
Bracken County 2018 Obituaries

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Compiled by Marla McCullough, Coordinator - Bracken County KYGenWeb

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2018 Obituaries in The Bracken County News

Surname Given Names Age Residence Edition Date
Allen Viola "Dutchie" Carr 78 Bracken Co.,KY 5/17/2018
Allison Alene 100 May's Lick, KY 11/1/18
Amos David Michael 52 Bracken Co., KY 4/5/2018
Arthur George Nathan 34 Dover, KY 12/6/18
Ashcraft Kenneth Wayne 74 Mt. Olivet, KY 11/8/18
Baker Sarah Purcell 68 Maysville, KY 6/14/18
Baker William A. 66 Bracken Co., KY 8/30/18
Barrons Christine Radeke 67 Bracken Co., KY 11/1/18
Barrons Johnny Arnold 47 Mason Co.,KY 3/22/2018
Bay Valera Bauer Myers 100 Bracken Co., KY 8/16/18
Bay William Taylor 82 Burlington,KY 6/29/18
Beers Connor Lee 14 mo. Mason Co., KY 7/26/18
Berry Tina M. 52 Hancock, NY 6/21/18
Beuttel Irma B. Bay 87 Bracken Co., KY 4/5/2018
Biddle Christine Teegarden Azzarelli 92 Falmouth, KY 8/9/18
Black Ellen 88 Cincinnati, OH 3/1/2018
Boone Thelma Hollifield 95 May's Lick, KY 08/09/2018
Bretz Jackie Lee 66 Mason Co., KY 5/31/18
Brown Marjorie Cummings 80 Lewisburg, Ky 1/11/2018
Bunch Samuel R. 51 Louisville, KY 8/9/18
Burns Lawrence "Larry", Jr. 65 Houston, TX 11/15/18
Burton Doris June 90 Bracken Co., KY 2/22/2018
Burton Jesse 80 Germantown,KY 5/3/2018
Burden Terry Lee 46 Mt. Olivet, KY 08/23/2018
Carpenter Christine 29 Bracken Co., KY 09/27/2018
Charles Jean L. 90 Maysville, KY 11/8/18
Chipman Doug 58 Bracken Co., KY 5/17/2018
Clark Alice N. 74 Mt. Olivet, KY 12/6/18
Clark Shirley Joyce Hutchison 87 Bracken Co., KY 09/27/2018
Clary Helen A. 77 Shannon 1/4/2018
Claypoole Lyda Sue 81 Brooksville,KY 9/27/2018
Clayton Anna Lee Feagan 91 Bracken Co., KY 11/22/18
Clos Patricia Wallingford 62 Foster,KY 10/11/2018
Coffey Shirly Teegarden 65 Bracken Co., KY 9/6/18
Colemire Ashley Brooke 32 Foster 1/11/2018
Colemire James L. 84 Ewing, KY 11/1/18
Colemire Robbie J., Sr. 90 Foster, KY 2/8/2018
Cook Clifford C. 63 Lexington, KY 4/12/2018
Cooper Scott Bradley 42 Bracken Co., KY 10/25/18
Cordray Mary C. 99 Falmouth, KY 8/30/18
Craig Ray Bruce 74 Sebring, FL 5/10/2018
Crawford Alma Frances Delaney 94 Falmouth, KY 4/12/2018
Crouch Hazel Marlene 76 Haines City, FL 2/22/2018
Cummins James Robert "Bobby" 73 Edgewood, KY 12/6/18
Damron Joseph Dale 49 Brooksville, KY 5/24/18
Darnell Anthony W. 45 Germantown,KY 9/27/2018
Dee William "Bill" 74 Alexandria, KY 8/2/18
Doyle Edith 83 May's Lick, KY 11/15/18
Doyle Esther E. 77 May's Lick,KY 3/22/2018
Doyle Jerry Wayne 77 May's Lick, KY 6/14/18
Earlywine Gertrude Fryman 100 Robertson Co., KY 1/25/2018
Edwards Harold Augustus 65 Robertson Co., KY 7/12/18
Egner Lana R. 93 Maysville, KY 09/06/2018
England Robert "Bob" A. 78 Augusta, KY 6/21/18
Evans H. Sherwood 84 Danville, KY 10/11/2018
Figgins Ruth Margaret Bush 96 Bracken Co., KY 4/5/2018
Flanary Michael "Big Mike" 64 Bracken Co., KY 9/13/18
Florence Ethal Aileen Wells 89 Mt. Olivet, KY 12/20/18
Flynn Anna Stacy Jibb 88 Brooksville, KY 11/8/18
Foster Daniel Lynn 46 Maysville, KY 11/22/18
Fox Marilyn Genevieve "Jenny" 72 Falmouth, KY 09/06/2018
Fralix James Barnes 87 Brooksville, KY 11/8/18
Fralix Wendell "Whitey" Dale 82 Bracken Co.,KY 3/15/2018
Frazier William L. "June", Jr. 92 Maysville, KY 1/25/2018
Fredrickson Emma Joyce 70 Mason Co., KY 7/26/18
French Warren Fay 73 Milford,KY 3/29/2018
Fritz Clarine Bridges 93 Maysville, KY 4/12/2018
Fryman Genevieve -- Germantown, KY 11/29/18
Fulton Brenda May 58 Ewing, KY 09/13/2018
Fulton Charles Anthony "Tony" 59 May's Lick,KY 9/27/2018
Gallagher Pamela K. 62 Maysville, KY 08/23/2018
Garrison Athlene "Sis" Applegate 58 Germantown, KY 08/16/2018
Gibbons Wava Heminger Lowe 98 May's Lick,KY 3/29/2018
Gibson Forest W. 87 May's Lick, KY 11/29/18
Gill David Allen 69 Bracken Co., KY 2/22/2018
Graves Patricia Joana "Patty" 61 May's Lick, KY 1/18/2018
Griffith Rock 72 Bracken Co.,KY 6/29/18
Groves Sharon D. 74 Pendleton Co., KY 2/15/2018
Guzman Gonzalo P., Jr. 87 Florence, KY 12/20/18
Habermehl John Bernard II 67 Maysville, KY 1/18/2018
Hagerman Kimberly Faye Phipps 57 Bracken Co.,KY 3/1/2018
Hamilton Sandra "Sandy" Faul 69 Maysville, KY 4/12/2018
Hampton John Ervin 90 Germantown, KY 2/15/2018
Harris Jackie Allen 64 Germantown, KY 7/26/18
Hay Flossie Poston 71 Bracken Co., KY 7/5/18
Henderson Melissa Hatfield 48 Lexington, KY 4/26/2018
Henson Dolores Collins 83 Brooksville, KY 2/15/2018
Hester Ralph James 59 Bracken Co., KY 6/14/18
Hook Mildred Poe 98 Bracken Co.,KY 5/3/2018
Jefferson Robert Earl 89 Lexington, KY 8/9/18
Jenkins Mary 83 Foster, KY 12/6/18
Jett Bonnie Jean 67 Augusta, KY 1/25/2018
Johnson Clyde W. 55 Bracken Co., KY 7/12/18
Jones Carolyn Sue Teegarden 67 Foster, KY 11/1/18
Jones Raymond Hunter 18 Maysville, KY 08/30/2018
Kellerman Rosanna Mary 65 Bracken Co., KY 8/30/18
Kern Joseph Albert 74 Lexington, KY 10/25/18
King Ronald Holton 74 Brooksville,KY 3/29/2018
Kuhn Michelle 75 May's Lick, KY 6/7/18
Laurie Jerry Wendell 79 Maysville, KY 6/21/18
Lawrence Gregory Jay "Greg" 57 May's Lick, KY 1/25/2018
Lewis Alois Crawford 88 Bracken Co., KY 4/5/2018
Lewis Anna Lynn Sidebottom 56 Bracken Co., KY 12/27/18
Linkous Billie G. 92 Blanchester, OH 12/13/18
Linville Barbara Jane 60 Bracken Co., KY 7/26/18
Linville James "Jimmy Dale" 77 Bracken Co., KY 10/04/2018
Linville Quinton Earl 91 Lewisburg, OH 1/18/2018
Love Joyce Forman 82 Maysville, KY 09/20/2018
Lowe Ben Marshall 94 Maysville, KY 7/12/18
Lucas Dixie White 92 Robertson Co., Ky 1/18/2018
Luman Austin Wade 23 Bracken Co., KY 10/18/18
Lutton Venita 60 Bracken Co., KY 11/1/18
Lyle Ella Buckley 91 Bracken Co.,KY 5/17/2018
Mains Barbara E;ozabetj Teegarden 72 Germantown, KY 11/15/18
Mains Debora Sue Cline 62 Augusta, KY 7/26/18
Mains Sherry Denise 45 Falmouth, KY 12/6/18
Markley Mary Jo Thompson 82 Foster,KY 3/8/2018
Maynard Stephen 64 Slip-Up Community 1/11/2018
McAtee Bobbie Jane Wilson 80 Bracken Co.,KY 3/22/2018
McCane Helen Juanita (Henn) 91 Brooksville,KY 6/21/18
McClanahan Wilma 93 Brooksville, KY 6/7/18
McDowell Shelby 93 Falmouth, KY 8/30/18
McElfresh Kelly 45 May's Lick, KY 10/04/2018
McQueary Marjorie Ruth nee Jett 89 Bracken Co., KY 2/01/2018
Merrill Vickie Kay 65 Mason Co., KY 11/15/18
Meyer Wilford Lynn 87 Bracken Co., KY 10/25/18
Mitchell Donald R. 66 Cincinnati, OH 5/17/2018
Mitchell Louis C. 71 May's Lick, KY 11/15/18
Mofford Raymond Edward 39 Brooksville, KY 8/2/18
Monson James Donald 87 Brooksville,KY 3/29/2018
Montgomery Bill 80 Maysville, KY 10/18/18
Moore Gene Dale 72 Alexandria,KY 3/29/2018
Moorhead Joyce A. 79 Indianapolis, IN 10/18/18
Morris Terry Lynn 66 Bracken Co., KY 5/31/18
Mullikin Dewey Bronson 89 Felicity 1/4/2018
Mullins Sandra Kaye 66 Maysville,KY 9/27/2018
Newdigate Linda Sue Mers 69 Mason Co.,KY 3/1/2018
Nickerson Delores Ellen 69 Augusta, KY 09/27/2018
Nickerson Leroy Wilson 53 Lexington, KY 5/24/18
Nickerson Reva 70 Augusta, KY 6/7/18
Nickerson Sharon Ann Saunders 54 Augusta,KY 5/3/2018
Nickoson Wanda H. 78 Augusta,KY 3/15/2018
O'Rourke Capt. Ernest R. ni ni 1/4/2018
Owens Thomas Edwin 81 Brooksville, KY 11/8/18
Parker Allene Tolle 93 Maysville, KY 2/01/2018
Payton-Ellis Pam 57 Bracken Co., KY 12/13/18
Peed Connie Jo McNeese 69 Bracken Co., KY 11/15/18
Perkins Danny Ray 60 Flemingsburg,KY 5/3/2018
Perry Pamela K. Massengale 53 Brooksville, KY 1/25/2018
Persinger Larry Wayne 76 Milford, KY 2/1/2018
Poe James Halford 81 Bracken Co., KY 3/29/2018
Polley Tommie Lee 66 Walton, KY 4/12/2018
Pope Linwood Keith 88 Brooksville, KY 11/15/18
Poynter Morris Douglas "Dough", Jr. 70 Maysville, KY 2/22/2018
Puccini Angela M. 63 Cincinnati, OH 2/15/2018
Quinlin Norma Haley Thornsbury 92 Augusta, KY 6/7/18
Randolph Keith Wayne, Sr. 52 Ripley, OH 1/11/2018
Rath Donna Sue McClanahan 64 Brooksville,KY 3/29/2018
Rawlings James Scott 73 Bracken Co.,KY 9/27/2018
Rees Alice Faye Cummins 97 Augusta,KY 5/10/2018
Rees Maggie Faye Tucker 76 Bracken Co., KY 11/1/18
Reeves James L. "Jimmy" 55 Tollesboro, KY 4/5/2018
Richie Ruth Edwards 82 Danville, KY 12/6/18
Roberson Larry D. 72 May's Lick, KY 11/8/18
Robinson Jim 74 Bracken Co., KY 11/1/18
Rose David 81 Cynthiana, KY 7/19/18
Rose Doris Elaine Grayson 79 Cynthiana, KY 12/20/18
Rose Janet Ruth James Gentner 71 Mason Co., KY 4/5/2018
Ross Billy Forman 87 May's Lick, KY 4/12/2018
Saunders Norma Jean 74 Scott Co.,KY 3/22/2018
Schatz Richard M. "Rick" 60 Flemingsburg, KY 11/29/18
Schumacher Jerone "Jerry" Michael 59 Maysville, KY 09/20/2018
Scolf Ronald Joe 75 Cincinnati, OH 8/30/18
Scott Charles "Charlie" 84 May's Lick, KY 4/5/2018
Secrest Doris Stevenson 89 Ewing, KY 11/15/18
Selby Brenda C. 74 Maysville, KY 8/30/18
Sharp James William "JW" 82 Lawrenceburg, KY 4/5/2018
Shepherd Lanny E. 78 Alexandria, KY 9/6/18
Sidell Billy Ray 77 Maysville, KY 12/6/18
Six William "Bill" E. 69 Bracken Co., KY 10/25/18
Smith Ruby Irene 87 Falmouth, KY 09/20/2018
Snapp Brenda Strode 68 Bracken Co.,KY 3/15/2018
Soderna James Daniel infant Brooksville, KY 11/8/18
Stafford Roger Dale 73 Maysville, KY 6/14/18
Stewart "J.K." 76 Maysville,KY 3/8/2018
Sweet Elsie Mae "Pooch" 91 May's Lick, KY 9/13/18
Tabor Mattie Adams 92 Bracken Co., KY 11/1/18
Teegarden Bessie Wright 81 Bracken Co., KY 11/1/18
Teegarden Beverly Mullikin 58 Mason Co.,KY 5/17/2018
Teegarden Clarence Earl "C.E.", Jr. 61 ni 1/11/2018
Thomas James Robert 87 Mt. Olivet,KY 3/1/2018
Thompson Melissa Kay 52 -- 6/21/18
Thornton Crawford G. 66 Bracken Co.,KY 3/29/2018
Thorpe William Charles "Bill" 59 Winchester, KY 7/12/18
Tibbs Elizabeth Turner 98 Maysville,KY 3/22/2018
Toller Delilah J. 67 Augusta, KY 2/22/2018
Tucker Barbara Ann Rolph 71 Maysville, KY 10/25/18
Usleaman Reynolds Ray, Sr. 68 Brooksville,KY 5/17/2018
Venn Robert 70 Bracken Co., KY 7/12/18
Vermillion William Albert (Bill) 84 Hodgenville,KY 10/11/2018
Vickers Rondal "Ronnie" Lee 76 Cincinnati, OH 1/11/2018
Wagel Robert "Bob" ni Houston, TX 1/11/2018
Wagner Geraldine Wolfe 78 Bracken Co., KY 10/18/18
Wallingford William "Billy" 72 Bracken Co., KY 11/15/18
Weldon Isaac Appleman 74 Augusta, KY 6/21/18
White John Tyler, Jr. 80 Mt. Olivet, KY 5/17/2018
Williams Rev. Charles "C.H.", Jr. 58 Mason Co., Ky 1/11/2018
Wilson Miles F. 89 Augusta,KY 5/3/2018
Wolfe Rose Marie 76 Augusta, KY 5/31/18
Wood Virgie V. 92 Brooksville, KY 2/15/2018
Woodward Doris 92 Lexington,KY 5/10/2018
Woodward William Insko 77 Erlanger,KY 3/29/2018
Wright Kenneth Seaman, Sr. 88 Milford,KY 6/29/18
Younce Rebecca Jean Cox 43 Winchester, KY 6/21/18

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