
Genealogical Gleanings From Old Newspapers

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Bracken County References in Out-of-Area Newspapers

Announcements contributed by researcher Martha Richards of Washington State

Village Register Newspaper, West Union, Adams County, Ohio,Tues. 13 Mar 1827 Vol. IV #193 pg. 3. Extracted from Ohio Historical Society Microfilm #3443: "Married: On Wednesday evening the 7th inst. by the Rev. William PAGE, Mr. Squire G. SHROPSHIRE of Augusta, Ky. to Miss Margaret ARMSTRONG of this village."

Village Register Newspaper, Adams County, Ohio,Tues. 25 Nov. 1823 Vol. 1 #24 pg. 3: "Married: On the same day, [Tuesday, the 11th inst.] by Rev. Joseph CARTER, Mr. William MURPHY of Adams county, Ohio, to Miss Nancy REVEL, of Bracken county, Ky."

Village Register Newspaper, West Union, Adams County, Ohio,Tues. 13 Jun 1826 Vol. III #155 pg. 3. Extracted from Ohio Historical Society Microfilm #3443: "Married: On Thursday the 1st inst. at Augusta, KY by the Rev. J. T. EDGAR, Mr. A. O. POWELL to Miss Eliza ANDERSON."

Genealogical Gleanings from the Harrison County Courier 1888-1889

From a microfilm owned by Charles Feix, Cynthiana, KY 2002-3 Loaned to Col. Doug Harper, Biloxi, MS, for extraction of data of interest to him. Finished in Aug 2003. Forwarded for use in the KYGenWeb by Sherri Hall, KYGenWeb State Coordinator.

Guide to contents: Frequency: Weekly; Published: Saturday; Master Neg.# S/99-151

Although this newspaper was published in Harrison County, Kentucky, the articles include many references to events and persons living in the neighboring counties.

Image Newspaper Source Date(s) Filespace
hcc1.txt Harrison County Courier 21 July 1888 18k
hcc2.txt Harrison County Courier 18 August 1888 12k
hcc3.txt Harrison County Courier 8 September 1888 13k
hcc4.txt Harrison County Courier 22 September 1888 12k
hcc5.txt Harrison County Courier 6 October 1888 16k
hcc6.txt Harrison County Courier 27 October 1888 16k
hcc7.txt Harrison County Courier 22 December 1888 9k
hcc8.txt Harrison County Courier 5 January 1889 10k
hcc9.txt Harrison County Courier 19 January 1889 14k
hcc10.txt Harrison County Courier 2 February 1889 17k
hcc11.txt Harrison County Courier 2 March 1889 16k
hcc12.txt Harrison County Courier 16 March 1889 14k
hcc13.txt Harrison County Courier 20 April 1889 9k
hcc14.txt Harrison County Courier 4 May 1889 12k
hcc15.txt Harrison County Courier 18 May 1889 15k
hcc16.txt Harrison County Courier 20 July 1889 19k
hcc17.txt Harrison County Courier 10 August 1889 (1) 9k
hcc18.txt Harrison County Courier 10 August 1889 (2) 14k
hcc19.txt Harrison County Courier 17 August 1889 15k

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