
Bracken County 2016 Obituaries

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Compiled by Marla McCullough, Coordinator - Bracken County KYGenWeb

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2016 Obituaries in The Bracken County News

Edited and Revised September 2016

Surname Given Names Age Residence Edition Date
Abbott Thomas Joseph 61 Brooksville, KY 12/01/2016
Adams Tony Wayne 55 Mt. Olivet, KY 03/24/2016
Adamson Dean 88 Blue Licks Community, KY 11/10/2016
Adamson Nellie Burns 68 Mt. Olivet, KY 08/04/2016
Alford James Brian 19 Fleming Co., KY 12/08/2016
Anderson Bobby Edward 79 Brooksville, KY 05/05/2016
Appelman James A. 88 Brooksville, KY 07/28/2016
Archer Emory "Duke" Lee 83 Bracken Co., KY 08/25/2016
Baker John William, Jr. 72 Augusta, KY 10/06/2016
Barnard Teresa Wolfe 43 Falmouth, KY 12/22/2016
Bartlett Alvin Louis     04/14/2016
Bauer Augustus "Junie", Jr. 88 Minerva, KY 03/31/2016
Bauer Jacob, Jr. 91 Bracken Co., KY 05/26/2016
Beighle Edward P. 94 Williamstown, KY 10/06/2016
Bentle Juanita Yvonne Peddicord 91 Bracken Co., KY 12/22/2016
Berry James E., Sr. 87 Maysville, KY 01/28/2016
Beyersdoerfer Mildred N. 100 Chatham, KY 05/05/2016
Black Lloyd C. 78 Aberdeen, OH 10/20/2016
Boling Barbara E. 73 Augusta, KY 12/29/2016
Bonar Sandra McCane 72 Foster, KY 04/07/2016
Booth Jerry Gayle 72 Falmouth, KY 01/14/2016
Borgmann Amanda Kay Hill 25 Augusta, KY 08/11/2016
Bradshaw Ricky Darrell, Sr. 57 Brooksville, KY 04/07/2016
Branham RaiLee 4 Sparta, KY 11/10/2016
Brinson Shelby Eugene, Sr. 73 May's Lick, KY 04/07/2016
Brockley Harold Wayne 73 Bracken Co., KY 11/24/2016
Brooks Anna Laura Todd 92 Brooksville, KY 11/24/2016
Brooks Eunice Ann Hedgecock 81 Maysville, KY 07/14/2016
Brown Helen Florence 92 Butler, KY 01/14/2016
Browning Jeanie Gordley 59 Bracken Co., KY 06/09/2016
Browning Rosemary McElfresh 86 Augusta, KY 07/21/2016
Brumagen Margaret Catherine 101 Mt. Olivet, KY 11/17/2016
Brumley Linda May Black 65 Bracken Co., KY 05/26/2016
Campbell Aaron Dale 58 n/a 06/09/2016
Campbell Janet "Jill" Wells 76 Mason Co., KY 02/18/2016
Case Newton Lee 65 Mt. Olivet, KY 05/26/2016
Case Robert Glen "Rob" 44 Mt. Olivet, KY 10/15/2016
Chain Betty Jane Hitt 86 Maysville, KY 05/19/2016
Chamblin Anna Elizabeth 95 Mason Co., KY 09/22/2016
Chamblin Ruby A. 76 Maysville, KY 05/05/2016
Class Ralph Edward, Sr. 64 Brooksville, KY 03/03/2016
Clos James "Meats" Louis 71 Bracken Co., KY 12/22/2016
Collins Robert E. "Bob" 78 Maysville, KY 05/12/2016
Combess Barbara Ann Rachford 69 Bracken Co., KY 03/24/2016
Comer Noreen O'Neill 85 Lewisburg, KY 08/04/2016
Cooper Joyce White 82 Sardis, KY 06/02/2016
Cooper Robert Lee, Sr. 63 Germantown, KY 02/25/2016
Cox Jean Caskey 89 Johnsville, KY 08/04/2016
Cox Loretta Jean 89 Bracken Co., KY 08/11/2016
Crawford Claude Allen "Butch" 70 Bracken Co., KY 12/01/2016
Craycraft David Robert 37 Maysville, KY 02/11/2016
Crump Lida Smith 87 May's Lick, KY 08/04/2016
Cummins Christopher Michael 30 Falmouth, KY 07/21/2016
Cummins Lou 95 Columbus, OH 06/16/2016
Cunningham Geneva Mae 80 Dover, KY 11/03/2016
Dalip Faik 89 Bracken Co., KY 11/03/2016
Dalrymple Tressia Jarrel 80 Robertson Co., KY 12/01/2016
Dash John Harold, Jr. 71 Bracken Co., KY 01/14/2016
Dayspring Trudi Lee 69 Brooksville, KY 06/02/2016
DeVaughn Hazel Frazier 86 Maysville, KY 12/22/2016
Doyle Frances Moore 77 May's Lick, KY 05/26/2016
Eachus Janet Kay 69 Brooksville, KY 07/07/2016
Edwards Peggy Ann Haley 63 Elsmere, KY 10/20/2016
Ellis Darrell Dwayne 80 Heath, OH 12/15/2016
England Ann Lewis Bare 84 Robertson Co., KY 03/24/2016
Ernest Carol Lynn 61 Augusta, KY 12/01/2016
Estill Bonaventura Claire Gormley 91 Maysville, KY 12/01/2016
Faust Pamela "Pam" Rae Story 54 Bracken Co., KY 06/09/2016
Fetters Brian Casey 21 Wallingford, KY 07/14/2016
Fields Mable Bell 89 Neave, KY 10/06/2016
Fite David Scott 19 Bracken Co., KY 07/07/2016
Flaugher Louie Lee 87 Brooksville, KY 11/10/2016
Fraley Brenda Bonn Field 73 Mason Co., KY 09/01/2016
Fraley Levis G. 79 Lexington, KY 08/11/2016
Fraley Regina "Jeanie" Newsom 75 Lexington, KY 07/21/2016
Fraysure Kevin D. 55 Augusta, KY 06/16/2016
Frederick Helen V. 72 Mt. Olivet, KY 07/21/2016
French Helen Mae Woodward 95 Brooksville, KY 03/24/2016
Fritz Allen Eugene 84 Mason Co., KY 03/03/2016
Fryer Evelyn Taylor 103 Cincinnati, OH 04/21/2016
Fultz Eva May 67 Maysville, KY 12/08/2016
Galloway Marilyn Louise 88 Bracken Co., KY 06/23/2016
Garrett Dorothy Marie 81 Foster, KY 05/26/2016
Gillespie William "Billy" 89 Minerva, KY 02/25/2016
Gifford Wayne R. 77 May's Lick & Sardis, KY 12/08/2016
Ginn Newell W. 80 Augusta, KY 04/14/2016
Golfman Dee 67 Falmouth, KY 03/24/2016
Griffith Colonel Gerald Sousley 83 Bracken Co., KY 05/05/2016
Groves Clyde Benson 99 Maysville, KY 07/21/2016
Groves Eugene 71 Augusta, KY 12/01/2016
Habermehl Emma Mae 91 Augusta, KY 09/01/2016
Haley Sandra Lee Cook 59 Fruithurst, AL 03/10/2016
Hamilton Tammy Sue 40 Augusta, KY 11/10/2016
Hampton Allie (Al) 85 Mason Co., KY 01/07/2016
Hardin Alma Louise Maupin 91 Bracken Co., KY 01/21/2016
Harden Martha Planck 73 Bracken Co., KY 03/17/2016
Hargett Betty 79 Crothersville, IN 10/27/2016
Hargett Richard "Dickie" Wayne 64 Fleming Co., KY 12/08/2016
Hatfield Joan Frances Lawing 69 Edgewood, KY 08/25/2016
Hay Helen Ann 84 Augusta, KY 12/08/2016
Hedges Robert Wyatt 79 Lebanon, KY 01/28/2016
Henderson Ada Mae 101 May' Lick, KY 04/14/2016
Henderson Frances 86 Mt. Olivet, KY 09/29/2016
Hess Rema June 80 Falmouth, KY 03/10/2016
Hitt Jessica Dawn 35 Robertson Co., KY 04/14/2016
Holleran John J. 85 Bracken Co., KY 03/03/2016
Houp April Frances Todd 57 Bracken Co., KY 12/15/2016
Hudson Carl (Fodie), Jr. 88 Augusta, KY 07/28/2016
Humlong Edna Gay Hill 97 Lexington, KY 06/02/2016
Hunt Frances 89 Maysville, KY 07/14/2016
Hyatt Rita Faye Brown 75 Dry Ridge, KY 06/09/2016
Hylander Loretta Ann Erskine 72 Wallingford, KY 04/07/2016
Jacob Imogene Haley 97 Falmouth, KY 10/08/2016
Jacobs Pauline Hillard 94 Foster, KY 03/24/2016
Jett Lanny Ross 80 Brooksville, KY 12/01/2016
Jolly Eula Craycraft 96 Lewisburg, KY 06/02/2016
Jones Ethel Cropper 86 Lexington, KY 12/15/2016
Jones William K. 86 Augusta, KY 12/01/2016
Kelly Michael L. 61 Maysville, KY 01/14/2016
Kelsch Paul E. 94 Augusta, KY 12/08/2016
Kidwell Betty Jean 83 Germantown, KY 02/18/2016
King Zelma Wood Insko 83 Falmouth, KY 05/26/2016
Kirk John Earl 81 Bracken Co., KY 06/16/2016
Kiskaden Chester Conard "Jack" 92 Maysville, KY 08/18/2016
Lalley Ramona Cummins 86 Mason Co., KY 03/10/2016
Lancaster Marrie Lorine Skaggs 76 Bracken Co., KY 06/16/2016
Lang Charles T. "Sugar Bear", Jr. 70 May's Lick, KY 10/13/2016
Lawrence Glenna Mae 90 May's Lick, KY 05/12/2016
Lemasters Alice Ruth 86 Mountain Home, AR 11/17/2016
Leyendecker Erngard R. "Ernie" 73 Maysville, KY 06/02/2016
Lilley Kathy M. 68 Augusta, KY 01/28/2016
Linville Martha Hafer 73 Augusta, KY 02/25/2016
Linville Nelly Mae 90 Robertson Co., KY 04/21/2016
Lofton Judith S. Smith 73 Mason Co., KY 10/15/2016
Lonaker Terry Lee 58 Falmouth, KY 07/07/2016
Lucas Janis Insko 75 Bracken Co., KY 12/22/2016
Mains Anna "Corky" Frances Habermehl 75 Augusta, KY 12/08/2016
Mains Gregory Lee 53 Augusta, KY 10/20/2016
Mains Harold Wesley 81 Brooksville, KY 02/04/2016
Mains James A. 68 Augusta, KY 01/14/2016
Mains Roy B. 72 Germantown, KY 10/13/2016
Mains Wanda Rose Catherine 74 Lexington, KY 10/20/2016
May Keith Brandon 31 Covington, KY 01/14/2016
McCarty Joanne A. 82 Harrison Co., KY 08/25/2016
McClanahan Annabelle Meenach. 91 Bracken Co., KY 01/28/2016
McClanahan Donna Grimes 69 Ft. Thomas, KY 06/02/2016
McDaniel Marvin Eudell 76 Mason Co., KY 01/21/2016
McDowell Edna Maude 79 Falmouth, KY 06/23/2016
McKee Connie Louise Curtis 52 Bracken Co., KY 03/03/2016
Milner Jerome "Jerry" Wayne 75 Alexandria, KY 02/18/2016
Mitchell Mary I. (Renie) Collins 83 Fairfield, OH 06/23/2016
Montgomery Helen Joyce 85 Mt. Olivet, KY 05/26/2016
Moorhead Bronson Jett 89 Bracken Co., KY 10/08/2016
Moran Peggy A. 78 Mason Co., KY 08/25/2016
Moran Stephen Thomas 54 Mason Co., KY 12/08/2016
Mullikin Katherine F. 92 Mt. Olivet, KY 10/27/2016
Mullins Larry M. 63 Maysville, KY 02/18/2016
Murray Brandi Dawn 38 Bracken Co., KY 07/21/2016
Murray Stephen Lanham 45 Mt. Olivet, KY 07/14/2016
New James Rodney 81 Cynthiana, KY 05/19/2016
Newell Wesley Wyatt 7238 May's Lick, KY 07/21/2016
O'Daire Bonnie Gill 76 Dover, KY 08/04/2016
Parker Nolean H. 91 Lewisburg, KY 04/14/2016
Patrick James E. 72 Mason Co., KY 01/14/2016
Perkins Edith Irene 100 Newport, KY 12/15/2016
Persinger Brett Edward 18 Cynthiana, KY 12/01/2016
Pfeffer James J. "Jerry" 60 Washington, KY 11/24/2016
Platt Clyde Douglas 65 Ryland Heights, KY 04/14/2016
Poage Jeffrey Jordan 54 Cincinnati, OH 05/26/2016
Poage Robert A. (Bobby), Jr. 90 Bracken Co., KY 03/31/2016
Poe Anna Bell 101 Maysville, KY 06/02/2016
Poe Sheryl Ann 61 Mason Co., KY 09/22/2016
Power Sharleen Watkins 93 Albany, KY 09/29/2016
Prather Ethelene Bartlett 95 Maysville, KY 02/18/2016
Pribble Clarence Milton 93 Mt. Olivet, KY 03/31/2016
Purcell Floyd Thomas 77 Maysville, KY 08/04/2016
Ray Robert (Bob) 62 Flemingsburg, KY 03/24/2016
Rice John, Sr. 90 Brooksville, KY 01/28/2016
Rice Lillian Hixson 89 Maysville, KY 10/15/2016
Riggs James W. 56 Dover, KY 06/16/2016
Ritchie Louis Vinson 86 Xenia, OH, KY 07/14/2016
Ritchie Stevie Ray 63 Maysville, KY 02/25/2016
Rogers Ruth Lee "Suzie" Perkins 74 Dry Ridge, KY 04/14/2016
Ross Kevin D'Wayne 39 Mason Co., KY 01/21/2016
Routt Laura Lucille Newman 96 Milford, KY 01/07/2016
Ruark Donald Keith 80 Robertson Co., KY 06/02/2016
Rudd Floyd James 66 Maysville, KY 06/30/2016
Rudd Jeffery "Jeff" W. 39 Ashland, KY 06/30/2016
Rudy Ronny 74 May's Lick, KY 08/18/2016
Ruf J.C. 16 Crestview Hills, KY 10/27/2016
Ruf William Adam 39 Bracken Co., KY 03/17/2016
Saunders Lester Paul 81 Bracken Co., KY 02/04/2016
Schmitt Betty 68 Maysville, KY 09/01/2016
Schmudde Judy Charlene Bay 67 Maysville, KY 10/13/2016
Schweitzer Mildred Sweeney 95 Augusta, KY 12/01/2016
Scribner Cynthia Urban 54 Bracken Co., KY 09/22/2016
Seidl Erika A. 78 Moblie, AL 10/15/2016
Sherlock Scherana J. Hope Peed 42 Bracken Co., KY 03/17/2016
Skidmore Dorothy Kash 95 Falmouth, KY 08/25/2016
Smith Earnest Douglas 82 Bracken Co., KY 10/08/2016
Sprecker Ronald Louis, Jr. 44 Mason Co., KY 08/18/2016
Staggs Norman W. 83 Robertson Co., KY 03/24/2016
Stamper Timothy Garett, Sr. 44 Brooksville, KY 06/16/2016
Steele Jim 72 Mason Co., KY 12/01/2016
Stokes Rev. Hubert M. 97 Austell, GA 03/10/2016
Story Anthony Jay "Tony" 56 Osage Beach, MO 05/19/2016
Stroub Mary Lou 88 Cynthiana, KY 06/16/2016
Suit Nancy Wilder 81 Flemingsburg, KY 03/03/2016
Swanger John R. "Jack" 85 Bracken Co, KY 06/30/2016
Tackett Rebecca Sue 42 Maysville, KY 10/20/2016
Thornsbury Mary Ann 89 Augusta, KY 09/01/2016
Tolley Cody Mitchell 24 Bracken Co., KY 04/21/2016
Trueax William Bradley 43 Cynthiana, KY 10/20/2016
Tuel Vivian (Faye) Collene Stamper 84 Mason Co., KY 10/08/2016
Tully Edie "Goecke". 77 Cincinnati, OH, KY 01/28/2016
Usleaman Reynolds Ray, Jr. 46 Brooksville, KY 01/14/2016
Vaughan Minister Elmer Lewis 83 Axton, VA 07/28/2016
Vermillion Herman Riffle "H.R.", Jr. 52 Mt. Olivet, KY 03/24/2016
Vice Lorene Watson 96 Maysville, KY 12/29/2016
Wagel Dora M. 88 Mt. Olivet, KY 03/17/2016
Wagner Phillip George, Sr. 78 Cynthiana, KY 06/16/2016
Wallingford Shawn Allen 39 Edgewood, KY 03/17/2016
Ward Donald "Donnie" Gale 63 Bracken Co., KY 07/28/2016
Waters Barrett Bradford 85 Sheridan, WY 05/26/2016
Welker Peggy Ferrell 62 Cincinnati, OH 04/07/2016
Westbrook Bruce Lee, Sr. 81 Falmouth, KY 08/04/2016
White Audrie Mae Infant Bracken Co., KY 02/11/2016
White Beulah Maxine 72 May's Lick, KY 10/27/2016
Whitson Mary Rose Gibson 73 Bracken Co., KY 12/01/2016
Williams Larry Wayne 63 Maysville, KY 09/01/2016
Williams Tony Eugene 71 Maysville, KY 09/22/2016
Wilson Naomi Teegarden 75 Falmouth, KY 03/10/2016
Winterman Dale Lee 59 Camden, OH 02/25/2016
Woods Charles E. 94 May's Lick, KY 11/03/2016
Wright Doug 81 Mt. Olivet, KY 10/20/2016
Wright Virginia Lee Dillon 79 Robertson Co., KY 08/25/2016

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