The diaries of Artie Lee Foster are being contributed by her niece Debbi Cooper.

In these journal entries you will find deaths, marriages and day to day details of living in Casey County that you may not find anywhere else. The entries date back to 1932. Artie Lee, married Finley Foster of Casey County and died in
1990 at the age of 86....... So take a trip back in time and visit a slower gentler way of life... Enjoy!!

Monday 12, Sept. 1932 :

 Well me and Fin and Bill all went to Stanford Ky  today and on to Eubank had a lovely day  So it now bed time  Uncle  Felix Grooms Is here to night  So by by


Tuesday 13, Sept.  1932 :

 Well Fin and me have been cutting corn to  day Its now bed time  Just got back from town at Berthas Helms  Jim  had gone to Danville With a load of Something  so good night Dear  Friends   


Wednesday 14, Sept. 1932 :

 Well Fin and me cut corn to day and Im sure  tired So now bed time   


Thursday 15, Sept. 1932 :

Well Bertha Lee and Ruby was here this morning  and Stade a while got a lard stand to Put moseles In So guess this is all   May the Lord Bless us all 


Friday 16, Sept. 1932 :

Well Fin cut corn this morning and me and him went over to Loges this eve and I warshed a few peaces for Dall  Loge brought us over a Pint of new Mosleas  So guess this will be  all           


Saturday 17, Sept. 1932 :

 Well Fin cut corn to day I went down to Jims to Mill  Am fixing To go town to take my butter So guess this is  all  


Sunday 18, Sept. 1932 ;

 Well we had company to day Mom and Dad and Sadie Hale all spent the day with us and Blue Davie is here to night  So Good  night  
