(This headstone has four names. Two on
the east face and two on the west face, all the people are buried beside
each other. The east face has the following names:)
James H. ATWOOD:(b.13Oct1824
NCorVA d. 24Apr1874 Casey Co. KY) m. c. 1847 Casey? Co. KY
to Mary/Polly M. (WARD) ATWOOD. Son of James ATWOOD and
Margaret/Peggy (MCCOLLUM) ATWOOD
Mary/Polly M. (WARD) ATWOOD:
(b. 16May1821 Casey Co. KY d. 24Feb1904 Casey Co. KY) daughter
of Benjamin WARD and Margaret (?) SHOOK WARD

(West face:)
Sarah M. ATWOOD: (b.
27Feb1854 Casey Co. KY d. 17May1882 Casey Co. KY) daughter of
James H ATWOOD and Mary/Polly M. (WARD) ATWOOD.
(b. 15Aug1855 Casey Co. KY d. 20Feb1885 Casey Co. KY) m.
27May1883 Casey Co KY to Jackson RUSSELL. daughter of James H
ATWOOD and Mary/Polly M. (WARD) ATWOOD.

Do not know anything about these two,
nor if these people are related to James H. Atwood |

Benjamin ATWOOD
(b. 28Dec1848 Casey Co. KY d. 24Nov1917 Casey Co. KY) m 12Sep1880 Casey
Co. KY Virginia Ann (PECK) ATWOOD. son of James H ATWOOD and Mary/Polly

George B. ATWOOD (b. 10Apr1861
Casey Co. KY d. 15Jun1909 Casey Co. KY) m1 15Jan1882 Casey CO. KY
Elizabeth Jane (PECK) ATWOOD. m2 19Sep1900 Sarah (?) WILSON ATWOOD
**Note** a Sarah J. Pitman married Louis W. Wilson 22Aug1890 in Casey
Co. KY. do not know if these are the same women or not. George is the
son of James H ATWOOD and Mary/Polly M. (WARD) ATWOOD. |

Mary Atwood Pemberton
Headstone has all info except: m
22Jun1903 Casey Co. KY to Joe PEMBERTON |