LACY, Gilbert R., male, born 13 Mar 1916, mother Effie Sells.

LANE, James E., male, born 12 Jun 1911, mother Lula Brown.

LATHAM, Dora, female, born 3 May 1917, mother Sallie See.
LATHAM, Lula, female, born 10 Jun 1912, mother Mollie Gist.
LATHAM, Will E., male, born 7 Sep 1915, mother Mary Gist.
LATHAN, W.L., male, born 7 Jun 1878, father A. J. Lathan, father's place of birth Murrey Co., Tenn, mother E. Wright, mother's place of birth Clinton Co, Ky.
LATHEM, Margaret S., female, born 26 May 1918, mother Mary Gist.
LATHEN, Reney V., born 24 Jan 1915, mother Sallie Lee.
LATHUM, Eva C., female, born 14 Oct 1913, mother Mary Gist.

LAWHOR, James, male, born 5 Jan 1915, mother Myrta Means.
LAWHORN, L.A., female, born 21 Oct 1878, father D. C. Lawhorn, father's place of birth Fentress Co., Tenn, mother M. E. Wilson, mother's place of birth Fentress Co., Tenn.
LAWHORN, Mary D., female, born 28 Feb 1916, mother Bertha Cowan.
LAWHORN, McCage 1, born 31 May 1913, mother Minnie Craig.
LAWHORN, Poter, born 12 Jan 1920, mother Myrtie Means.
LAWHORN, Sammy A., male, born 5 Jan 1911, mother Myrtia Medason.
LAWHORN, Willie F., born 9 Sep 1918, mother Bertha Cowan.
LAWRENCE, Jesse 2, male, born 16 Mar 1918, mother Helen Cowan.
LAWSON, Elmer, male, born 8 May 1914, mother Minda Guffey.
LAWSON, Eula, female, born 26 Feb 1918, mother Minda Lawson.
LAWSON, Fred 1, male, born 20 Aug 1911, mother Mindy Guffey.
LAWSON, Fred 2, male, born 17 Sep 1912, mother Minda Guffey.
LAWSON, John L., male, born 17 Jun 1911, mother Julia Myers.
LAWSON, Maggie E., female, born 17 Jun 1911, mother Julia Myers.
LAWSON, Reid, male, born 18 Feb 1916, mother Minda Guffey.
LAWSON, Ruthie E., female, born 17 Aug 1912, mother Mindie Guffey.
LAWSON, Willie, male, born 29 May 1920, mother Minda Smith.

LEE, Alma L., female, born 9 Feb 1916, mother Rebecca Mullins.
LEE, Alva L., born 25 Nov 1919, mother Bertha Pemberton.
LEE, Archie L., male, born 26 Jul 1920, mother Dorothy Thomas.
LEE, Bessie M., female, born 4 Aug 1918, mother Edna Thrasher.
LEE, Clayton H., male, born 28 Jan 1914, mother Rebecca Mullins.
LEE, Daisy M., female, born 10 Apr 1915, mother Sallie Lee.
LEE, Dorothy N., female, born 20 Mar 1918, mother Sallie Lee.
LEE, Edna H., female, born 13 Feb 1917, mother Edna Thrasher.
LEE, Ernest W., male, born 12 Nov 1915, mother Edgar Smith.
LEE, Estell, born 28 Dec 1916, mother Bell Neal.
LEE, Femmie I., born 12 Feb 1918, mother Bertha Pemberton.
LEE, Fount, male, born 18 Dec 1911, mother Daisy Ferril.
LEE, John, male, born 2 Sep 1915, mother Edna Thrasher.
LEE, John R., male, born 20 Sep 1913, mother Alta Lewis.
LEE, John W., male, born 22 Sep 1920, mother Eula Thrasher.
LEE, Mary A., female, born 27 May 1918, mother Dewey Cargile.
LEE, Millard L., male, born 14 Mar 1911, mother Belle Neal.
LEE, Nannie E., female, born 21 Jul 1916, mother Sarah Holt.
LEE, Nomie E., born 4 Apr 1917, mother Lutha Ferrell.
LEE, Nora R., female, born 14 Jan 1913, mother Jaminah Neal.
LEE, Nova P., female, born 25 Apr 1907, mother Daisy
LEE, Ollie B., born 28 Jun 1904, mother Eliza Cooksey.
LEE, Raymon C., male, born 14 May 1919, mother Becky Mullins.
LEE, Richard, male, born 6 Nov 1914, mother Jemima Neal.
LEE, Ruby A., female, born 12 May 1920, mother Louise Cargile.
LEE, Thomas H., male, born 7 Aug 1916, mother Pearl Corgile.
LEE, Willie P., male, born 27 Feb 1911, mother Mary Gibson.

LEONARD, Bessie, female, born 16 Jun 1920, mother Belvia Campbell.
LEONARD, Della A., female, born 26 Sep 1910, mother Belva
LEONARD, Erwon R., male, born 3 Aug 1920, mother Lula Campbell.
LEONARD, Ethel B., female, born 18 Jan 1913, mother Blvia Campbell.
LEONARD, Ida M., female, born 24 Jun 1912, mother Nora Armstrong.
LEONARD, Mary M., female, born 21 Jul 1915, mother Blvia Campbell.
LEONARD, Rubie A., female, born 26 Apr 1913, mother Mary Campbell.
LEONARD, Stella B., female, born 25 May 1911, mother Mary Campbell.
LEONARD, William J., male, born 12 Mar 1918, mother Belvia Campbell.

LEVEREDGE, Andy 1, male, born 14 Mar 1920, mother Arzana Hopper.
LEVERIDGE, Amos E., male, born 1 Oct 1916, mother Arzona Hopper.
LEVERIDGE, Luther M., male, born 12 May 1895, mother
RIlda Shelton.
LEVERIDGE, Troy M., male, born 6 Nov 1918, mother Arazona Hopper.
LEVERIDGE, Willie M., male, born 28 Mar 1919, mother Ruthy Guffey.

LEWIS, Henry E., male, born 18 Apr 1918, mother Lula Bandy.
LEWIS, John E., male, born 21 Jun 1908, mother Sarah
LEWIS, Mary L., female, born 20 Dec 1912, mother Mallie Murray.
LEWIS, William 1, male, born 30 Apr 1912, mother Lula Bandy.

LITTRELL, Alvin E., male, born 4 Dec 1911, mother Minnie Maupin.
LITTRELL, Anna M., female, born 17 Sep 1913, mother Lillie Stewart.
LITTRELL, female child, born 1 Jan 1912, mother Fannie Flowers,
father Elizah Littrell..
LITTRELL, Euthel M., born 8 Dec 1920, mother Ruby Williams.
LITTRELL, Hazel M., female, born 14 Oct 1919, mother Lilly Stuart.
LITTRELL, Marshal, male, born 8 Jan 1905, mother Minnie
LITTRELL, Paul E., male, born 17 Sep 1913, mother Fannie Floroers.
LITTRELL, male child, born 16 Sep 1915, mother Clora Davis,
father Richard Littrell.
LITTRELL, Sallie M., female, born 7 Nov 1902, mother
Minnie Maupin.

LIVENDGE, James B., male, born 19 Nov 1913, mother Myrtie Garrett.
LIVSEY, Joe 1, male, born 24 Jul 1911, mother Kate Edes.

LOGAN, Stella, female, born 17 May 1919, mother Sada Walker.
LOGSTON, Charlie, male, born 17 Oct 1911, mother Minde Sutherland.

LOHARN, Josh 1, male, born 13 Jan 1915, mother Myrtie Means.

LONG, Charles C., male, born 4 Feb 1917, mother Stella McKinley.
LONG, Clayton 1, male, born 26 Feb 1916, mother Stella McKinley.
LONG, Jim E., male, born 13 Nov 1920, mother Stella McKinley.
LONG, Mattie K., female, born 17 May 1918, mother Stella McKinley.

LOOPER, Cletis G., male, born 16 Jun 1918, mother Clementie Thomas.
LOOPER, Elizabeth, female, born 16 Nov 1907.
LOOPER, Willie, male, born 12 Feb 1907, mother Clemintine

LOTHAM, Tom L., male, born 26 Feb 1920, mother Mollie Gist.

LOUIS, Mary L., female, born 20 Dec 1912, mother Mallie Murray.

LOWHAM, Mary, female, born 27 Apr 1918, mother Oda Griffin.
LOWHORN, Bessie B., female, born 30 Jan 1913, mother Matie Means.
LOWHORN, Brinkley R., born 9 Jun 1911, mother Dollie Lowhorn.
LOWHORN, Delmer, male, born 27 Mar 1913, mother Bertha Cowan.
LOWHORN, James C., male, born 13 Jan 1920, mother Myrtle Means.
LOWHORN, Jane, female, born 14 Apr 1918, mother Martha Lowhorn.
LOWHORN, Jesse H., born 27 Aug 1918, mother Daisey Shelly.
LOWHORN, Raymond C., male, born 10 May 1919, mother Ada Griffin.
LOWHORN, Rubie S., female, born 16 May 1912, mother Minnie Craig.
LOWHORN, Sylvester 2, male, born 9 Sep 1912, mother Ada Griffin.
LOWHORN, VIrgil R., male, born 21 Oct 1916, mother Myrta Means.
LOWHORN, Willie C., male, born 11 May 1914, mother Ada Griffin.

LUCY, Eva A., female, born 1 Jan 1919, mother B. Jarvis.

LUTTRELL, Georgia M., female, born 22 Feb 1911, mother Chlora Davis.
LUTTRELL, Kenneth B., male, born 7 Sep 1913, mother Chlora Davis.
LUTTRELL, RIchard R., male, born 2 Feb 1917, mother Chlora Davis.
LUTTRELL, Susan, female, b. 26 Sep 1891.

LYNN, William, male, born 3 Jun 1911, mother George Lynn.

LYONS, Asa C., male, born 2 Mar 1912, mother Meloina Wynn.
LYONS, Fairy, female, born 11 Oct 1915, mother Lula Hopper.
LYONS, John, male, born 21 Oct 1920, mother Malvina Wynn.
LYONS, John 2, male, born 12 Aug 1914, mother Malvina Wynn.
LYONS, Mary L., female, born 30 Jul 1917, mother Melvina Wynn.
LYONS, Wilma W., female, born 12 Aug 1914, mother Malirina Wynn.