PAGE, Floyd, male, born 18 Feb 1912, mother Edna Tweedy.

PALSTIN, Earl, male, born 17 Jul 1915, mother Gerturde Campbell.

PARMELY, Roberta, female, born 25 Aug 1917, mother Mary Allen.
PARRIGAN, Jacob, male, b. 14 Jan 1896.
PARRIGAN, Lizzie, female, b. 18 Apr 1894.
PARRIGAN, Mattie, female, b. 1 Jan 1898.
PARRIGIN, A. 1, born 30 Sep 1916, mother Nancy Melton.
PARRIGIN, Dora, female, born 2 Sep 1913, mother Edna Griffin.
PARRIGIN, Edward R,m nakem birn 20 Apr 1920, mother Ada Smith.
PARRIGIN, Eula, female, born 29 Mar 1916, mother Edna Griffin.
PARRIGIN, Frank M., male, born 17 Mar 1916, mother Hattie Booher.
PARRIGIN, James 2, born 4 Nov 1912, mother Mattie Pittman.
PARRIGIN, John A., male, born 10 Feb 1918, mother Edna Griffin.
PARRIGIN, John W., male, born 27 Feb 1914, mother Mattie Pittman.
PARRIGIN, Mary C., female, born 6 Oct 1914, mother Edna Griffin.
PARRIGIN, Minnie V., female, born 13 Sep 1914, mother Hattie Booker.
PARRIGIN, Newman K., born 12 Jan 1917, mother Hattie Booher.
PARRIGIN, Vinnie M., born 5 Aug 1910, mother Arminda
PARRIGIN, Willie, born 21 Jul 1919, mother Edna Griffin.
PARRIYIN, Mattie 1, born 19 Feb 1911, mother Mattie Parriyin.

PATRICK, Anna L., female, born 22 Feb 1919, mother Sallie Madison.
PATRICK, Nannie V., female, born 18 Feb 1917, mother Sallie Madison.
PATTERSON, Cable C., born 20 Mar 1916, mother Willie Mills.
PATTERSON, Ocie G., born 17 Sep 1911, mother Myrtle Mills.
PATTERSON, Roscoe J., male, born 20 Nov 1915, mother Willie Mills.
PATTERSON, Wilbur H., male, born 4 Oct 1913, mother Willie Mills.
PATTON, ELmer L., male, born 13 Jun 1916, mother Ida Upchurch.
PATTON, James S., male, born 20 May 1919, mother Ida Upchurch.
PATTON, Louis A., male, born 10 Feb 1911, mother Nancy Anderson.

PEDIGO, John H., male, born 16 Nov 1916, mother Verla Hurt.

PEEDEN, Clarence, male, born 21 Mar 1918, mother Creecy Moles.
PEERCY, Ira 1, born 26 Aug 1911, mother Osha Owens.
PEERCY, Laura Mae, female, born 13 Jan 1917, mother Mary Owens.

PEIRCE, Adell C., born 12 Sep 1919, mother Ethel Sidwell.

PEMBERTON, Roxie B., female, born 31 Jan 1912, mother Jane Stockton.

PENCE, Margarett L., female, born 8 Apr 1913, mother Etta Thompson.
PENNYCUFF, Dora D., female, born 30 Oct 1916, mother Rosetta Malone.
PENNYCUFF, Georga, female, born 9 Aug 1912, mother Melvine Appleby.
PENNYCUFF, Henry G., male, born 17 Apr 1902, mother Melvina
PENNYCUFF, Mary E., female, born 14 Jun 1919, mother Rosetta Malone.
PENNYCUFF, Oscar E., male, born 3 Sep 1917, mother Tenie York.
PENNYCUFF, Vester E., born 26 Oct 1920, mother Martha Petty.
PENTICUFF, Ben H., male, born 1 Sep 1914, mother Martha Petty.
PENTICUFF, Edward 2, born 9 Jun 1917, mother Bertha Marlow.
PENTICUFF, Eliza, female, born 14 Sep 1914, mother Ellie Crabtree.
PENTICUFF, Eula M., female, born 14 Nov 1915, mother Mattie Marcum.
PENTICUFF, Eva L., female, born 26 Jul 1918, mother Ellen Cakeon.
PENTICUFF, Georgia T., female, born 29 Jan 1911, mother Mattie Marcum.
PENTICUFF, H. 2, born 22 Mar 1913, mother Pollie Johnston.
PENTICUFF, Isaac 1, born 2 Nov 1919, mother Martha Petty.
PENTICUFF, James C., male, born 21 Mar 1914, mother Bertha Marlow.
PENTICUFF, Jimmie C., male, born 18 Sep 1919, mother Emma Stearns.
PENTICUFF, Leah M., female, born 6 Oct 1918, mother Bertha Marlow.
PENTICUFF, Mathew W., male, born 1 Jun 1920, mother Ennen Penticuff.
PENTICUFF, Randall S., male, born 30 Jun 1913, other Mattie Marcum.
PENTICUFF, Rubie E., female, born 23 Feb 1920, mother Mattie Marcim.

PERDEER, Dennis W., male, born 18 Aug 1919, mother Winnie Wade.
PERDEN, Martha, female, born 15 Jun 1916, mother Mattie Shelley.
PERDEW, Alma V., female, born 25 Jun 1912, mother Myrta Wright.
PERDEW, Ella L., female, born 8 Dec 1914, mother Annettie Guffey.
PERDEW, Elma L., female, born 25 Jun 1912, mother Myrta Wright.
PERDEW, Ermon L., born 30 Oct 1915, mother Mary Shelley.
PERDEW, Guy W., male, born 18 Mar 1918, mother Nora Garrett.
PERDEW, J. 1, born 27 Jun 1912, mother Nora Garrett.
PERDEW, Winifred L., female, born 18 Aug 1918, mother Winifred Wade.
PERDUE, Abraham D., male, born 14 Apr 1912, mother Bessie Carter.
PERDUE, Ada, female, b. 4 Jun 1902.
PERDUE, Arthur P., male, born 28 May 1914, mother Lucy Moles.
PERDUE, Bradley, b. 15 Jan 1901.
PERDUE, Dorothy I., female, born 20 Jul 1920, mother Delta York.
PERDUE, Edwin F., male, born 23 Jun 1919, mother Mary Shelly.
PERDUE, Eula M., female, born 21 Apr 1911, mother Mattie Shelley.
PERDUE, General C., male, born 4 Mar 1917, mother Nora Garrett.
PERDUE, Granville C., male, born 14 Dec 1839.
PERDUE, Howard W., male, born 10 Jun 1912, mother Annette Griffey.
PERDUE, Jodur G., born 27 Jul 1919, mother Mattie Shelly.
PERDUE, Johnathan, male, born 10 Oct 1918, mother Dora Bell.
PERDUE, Joseph, male, born 5 Jan 1918, mother Nellie Guffey.
PERDUE, Lena A., female, born 1 Aug 1912, mother Mary Shelley.
PERDUE, Maggie P., female, born 28 May 1914, mother Lucy Moles.
PERDUE, Mary E., female, born 10 Nov 1915, motehr Lucy Moles.
PERDUE, Mildred G., female, born 22 Feb 1919, mother Adie Guffey.
PERDUE, Myrtie, female, b. 3 May 1900.
PERDUE, Tressa, b. 27 Sep 1894.
PERDUE, Sallie M., female, born 11 Oct 1911, mother Lucy Moles.
PERKINS, Benjamin H., male, born 1 Feb 1915, mother Lena Harrison.
PERKINS, Edgar, male, born 10 Aug 1912, mother Lena Harrison.
PERKINS, Hugh E., male, born 11 Jun 1918, mother Lena Harrison.
PERKINS, John A., male, born 11 May 1913, mother Judith Elmore.
PERKINS, Mary B., female, born 15 Aug 1910, mother Minnie
PERKINS, Virginia T., female, born 14 May 1903, mother
Lena Harrison.
PEROSSETT, Odos P., born 8 Sep 1911, mother Pollie Owens.

PHARES, Annie L., female, born 5 Jul 1920, mother Aggie Myers.

PHILLIPS, Ansalem, born 20 Oct 1920, mother Ada Sells.
PHILLIPS, Joseph D., male, born 15 Aug 1914, mother Ada Sells.
PHILLIPS, Ona, born 21 May 1916, other Ona Burchett.
PHILLIPS, Reba L., female, born 1 Jul 1914, mother Leona Burchett.
PHILLIPS, Thomas, male, born 16 Oct 1917, other Ada Sell.
PHILLIPS, Wm., male, born 22 Oct 1912, mother Loena Burchett.

PICKENS, Anise L., born 3 May 1919, mother Tramie Vaughn.
PICKENS, James, male, born 14 Sep 1912, mother Frannie Vanghn.
PICKENS, Letha N., female, born 11 Mar 1915, mother Frannie Vaughn.
PICKENS, Norman C., male, born 8 Sep 1914, mother Trannie Vaughn.

PIERCE, Alvis 1, born 20 Jan 1917, mother Margarett Butler.
PIERCE, Anna E., female, born 9 May 1917, mother Elizabeth York.
PIERCE, Bertha M., female, born 15 May 1918, mother Pearl Brown.
PIERCE, Carson Merle, male, born 23 Sep 1919, mother Eddie Polston.
PIERCE, Caudis, born 5 May 1915, mother Sallie Thurman.
PIERCE, Chester A., male, born 14 May 1912, mother Margarett Penlen.
PIERCE, Edith M., female, born 1 Oct 1911, mother Susan Keen.
PIERCE, Effie L., female, born 22 Feb 1911, mother Helen Craig.
PIERCE, Etta S., female, born 17 Nov 1914, mother Susan Keen.
PIERCE, Eula M., female, born 12 Aug 1913, mother Sarah Craig.
PIERCE, Grace O., female, born 20 Oct 1920, mother Sallie Anderson.
PIERCE, James A., male, born 11 Jan 1916, mother Abbie Sheffield.
PIERCE, James A., male, born 20 Apr 1919, mother Ida York.
PIERCE, James G., male, born 17 May 1918, mother Ettie Thompson.
PIERCE, Jason R., male, born 6 Sep 1918, other Margaret Peueuer.
PIERCE, M.S., female, born 24 Aug 1878, father F. M. Pierce, father's place of birth Clinton Co., Ky, mother R. E. Wade, mother's place of birth Clinton Co., Ky.
PIERCE, Mary E., female, born 3 Sep 1906, mother Ida
PIERCE, Norman J., male, born 5 Aug 1917, mother Francis Pierce.
PIERCE, Pauline, female, born 10 Sep 1920, mother Pearl Brown.
PIERCE, S.P., male, born 13 Jul 1878, father Ambrose Pierce, father's place of birth Clinton Co., Ky, mother M. C. Craig, mother's place of birth Clinton Co., Ky.
PIERCE, Sarah, female, b. 8 Jan 1852, father Joseph Pierce, mother Nancy Trent.
PIERCE, Sarah R., female, born 10 Sep 1920, mother Aron York.
PIERCE, Sue L., female, born 14 Sep 1914, mother Letta Perdue.
PIERCE, Susan E., female, born 1 Sep 1908, mother Luda
PIERCE, William E., male, born 6 Dec 1915, mother Leona Riddle.
PIERCE, Willie F., born 25 Jan 1913, mother Elizabeth York.
PIERCEY, Anna O., female, born 16 Apr 1918, mother Mary Warinner.
PIERCEY, Eula L., female, born 13 May 1907, mother Lee
PIERCEY, Francis E., born 17 Jul 1916, mother Ada Kearney.*
PIERCEY, Henry Clay, b. 29 Jun 1889, mother Tilda Brown, father Bryant Piercy.
PIERCEY, Herold D., male, born 6 Apr 1920, mother Marget McWhorten.
PIERCEY, Jno L., male, born 26 Aug 1916, mother Giertie Moles.
PIERCEY, Lee E., male, born 10 Jul 1919, mother Gertie Moles.**
PIERCEY, Lee E., born 10 Jul 1912, mother Lee Moles.**
PIERCEY, Leonard E., male, born 3 May 1912, mother Ada Kearney.
PIERCEY, Lucy P., female, born 14 Feb 1914, mother Ona McWhorten.
PIERCEY, Lueola, female, born 5 Sep 1904, mother Leonna
PIERCEY, Pearl A., female, born 3 Apr 1919, mother Ada Kearney.
PIERCEY, Winford, born 12 Aug 1914, mother Mary Warinner.
PIERCY, Charles G., male, born 31 Mar 1913, mother Luella Evans.
PIERCY, Francis E., born 17 Jul 1916, other Ada Kearney.*
PIERCY, James W., male, b. 24 Apr 1871, mother Matilda Brown, father Bryant Piercy.
PIERCY, Roscoe, male, born 28 Sep 1912, mother Girtie Moles.
PIERCY, Sallie V., female, b. Feb 1890, mother Matilda Brown, father Bryant Piercy.

PILLOW, John L., male, born 11 Jul 1919, other Nita Littrell.

PIPER, John O., male, born 14 Jun 1915, motehr Nettie Pharris.

PITMAN, Delmer M., male, born 2 May 1918, mother Nettie Booker.
PITMAN, Hannah, female, born 15 May 1856, father T. J. Pitman, mother Mary Burchett.
PITMAN, Joseph M., male, born 25 Jan 1911, mother Aley Summers.
PITMAN, Melborn R., born 20 Oct 1918, mother Nervie Craig.
PITMAN, Nellie L., female, born 21 Feb 1913, mother Alimay Summers.
PITMAN, Vandol L., born 9 May 1917, mother Minerva Craig.
PITTMAN, Annie, female, born 10 Jul 1915, motehr Eva Brumett.
PITTMAN, Louise L., female, born 9 Jun 1918, mother Eva Brummett.
PITTMAN, Nannie B., female, born 26 Oct 1920, mother Esther Pryor.
PITTMAN, Reba F., female, born 30 May 1916, mother Nettie Booker.
PITTMAN, Ruby A., female, born 9 Sep 1914, mother Nettie Booker.

POE, Charles M., born 13 Nov 1917, mother Ruby Dabney.
POE, William 1, born 7 Sep 1915, mother Saurce Gomer.

POLE, Ernest E., male, born 24 Sep 1911, mother Lowla Davis.
POLSON, Ethel G., female, born 31 Oct 1917, mother Martha Williams.
POLSON, Haskell W., male, born 20 May 1916, mother Sadie Blankenship.
POLSON, James 1, born 19 May 1914, mother Mattie Smith.
POLSON, Johnnie, male, born 22 Feb 1914, mother Martha Williams.
POLSON, R.S., male, born 7 May 1878, father G. B. Polson, father's place of birth Clinton Co., Ky, mother (not listed), mother's place of birth Clinton Co., Ky.
POLSON, Wretha V., female, born 20 Jan 1907, mother Cora
POLSTON, David, b. 19 Jan 1902.
POLSTON, Dorothy L., female, born 9 Sep 1917, mother Lucy Johnson.
POLSTON, Evalyn T., female, born 18 Apr 1918, mother Gertie Campbell.
POLSTON, James 1, born 18 Feb 1911, motehr Martha Williams.
POLSTON, James E., male, born 2 Jan 1916, mother Mattie Smith.
POLSTON, Lollie 1, born 19 May 1912, mother Sallie Blankenship.
POLSTON, Mattie P., female, born 24 Jul 1919, motehr Minnie Kearney.
POLSTON, Piera, b. 11 Mar 1898.
POLSTON, Roy, male, born 4 Jun 1920, mother Mattie Smith.
POLSTON, Sallie 1, born 9 Jul 1918, mother Minnie Kerney.
POLSTON, Samme D., born 19 May 1912, mother Sadie Blankenship.
POLSTON, Thomas G., male, born 30 Oct 1911, mother Mattie Smith.
POLSTON, Willie, b. 8 Sep 1900.
POLSTON, Willie E., male, born 15 Sep 1920, mother Locky Johnson.

PRAKEN, Earl C., male, born 7 Nov 1912, mother Ellen Paerkeson.

PRESTON, Arnold, male, born 21 Feb 1916, mother Linu Berchet.

PRICHETTE, Presala, female, born 26 Dec 1920, mother Dora Prichette.
PRIOR, Overton 2, born 14 Apr 1912, mother Cora Gargile.

PRYOR, Dillard, b. 15 Nov 1891.
PRYOR, Onie, b. 5 Jan 1896.
PRYOR, WIllie, b. 3 Sept 1901.

PRUETT, Erela M., female, born 5 Mar 1913, mother Berthie Brown.

PURCEY, Norman J., male, born 5 Aug 1917, mother Francis Pierce.

*, ** These two records appear to be the same person, with different spellings in either the child's name and/or mother's name. There were two birth certificates issued, one apparently a correction to the original, incorrect certificate.