Found in the Kentucky Ancestors magazine April
issue of 1969 page 194. I typed this exactly as found in magazine except
for my comments at the bottom of the page*- Ann Mefford
Bible of Richard Wyatt Sebree contributed by Richard C. Sebree of
Carrollton, Carroll County, KYSubmitted By: Ann Mefford

(page 1 of bible) Deaths (page 2 of bible)
Richard W (Wyatt) Sebree
Sept 22, 1799 Feb 23, 1887
Emily Jane
Poindexter Jan 25,
1814 Sept 17, 1872
Lewis Sanders Sebree
July 29, 1834
Geo. Downing Sebree
Apr. 16, 1837 May 23, 1863
Sarah Elizabeth Sebree
Mar. 11, 1839
Mary Francis Sebree
Apr 1, 1843
Aletha Jane Sebree
July 5, 1845 Dec 3, 1871
John David Sebree
Mar 29, 1848
Walton Craig
" Nov 8, 1850
Wm. Johnston
" Apr. 22, 1854
Frank Poindexter
" Dec 16, 1856
Wyatt T. Sebree
Feb 27, 1859
Cleve Brown
(colored) Apr 19, 1837
Foreman May 31,
1871 July 29, 1871
Jane P. Sebree
Jan 17, 1888
Apr. 14, 1891
On the 3rd page and in a different handwriting is a
repetition of the above names, births and deaths with the
Johnston Apr. 22,
1854 Dec 21, 1907
Poindexter Dec 16, 1856
Wyatt T. Sebree Son of Lewis Sanders Sebree and Emma
Hampton Sebree
born Feb 27, 1859 Feb 1930
*(Richard Wyatt Sebree was married to Emily Jane
Poindexter AND then later to the Jane P. Hale who is listed as
having died Jan 17, 1888-Ann Mefford)
Richard and Emily Sebree are buried in the Sebree-Dee
cemetery in Carroll County. I found them on