Marriage records 1838
- 1938 are available through the Carroll County Clerk,
440 Main Street, Carrollton, KY 41008-1099, (502) 732-7005
In the past, copies have cost $1 (US), but check with the clerk before ordering.
To obtain a copy of the
actual record contact the above address with the name, book and page number:
Index to Marriage
Contributed By: Marie Winburn
site contains a copy of the indices of all recorded marriages in Carroll Co.,
from 1838 to 1938. Carroll Co. was created in 1838 from Gallatin, Trimble and
Henry Counties, so any marriages before 1838 should be checked in those
counties. The county maintained a separate bride and groom index. This site
combines those two indices. The fourth column contains the book and page number
of the record.
Any questions or comments concerning this information can be directed to: Peggy Samland, email -
note that these are Excel files. If you do not have Excel on your
computer, you will need to download the Excel Viewer from
Microsoft. It's FREE!
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H & I |
J & K |
L |
M |
N & O |
P & Q |
R |
S |
T, U & V |
W, X, Y & Z |
Miscellaneous Carroll County, Kentucky Marriages 1838 - 1850

Marriage Records
William Smith & Mary
Hunt - 1910
Silvia Smith & Drury Satchwell -
Henry Abbett &
Elizabeth Smith - 1894
Minor Family Marriages
1897 Marriages