Casey County Obituaries | ![]() |
Casey County Obituaries (Transcribed from the November 6, 1918 edition of the Adair County News.) OBITUARY Word was received by the parents of Herschel Ford, on the afternoon of October 15, 1918, announcing his death at Fort Niagara, New York, which occurred at 1:15 a.m., on the above date. Herschel was a selective service soldier from Adair county* and trained at Camp Taylor, [and] he was sent to Fort Niagara, N.Y., for guard duty. The news was not only a sad bereavement to his aged and infirm parents, but a loss to the entire family, as he was very industrious and economizing, he being the main support of the family. His last message to his father was not to worry about him, for he was all right. He liked the Military service and made an excellent soldier, from the letter written by his company commander to his parents. Extracts of letter: Fort Niagara, N.Y. Oct. 22, 1918 Mr. O.G. Ford, Dunnville, Ky. Dear Sir:-- Your letter of the 16th inst., requesting information regarding the death of your son, Herschel Ford, received. Private Ford complained of illness on the morning of the 5th, and was sent to the Pest Hospital** as a precautionary measure, but it appeared that influenza had already taken hold of him and every effort known to medical science was applied but with no effect. Pneumonia set in and in his weakened condition could not resist the disease. He died a peaceful death on the 15th at 1:15 a.m. In closing I would say that Private Ford was an excellent soldier, universally liked by his officers and fellow soldiers, and his unfortunate death is a source of genuine sorrow to all of us. The heartfelt sympathy of the officers and men is extended to the family. Sgt. Charles M. Sabins, U.S. Army, Capt., U.S. Guards. His remains were shipped home and laid to rest at Antioch Church, in Casey county, after a few well-chosen words by Bro. Joe Montgomery, of Liberty. [Pvt. Ford's gravemarker states he was a member of Co. C (or G), 16th Bat'l, U.S.G. (U.S. Guards). His parents were Sam G. & Permelia E. Ford. * There are a number of passing references in the 1918 Adair County News to Pvt. Ford being inducted from Adair County, but he apparently was a native of Casey Co. ** Refers to a hospital (or a wing of a hospital) dedicated solely to those with contagious diseases--in this case, the so-called Spanish influenza.