This indenture made and entered into this Mch 15 1902 by and between Galveston Pittmon party of the first part and James Guthrie party of the second part both of the County of Clinton and
State of KY. Witnesseth: That Jos and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and fifty dollard one hundred and seventy five dollars in hand paid the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. The other $25.00 to be paid to Hatcher Wood when due which will be Nov. 15 1902. The Said
Galveston Pittmon has this day given granted bargained and sold and does by these presence give grant bargain and sell & convey into the Said James Guthrie one certain tract on parcel of land lying and being in the county of Clinton and of the state of Kentucky and on the waters of spring creek and
bounded as follows by: Beginning on a rock in J.C. Thrashers line R.S. McGills corner and running with his line S46E 18 poles to a rock and pointers in a hollow thence down the hollow S28E17 poles to a rock & Sassafras thence S18E15 poles 7 links to a rock and red elm. At a Spring thence S12E31 poles to
a rock on a hillside S of W. 26 poles to a rock above the head of the Cave Spring thence down the hollow S 50 E 28 Poles to the mouth of a Small hollow opposite the mouth of the cave Spring branch thence up Said branch S 22 E 24 poles to a rock thense S 47 E 7 poles to a black walnut in the old line and with it S 36 W 48 poles to a rock near the
Speck School house, thence N 47 W 40 poles to a rock at the elbow of the road thence S 32 W 19 poles to a rock in the old Nancy Speck line and with it N 46 W 63 poles to a rock J.C. Thrashers corner and with his line N 21 E 127 poles to the Beginning containing 65 acres more or less to have and to hold unto the Said James Guthrie his heirs and assigns
as forever and the Said Galveston Pittmon covenants to and with Said James Guthrie that he has a grant and legal title to Said land, and copable of conveying the Same and finds himself together with his wife to warrant and defend the title of Said land against the claims of all persons to the Said James Guthrie his heirs assigns as forever in Witness Whereof I the Said Galveston Pittmon and his wife have
hereunto set our hands thi date above written
Galveston Pittmon Nannie Pittmon
State of KY
County of Clinton
I E.M. Cox, Clerk of Clinton County court (rest of line is cut off)
Nannie Pittmon to James Guthrie was as appears from indorsement thereon properly acknowledged. Which is in woods and figures as follows: March 5 1902 acknowledged before me by Galvaston
Pittmon and Nannie Pittmon by private examination J.W. Wright Clerk by N.A. Honeycutt DC and the Same having been lodged in my office for record I therefore have duly recorded same together with certificate in Deed
Book P Page 112. Given under my hand as said Clerk
This 205h day of Feb 1906. E.M. Cox Clerk By J.O. Cole DC
NOTE: There was a third page to this deed, but the writing was so faint it couldn't be scanned or transcribed.
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