Newspaper clippings from Dec. 1899
Ghent Times
Submitted by:
James Lee Cobb, III
Yesterday at 1:30pm at the
Presbyterian Church, Vevay, Ind. Miss. Nellie Gill Long was
united in marriage with Mr. Ralph Barker of Carrollton, Ky.
The church was beautifully
decorated with flowers, etc. while sweet notes of music mingled
with the sweet fragrance of the flowers. Rev. Chas. Christensen
performed the ceremony; after which the young couple started on
a tour of the eastern cities with the best wishes of their many
friends and kindred.
Miss. Mae Parker was bride of honor
and Miss Leonora Howard was brides' maid from Ghent, young
ladies who have always from girlhood been friends of the bride.
Nearly everybody in Ghent knew
Miss. Long, but hereafter she will be known as Mrs. Barker. They
will be home to their many friends at Carrollton, their future
home, after January the first.
All persons having claims against
the estate of Mary E. Hopkins, deceased will present the same
property sworn and proven, at Scott Bros. office, Ghent, Ky., on
or before Jan. 15, 1900. December 7, 1899.
T.M. Scott, Administrator.
Thompson - Sandefer Nuptials
Miss. Abbie B. Thompson, the
charming and attractive daughter of Lemuel Thompson, was married
at Vevay, Ind. Monday night, to Mr. Jas. Sandefer, one of
Ghent's clever and accomplished young men and the youngest son
of Judge J. L. Sandefer. They are spending their honey-moon with
the bride's cousin, Mrs. Arthur Walker, at the famous "Blue Lick
Springs Hotel,: at Sanders.
The times with their many other
friends, extends its best wishes for their much joy and
happiness though out their entire life.