The diaries of Artie Lee Foster are being contributed by her niece Debbi Cooper.

In these journal entries you will find deaths, marriages and day to day details of living in Casey County that you may not find anywhere else. The entries date back to 1932. Artie Lee, married Finley Foster of Casey County and died in
1990 at the age of 86....... So take a trip back in time and visit a slower gentler way of life... Enjoy!!

Monday 5, April 1943 : Well I sewed Most all day Made 5 baby dresses for 
Virginia McFarland  So  by   by     



Tuesday 6, April 1943 : Ida had a hemiridge to day about dinner  got  27 eggs
today   Well I made a kittle of Soap to day   Went  over to see Miss Lill
this eve  so by  



Wednesday 7, April 1943 : Well I went down to Annies and got my  milk   So 
by  by 



Thursday 8, April 1943 : Well I went to town to day and went up to see  Mom 
so  by   by 



Friday 9, April 1943 : My order came to town   4 bottles  broke    Well Fin
went to town  I went over to Gerties   and warshed for her     by   



Saturday 10, April 1943 : Sent Blair papers back to them  Well I went  up
town and Fin went  a long got his slippers   So  by   by 



Sunday 11, April 1943 : Well I went to church at Shady Grove this   m   Fin
and mw went to to Berthas this eve     
