Casey County | ![]() |
Letter By James E. King To The Commissioner Of
Pensions July 1887 ============================ Letter By James E. King To The Commissioner Of Pensions July 1887 Casey County KyArchives History Letters ============================ James Tanner Sir In answer to your letter of inquired July the 1st 1887 concerning my disability on which I base my claim for pension # 704.44. I was born and raised in Casey Co. Ky. and have never changed my place of residence before nor since the war. Post Office address Humphrey Casey Co. Ky. My occupation farmer and Stone mason. The latter my actual trade, tho unable to follow it little. As to the origin of my disabilitys, I was sound so far as I knew when I enlisted in Co. A 1st Regiment Ky. Cavl. Contracted measles at camp Dick Roberson Ky. about Oct. 15th 1861. Also contracted camp diarrhea at same place and about same time. Sent home with measles, returned to soon to camp measles settled on my throat and lungs. Had bad cough so called it Bronchitis some asthma. I was sent home twice on account of said disability the following winter. I remained at home about a week at a time. We were camped at the time in Casey Co. Ky. near my home I had Jaundice at Clarksville Tenn. I suppose from diseased liver in Dec. 1862 or Jan. 1863. I was captured at Philadelphia East Tenn. About Oct. 20th 1863. Taken (Second page)to Richmond Va. Put on Belles Island. Remained there until last of Feb. or first of March 1864. Had same cough and throat disease and diarrhea. Contracted rheumatism scurvy and nervous debility. Had severe attack of piles and constipation and was taken to hospital Richmond VA. While there my limbs swelled had knight sweats. Sent from there to Jarvis hospital Baltimore Md. April 16th 1864 I remember they gave me cod liver oil and brandy and my brandy always give out first. Sent to camp chase Ohio about July 1864 sent to regiment about Oct 1864. The diseases I have mentioned have Staid with me ever since to the present time affecting me more or less all the time. The Rheumatism has stiffened up hurts me all over. Can hardly use my let arm at times. Affects my head eyes and entire system. Piles blead sometimes. bowels protrude and constipated. I will state I beleave my exposure on the Morgan raid through Ky., Ind. and Ohio then back to Knoxville East Tenn. Had something to in bringing about the piles. When attached with piles and constipation on Belles Island I went 10 or 12 days with out any passage from my bowls. Had taken oil. Done no good. Had to get a passage from my bowls with a stick which I prepared for that purpose. Had hip sones have the scary in my hips now. Doc. Rife regimental doc. Gave me medical treatment for diarrhea and throat disease and cough at Bardstown Ky. and camp Bill Williams Casey Co. KY. and likely other places (R.M. Hatter crossed out) this was in the latter part of the fall of 1861. And winter and Spring of 1862. Mr. Rife is dead. R. M. Hatter gave me teas for Jaundice R. M. Hatter lives in Casey Co. Ky. this was at Clarksville Tenn. In Dec. 1862 or Jan. 1863 (Third page) I received treatment of some sort in hospital at Richmond Va. They painted me with iodine they said to keep the swelling from going up into my body gave me other medicine also. Received treatment at Jarvis hospital Baltimore Md. mentions before this was in winter or spring of 1864. Got medicine from Doc.Newel of Pulaski Co. Ky. who is dead. This was in 1865 and 1866. Doc Estes then of Casey Co. now of Lincoln Co. Ky. gave me medicine for camp diarrhea that was 1867 or 1868. I got medicine several times from Doc. McClure of Pulaski Co. Ky. now who is one of the board of Doctors at Somerset Ky.Doc Garner of Humphrey Ky. has gave me medicine brought medicine from Humphrey and McClure. I have bin to poor to send for Doctor or get medicine every time I need it. Necessity has forced me to work when I was not able. I have six children. Oldest 17 years youngest 3 years old. One boy 8 years old name Garfield King now as for the time I have bin prevented from following my usual occupation by reason of the alleged disability. As for stone mason work I have not bin able to follow it more than one third or one fourth time. Farming has bin every thing else but a success. Taken it all together I think I have bin disabled two thirds. I think I am not able now to do more than one fourth work if that. You know how four or five diseases can put the time on an old soldier now 51 years old. Very Respectfully James E. King ============================== Submitted by: Kathleen Watson This file has been created by a form at ==== KY-FOOTSTEPS Mailing List ==== ====================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format or presentation by other organizations or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for profit or any form of presentation, must obtain the written consent of the file submitter, or his legal representative and then contact the listed USGENWEB archivist with proof of this consent. |