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On this 5th day
of November, 1887, at Seventy
Six, County of Clinton,
State of Kentucky, before me, W. H. Egleton a Special Examiner
of the Pension Office, personally appeared Claiborne Brown,~
who being by me first duly sworn to answer truly all interrogatories propounded
to him during
this Special Examination of aforesaid Pension Claim, deposes and says: his
age is 54 P. O. as above, Occupation - Farming. Was 3” Sergeant of Co.
H 13 Ky. Cavalry.
I knew Eli Brown from my earliest recollection, he was my father.
Prior and up to the time he went into the Army he was a stout
able - bodied man.
Along the last of November and first of December 1864 while on the
Saltville raid Eli Brown began complaining of his breast and he
had a bad cough.
This cough grew worse until the latter part of December 1864 where
he was put in the hospital at Camp Nelson, Ky. I don’t know as I heard what was the
matter “that is the real nature of the disease he was suffering from” but
I thought it was a bad cold settling in his lungs.
When we were M. O. he was still in the hospital and did not come
home for about three weeks.
When he
did come he was complaining of his lungs. He
looked very
After he had been home a while he got better and did some work. But
he never got entirely well or free from the cough. He died May 24,
and it was
17 said
he died from consumption. I thought it was from cold settling on his
lungs and this cold I think he got
it when he was on the Saltville raid into Virginia. Eli Brown’s
first wife died sometime in April 1849, but the exact date, I cannot
Eli and Sarah Brown were married sometime in June 1850 or 1851,
and I think it was 1850. I have been informed that it was June
9th that they were married but
of my self I do not remember that, but I do remember that it was in June sometime
and it was 1850 or 1851 and I think in 1850. Sarah and Eli Brown had 4 children
born to them and they were as follows:
Serelda Brown born the latter part of 1851 sometime.
William Brown born in October 1852
Susannah Brown born in June 1854
Matilda Brown born in September or October 1857
The exact date of their births I could not give, for all the
dates I have given you are from memory and I have no
records to go by except that my daughter,
Artilla, was born December 7, 1857 and Matilda was born in September
or October of the
same year.
As I said I fixed Matilda’s date of birth in that way, but all other dates
are from memory.
I have no knowledge whatever when Sarah Brown’s
first husband died.
All the dates I have given you are from memory entirely except
the birth of Matilda and that I explained.
I never will forget when my mother and father died.
I was on the car with my father in 1867 when the car run off
the track with us. And the accident was as follows:
We were riding on flat cars and going down grade and the middle
car that we were on jumped off the track and run on the ties.
Maybe 10 or 20 yards
at that
time the Engineer had the cars checked.
The car that we were on was the only car that got off the track
and the source was not detected, but before it had run on the
ties for we all
jumped off.
Nobody was bruised or cut, that I knew of. And I saw no blood.
I know we were all at work the next morning.
My father was not hurt that I knew or heard of, it shook him up as
it did all of us but it did not injure him that I knew or heard of.
Sarah Brown is my Step- Mother and she has told me that if I would go
ahead and get up testimony for her that she would pay me for my trouble,
but I have always told her that I did not charge her anything. I have
testified in the case before and the signatures are genuine. And if
they put it in that affidavit that it was in 1851 they did not put it
down as I told it for I told them 1850 or 1851.
And to the best
of my recollection now it was 1850. Q – Have you understood
the questions asked you and are you answers to them correctly recorded
in this deposition?
A – Yes Sir.
Attests: } W. H. Egleton
J.A. Story
Deponent |
Sworn to and
subscribed before me this 5th day of November 1887,
and I certify that
the contents were fully made known to deponent before signing.
W. H.Egleton
Special Examiner.