The diaries of Artie Lee Foster are being contributed by her niece Debbi Cooper.

In these journal entries you will find deaths, marriages and day to day details of living in Casey County that you may not find anywhere else. The entries date back to 1932. Artie Lee, married Finley Foster of Casey County and died in
1990 at the age of 86....... So take a trip back in time and visit a slower gentler way of life... Enjoy!!

Monday 7, Nov. 1932 :

 Well Evertt Justice stayed all night with us last 
night.  Uncle Willie Justice and wife and Evertt all started back for  Cincinie
this morning  I take Mr. Brown his two pigs this morning   sold Jim Helms the
other 4 pigs for $2.00 a peace  So guess this is all 


Tuesday 8, Nov. 1932 :

 Well this elexction Day Hoover and Rosevelt is  runing
Can't tell whitch will be the lucky fellow yet  Orella spent the day  with
Ora Campbell today  I was over thire a while this eve.  Fin and  me cleaned off
our ounion patch today  so guess this is  all   


Wednesday 9, Nov. 1932 :

 Well it sure did rain last night Fin and me were 
down at Jim's last night and stade till bed time.  Well Rosevelt came in so 
guess Hoover will get to rest for the next years  Fin and me put out our  ounions
this eve.  by by 


Thursday 10, Nov. 1932 :

 Well Fin and me warshed this morning  I  ironed some
this eve.  James Helms stayed all night with us last night so  guess this is
all for this time   


Friday 11, Nov. 1932 :

 Well our first snow fell this morning and it sure is 
cold  me and Fin went to Liberty to the School Fair went in Jim Helms  truck 
Louie and Ruth came home with us to stay all night me and Ruth have  just got
our supper dished warshed  so guess this is  all               


Saturday 12, Nov. 1932 :

 Well me and Fin and Bill all went to town this  eve 
I got my new coat gave $10 dollars of it  Well I must quit and  iron a few
peaces  so by  by Dear Friend till  tomorrow                  


Continued in Book No 3
NOTE :   I am sorry to say that I do not have Book No3.....I will  be going to 
1934 now.