Revolutionary War Pensioners
Living in Carroll County - 1840
This list of Revolutionary
War soldiers was drawn up by
Anderson Chenault Quisenberry,
Secretary of War to Congress in
1835 and published later by the
Kentucky Society of the American
Revolution. Contains all the
pensioners under the Act of
March 18, 1818 and the Act of
June 7, 1832. If shown, the
first date is when the
individual was placed on the
pension rolls; the second when
the pension began. Age, if
shown, would be age at time of
application (for the act of
1818). Used with permission of
Sandi Gorin
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Robert Knox:
Roll: 505
Image: 595
File: W26190/BLWT26714-160-55
Nathaniel Sanders:
Roll: 715
Image: 237
File: W8703
Roll: 731
Image: 711
File: W8717
Jeremiah Gullion:
Roll: 383
Image: 118
File: W8879
Roll: 262
Image: 400
File: S30984
John Short, age 78:
Roll: 735
Image: 695
File: S37386.
Living with R. M. Tandy in 1840.
Robert Scott, age 77:
Roll: 721
Image: 897
File: S31350.
Living with Robert Scott in 1840.
Amos V. Matthews, age 79:
Roll: 559
Image: 33
File: W9537-BLWT75006-160-55
David Driskell, age 79:
Roll: 283
Image: 355
File: W22974
Pvt., NC Line; 3 July 1820; 16 Nov 1819; $96; age 79 in 1840. Living with Green Driskell in 1840.
John Dean, Sr., age 84:
Roll: 258
Image: 567
File: R2800
James Coghill, age 82:
Roll: 201
Image: 116
File: S35860