Hopkins Cemetery

This cemetery is located about two and one half miles north of the
city of Albany in Clinton county, near Commonwealth Highway Number
90. This cemetery has about 45 marked graves, most of which are now illegible. It is in the middle of private farmland, and
not maintained, although it now has at least a fence around it.
This information was copied from all legible monuments in the Hopkins
Cemetery by Mrs. J.H. Cross, Lawrence I. Cross and Willie C. and Kay
W. Cross, on Nov. 27,
The cemetery listing was provided by Bonnie

First row, facing east:
1. Molly, wife of Elijah Hopkins
Born May 11, 1777, Died Jan. 21, 1853.
2. Elijah Hopkins
Born Nov. 29, 1774, Died Jan. 4, 1838.
First Deacon of the 76 Baptist Church in 1822.
3. Rebecca, Our Mother, Wife of E. L.
Born March 15, 1812, Died Oct. 17, 1882.
Aged 70 yrs., 7 mos., 2 days.
4. Elijah L. Hopkins
Born April 14, 1815, Died May 19, 1877
Aged 62 years, 1 mo., 18 days.
The Lord's will be done, not ours.
Masonic Emblems on Monument
5. Lizzie G., daughter of J. B. and Sarah
Born June 30, 1869, Died Sept. 11, 1877
8 years, 2 months, 11 days.
6. D. F. Smith
Born Sept. 24, 1854, Died April 15, 1878
24 years old.
7. Farewell
Daniel E. Huddleston
Born Nov. 24, 1828, Died Dec. 25, 1866
Second row, facing east:
1. Martha, wife of Pleasant Hopkins
Born Oct. 25, 1859, Died Nov. 10, 1882
Aged 23 years, 16 days
2. Unmarked grave
3. Sally, wife of P. H. Williams
Born July 29, 1799, Died Sept. 17, 1856
4. P. H. Williams
Born April 10, 1796, Died Oct. 14, 1866
Aged 70 years, 7 mos., 4 days
Masonic Emblems on Monument
5. Our Mother
Polly, wife of Dennis Hopkins
Born Feb. 15, 1795, Died March 11, 1885
Aged 90 years, 26 days
6. Dennis Hopkins
Born July 8, 1797, Died April 11, 1858
Aged 60 years, 9 mos., 3 days
7. Adaline, wife of P. H. Hopkins
Born March 29, 1818, Died June 23, 1892
Aged 74 yrs., 2 mos., 25 days
A member of the 76 Baptist Church 44 years
Her heart knew no guile in life and her soul can know no pain in death.
8. Pleasant Hart Hopkins
Born July 28, 1823, Died Nov. 26, 1903
Aged 80 years, 3 mos., 29 days
Member of the 76 Baptist Church 62 years
Deacon of said church 53 years
Clerk of Stockton Valley Baptist Assn. for 35 years
Judge, Clinton County Court, 17 years.
9. Martha Hopkins
Born August 22, 1849, Died July 15, 1913
To him we trust a place is given
Among the saints with Christ in heaven.
Picture of Holy Bible
10. George Morton, son of P. H. and Adaline
Born June 28, 1852, Died Sept. 21, 1866
Aged 14 years, 2 mos., and 24 days
But now he is dead, wherefore should we fast,
Can I bring him back again?
I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me,
And is thy lovely shadow fled
Yet stopped the fruitless tears
He from a thousand pangs is freed,
You from ten thousand fears.
Third row, facing east.
1. Four unmarked graves.
2. Eliza M., daughter of Dennis and Polly
Born Dec. 30, 1820, Died Oct. 4, 1823
Age 2 years, 9 mos., 4 days.
3. John S., son of G. W. and E. J.
Born Dec. 20, 1851, Died Dec. 25, 1858.
4. Two unmarked graves.
5. In Memory Of Our Mother
Elizabeth J. Mackey, wife of G. W.
Born May 11, 1823, Died Sept. 17, 1904
Age 81 years, 4 mos., 6 days.
6. G. W. Hopkins
Born Oct. 21, 1818, Died Aug. 23, 1898
Aged 77 years, 10 mos., 2 days
Member of the 76 Baptist Church 58 years.
Fourth row, facing east.
1. One unmarked grave.
2. VanBuren D. Hopkins
3. Two unmarked graves.
4. Alfred R. Hopkins
B. June 22, 1853, D. May 30, 1880.
5. Walter A. Hopkins
B. Aug. 21, 1875, D. Apr. 14, 1899.
6. To the memory of Charles D. Sproul
B. in Clinton Co., Ky. Dec. 24, 1804
D. June 16, 1868
The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Fifth row, facing east.
1. Three unmarked graves.
2. Nancy K., wife of Killes Neathery
Born Sept. 26, 1834, Died Sept. 6, 1862
Aged 27 yrs., 11 mos., 10 days.
3. Oscar D. Neathery
Died Dec. 21, 8 o'clock, 11 min., P.M. 1881
Born Jan. 10, 1857
Yet take these tears mortality relief
And till we share your joys, forgive our grief,
These little riles and stones and verse,
And receive all a father and friend can give.
4. Wm. Pleasant Neathery
Born June 23, 1865, Died May 3, 1868.
Sixth row, facing east.
1. Four unmarked graves.
2. Martha J. Hurt
B. Jan 1, 1856, D. Oct. 1, 1856.
3. Joseph H. Hurt
B. Apr. 14, 1842, D. Mar. 16, 1866.
4. John H. Hurt
Born Oct 25, 1846, Died Apr 27 1865.
5. Louis P. Hurt
B. Aug. 2, 1863, D. May 22, 1865.
6. Our Father, Reuben Hurt
B. Nov. 24, 1819, D. Jan. 24, 1865
7. Our Mother, Elvira Cole
B. Feb. 14, 1813, D. Apr. 12, 1871.
8. Our Father, James Cole
B. Aug. 7, 1809, D. Jan. 17, 1883.
9. George W. Hurt
B. Nov. 8, 1823, D. Mar. 30, 1893.
Masonic Emblem on Monument.
10. Felicia A., wife of G. W. Hurt
B. Oct. 31, 1831, D. Aug. 23, 1884
Blessed are the pure in heart
For they shall see God.
Seventh row, facing east.
1. Tom W. Hurt, son of E. A. Hurt
Born June 8, 1861, D. Oct. 30, 1861.
2. Luvioy A. Hurt, Dau. of G. W. and
A. Hurt
B. Nov. 27, 1859, D. Sept. 30, 1861.
3. Thomas B. Hurt
B. Sept. 15, 1850, D. July 4, 1872
The Lord is my shephard, I shall not want.
Masonic Emblem on Monument.
4. George V., son of G. W. and E. A.
B. June 5, 1874, D. July 25, 1877.
5. Reuben S. Hurt
B. Nov. 10, 1862, D. Aug. 21, 1880.
Eighth row, facing east.
1. Farewell
Sabara, wife of Louis Perkins
B. May 1813, D. July 30, 1852.
2. Louis Perkins
B. May 27, 1813, D. July 30, 1852.
3. Edw. Ferguson
Sgt., Co. C. 5th Ky. Cavalry, Civil War.
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