Catherine Beaty, widow of Alexr Beaty, Priv
Bounty Land Application #285226

28 Feb 1851

Transcribed and contributed by Nel Rocklein

[Folder Cover]
Capt A. Beaty // Tenn Mil
Col ---
Name not on Capt A Beattys Rolls Co. in Ser 1, Lef 3 Dec 1793, anp? 1 only service.
No. 285226
			Treasury Department, Third Auditor's Office
			Feby 20, 1858
The name of Alexander Beaty is not found as there is no evidence of Rolls of Captain A. Beaty's Company of 
Tennessee Militia for 1790.
In order to make a further search, additional information is necessary.
The probability is the rolls were destroyed in the burning of the Treasury. 

Commissioner of Pensions, Department of the Interior
				Albany KY Dec 8th/ 57
Sir. I enclose to you the Declaration of Catharine Beaty widow of Alexander Beaty Decd for bounty land under 
the act of 3rd March 1855 the only living witness known to be alive is Eleanor Meek she is a pensioner on account
of the service & death of her husband James Meek in the War of 1812.  Please direct your answer to me and if 
the Rools do not show the service state to me whether reputation of si??? will be ???d. Respy you humble servant
					W. J. Dabney
George C. Whitney Esqu
Com'r of Pensions, Washington City, D. C.
State of Kentucky Clinton County//
On this the 7th day of December 1857 personally appeared before me Abner Beaty a Justice of the Peace in and 
for the County aforesaid Eleanor Meek widow of James Meek aged _____ years.  She lives 2 miles from me.  
She is a pensioner and entitled to full credit and being first duly sworn by me on her oath states that she helped to 
fix clothes for Alexander Beaty when he went as a volunteer company some time about 1794 or there abouts. 
That she lived at the house of Billy Beaty in Sullivan County Tennessee at the time said Alexander volunteered & 
had from a small child, and continued to live there until she affiant was married, that she was present at the time 
said Catharine Beaty and Alexander was married, that her name was Catharine Travis, that they was married by 
Crockett, as she now thinks.  Affidavix is a pensioner that she lives in sight of said Catharine and has for about 
40 years, that Alexander has been dead for about 6 years, that he Beaty was gone in service for three months, 
that she was raised with said Beaty & has lived within sight as before stated.
						Elenor  X  Meek
Sworn to and Subscribed this 7th day of December 1857 before me.  Abner Beaty, J. P.

State of Kentucky County of Clinton  //
I J. A. Brents Clerk of County Court for the County Court aforesaid, do certify that Abner Beaty whose signature 
appears to the foregoing affidavit is & was at the time of signing the same an acting justice of the peace in & for 
the county aforesaid duly elected, commissioned & qualified as such and that full faith & credit are due all his 
official acts as such & that the foregoing signature purporting to be his is genuine.
In testimony whereof I have hereto set my hand & affixed my seal of office in Albany this 7th day of December 
1857.  J. A. Brents Clk
State of Kentucky Clinton County//
On this the 7th day of December 1857 personally appeared before me Abner Beaty a Justice of the Peace in 
and for the County aforesaid Catharine Beaty widow of Alexander  Beaty deceased.  She is my mother & said 
Alexander my father.  She is ?? to full credit and being first duly sworn by me on her oath makes the following 
Declaration Towit that her name before she was married was Catharine Travis, that she was married to said 
Beaty when she was in the 21st year of her age, that she was married by ____________, that she is now 77 
years of age that her said husband was a solder in the War of 1790.
Her said husband moved from Sullivan County East Tennessee to where she now lives & where she & her 
said husband lived up to the day of his death which took place about 6 or 7 years last March 1857.  She states 
that her said husband was a volunteer under Captain Andrew Beaty for three months and served three months 
before she & him were married.  She states that her said husband lived in Sullivan County Tennessee at the time 
he volunteered & served , that served out his tour of duty and was honorably discharged.  She states that 
Captain Andy Beaty under who her said husband served for many years lived in sight of declarant in Clinton 
County KY.  She states that since the death of her said husband she made a Declaration under the act of 28th 
September 1850 and failed to ??? claims that she again makes here declaration under the act of Congress of 
the 3d March 1855.  Declamant states she has no record of said marriage either public or private, that Eleanor 
Meek widow of James Meek was present at the time her said husband went into service and knows of his 
going and returning from service that she was also present at the time she and said Beaty were married.  She 
further states that said Eleanor Meeck now lives in sight of Declarants house & has for___ years past.  She 
states that said Eleanor is a pensioner on account of the service & death in service of her husband James Meek 
that her said husband often talked of his service against the Indians under Capt Beaty that said Eleanor Meek is 
the one person in the county by whom she can prove her marriage & her husbands going & returning from service.  
She states that the fact of her said husbands service can be proven by a number of person.  So fair a ??? could 
prove it.  She prays that his claim be examined and any proof records or otherwise that may ... She makes all her 
infose? do??? case part hereof She makes William J. Dabney her agent in the Case and desires that the Commissioner 
of Pensions correspond with him.  She things that she can prove by Eleanor Meek the length of time her said 
husband was gone and said ?? that she is ??? the widow of said Alexander Beaty and has remained his widow 
ever since his death --
					      Catharine   X   Beaty
Sworn to and subscribed to this 7th day of December 1857 before & certify that I have no interest in this claim.  
Abner Beaty  J.P. 

State of Kentucky Clinton County Court// December Term 1857
"Ordered that it be certified that the Declaration of Catherine Beaty Bounty Land & the affidavit of Eleanor 
Meek was produced and read in open court & the court being personally acquainted with said Catherine 
Beaty & Eleanor Meek, is of opinion they are entitled to full credit & believe their statements are correct"
I J. A. Brents Clerk of the County Court in & for the county aforesaid, do hereby certify that the record 
made at the December Term 1857 of said court in the case therein set forth and now on file in my office-- 
I also certify that Abner Beaty whose signature appears to the foregoing Declaration is and was at the time 
of signing the same an justice of the peace in 7 for the county afore said duly elected, commissioned & 
qualified as such & that the foregoing signature purporting to be his is genuine & that full faith & credit 
ought to be given to his acts as such.
In testimony whereof I have hereto set my hand and affixed the seal of my office at office in Albany this 
7th day of December 1857.  J. A. Brents  Clk
State of Kentucky Clinton County//
On this the 27th day of January 1858 personally appeared before me J C Southerland a Justice of the 
Peace in and for the County aforesaid Joseph Harris aged 76 years a  resident citizen of the county of  
Fentress and state of Tennessee He lives about 7 miles from me and has for many years he is a man of 
respectability and entitled to full credit and being first duly sworn by me and on his oath states that he 
for a great many years before the death of Alexander Beaty lived within about 3 miles of him, that he 
died about 3 miles from him, that his widow Catharine Beaty still lives at the same place and is still the 
widow of said Alexander Beaty.  Affiavit states that he was raised in Sulovin County Tennessee six miles 
from Alexander Beaty's father, that he was well and intimately acquainted with with said Alexander 
Beaty and also with Andy Beaty who was Captain of a company against the Indians ??? ??? the war 
of 1790, that Alexander Beaty was a private under said Captain Andy Beaty for about ____ months, 
that he was in said service about 3 months, and said Beaty as witnessed understood that, Eleanor Meek 
who is now the [widow of] James Meek and is as witness ???? a pensioner on account of the service 
and death of said James in the War of 1812.  Captain Andy Beaty long lived in Clinton County Kentucky 
(taken from Cumberland County) a part?? died there in about 2 & 1/2 miles from witness.  Affiavit states 
that said Beaty was respected and known as a soldier, under said Andy Beaty that the witness never 
heard the same doubted that he was intimately acquainted with him at the time he went in service and 
ever since up to the day of his death, that said Alexander was a Good farmer & citizen, and so regarded 
by all who knew him and rep?? as having served under Captain Andy Beaty for several months, against 
the Indians from Sulovin County Tennessee.  That said Eleanor Meek now & for a great many years 
has lived in about 5 miles from affiant & in sight of said Beaty and is a woman of respectability, that 
said Eleanor was raised by the father of said Alexander Beaty, affiant cannot  state the exact date 
of the death of said Alexander, but it was several years ago.
						Joseph  X  Haris
Sworn to and subscribed to this the 27th day of January 1858 before me and I have no 
interest in the Claim.  J. C. Southerland J.P.

State of Kentucky County of Clinton//
I J.A. Bretns Clerk of the county court of the county aforesaid do certify that J. C. Southerland whose 
signature appears to the foregoing affidavit, is and was at the time of signing the same an acting Justice 
of the Peace in and for the county aforesaid, duly commissioned and qualified as such, and that all his 
official acts as such are entitled to full faith and credit, and the signature purporting to be his is genuine.

In testimony whereof I have hereto set my hand and affixed my seal of office at Office in Albany this 
28th day of January 1858.  J. A. Brents Clk By C. P. Gray DC
Washington D.C.
Feby 11th 1858
Hon Gen C. Whiting
Dear Sir
Enclosed fid additional evidence in favor of Catharine Beatys claim for Bounty Land No. 285,226 
upon which, if in compliance with law, you will please issue at your earliest convenience a land warrant.  
If any thing further is necessary let me now.  I have the honor to be
Most Respectfully
A. Gallatin Talbott
State of Kentucky Clinton County
I certify that I have long known Alexander Beaty Decd, husband of Catharine Beaty who is applying 
for Bounty Land under the Act of 3d March 1855, that I have no doubt said Alexander served under 
Captain Beaty.  I can state that said Alexander Beaty & his now widow ware persons of respectability, 
that she Catharine is still a widow.  Given under my hand this the 28th day of January 1858.   J. C. 
Southerland, J.P.

State of Kentucky Clinton County
I J.A. Brent Clerk of the county court of the county aforesaid do certify that said J. C. Southerland 
whose signature appear to the foregoing certificate is and was at the time of signing the same an acting 
Justice of the Peace in and for the county aforesaid and full faith and Credit is due all his act as such 
& the foregoing signature purporting to be his is genuine.  In testimony whereof I have hereunto set 
my hand and affixed my seal of office done this 28th day of January 1858.  J. A. Brents Clk  
By C. P. Gray  D.C.
State of Kentucky Clinton County//
I Wm Vann presiding Judge of the county court do certify that am personally acquainted with Catharine 
Beaty who has applyed for bounty land under act of 3d March 1855.
She is the widow of Alexander Beaty who died some several years ago in this county & is re??? to 
have served some months under Captain Andrew Beaty in the Indian War of 1790.  I can only state 
that from my acquaintance with the claimant and with Mrs. Eleanor Meek and Joseph Harris with whom 
I have had an acquaintance for several years that I would have the most implicit confidence in their 
statements & doubt not that said Alexander served as the claimant and witnesses have stated.  
Given under my hand this 28th day of January 1858.  Wm.Vann P. J. C. C. C.
State of Kentucky Clinton County
I  J.A. Brents Clerk of the County Court of the County aforesaid do certify that Wm. Vann whose 
signature appears to the foregoing certificate is and was at the time of signing the same Presiding Judge 
of the County Court of the county aforesaid and full faith and credit is due all his acts as such and the 
foregoing signature purporting to be his is genuine.  In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand 
and affixed my seal of office.  Done at Albany KY this 28th day of January 1858.  
J. S. Brents Clerk, Clinton County Court   

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