The diaries of Artie Lee Foster are being contributed by her niece Debbi Cooper.

In these journal entries you will find deaths, marriages and day to day details of living in Casey County that you may not find anywhere else. The entries date back to 1932. Artie Lee, married Finley Foster of Casey County and died in
1990 at the age of 86....... So take a trip back in time and visit a slower gentler way of life... Enjoy!!

Monday 1, Aug. 1932:

 Well Fin broke down our broom cane this morning   picked seed beans and done other little tricks.    So by   by 


Tuesday 2, Aug. 1932:

 Well I taken Hellen Helms to have her tooth pooled  this m  Its now 3 oclock the Lay boy and Mr. Dan Grooms have just left the  Lay boy Played the Gittar  Gladis and Bill is here now   So guess  this is  All    


Wednesday 3, Aug. 1932:

 Well I have had felt awful bad today   layed in bed most all morning  Fin and me went down to Berthas this eve and  made her a Kittle of soap  Hellen came home with us to stay all night   I have just got through dressing a chicken for Breakfast  So guess this  Will be all for this time 


Thursday 4, Aug. 1932:

 Gladis and Bill moved back over to Mr. Littrell  today,  Well It was this morning about 5 oclock that they started with Ida  to Louisville Hospital It sure has been a lovely day  Fin and me  warshed   this is Fin Birthday he is 48 to day So good  night    


Friday 5, Aug, 1932:

 Well I ironed all morning  Fin warshed the dinner  dished while I finished ironing.  Ralph Helms is here to night.  So  guess this is all     


Saturday 6, Aug. 1932:

 Fin and me went to town this morning I fixed my  dress over this eve James and Harvard Helms is here to night  so by  


Sunday 7, Aug. 1932:

 Well today was the Ralley Day at Shady  Grove  Fin and me went  a large croude was there all enjoyed the  day   so guess this is all for the  night    by  


NOTE:  What is a Ralley Day  ??  Shady Grove being a cemetery, likely it was a cemetery work day or decoration of the gravestones.