett Opal Boggs 85 Maysville, KY 9/19/13
Johnson William (Billy) Cecil 81 Maysville, KY 12/12/13
Jolly Chris 40 Mt. Olivet, KY 1/3/2013
Jones Irvin Samuel 78 Maysville, KY 5/16/2013
Jones Orpha Gladys Boots 90 Robertson Co., KY 9/5/13
Jones Stephen Paul 66 Mt. Olivet, KY 9/19/13
Kalb Rubye Kathryn Grigson 87 Bracken Co., KY 4/4/2013
Kalb William Reynolds 88 Bracken Co., KY 5/16/2013
Kelly Louise Delaney 85 Maysville, KY 7/25/2013
Kennard Robert (Bob) 84 Augusta, KY 8/1/2013
King Donald I. 75 Ewing, KY 4/4/2013
Kinney Thomas "Tom", Jr. 87 Maysville, KY 8/8/13
Klaber William Lewis 77 Falmouth, KY 2/14/2013
Kruetz Dottie D. 95 Florence, KY 11/21/13
Lathem Beulah E. 83 Augusta, KY 10/3/13
Lee Robert Edward 51 Bracken Co., KY 9/12/13
Leet Linda L. 68 May's Lick, KY 7/18/2013
Lenox James Kyle "Jimmy" 79 Bracken Co., KY 4/4/2013
Linville Kimberly 46 Bracken Co., KY 12/12/13
Litzinger Bonnie Jo 52 Augusta, KY 1/10/2013
Litzinger Jennie Ann "Jelly" 54 Bracken Co., KY 12/19/13
Marsh LTG Caryl Glenn 73 Cummings, GA 9/5/13
Martin Charles C. "Chopey" 82 Mt. Olivet, KY 3/21/2013
Mason Marty Joe 54 Maysville, KY 4/4/2013
Mastroianni Celesto J. "Mac" 84 Foxport, KY 4/25/2013
May Phillip Gene 62 Maysville, KY 12/12/13
McCain Reuben Clay 80 Bracken Co., KY 7/4/2013
McConnell Wayne W. 77 Cincinnati, OH 5/30/2013
McDowell Aldeen Cooper 85 Germantown, KY 11/07/13
McKenney Shawna Lynne Case 49 Bracken Co., KY 10/31/13
McKenzie Geneva Glasscock 88 Bracken Co., KY 1/31/2013
McMahon Michael John 68 Paris, KY 6/6/2013
Meyer Shirley A. Dray 72 Paris, KY 7/25/2013
Miller Paul 75 Maysville, KY 3/28/2013
Mingua Janet L. 65 Brooksville, KY 1/17/2013
Mingua William "James" 74 Maysville, KY 4/18/2013
Monson Judith Ann 70 Newport, KY 11/7/13
Moore Jackie Wayne 62 Falmouth, KY 5/2/2013
Morgan Anna Mae Henson 84 Bracken Co., KY 7/4/2013
Morgan Phillip 56 May's Lick, KY 3/28/2013
Morton James Allen 61 Mason Co., KY 6/6/2013
Morton Ruth Barbee 82 May's Lick, KY 10/3/13
Napier David 50 Butler, KY 12/26/13
Nickerson Donald K. 75 Covington, KY 11/28/13
North Connie Turner 62 Germantown, KY 12/5/13
Oeters William 86 Highland Heights, KY 11/7/13
Orme Juanita Graves 75 Maysville, KY 12/26/13
Overbey J.B. 81 Mt. Olivet, KY 7/25/2013
Owens Ernest Newton 77 Bracken Co., KY 6/20/2013
Peed Helen E. Smith 93 Bracken Co., KY 3/7/2013
Peoples Evan Charles 17 Falmouth, KY 10/24/13
Perkins Edwards M. 102 Butler, KY 4/4/2013
Perry Emma Grace 60 Ewing, KY 5/30/2013
Phelps P.C. 86 Bracken Co., KY 11/7/13
Pickrell Marilyn T. 83 Augusta, KY 4/4/2013
Pickrell Paul L. 85 Bracken Co., KY 1/3/2013
Plummer Betty Elaine Jones 53 Bracken Co., KY 6/20/2013
Plummer Mark Alan 53 Augusta, KY 5/9/2013
Poe Donald R. 70 Bracken Co., KY 10/24/13
Pollitt Anthony Howard 50 Maysville, KY 6/20/2013
Pribble Eurilla Nell "Billie" 85 Butler, KY 2/28/2013
Price William Lloyd "Billy", Jr. 66 Bracken Co., KY 5/9/2013
Pringle Russel L. "Art" 68 Mason Co., KY 1/17/2013
Pugh Betty Ann 79 Falmouth, KY 8/22/13
Quinlin Johnny R. 60 Augusta, KY 4/25/2013
Ramsey Charles Lee 69 Mt. Olivet, KY 5/9/2013
Rees James Ward, Jr. 66 Maysville, KY 12/5/13
Ries Mary Catherine Edie 44 Bracken Co., KY 10/17/13
Riggen Retta Pearl 89 Maysville, KY 2/14/2013
Riley Betty 85 Butler, KY 10/17/13
Ritchie Elbert Roy 49 Brooksville, KY 12/19/13
Ritchie Rebekka Tyler 21 Brooksville, KY 1/31/2013
Robinson Sarah Margolis Ketron 70 Bracken Co., KY 9/19/13
Rushmeyer Carol Case 91 May's Lick, KY 5/2/2013
Sallee Darrell Wayne 64 Bracken Co., KY 7/11/2013
Sanders Bronson "David" 62 Germantown, KY 7/11/2013
Sanders Mary Helen Poe 86 Maysville, KY 1/17/2013
Sapp Nannie Pearl White 82 Richmond, KY 7/11/2013
Schweitzer Charlie Lee, Sr. 90 Augusta, KY 1/31/2013
Sexton Linda Sue Insko 67 Berea, KY 10/24/13
Sharp Millicent Duncan 85 Mt. Olivet, KY 3/14/2013
Sharp Ronald L. 82 Carrollton, KY 1/31/2013
Shields Jodi Wray 48 Augusta, KY 2/7/2013
Six Rhonda Burns 50 Mt. Orab, OH 9/12/13
Slowin Lola M. 75 Bracken Co., KY 12/19/13
Smith Anthony Wayne 54 Robertson Co., KY 5/9/2013
Smith Estil Ray 75 Augusta, KY 9/26/13
Smith Genevieve "Jennie" Lee Aulick Oldham 67 Falmouth, KY 2/7/2013
Smith Ruby E. 96 Maysville, KY 6/6/2013
Smith Shonda Meyer 50 Maysville, KY 6/13/2013
Smith Jonathan Ezra 90 Cynthiana, KY 2/21/2013
Staggs Ethel Holland 68 Bracken Co., KY 8/8/13
Staggs Russell A. 66 Robertson Co., KY 2/28/2013
Stapleton Donald F. 82 Mason Co., KY 4/25/2013
Stewart Hester Rose Moore 82 Robertson Co., KY 5/9/2013
Stewart William Leslie 78 Bracken Co., KY 1/24/2013
Stitt James C. "Jimmy" 68 May's Lick, KY 5/2/2013
Strode Mary Alice Hesler 78 Bracken Co., KY 2/21/2013
Teegarden Albert Thomas 69 Augusta, KY 8/29/13
Teegarden Mary Alice Glasscock 83 Evendale, OH 10/17/13
Thomas Clarence E. "Deb" 85 Mt. Olivet, KY 4/18/2013
Thompson Elizabeth "Liz" Adamson 87 May's Lick, KY 1/10/2013
Trayler Juanita 78 Marion, OH 2/21/2013
Tribby Anson Blake 25 Mason Co., KY 1/31/2013
Tucker Kenneth Roscoe "Punkin" 42 Augusta, KY 12/19/13
Tuel Robert W. 91 Germantown, KY 4/4/2013
Tune Mildred Jane 81 Maysville, KY 6/20/2013
Vice Sharon O'Brien 64 Fleming Co., KY 1/31/2013
Wallingford Joseph W. (Jay) 86 Frankfort, KY 7/25/2013
Ware Edythe 88 Augusta, KY 4/4/2013
Washington John Allen "Johnny" 60 Maysville, KY 1/24/2013
Watson Orvis 79 Bracken Co., KY 12/5/13
White Ralph M. 93 Carlisle, KY 1/31/2013
Whitley Juanita F. McKinney 84 Mason, OH 9/12/13
Williams Richard B. 81 May;s Lick, KY 8/15/13
Winkle George Elmore, Sr. 79 Butler, KY 10/3/13
Wolfe Phyllis 62 Lenoxburg, KY 4/25/2013
Wolfe Ray Francis 85 Foster, KY 11/21/13
Woodruff Angela Renee 44 Bracken Co., KY 8/29/13
Woods Stanley Burdett "Duck" 71 Bracken Co., KY 8/29/13

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