Shared by Jackie Walker Burton (unless otherwise specified) ...


L - R Hugh Baker; James Baker .. (sons of George W 'Baldy' Baker). Daniel Boone Baker and friend, John Frost
  John 'Hatchett' Baker, Bryon Baker and Tom Baker
Front row seated ... Left to right .. James 'Big Jim' Baker; Elisha Gabbard. Back .. Michael Gabbard and Lewis 'Caney' Abner.
Shared by Allison Baker, Booneville, KY
Sarah was the wife of John B; and Tom was the
s/o Hugh; grandson of George 'Baldy' Baker.
Shared by Sharon Armbruster of Michigan

Rufus Baker and his wife Greenberry Burton and son,
Elbert Burton
from Buffalo Creek, Owsley Co, Ky.
Shared by Hazel Baker Moyers
1914 - 1940 (Elbert) Greenberry md Martha Baker;
youngest child of Robert 'Red Bob' Baker and
his wife, Margaret Baker Baker.
______ Seale and Richard Combs L - Lee Deaton and R - John A Turner
  John A Turner is father in law of
Lee Deaton. Lee md Easter Turner

Deaton Twins of Crockettsville, Breathitt Co, Ky    Will Gabbard, Bill Sandlin and Bob Amis
John T (Jackey) Deaton; and his twin, Joseph (Joey) Deaton, b June 5, 1846.
They were 'mirror image' twins; sons of John 'Buck' Deaton and
Malinda Watts Deaton. John married Nancy Ann Noble;
and Joseph married Ruthie Wooten.
L-R Old Will Gabbard; William 'Primpy Bill' Sandlin and Robert 'Bob' Amis
(s/o John Horton Amis). 'Primpy' Bill was married three times; First to Bell Gross;
then Flora Caudill; and then to Martha Baker.
Jesse, John, Sam (holding Carr) and Albert Hall Alexander 'Coon Man' Herald with his son
in law, Mundie Collie.
Children of William McKinley 'Mack' and Emily Turner Hall. Carr
is the s/o Jesse. Albert married Sarah Herald.

L- Allen Herald and R- Will Herald Sons of Elliot Herald and
Polly 'Big Polly' Combs
William 'Will' Herald and son, Virgil Herald 
  Left: Ned (married to Linda Hall);
and 'Preacher' Will Herald
(married to Rachel Herald).
Will is s/o Thomas and
Malinda Deaton Herald.


Bob T Johnson and Robert 'Robin' Burton Four Preachers of Breathitt County 
Taken early 1920's before his death.He had diabetes. Robert 'Robin' Burton sitting in
the wheelchair that he made
Left to right .. .Rev Robert Herald .. Rev Sigel Herald .. (s/o Wm Buck and Rachel Herald .. Rev William Bill Combs .. (s/o Buck Combs) and Rev Jasper Arrowood. 
Sons of Robert Lee Deaton and Jane Turner.  Wayne Stacy and John Walker from Perry Co, Ky 
Talbert 'Tack', Johnny 'Lang', James 'Jimmy', Joseph 'Joe' and
Robert Lee Deaton; sons of Robert Lee Deaton and his first wife,
Jane Turner (d/o Jim and Sally Turner). Jane died 1919.
He md 2 Sarah Turner (d/o 'Aunt' Millie Herald and Sammy Turner.
Wayne and John are cousins.
John was called 'Johnny'
Price Turner and brother, Letcher Turner Sigel Turner and his son, Tom Turner
sons of Charlie Turner and Marg Baker Turner  
Squire Turner and Robert Turner John Walker, Jr; James Walker and Harriett McLemore 
Squire was the s/o Wiley Turner and Susan Sebastian;
married Ruthie Turner, d/o Elliott Turner and Sarah Helton.
__ Robert was the s/o Elliott Turner and Sarah Helton;
married to Isabelle Burton
John married Polly Combs; and lived at Walker's Town and Troublesome Creek in Hazard, Perry County. James is the
s/o John and Polly. Harriett is the d/o Hiram McLemore
and Margaret Fairchild.