THE HANSFORD FAMILY TREE Monroe Hansford married Polly Ann Stevens. To this union were born Betsey Ann who married a Miller; Mart Sr., who married first a Mills woman and later a Shoat woman. To this union were born Billy, Marietta, Bob, and Mart, Jr. To Monroe and Polly Stevens also was born William who married Sally Turpin. To William and Sally were born Wallace who married Belle Morgan; Welby who married Polly Sloan; Lynn who married Dick Young; Minnie who married a Wilson; Mart. To Wallace and Belle Morgan were born Lewis, Dow, Curtis, and Ethel. To Welby and Polly Sloan were born Oda, Beatrice, Lid, and Bill. To Mart and his wife, Susan E. Toms, were born Dewey, Monroe, Leo, Cleo, and Ester.