4th Kentucky Calvary
By: Virginia Tolman

June 20, 1885
Page 1, Column 3: John J. McCann makes a suggestion when he
proposes a re-union of the Fourth Kentucky Cavalry, C.S. A.
J. J. McCann, Co. F., 4th Ky, Cavalry, C. S. A.
Ghent, Ky., June 17th, 1885
July 11, 1885 Page 5
Column 3: Reunion of the 4th
Ky. Cavalry C. S. A.
At an enthusiastic meeting of many members of the 4th Ky.
Cavalry, S. C. A. held at Carrollton, Ky., July 4, 1885, to consider the
propriety of holding a reunion of the surviving members of said regiment, the
following proceedings were had:
On motion and second, Major R. F. Harrison was elected chairman, and Robt.
Ellis, secretary.
A motion was made and seconded that there be a reunion of the 4th
Ky. Cavalry at Liberty Station, Carroll County, Ky., on August 275h 1885.
The following named persons were appointed a Committee on Invitation:
J. J. McCann, T. J. McElrath, and E. T. Craig.
Committee on Finance and Arrangements was appointed, composed of the
following named persons: Robert
Ellis, Robert Bond, T. M. Barrett, S. M. Lacefield, and R. B. Brooker;
they to appoint a sub-committee from each voting precinct in Carroll county.
Motion made, seconded and carried that an invitation be extended to all
ex Confederate and ex-Federal soldiers to participate in the reunion.
Motion made and carried that the Carrollton Democrat, Courier Journal,
Frankfort Yeoman, Warsaw Independent, Owen News and Democrate, Cynthiana
Democrat, Falmouth Independent, Williamstown Courier, Henry Local, Eminence
Constitutionalist, Milton Free Press and Oldham Era be requested to publish
these proceedings. R. F. Harrison,
Chairman, Robert Ellis, Secretary.
July 18, 1885 Page 4
Column 1:
The reunion of the 4th Ky. Cavalry is attracting great
interest, Letters have been received by the local committee from Col. H. L.
Giltner, of Nicholasville; Gen. Basil Duke, of Louisville, and Thomas Bashaw, of
Missouri, signifying their intention of being present.
July 25, 1885
Page 4 Column 2
Letters received from prominent persons in regard to the 4th
Ky, Cavalry reunion:
B. W. Duke, Louisville
Wm. C. P. Breckinridge, Lexington
E. T. Craig, Esq, Carrollton
R. O. Gathright Louisville
R. W. Rowlett, LaGrange
J. A. Alexander and brothers, Martin, Texas
L. C. Norman, Union, Kentucky
August 1, 1885 Page 4
Column 1: and column 2
More letters on the 4th Ky Cavalry reunion
S. S. Scott, Florence, Kentucky
Capt Garriott desires me to express to you his wish to be with you on the
occasion, if possible, Emma W. Garriott, Campbellsburg, Kentucky
B. F. Duncan, Owensboro, Ky.
H. L. Giltner, Nicholasville, Ky
T. P. Bashaw, Paris, Mo
C. J. Bower, Kansas City,
Business cares will preclude the possiblity of my leaving this summer.
Geo. T. Atkins, .Dallas, Texas
R. F. Alexander Houston, Texas,
August 8, 1885 Page 1
Column 2
Uncle Tommy Bradley, by his first wife being a Miss Patton; he had two
sons, Jim and Will, both of whom were our comrades in the 4th Ky. Cav.
Jim died in prison, was brought home and buried at Corn Creek Church.
Will survives and will be at the re-union at Liberty Station.
August 15, 1885
Page 8 Column 2
We are Coming 4th Ky Cav. Reunion.
Edw. O. Guerrant, Mt. Sterling, Ky
E. L. Southgate, Shelbyville, Ky.
Capt. H. S. Chilton, Turner's Station, Ky
August 22, 1885
Page 4 Column 3 We Are Coming
Sinnet Duncan, Milton, Ky
J. Crit Ireland, Louisville, Ky.
Old Red alias Lewis N. Craig, Maryville, Missouri
It is with sorrow that I decline the pleasure of striking hands with the
many old friends and soldiers of the gallant old 45h, but business matters
compel me to forego. I
know it will be a success for the heroes of Blue Springs, Rogersville and other
places can not fail in this undertaking.
August 29, 1885
Page 1 Column 1
We shall have lots of reunion notes for next week.
Ed Criag has been a faithful worker for the re union.
Uncle Jesse Carraco informs us that his preparations are complete and
that he was "a gwine" to the reunion.
Carrollton Democrat
August 29, 1885
Page 5
The 4th Ky. Cav. Came Together
Again, Renew Acquaintances and Have a Glorious Time
Notes and News.
Thursday, August 17th, re-union day, was ushered in with a
clear sky and a cold crisp atmosphere. Every
heart leaped with joy at the prospect of a happy day--a glorious re-union of
that gallant and brave regiment which was without a superior, in either army,
for lofty courage, cool daring, heroic fortitude and all those virtues which
belong to true soldiers. Nearly
every expectation was fully met, the principal disappointment being that Capt.
E. O. Guerrant, Col. W. C. P. Breckinridge, Gen. Williams and other prominent
men who had promised to attend, were not there.
However, much as their presence would have delighted the thousands who
assembled to honor the survivors of the 4th, it is almost impossible
to conceive a more pleasant or more successful meeting than the one held.
The committee had left nothing undone which could contribute to the
pleasure of any one--plenty of seats, and efficient police force, excellent
music; and the people provided a most bountiful dinner.
From far and near, baskets poured in till they would have made a
mountain, if in one pile. The crowd, which was estimated all the way from five to ten
thousand, was fully provided for, and provisions were put back into the baskets.
But to give an account of events in the order of their occurrence, it
will be necessary to go back to the previous day.
Wednesday night, at the Christian church, there was a meeting of such
soldiers as had arrived, for the purpose of making certain preliminary
R. F. Harrison was made chairman and E. A. Gullion, of the
"Democrat," secretary.
It was moved and carried that the chair appoint a committee on proments
to consist of one from each company that composed the regiment.
The chair then appointed Capt. Ben Duncan, Co. A.; Wm. Demit, Co. B; Lt.
E. J. Sanders, Co. C; R. F. Garrard, Co. D; Capt. Sam Duncan, Co. E.; Capt. T.
M. Barrett, Co. F; Richard Strother, Co. G; George Doyle, Co. H; Lt. A. W. Smith
Co. I; Lt. H. H. Adcock, Co. K. Companies
G, I, and K were not represented and members of other companies were appointed
to represent them.
On motion and second the chair was directed to appoint a committee of
three on resolutions. The chair
appointed Richard Strother, Lieut. Sinnett Duncan and Lieut. H. H. Adcock as
such committee.
The meeting then adjourned to meet at 8 o'clock a.m., Thursday.
Met at 8 o'clock, Thursday morning, pursuant to adjournment:
The committee on resolutions reported as follows:
Whereas, a call has been issued by members
of the 4th Ky, Cavalry, CSA., for a re-union of said regiment, at
Sanders Carroll county, on August 27th, 1885; and, whereas in
response to the call a majority of the survivors have assembled, therefore, be
Resolved; That in order to renew old acquaintances and keep alive the
fraternal feeling heretofore existing among the members of the old regiment, a
permanent organization be effected.
On motion and second the chair appointed one from each company as a
committee on permanent organization.
The chair appointed Oscar Coleman, E. T. Craig, Thomas Violett, James
McCandless, T. Rfisher, Robert Ellis, Wm. Moore, George Doyle, Joe Turner and
Mick Gill.
The chair appointed, on motion and second, one from each company to serve
with committee on arrangements as a committee to receive other members of the 4th
as they should arrive in town during the day.
Hon. W. L. Vories then addressed the meeting in a speech which was a
happy bledning of the humorous and the pathetic.
Immense throngs came in on the morning trains.
AT ten o'clock the crowd repaired to the grounds, just across Eagle Creek
where the soldiers enrolled their names. Immediately
afterward, the "grand rally" took place at which time Capt. Warren
Montfort delivered an eloquent and well-timed address and was warmly cheered.
Next on the programme [sic]was an address from Gen. Bazil W. Duke, Gen.
Duke delivered an excellent speech--by all odds the best of the day.
It had good thought in it, was expressed in chaste English and was very
appropriate throughout. We are
sorry that we have not the speech for publication.
Next came the dinner. Thousands
ate at private tables and nearly as many more at the public table.
Plenty to eat.
Senator W. M. Cravens then spoke, delivering an eloquent address.
While he was speaking, the soldiers were drawn up in line before him and
he addressed them as soldiers, referring to their valor, the cause for which
they fought, &c., causing many a tear to flow.
In response to "calls" Hon. W. P. Thorne, Judge J. W. Greene,
Judge J. H. Dorman, Hon. J. W. Perry, Capt. H. S. Chilton, and Hon. Thomas J.
McElrath, made speeches and entertained the audience very much.
A number of funny anecdotes were told, while the pathetic was not
In the afternoon the committee on
Reported as follows:
T. F. Violett, Pres.;' Ed. T. Craig, Sec.; J. S. Turner, Treas,
Committee: Capt. T. M. Barrett, Lieut. A. W. Smith, Alex. Rogers, R. F.
the Regiment is as follows:
The companies which formed the nucleus of the 4th Kentucky,
were four, and were organized about a mile beyond Owenton, on the 10th
of September, 1862, by the election of H. L. Giltner, M. T. Pryor, Wm. R. Ray
and J. T. Alexander as captains. Near
Salyersville, Magoffin county, H. L. Giltner was made Colonel of the Regiment,
which was numbered and called the Fourth Kentucky Cavalry.
M. T. Pryor, was made Lieutenant-Colonel, and Nathan Parker Major.
The regiment, when the ten companies were finally all organized, was as
Company A--Trimble county, Capt. Wm. R. Ray, of Trimble County.
Company B--Carroll and Owen counties, Capt. John G. Scott of Carroll
Company C--Owen county, Capt J. t. Alexander, of Owen
Company D--Pendleton county, Capt. T. E. Moore, of Pendleton.
Company E--Trimble and Carroll counties, Capt. Sum Duncan, of Trimble
Company F--Carroll county, Capt. T. M. Barrett, of Carroll County
Company G--Grant and
Owen counties, Capt. J. T. Willis, of Grant
Company H--Oldham and Henry counties, Capt. R. O. Gathright.
Company I--Henry and Carroll
counties, Capt. John Marshall, of Henry.
Company K--from various localities, Capt. E. D. Whitaker, of Carroll.
On the death of Major Parker, at Wythville, May 10th, 1864,
Capt. Ray became major, and Ben Duncan, 1st Lieut. Became captain of
Company A. On the death of Capt.
Marshall, in Virginia, in the spring of 1865, Lieut. H. S. Chilton became
captain of Company I.
The first active service the regiment saw--and that was before it was
fully organized--was in the fall of 1862, in connection with Marshall's and
Morgan's brigades, obstructing the retreat of the Federal General, George H.
Mogan, in his retreat from Cumberland Gap.
The regiment was involved in forty-three engagements with the enemy,
besides numerous skirmishes and including one winter's service under Longstreet
when he was in East Tennessee and when engaged in the siege of Knoxville.
It was first under Gen. Humphrey Marshall, and finally under Gen. John H.
Morgan, until his death at Greenville, Tenn., in November, 1864.
After the death of Morgan, Col. Giltner became and was, until the
surrender, acting Brigadier-General. The
last fight in which the regiment was engaged was at Marion, Va., after the
surrender of Lee. It surrendered at
Mt. Sterling, Ky., to Gen. Hobson, on the 30th of April, 1865, the
men being paroled and allowed to go to their homes, there to remain until
exchanged as prisoners of war. The
officers were allowed to retain their side arms.
The following persons answered to their names:
B. F. Duncan, Capt.
John Penn,
H. W. Stafford,
Wm. H. Kirk,
W. S. Ogden,
J. W. Rowlett,
John Wood,
W. R. Goode,
Wm. Burroughs,
J. H. Law,
J. L. Colbert,
J. G. Ginn,
David Welch,
H. D. Hunter,
S. A. Quinley,
J. H. McCarty,
G. W. Miller,
J. A. Tandy,
W. O. Coleman.
Dr. W. L. Nuttall,
Asst. Surgeon;
P. N. Dement, Orderly
Thomas Reed, 3d Sergt.
T. M. Baker,
Wm. Demint,
J. T. Rudd,
Lewis Alexander,
Albert Costigan,
P. Vallandingham,
Wm. Baker,
Barney Reptka,
W. Baker,
R. F. Slaughter,
j. T. Knox,
John Rogers,
J. W. West,
R. L. Bond,
Newt A. Knox,
J. E. Duigiud,
E. T. Craig,
W. F. Smith,
Richard Diarmit,
John Pilow,
Thomas J. McElrath,
Alex Rogers,
Newt West,
W. O. B. Sherley.
E. J. Sanders, 1st
P. E. Gentry, 4th
T. w. Taylor, Corporal;
J. P. Garvey, 2nd
C. H. Beatty,
T. J. Osborne,
H. H. Maddox,
John Lewis,
N. B. Rogers,
B. E. Garvey,
D. L. Poland,
John Burke,
R. S. Bond,
Joseph Lewis,
James Burke,
Granville Brock,
John Stager,
L. McDarment,
W. G. Bond,
J. H. Dorman,
J. L. Green,
W. M. Early,
James Darbro,
D. L. Osborne,
S. S. Waldrop,
T. H. Early,
R. F. Slaughter,
T. H. Hopkins
R. F. Garrard, lst
John Mackemson, 2nd
J R. Ellis, 1st
Henry Florence,
James McCandless,
N. R. Colvin,
Wm. Dougherty
S. P. Duncan, Capt.,
H. H. Adcock, 1st
S. Duncan, 2d Lieut.,
Wm. Buchanan, Orderly
A. C. Norvell, 2d Sergt,
W. M. Early,
Jas F. Caplinger,
George Banks,
David Detraz,
Elijah Holaclaw,
Dr. H. J. Hulcee,
R. H. Strother,
Z. King,
John R. Powell,
H. L. Smith,
T. Fisher,
M. V. Williams,
J. R. Nevill,
E. O. Pollard,
M. Horton,
A. W. Smith,
John W. Lee,
E. B. Foree,
J. T. Martin,
G. A. Tharp,
W. A. Bain,
G. W. Abbott,
T. M. Barretts, Capt.,
G. S. Wood, 1st
W. C. Ellis, 1st
R. W. Burroughs, Com.
John Butts, 1st
J. J. McCann, 2d
Dan Cox, 3d Corporal,
G. T. Gardner,
Lewis Craig,
J. P. Tandy,
John Langstaff,
James Coghill,
J. W. Wayland,
S. L. Duvall,
R. M. Souther,
S. M. Lacefield,
John Andrson,
G. N. Forsee,
Willis Little,
Robt. Hudson,
W. T. Carraco,
g. L. Sothard,,
R. B. Booker,
J. M. Hayden,
W. J. Dugan,
S. T. Souther,
W. J. Taylor,
Joseph Arnold,
A. J. Edleman,
Robt. Ellis,
George D. Mosgrove,
John W. Campbell,
Joel Bridges,
Robert Baker,
Newton Orr
James T. Willis,
J. Revill,
Hardin Davis,
Wm. Hutton,
W. H. Wilhoite,
W. S. Brumback,
S. B. Brown,
W. T. Callender,
A. B. Sale,
James Secrest,
Zack Clarke,
W. H. Moore,
J. M. Suter,
Martin Wilson,
Gran Crouch,
M. V. Sale,
Willis Ford,
William Jewett,
A. G. Gross,
J. N. Carter,
B. F. Spicer,
C. Wingate,
R. N. Rolan.
R. O. Gathright, Capt.
J. Crit Ireland, 1st
W. B. Crabb, 1st
W. V. Burton, 2d Sergt.
Wm. Mitchell
George Forsee
John Robbins,
Lafe Bell,
R. Hedges,
Conway Glass,
T. D. Kindall,
John Mulligan,
George Doyle,
Lafe Harrington,
H. S. Chilton, Capt.
W. J. Turner, 1st
James Tingle, 1st
J. S. Turner, 2d Sergt.
Reuben Tingle, 1st
J. T. Chilton, 3d
Dr. J. P. Nuttall,
Asst. Surgeon of Regiment
Joel Jones
W. H. Pyles,
Silas G. Sims,
Jesse Tharp,
F. C. Jones
R. S. Wilson
W. J. Tharp
P. D. Nuttall
T. M. Humston
J. L. Caldwell, mail carrier
W. G. Bryan,
B. T. Roberberton
J. A. Smith, 1st
E. R. Spangler, 3d
Mick Gill, 4th
John Lewellyn,
J. J. Polan,
James Lyons,
W. K. McCann,
A. Ford,
Sam Hrrington,
G. W. Holliday,
T. A. Catlett,
Pat Gill,
J. A. Smith,
R. F. Harrison,
Sergeant Major
Dr. S. S. Scott,
Surgeon of Regiment,
T. H. Hayden,
Regimental Bugler
In addition to the foregoing we noted the following ex-confederates, from
other commands, many of whom were in line.
General Basil W. Duke,
Elisha Abner, 1st
Spense Thomas, same,
J. W. Perry, same,
John Jones, same
B. N. Elliston,
Buckner's Body Guard
W. L. Garriott, Capt.
Buckner's Body Guard
E. J. Kenny, 2d Ky.
Henry Moore, same,
D. J. Spenneberg, same,
G. M. Jameson, 5th
R. T. Yarber, same
J. W. Jacobs, Sergt.
Joseph Long, Sergt
W. H. Shelton, Corporal
W. Smith, same,
Rob ert Pearce, same,
G. W. Lindsay, same,
John Hudson, same,
W. C. Bond, same,
T. J. Lindsay, same,
J. V. Lindsay, same,
J. R. Hussung, same,
J. W. Dorman, same,
J. C. Skirvin, same
M. B. Mitchell, same,
R. W. Jones, 6th
H. T. Welch, same,
William Turley, same,
N. T. Lancaster, same,
Lewis Morgan, same,
T. J. Quinley, same
George M. Jesse, Col 6th
Warren Montfort, Capt
Co. D. 6th Ky,
H. Bohannon, 6th
F. Skidmore, same,
Ned Winsburne,
(colored) same,
Henry Brown, same,
James Sidebottom, same,
J. W. Frazer, same,
Lon Tague, same,
P. L. Jones, same,
W. R. Karsner, same,
John A. Jackson, same,
J. J. Childress, same,
W. J. Arnold, 8th
J. N. Whiteley, 9th
J. W. Hardin, same,
W. D. Vincent, same,
George W. Lentz, same,
George H. Mitchell,
J. M. Spillman, same,
J. N. Hundley, same,
Capt. B. W. Jenkins,
Assistant Adjutant General,
Rod Perry, 9th
Cyrus Hanks, 1st
Arkansas, Battalion
W. S. Bailey, 28th
Thomas Harlan, 19th
William Ellington, 11th
Mr. Eddleman wore his
old soldier cap.
Ed. Craig was a good
worker to the last
The Trimble delegation
was a good one.L. T. Garrard, Company E., was the first man wounded in the 4th.
Dora Supplee was the
only ex-Fedral soldier in line. Hurrah
for Dora!
Capt. Barrett out
ranked all other officers of the 4th, who were present.
Col. H. L. Giltner was
much missed, He is keeping hotel at Nicholasville.
Braynard Bayless had
his faded "Gray Jacket" with him but didn't wear it.
Lieut. Archie Smith
exhibited the last muster roll and pay roll of his company.
Uncle Johnnie Rogers
was the oldest man in the regiment. He
is yet as active as a cat.
A large U. S. flag,
suspended from the bridge, waved over the speakers' stand.
Miss Jessie Bridges and Mrs. Robt. Ellis made the flag and assisted on
the decoration.
Capt. W. S. Bailey was
conspicuous on the stand, with a badge of his regiment, 28th Miss.
We had less than one
day to get up the proceedings Sorry we could not make our account longer.
There were 218 members
of the 4th enrolled. Doubtless
there were some who failed to report their names.
Dr. Sam S. Scott did
not bring "Stormy" with him. The
doctor is in delicate health. The
boys were glad to see him
Capt. Sam Duncan was a
powerful magnet, drawing vast crowds around him. No man is more highly esteemed by the boys.
The Sanders people are
good entertainers. Our host was
John W. Davis, than whom there is not a better one on this mundane sphere.
Ed Craig and Bob Ellis,
of the committee on arrangements, deserved special mention for their energy and
zeal. Much of the success is due to
D. Braynard Bayless,
who was on Giltner's staff, was there and was just 40 years old on that day.
He is one of the brightest and most pleasant men we met.
Captains Ben and Sam
Duncan, Barrett, Willis, Gathright, Chilton, Alexander, Moore and Whitaker are
living, All except the last three were there.
Capt. Scott is dead.
Dr. John Price Nuttall
was one of the best talkers present. He
lives in Madison, Ind., has quit the practice of medicine and entered the
Baptist ministry, and now preaches for four churches.
This was really the
second reunion of the "gallant 4th"; the first was at
Bedford when the remains of the gallant Major Parker were brought home, at which
time nearly all of the survivors were present.
There was one colored
soldier in line, Ned Winburn, of Henry county.
He was a member of Co. A., 6th Ky., and was an excellent
soldier. He is now a No. 1 citizen.
The boys were glad to shake with Ned.
The following
ex-confederates passed through town Wednesday in an immense excursion wagon,
owned and conducted by DeKalb Craig, of Madison: Lieut. Sinnett Duncan, Theophilus Fisher, Wm. Buchanan, David
Detraz, Elijah Holsclaw, Joe Tom Rudd, Zibe King.
Capt. W. Love Garriott,
who commanded the Buckner Guards, is now an invalid, suffering with paralysis
caused by a wound received at Frankfort. No
man received more attention than he did. He occupied a large wheel chair on the speaker's stand.
His wife, a very intelligent and cultured woman, accompanied him.
Our efficient town
Marshall, S. K. Taylor, was chief of the police force at the re-union and his
portly form and handsome face was conspicuous to all day attending to his
duties. No better man could have
been selected. The most perfect
order was maintained all day. It
was remarkable, considering the immense crowd.
Mrs. Barbara Pryor,
widow of the gallant Col. Tandy Pryor, was present, with several of her
children. The old soldiers
delighted to honor her. A badge was
pinned on her shoulder and she was the only woman who wore one. She, of all others, was entitled to wear it--not only on
account of her husband's services, but by reason of her own services, at home,
to the South and to the prisoners.
If the speakers had
said more about the dead--the gallant Pryor, Parker and Scott--more about
mothers, wives, homes and "The girl I left behind me," and less about
"constitutional law," "fundamental principles," "the
resolutions of '98," and other like matters, their speeches would have
touched the heart and ahd a much better effect than they did have.
Many speakers are too prone to hug the people and harp on politics.
Roan," Capt. Adcock's horse which went through the war, was there and
received more honors than any of the men. On
this same horse Capt. A. Courted his wife before the war. Billie Roan went out with the regiment in '62 and returned in
'65, never losing a day's service. His
back was never sore and he was never sick a moment. A good portion of the time he was a courier horse, often
carrying dispatches on dangerous errands, and he was always on the battle field.
At the time of the surrender at Mt. Sterling, Capt. A. gave a woman $30.
To bring the faithful steed through the lines, and thence he was brought home by
other parties--at a cost of $65. He
was foaled in Henry county and was 27 years old last June.
Barring crippled knees he looks not more than 9 years old.
He was caparisoned and ribboned on the parade ground and attracted much
Next reunion at
Page 8:
About everybody
attended the re-union.
W. H. Arnold, a very
pleasant gentleman of Seymour, Ind., was here several days this week visiting
relatives. He is a native of Owen
County. He attended the re-union.
September 5, 1885
Page 8
Re-Union, Bedford, Ky.
August 31, '85
Ed. Carrollton
Democrat: Since I returned from the re-union I have been making some inquiry as
to how many surviving soldiers in our county and other places did not
attend. I know of the following.
Robert Gatewood,
Ely Holl,
James Hall,
Len Maddox,
L. G. Peak,
Silas Peak,
G. W. Peak,
Lytle Romans,
John Roberon,
F. Hutcherson,
J. G. Sanders,
Geo. D. Ewing,
Gus Ewing,
Mote Stanly,
G. W. Edwards,
Samuel Tingle,
W. Pryor,
Love Faulkner,
Marion Staples.
Henry Lee,
Delkby Jinkins,
W. Fore,
Ehohn Willis,
James Jackson,
Jos. Buchanan,
John Hisle,
At Pierce
W. B. May,
Gabe May,
Thos. Parks,
Thos. Barger,
James Barger,
J. W. Maddox,
Moses Mitchell
David Kent,
Lon Kennedy,
Thomas English.
Yours Respect'y, J. W. Lee
Editor Democrat:
As a member of the "old 4th" which lately met at
Liberty Station, I feel like saying something in praise of the generous
hospitable manner in which the soldiers were received and entertained by the
citizens of that place. Their
liberality was unbounded and no pains were spared to make all enjoy themselves.
In behalf of all "the boys" I will say that Liberty Station
will ever be green in the memory of us all.
J. W. Campbell, Company F. Carrollton, Ky., Sept. 1, 1885
J. and Joseph Arnold
"B" instead of "F"
W. O. B. Sherley should
have been in Company "F." instead of "B"
Thomas Kendall walked
all the way from Winona, Trimble county, to Worthville, to "get thar."
Dr. Gregory who was
hospital steward and member of Company "A" was there.
He lives in Hawesville.
Among those present who
did not register were W. B.
Williams, J. N. Williams, and Andrew Garnett, of Company "B"; A. W.
Smith, Company "E"; Joe Jagers, Company "C"; W. H. Bradley,
Company "F", R. T. Ellis, Company "D",
Capt. E. D. Whitaker
was here the Saturday preceding the 27th, but did not attend the
September 19, 1885 Page
1 Column 1 Not a word was ever said
about Uncle Clark Riley in connection with the reunion.
He was one of that gallant band and was here.
Give the reverend old gentleman the honor due him.