

(Our thanks to all of you for your contributions.)
A Tribute to Veterans
In Vietnam, Korea and World Wars Past
Our Men Fought Bravely so Freedom Would Last
Conditions Where Not Always Best They Could Be
Fighting a Foe You Could Not Always See:
From Mountain Highs to Valley Lows
From Jungle Drops to Desert Patrols
Our Sinewy Sons Were Sent Over Seas
Far From Their Families And Far From Their Dreams
They Never Wrote Letters Of Hardships Despair
Only Of Love, Yearning That One Day Soon:
They Would Come Home, They Would Resume
And Carry On With The Rest of Their Lives
The P.O.W.¹S Stood Steadfast
Against the Indignities And Cruelties Of War
They Could Not Have Lasted as Long as They Did
If They Had Relinquished Their Hope That Some Day:
They Would Come Home, They Would Resume
And Carry On the Rest Of Their Lives
Medics, Nurses, and Chaplains Alike
Did What They Needed To Bring Back Life
They Served Our Forces From Day Into Night
Not Questioning If They Would Survive:
They Mended Bones And Bodies Too,
They Soothed the Spirits of Dying Souls
And for Those M.I.A¹S, Who Were Left Behind
We Echo This Message Across the Seas
We Will search For as Long As It Takes
You¹re Not Forgotten And Will Always Be:
In Our Hearts, In Our Prayers,
In Our Minds For All Time
A Moment of Silence, a Moment of Summons
Is Their Deliverance of Body And Soul
To a Sacred Place That We All Know
Deep In the Shrines of Our Soul:
In Our Hearts, In Our Prayers
In Our Minds For All Time
These Immortalized Soldiers Whose Bravery Abounds
They¹re Our Husbands, Fathers, and Sons
They Enlisted For the Duty at Hand
To Serve the Cause of Country and Land:
They Had Honor, They Had Valor,
They Found Glory That Change Them Forever
Men Standing Tall and Proud They be
A Country Behind Them in a Solemn Sea
So Let the Flags of Freedom Fly
Unfurled in Their Majesty High:
In the Sun, In the Rain
In the Winds Across This Land
Years of Tears Has Brought Us Here
Gathering Around to Hear This Sound
So Let the Flags of Freedom Fly
Unfurled in Their Majesty High:
In the Sun, In the Rain,
In the Winds Across This Land
In the Sun, In the Rain,
In the Winds For All Time
Written by Jerry Calow (copyright 2003)
[I received this note from the Jerry: I wrote this song to pay tribute to All Veterans and would be honored if you choose to post it on your Patriotic website. I thank you and God Bless! My thanks to you, Jerry, for sharing.]
Origin of Memorial Day
On May 5, 1868, General John A Logan, Commander-in-Chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, issued General Orders No 11 from his headquarters in Washington, D.C. It read as follows:
I. The 30th day of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village and hamlet church-yard in the land. In this
observance no form of ceremony is prescribed, but Posts and Comrades will in their own way arrange such fitting services and testimonials of respect as circumstances may permit.
We are organized, Comrades, as our Regulations tell us, for the purpose, among other things, "of preserving and strengthening those kind and fraternal feelings which have bound together the soldiers, sailors and marines who united to suppress the late rebellion." What can aid more to assure this result than by cherishing tenderly the memory of our heroic dead, who made their breasts a barricade between our country and our foes. Their soldier lives were the reveille of freedom to a race in chains, and their deaths the tattoo of rebellious tyranny in arms. We should guard their graves with sacred vigilance. All that the consecrated wealth and taste of the nation can add to their adornment and security, is but a fitting tribute to the memory of her slain defenders. Let no wanton foot tread rudely on such hallowed grounds. Let pleasant paths invite the coming and going of reverent visitors and fond mourners. Let no vandalism of avarice or neglect, no ravages of time testify to the present or to the coming generations that we have forgotten as a people the cost of a free and undivided Republic. If other eyes grow dull, and other hands slack, and other hearts cold in the solemn trust, ours shall keep it well as long as the light and warmth of life remain to us. Let us, then, at the time appointed gather around their sacred remains and garland the passionless mounds above them with the choicest of flowers of spring; let us raise above them the dear old flag they saved from dishonor; let us in this solemn presence renew our pledges to aid and assist those whom they have left among us a sacred charge upon a nation's gratitude, the soldier's and sailor's widow and orphan.
II. It is the purpose of the Commander-in-Chief to inaugurate this observance with the hope that it will be kept up from year to year while a survivor of the war remains to honor the memory of his departed Comrades. He earnestly desires the public press to call attention to this Order, and lend
its friendly aid in bringing to the notice of Comrades in all parts of the country in time for simultaneous compliance therewith.
III. Department Commanders will use every effort to make this Order effective.
Borrowed [preserved] from Cathy Labath with thanks. Tom Otto 6326 Olbear@mbay.net |


"There are 2 family members that I'd like to honor. First, my father, James Gotham Puckett- Mar. 12, 1914 ---- Mar 29, 1978
Private First Class
35 079 688
318th Infantry Regiment
Honorable Discharge --- Nov. 27, 1945
Date of entry into active service --- Apr. 7, 1944
Reported missing in action --- Nov. 22, 1944
P.O.W. Stalag --- IV73 Number 311518
Infantry Training --- Camp Blanding
Place of seperation --- Camp Beale, California
Private First Class
Combat Infantry
Honorable Service
Good Conduct
African Middle Eastern Campaign
Victory W.W.II
Army of Occupation W.W.II
Bronze Star
Branch of Service: Army
Born: Munfordville, Hart Co., KY
Died: Baldwin Co., Fairhope, Ala
Served under General Patton. Was also in Germany
Brother Stanley Puckett was also in WWII.
Sons of James Garfield Puckett (aka Luby Jim) and Lieutishia Taylor (Tish)
Secondly, my 3rd great grandfather that was in the Civil War:
From his Civil War Pension Records:
Benjamin Franklin Taylor enlisted Sept 2 1862 and was discharged July 10
1865 Salisbury NC..Co H 26th Ky Inf...it combined, to Co B 33 Ky
Inf....Both Co's appear in his File # XC 933.763. Union.
Benjamin F. TAYLOR served in both Co. H of the 26th and Co. B of the 33rd
KY Infantry. He enrolled 2 Sept. 1862 at Munfordville for 3 years service and mustered out at Salisbury NC July 10, 1865.
He served as a Private in Company B, 33rd KY Vol. Infantry. That company disassembled and
he became part of Co. H. 26th KY Vol. Infantry. Capt. L. S. Beck was the
captain of both regiments. He was in the Battle of Nashville.


"I'd also like to honor Carol (who wrote the above salute). She served in the U S Air Force from 1978 - 1983. Eglin AFB, Fla & Edwards AFB, CA as a Recreation Specialist and part time Security Police.
Sandi |


"It is gracious of you to throw the list open to the vets, and I just happen to be a NAVAL vet from WW2,I was an RT3/c, that's Radio Tech third class, it was then changed to ETM3/c, Electronics tech 3rd class.Today, I have no idea what it might stand for or what the rating is. "I served aboard a CVE aircraft carrier, known as a Kaiser class flat top., or Jeep carrier. I was aboard three different ones, the U.S.S. Casablanca CVE 55;
also the USS White Plains CVE 66 and the USS Shamrock Bay, CVE 84. We were in the Atlantic for a couple runs to North Africa, then we accompanied the USS Missouri, battleship, to and through the Panama canal, on her maiden voyage. We then took part in the Lingayen gulf invasion, in the Philippines, that's when Gen. Douglas Macarthur returned to the Islands. We went on to the invasion of Iwo Jima and Okinawa, and then
to Kerama Rhetto. We got caught in a typhoon in the south China sea and suffered some structural damage from the water, and were ordered back to the states for repairs. I was transferred to a shore station, in Dearborn, Mi., but before I got there the Japanese had had enough, and I never got back to the fleet. I have several campaign ribbons and credit for at least three battle stars. Having said that, it is painful to know all the promises
that we were given about a war to end all wars has yet to be implemented. That so many gave so much, and yet, it is a world not exactly sure of here it is headed, that is capable of destroying itself and all of mankind. To those that are believers in prayer, let's all join together and pray for eternal peace, and to those that are offended by the thought of prayer, I pray that whatever your beliefs are that you will be kept from harm's way. A
witness to many memorial days.
Tom Pennington |


"I served 4 years in the US Air Force 1970-1974. Viet Nam was at its peak when I enlisted and was winding down with POW's coming home by the time I got out. I was fortunate in that I remained stateside for all four years. I lost friends in Viet Nam, a war that most of us saw as senseless, but I am proud of those who fought and died there, as well as all those vets from earlier in our country's history."
Gerald Moss |


"Thank you for throwing the list open for the vets. I will keep my comments short. I joined the Army when I was 17 years old and living in a foster home. My mother had died and my father was not able to care for us children. I grew up in the Army. The Army taught me responsibility which I need very badly at the time because I was a very angry person. I went to Vietnam December 1966 and served with the 4th Infantry Division in Pleiku Vietnam. Pleiku was in the central highlands and the 4th Infantry's base camp was located on Dragon Mountain. I would like to hear from other Vets who were with the 4th Infantry. I have been retired now for 24 years, but still dream of Vietnam. I have a 30% disability for a hearing loss and Post Traumatic Stress. I have spent years in counseling trying to understand, accept and forgive, but I still struggle with it. My ancestors are all from Jamestown, Kentucky, but I now live in Denver, Colorado. Thirty two years ago seems like a long time, but I can still remember some things like it was just yesterday. I still remember my comrades who lost their lives there, and I still cry over it pretty often. Thanks again Sandy. Thanks again."
Lewis Hart |


"Thanks Sandi for the opportunity "to show honor to whom honor is due" this weekend. My husband, Bob Cook & I are both Vietnam era USAF veterans. Bob was commissioned as an aircraft maintenance officer in Japan during Vietnam. I was an enlisted (wo)man in Personnel assigned to Formal Training at Keesler AFB, Biloxi, MS. I also served 3 years in Base Ops in the Air Force National Guard in Battle Creek, MI. My father, SSgt. Stan Beaugrand, was a US Army infantryman who served from the day they activated his Michigan Army reserve unit (on Dec. 8, 1941). He was trained as a cook and served in the Pacific theater as a Commando/Recon man in New Guinea, Australia, & unnamed islands occupied by the Japanese and he swam under the submarine netting into Tokyo harbor to take pictures. He was highly decorated by the US Army and the Australian army. He took a bullet in the back taking the beach at Leyte, P.I. on the day of the first assault. He used all his bullets and all his grenades up laying semi-paralyzed in the dirt while the rest of his unit was being mowed down by machine gun fire and the next wave of landing craft was disembarking personnel. They sent him to Hawaii for back surgery in a solid body cast and then on to his home state of MI for further surgery and therapy. He met mom at Percy Jones Hospital, Ft. Custer, Battle Creek, MI. He continued to serve his country by volunteering for many experimental surgeries throughout his lifetime at the Veteran's hospital in south FL. He also was instrumental in helping many Vietnam vets deal with their devils while he recuperated those many times in the Miami VA Hospital. Everyone who met him loved him, especially his older daughter (that would be me!), and admired his tenacity and spirit of adventure! Hats of to my dad for his lifetime of service to the country he loved! Also, my great-uncle, Pvt. Richard "Pudge" Cook, US Army, (my maternal grandfather's youngest brother) who turned 16 in the battlefields of France during W. W. I. He was definitely a "fraudulent" enlistee ...but boy! could he tell the stories! We all loved him for his sense of humor and "practical jokes!"
Also, Bob's great-grandfather, Pvt. Washington Taylor Cook, who served in the KY infantry for the Union Army in the Civil War. He was captured by the Confederates and released on parole in a prisoner exchange. (He's buried in Taylor burial grounds in Monroe, Hart Co., KY. If anyone's in that area, please put a flag on his gravesite for me. My arms are too short to reach from MN.) And, my great-great-uncle, Pvt. James Jennings of Co. K, 20th IL Infantry, Civil War Union Army, who was a POW at Andersonville Conf. prison and escaped from there and lived to tell about it! Thank God we live in a country that keeps a commitment to freedom and will lay down their lives for their fellowman ... I'm proud to have served with such distinguished company! God bless America and Americans! Be well!"
Kate Beaugrand Cook |


"Thank You Sandi for allowing this moment of remberance. I joined the army at the ripe old age of 17 and by the time I was 18 I was knee deep in a rice paddy in some strange land called Viet Nam. I was assigned to the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment as a Tank Commander aboard a Armored Cavalry Assault Vehicle. The following was written after my first visit to the "Wall" in Washington DC and is a tribute to all my comrades who fell in that place so far away.
Farewell Farewell my fallen friend
they used us and cared not how.
O' truest friend sleep rest sleep,
for thee no triumph then or now.
They plucked you from your glorious youth.
To manhood sprung this boy-man-child.
O' dearest friend sleep rest sleep,
Thy mother looks to heaven to see your smile.
Farewell Farewell my fallen friend.
Credulous and innocent you proudly went.
O' childhood friend sleep rest sleep,
Through thunder and fire your youth was spent.
I hear your piteous cry which sped you
on the wings of fate.
O' bravest friend sleep rest sleep.
Tears bedew the eyes of those who
lament upon this date.
Farewell Farewell my fallen friend,
A wall now stands to strain the sorrow.
O' kindest friend sleep rest sleep,
and those who fail to listen will weep
for their tomorrows.
In solitude you learned the sanctity of
life and God reigns over all.
O' blessed friend sleep rest sleep,
your name etched in our hearts
as it is upon this wall."
Pat Hayashida Tennon


"I would like to honor my daughter, who served two terms in Bosnia a few years ago. Emily was a mechanic with the Military Police (US Army). The army was an excellent place for my daughter, who had been an angry teenager. In the army, she received many awards and met her husband. She is now out of the army and has a daughter, 2 years old. I pray that my grand-child may not have to fight in any war, but, if called upon, be proud to serve her country as her mother was."
Dawn Hills


"I would like to take a moment to honor my maternal uncle, PFC Joe S. Elmore, MIA Korea. Joe was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose B. Elmore, Clinton County, KY. He has been MIA Korea since December 2, 1950. On the anniversary of his appearance in the year 2000, Army personnel came to my mother's home and took her DNA for the possibility of identifying her brother's remains. We still have not heard anything. Joe was only 20 when he disappeared. Thank you, Sandi, for allowing us this honor."
Debbie Bowlin, Bowling Green
"My Grandmother had two brothers and a brother-in-law who all served in WWII. All three thankfully made it home, with the brother-in-law being the last to pass in 1999. Its a shame there's no monument to honor them, as there are more leaving us everyday. Take the time to thank those that you know before it's two late!! To those of you on the list that are vets, either serving during time of war or peace ...I thank you!!"
Kymm in Huntsville |


"My husband's 5th and 4th great grand fathers, both named Bartholomew Kindred, helped the Revolutionary cause as well as Thomas and William Kindred brothers of Bartholomew, Jr. My Third greatgrandfather Theodore "Dory" Wheat served during the war of 1812. My great-grandfather William J. Knight served in the Civil War as did his brother James M. Knight and two uncles Thomas J. and William Knight, JR. Two of my mother's brothers served in the Army during the second World War overseas but I do not know where, they were William Lewis Miller and Woodrow Wilson Miller. As well as my brother-in-law Raymond C. Creed who was a member of the 749th Tank Battallion which saw a lot of action. Another brother-in-law, Harold Spaulding served in the paratroop division of the Army. He stood about 5' 4" tall and made the statement one day that he would have liked to have retired from the service. When asked why he did not retire, his reply was, "Well , when I first joined the Army I was 5' 6' tall and after the first few jumps they measured me and i was only 5' 4" in height so I figured it was time to quit before I ended up three foot tall." My brothers, Carlton T. Knight , Army, and Claybourne T. Knight, Marines, served during the time of the Korean War, I know that Clay saw action there as his feet were frostbitten while holed up during a skirmish. Carl retired after serving twenty years in such places as Germany and various other posts. Brother Charlie Knight served his Army duty here in the United States during the late 50's. My brother Arnold Woodrow Knight, Navy, served on board the USS Midway during the early sixties. Another brother, Marion Goebel Knight ,served in Germany during the 1960's. Vernon Frank Knight saw action during the Vietnam war, serving six years there. He also served in Korea. I served my country in the early 1960's here at home in the Women's Army Corps. My time was spent in San Antonio, Texas, Fort Ord, California and Fitzsimons General Hospital in Aurora, Colorado. My husband Thomas E. Moore has been in both the Army and the Navy serving in Greenland, Germany , Korea and on the Big E, the Enterprise. I think we should also honor the people who did so much during the rationing and other efforts to help our service people and our country during all the wars-those left at home. Thanks for this opportunity to honor my family members who served their country."
Nancy |


"My brother, Omer Earl Taylor, served in the U.S. Navy during WW II. My uncle, Earl Otrel Hubbell, served in the U.S. Army during WW II. My husband, William Raymond Cotton, served in the U.S. Army Air Force during WW II." ~ Semper Fi
Marine 45 |
"Tom Brokaw said it right. They are the Greatest Generation. My Uncle Joe Hitch died last year, WWII Navy Vet. My father Kenneth is fighting for his life as I type, a WWII Navy Vet. I am a disabled Vietnam Vet and wish I could be like them. We'll not see such patriotism again. We're seeing the end of a special group of people. To all Vets living and dead, this Country owes you a debt it can never repay. But then no Vet ever asks for anything. Sometimes you do the right thing just because its the right thing to do."
Steve Hitch |


"Charles E. Ennis, Jr.
Radioman, Third Class, U.S. Navy
United States Naval Reserve
Entered the Service from: Florida
Died: February 27, 1945
Missing in Action or Buried at Sea
Tablets of the Missing at Manila American Cemetery Manila, Philippines
Awards: Purple Heart
June (nickname for Junior) was on a small partrol craft, the boat was hit of
the Soloman Islands--no survivors. Son of Charlie and Ruby (Lane) Ennis,
brother of Lane and Carl Ennis Green Co. Ky."
June Jeffries Watts |


"My father was William Weaver Rigney. He grew up in Hustonville, Lincoln Co., KY and before the Korean War was in the Air Force reserve then went active when the war started. He was attached to the 728th AC&W Squadron 55. I only know this from looking at his discharge papers, he never really talked about his time in Korea, only that he was there. My Dad died 5 years ago this past April, the official cause, lung cancer. Daddy and I were very close and as I grew up he instilled in me a strong responsibility in serving ones country and not to be disrespectful. My oldest son graduates high school this coming June 14, he reports for Naval boot camp, July 17. His grandpa would be so proud of him! TJ has always dreamed of serving his country in the USN and has chosen the field of Intelligence Specialist, specifically, the SEALS. One of my proudest moments as a parent, while at the same time, one of the most terrifying. I was a Navy wife for 15 years. I've lost friends and family in battle and peace and pray for all the men and women serving our great country every night for God to keep them safe and for the families who must make sacrifices so they can protect us and do their jobs. On this special day I also send my deepest regards and respect for those of you, like my father, who served in the past, you are not forgotten. God Bless you all.
Rena |


"Thank you Sandy for allowing these post. Several other list have recommended that no one post anything on Memorial Day, because of all the list members from other countries. If you are an American, your heritage came from another country, unless you are Native American. All Veterans should be honored in all countries for they fight for what they believe in and their country. We should pay tribute to all Veterans, the ones who served during war time and peace time. My brother served during peace time. He served over seas. He will not discuss his service. It is too painful for him. My father and his brothers served the Koran War. I never heard too much from them either. I know one time my father talked, just a few sentences of his time and he cried. One of my uncles came home paralyzed. My mothers younger brothers served in Vietnam. They also will not speak of anything from their service. My maternal Grandfather served in W.W.II. He died when I was young. I never even knew that he was in the service until a few weeks ago when I was going through an old box of pictures. I seen a picture of him in uniform. My older sister told me about him in the war. She said it was a horrible experience for him. During W.W.II, my Great-aunt joined the Civil Air Patrol. She got her mother, my Great-grandmother to fly also. My Great-grandmother also joined the Civil Air Patrol. I have my Great-aunt's scrapbook from the Civil Air Patrol. There are articles of my Great-grandmother learning to fly. She was known as "The Flying Grandmother." She was raising her 3 Grandchildren at the time. One was my mother. My Great-aunt used to tell the stories. Oh how I wished I had listened more closely. I was not into research than. She talked of all the things that she did for the war, that she (a woman) should have not done. We should also pay tribute to all the mothers, wives, brothers, sisters, children who endeared the pain of their love one to go off to the service. The wives and older children who had to go to work to help support the family. I will not leave anyone out, so to everyone who had to help in anyway with the war. So many served in civilian jobs, doing things behind the scenes. Making the clothes, food, parachutes, ammunition, and everything these factories made to serve the war. Thanks to the ones who stayed civilians to carry on the work of normal everyday life. Your jobs kept America running smoothly while the wars were going on. So if our loved one was one of the lucky, they would have a home to come home too. Thanks to all the Doctors and Nurses who have and still do take care of our sick, disabled and paralyzed veteran. Thanks to the Government and the taxpayers for giving our veterans hospitals to go to. I know that I have not named everyone and have left out numerous jobs, but I cannot go on forever. I pay tribute to all and everyone. Thank You To All,"
Nadine |


"My tribute is to 2nd Lt. Henry Hunter Barker, Jr. After graduation from high school, Hank enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force, but then returned to the states when the U. S. entered the war. He was assigned to the 57th Fighter Group, 65th Fighter Squadron and flew P-40 Warkhawks through North Africa, Sicily and Italy. His final mission was a raid into the Metkovich, Yugoslavia area, where there was a high concentration of Gestapo and Nazi buildup. On the third pass over the city, his aircraft was shot down. Local peasants removed his body and buried him in the local graveyard so the Germans never had any knowledge of his remains. Local officials were preparing to open the common grave just prior to the recent war breaking out in Yugoslavia. Hank was only 23 years old when he was killed on November 6, 1943. Two weeks prior to his death, he found out that he had just become a father. Hank knew from an early age of his desire to be an aviator, and in his short life accomplished more than most people do in a lifetime. He was my hero and my brother. " Bob Barker USMC, 2nd/6th, WWII veteran, Pacific Theater (Tarawa, Saipan,Tinian, Okinawa)
Prop3wash@aol.com |


"I LIKE YOUR IDEA A LOT! Not screaming, just showing what a terrific thing you are doing. I am going to send email to my 8 lists and ask for the same in regard to all our people, men and women, who have proudly served our country. I am the proud owner of copies of many photos of family who have served and they will all hang on several walls in our home when I get all printed out and framed! Best, Sandi Carter in California
SandKatC@aol.com |


"I am proud to be an American and blessed to have so many family members who have served our great nation. Below are some of my family members who have served in the military. I feel very fortunate to have them among my loved ones. In addition to the ones mentioned below I had an uncle who served in the US Army during WWII. An ggg-uncle who was killed in 1864 in the Civil War (at age 18). 2 other g-uncles who served in the Civil War, 2 cousins who retired from the US Navy (one on a disability retirement after being injured in the Viet Nam War), 2 cousins who retired from the US Army, 2 other cousins who served in the US Navy, and a ggg-uncle who served under Abraham Lincoln in the Black Hawk War. I have a copy of my gggg-grandmother's widow's pension application for her husbands service during the Revolutionary War. Among the papers, in her application, is an acknowledgment by Abraham Lincoln that he knew the family personally. A story that I tell of my childhood which occurred during WWII. My mother and I lived with my grandparents during that period while my dad was in the Navy. My grandfather, Andy Phelps was retired and his favorite chair, with a hassock, sat in the living room next to the radio. Of course, during that era the national anthem was always being played on the radio. If I was in the house when they started playing the anthem, my grandfather would call for me and I would stand on the hassock in front of his chair and salute during the time it was being played.
Direct family members (10) of Phoebe Pantier Bush who have served in the
1. LTC (ret) William A. Bush (husband)
US Army
Viet Nam War
Medical Service Corps
Medical Evacuation Helicopter Pilot
Distinguished Flying Cross, Bronze Star, Air Medal, Air Medal (2-26), Combat
Medical Badge, Senior Army Aviator Badge, Army Commendation Medal,
Meritorious Unit Citation, Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal (Dom Rep), Viet
Nam Service Medal,Viet Nam Campaign Medal w/60 Device and Four Overseas Bars.
2. Ronald Lyle Ruggles (son)
US Air Force
Electronics (flight facility equipment repair)
3. Ronald H. Maness (son-in-law)
US Navy
Medical Corp
Medical Technician
4. Norman Lyle Pantier (father)
US Navy
Electrician Mate
5. Andrew Columbus Phelps (grandfather)
US Army
Spanish American War
5. Edward E. Elmore (great-grandfather)
Home was Russell Co., KY
US Army
Civil War (Union)
6. Noble James Myers (ggg-grandfather)
Kentucky Militia
War of 1812
7. William S. Hagan (gg-grandfather)
Kentucky Militia
War of 1812
8. Robert Armstrong (gggg-grandfather)
North Carolina Militia
Revolutionary War
9. Philip Pantier (gggg-grandfather)
Virginia Militia
Revolutionary War
10. Jesse Hodges, Sr. (gggg-grandfather)
Virginia Militia
Private Soldier
Revolutionary War
"Quincy Brooks married Bettie Chandler in Logan Co., KY in 1883. Their grandson, my dad, Edgar Brooks, served in the 82nd Airborne during WWII as a paratrooper. He always got air sick and he joked that he landed many times firing and throwing up simultaneously. He was in the Normandy invasion. Throughout my childhood he would occasionally wake up screaming and yelling, having nightmares about his war experiences, and still has some now at age 85. It seemed to me that having been through what these vets went through, they were evermore defined by the wartime experiences, no matter what came later."
Judy |


“As a Disabled Vietnam Era Vet, I ask that we not forget the most honored of our Vets, those from "The War to End ALL Wars", W.W.I. Those who maybe more than any other war in "OUR" recent history answered the call and went forth to fight to oppress the aggression of the Kiser without a second thought. Maybe it was that they were closer in the genealogical/historical sense to England and other oppressed countries, than those of W.W.II. There are still a few hundred of them alive; and people tend to forget that they "Could even still be alive". Those of later wars fought in conditions of Hell: but none to equal what they had to indure, the mud, the filth, the almost primitive weapons by today's standards, supplies and medicines that had not yet been developed and especially the gas that made so many suffer a hell that we cannot imagine. Yes, all Veterans deserve a "Toast", but let's remember those from the "Great War" before they are no longer here to remember and admire. John Morris Air Force Retired. Hear Hear, and remember there still is NO WWII memorial. Visit a VA Hospital tommorrow, and just say thanks.
Jeffery G. Scism, IBSSG, Flockmaster, another disabled VN era Vet, from the USAF. |


“My Step-Grandfather, John Herbert Porter, was a survivor in the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. John as a veteran of WW1 on the U.S.S. Louisiana in 1917 was employed at Pearl as a Ships Plumber. He reported to me that the Japanese planes flew so low that they were throwing pipe wrenches at the airplanes. He was able to obtain an unexploded 14" shell from one of the planes and made a lighthouse out of the casing. I still have the momento. He never bought another item made in Japan until his death in 1970."
CalSouth1@aol.com |


“In 1965 I was stationed at a remote Army Security Agency intelligence site on the north coast of Turkey. I was walking back from the PX to my barracks reading the Stars and Stripes as I walked. I glanced at the Viet Nam casualty list and found the name of my friend Henry Wicker. I sat down on the sidewalk where I had just stood and sobbed. I have since visited the wall in Washington, D.C. several times. I sob whenever I am near that wall. It is my habit now to engage every uniformed serviceman or woman with whom I cross paths in a greeting and a word of thanks for the sacrifice they may have to make any day. I recommend that each of you do the same. There are American service personnel in harms way even now in Bosnia and Macedonia."
John Newcome - Army Security Agency 1964-1968 |


“My only son, Larry Wayne Pennington, served in and was wounded in Viet Nam, he was a motormac on an army tank,he was a sp5, attached to the 11th armored Cavalry. He had just turned 18, in 1968, and decided he wanted to join up, and did.Took training at Ft. Knox, KY. FT. CAmpbell, Ky. and Ft Leonard Wood , Mo. He and his group were ambushed around a place named" Phu doc"??? and lost their CO., Larry was hit with shrapnel, was sent back to Valley Forge Pa, army hospital and spent one and a half years there. He now has three sons and four grandchildren.”
Tom Pennington |


“ This is a speech given by my great grandfather on 30 May 1906 on Memorial Day- [May 1906 is the same as our May 2001]
My Friends and Pupils,
"It has been the custom of the Grand Old Army of the Republic for several years to, on, or about memorial day to have some veteran of the civil war talk to the pupils of the public schools about that war. While it is an event long passed it's termination is what made out country what it is to-day. Not only the greatest but the best governed country in the world. It is for that reason that the G.A.R. seek each year to place before the youth of the country something of the cost of the blessing which we all enjoy, hoping thereby to keep the spirit of patriotism alive in each and every heart."
“I shall try and say something about our army during the civil war and about the Grand Old Army of the Republic since then. I always love to look into the bright and happy faces of the young, I shall try and picture to you something of the costs of the present blessings which are ours."
“On the 12th day of April 1861, the first shot of the rebellion echoed over the city of Charleston, South Carolina. The command of General Beauggard fired on Fort Sumter. That shot marked the date of the greatest accent in history of our time. For by that shot eleven of the states of our Union containing one third of our entire population said, "We have deliberately decided that the principals of this government are wrong and must be broken." On the 14th day of April 1861, Major Anderson hauled down the American Flag, [Old Glory, we call it] and marched out with flying colors. It was not until the 14th day of April 1855 that Old Glory was again raised over the ruins of Fort Sumter."
“That war lasted four years, or 1,460 days. The history of those four years is the history of the greatest conflict ever waged in the history of the world in defense of the eternal principals of right."
“I wish I had the poser to portray to you the hundredth part of the sacrifice and suffering of our army during those 1,460 dreary blood days. It has never been told, it can never be told."
“During that awful struggle the loyal states and territories furnished 2,778,304 men of whom more than 2,000 were three year men. The loss of life during the civil war was tremendous and the awful scene of carnage and suffering at Gettysburg and Wilderness. Cold Harbor, Chickamauga, Shiloh, Vicksburg and hundred of others."
“Desperate battles before which the whole world stood amazed, to say nothing of the horrors of Andersonville, Libby and in the fact all other Southern Prisons Pens. The record of the war department shows that 400,000 men died during the war."
The Good, The Brave, The True
In tangled Wood, In Mountain Glen
Our Battle Plain, In Prison Pen
Lay Dead for me and you ......
“Then if we add to this 400,000 the missing we shall swell the number to 550,000 men and it takes little calculation to show us that in these 1,460 days the average would be about 400 men each day who gave up their lives in that awful contest of brother against brother. The records of the war department disclose a scene of carnage and destruction of property never before equaled. We find from actual report of the muster rolls that in one action alone one regiment lost 82% of their number, three regiments lost 70% and 40 regiments lost 55% and that one regiment came out of the fight of the Wilderness with one non-commissioned officer and ten men! The 6th and 7th corps lost 7,000 men in ten minutes on the morning of the second day. At Wilderness there were more than 2,400 battles fought of importance enough to give them a place in history. There is a tract of land in Virginia containing 8,000 acres, [or 12 sections] in this area it has been calculated that more battles were fought and more men engaged, more blood spilt and more lives lost than on any portion of the world. These facts are almost incomprehensive, but sadly true."
“My young friends, these terrible conflicts were not fought by old men, and middle aged men, but by boys-- Listen to the figures taken officially from the adjutant Generals office."
Those enlisted
at 10 years & under ......15
at 11 years ..............38
at 12 years .............225
at 13 years .............300
at 14 years............1,520
at 15 years..........104,987
at 16 years..........231,051
at 17 years..........844,891
at 18 years........2,151,439
at 21 years........2,159,891
at 22 years & over...618,511
at 25 years & over....46,326
at 45 years & over....16,071
“Making a total of 2,778,309 and of this number 2,159,789 were under the age of 21 years. So you see that this terrible fighting was done by boys. All honor to the heroic young fellows who carried the war through to a successful termination. When General Lee surrendered to General Grant on 8 April 1865 our army was disbanded and the veterans returned quietly to their homes and took up their various labors.">
The G.A.R. is an organization of veterans who served honorable between the 1st of April 1861 and August 1865. The G.A.R. was organized on the 8th of April 1866. The object to keep alive the memory of patriotic sacrifices, and to aide the widows and orphans of all needy comrades. The members of the G.A.R. are recognized by the little bronze button worn on the left lapel of their coat. The button is made out of cannon metal captured by us from our foes. It is unlawful for any one to wear it who has not an honorable discharge. The wearers of this button are prouder of it than thought it were of the finest gold. You see these buttons on the street and recognize them, and the wearers by the empty sleeves, the crutch, the cane, bent from and slow step. These men have marched through the jaws of death Where the cannon belched their deadly breath And stood unmoved in the smoky glare While the flames of battle were raging there With thought of home and loved ones afar Who's hearts were with them in the Civil War The G.A.R. is nobly assisted by two organizations of ladies, known as the W.R.C. and the ladies of the G.A.R. These silver haired women know what the civil war meant to and for each had a father, husband, son, brother or sweetheart at the front while they remained at home, alone and did much suffering. Often their tender hearts were torn with anguish and suspense. After each battle scanning the papers to see to see if in the long list of killed or missing the name of some loved ones was there. Their mission now is to look after our sick and needy comrades and their families, getting to know and help them, caring for them tenderly in sickness and prayerfully going with them down to the dark shadows of death, lovingly closing their eyes and assisting us in strewing flowers on Memorial day.
God Bless them, they are angels of mercy all of them. Our mission now is to endeavor to instill patriotism and love of country into the hearts of the young. I have the utmost confidence in you all for I know that you are full and running over with that which makes our country what it is – PATROTISM. I thank you - [George Franklin PECKHAM]
Contributed by Linda Hendley from another list. |


“I would like to pay tribute to my father, Kenneth Timberlake (1919-1999), a WWII veteran from Hart Co., KY. He was a rifle sharpshooter and radar operator in the U.S. Army. He was involved in the battles and campaigns in Naples, Rome-Arno, Ardennes, Rhineland, Central Europe and North Africa. He served from May 7, 1942 to Nov. 7, 1945. My direct ancestors served in the Revolutionary War, the Civil War (both sides), WWI, and WWII. I am proud to have such a rich heritage in this great country.”
Judy Timberlake Lawler, Hart Co., KY |


Vietnam-1968-1969 My Husband
WWII-Killed by a sniper-France-1943
Remains returned-1945
JAMES LYNN FROST-USA- Presently serving
JOHN R FROST-Civil War-1st Ky Calvary
DANIEL L FERRY-Civil War-1st Tenn Lt Ar
Laura Wright |


Ode To Richard McGee
"In Loving Memory Of a Boyhood Friend Richard McGee"
There were four of us in my family,
two sisters, one brother and me.
And my mother had a third son
his name was Richard McGee
My brother brought him home one day,
he was skinny with hair wild and free
and freckles dotted across the nose
Of this boy named Richard McGee
He was always at our house,
A part of our family,
He even called my mother Ma'
This waif named Richard McGee
I was the little brother, a nuisance
And pest indeed
I always got to tag along with my
Brother and Richard McGee.
There were camping trips and swimming holes
And wonderful memories
Of the time I spent with my brother
And his friend named Richard McGee
One day my brother left, the country
He wanted to see,
The other joined the army,
A soldier named Richard McGee
There was a war somewhere,
Somewhere across the sea,
And I know he thought it was his duty
This boy named Richard McGee
He became a helicopter gunner, flying
High above the trees
That is until a bullet found it's mark
And killed Richard McGee
Gauged in the earth a wall now
stands, a silent effigy
And bares the name of a boyhood friend
A boy named Richard McGee
Now, the sun still shines and
Memories come and flee
Most cherished are those I spent
With my brother
And a boy named....,
Richard McGee
I followed Richard's foot steps and joined the Army serving in Viet Nam From 1968-1969 with the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment I Troop 3rd Squadron
James L. Worthington, Orlando, Florida USA |


This is a tribute to my uncles and cousins who have served our country. My mother's oldest brother, William Jackson Jarrett, served in World War I; her youngest brother, Virgil Raford Jarrett, served in the Sicily/Italy area in World War II. My father's brothers who served in World War II were Russell Lowell Clark, Henry Clay Clark, Isaac Leon Clark, and Lennie Robert Clark. I can still picture my grandmother Clark as she listened to the radio reports on KFJZ here in Fort Worth for the names of casualties to be read. Fortunately, all survived except my Uncle Russell, and he was killed in a stateside accident. My uncle Lennie is the last surviving uncle on either side of our family. My cousins who served in the Korean War are Lewis Edwin Clark, Donald Ray Clark, Harold Daniel Nuckels, Bryant Earl Nuckels and Jerry Mac Trotter. I express my deepest gratitude for these men who put their lives on the line that we here at home might continue to live in a free country. We take so much for granted.
Mina Clark Bickerstaff in Fort Worth |


May 28, 1970 is the very day they came to our front door to tell us that our oldest son had been killed in Cambodia. At the funeral I held the flag from his coffin and that was all I had left of my 23 year old son. He left college to join the army to get it behind him so he could finish his schooling and join his father in business. He left his high school sweetheart, who had just accepted his ring to be married when he returned, a devastated younger brother and sister and a mother that has never stopped crying at the sound of Taps or the National Anthem or The Battle Hymn of the Republic. HE LEFT HIS GRIEF-STRICKEN FATHER FOR WHOM HE WAS NAMED, AND GRANDFATHER. HE WAS JOHN H. PARHAM, III of Atlanta . Doing genealogy I have found ancestors who fought in the Revolution, the War of 1812, The War called Civil, where there was nothing Civil about it. World War I and W.W.II, Viet Nam and Kuwait. All you wonderful men and women who have bought our freedom with your lives, borne your pain and suffering from your wounds, and kept this county free, thank you from the bottom of my heart !
Sara in Atlanta |


My dad is a WWII veteran, a Kentucky native, who survived D-Day at Normandy. His unit then moved inland to St. Lo where he was seriously wounded and spent the rest of the war in England trying to salvage an arm and a leg. On this Memorial Day I would like to pay special tribute to him and to all those at St. Lo who did not make the journey home. However, I think the most fitting tribute we can give to all WWII veterans is to urge our members of Congress to stop blocking the construction of the World War II monument in Washington, D. C. Our WWII vets are dying in significant numbers now. It is only right that they should be able to visit that national monument with their grandchildren before it is too late.
Ann |


Henry Gorin fought in the Revolutionary War at age 13 in Fairfax, VA. He furnished horses during the War of 1812 in Christian Co KY.
Gladden Gorin, son of Henry Gorin, died in battle during the War of 1812, assigned to Captain Ewing's Company, 10th Regiment, KY Mounted Volunteers.
John Darns Gorin, son of Henry Gorin, served as a Private in Captain Benjamin H Reeves' Co. of Infantry, 6th Reg't, Kentucky Detached Militia.
Major Henry Madison Gorin of MO, son of John Darns Gorin, served in the Black Hawk War, and the town of Gorin, MO is named in his honor.
Captain Orville Browning Gorin, son of Jerome Rinaldo Gorin, grandson of John Darns Gorin, served in Company H of the Tenth Regiment, mustered Decatur, IL.
Henry Jerome Gorin, son of Gladden Gorin, grandson of John Darns Gorin, served in the 3rd Field Battalion, Missouri Light Artilery during the Civil War.
Walter Bartley Gorin, great-great-great-grandson of John Darns Gorin, served in the U S Army, stationed at Fort Dix , NJ and Fort Chaffe, Arkansas. Walt died 23 October 2000 in Nashville, TN leaving two daughters
- my dearly loved Kristine Elizabeth Gorin and Michelle Bartley Gorin Burris.
John Gorin, founder of Glasgow, and brother of Henry Gorin above, fought in some of the Indian Wars, the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812. He enlisted first at age 13 and is buried at Glasgow Municipal Cemetery.
Franklin Gorin Jr , son of Franklin Sr, grandson of John Gorin, fought for the Union cause in the Civil War, and when returning back to his home in Memphis, TN found his wife and one year old daughter murdered and burned to death by the Union troops. He signed with John Hunt Morgan and fought for the Confederacy until being rescued by family; and his life was shattered for the rest of his life. He died at a young age and is buried at Glasgow Municipal.
Lewis Jefferson Gorin Sr and his wife Standiford Danforth Gorin of Louisville, KY had three sons to fight in WW II:
1. George Danforth Gorin Sr - US Army
2. Lewis Jefferson Gorin Sr - US Army
3. Standiford Rogers Gorin - US Army
All three were in different units, only S R "Tank" Gorin survives.
Lewis Jefferson Gorin Jr. was born 5 March 1910, married 11 April 1946 to Eleanor Hutchings. Lewis was my 2nd Dad. After the death of my own father in 1996, Lewis and Eleanor just "adopted" our whole family, including my Mom. They had long treated us as part of the family instead of 5th cousins and were always there for us. Lewis served in the 59th Armored Field Artillery Battalion during the War, fighting in Africa, Italy, Cassino and Anzio, the invasion of Southern France, combat up the Rhone Valley into Germany and across the Rhine, through the Black Forest, through the Brenner Pass. It is said that Colonel Gorin brought the 6th Field Artillery Group home and deactivated it. In 1973, he wrote a book entitled The Cannon's Mouth, The Role of U. S. Artillery During World War II which was meant primarily for the family ... but now is a treasured book. Lewis had previously authored "The Veteran's of Future Wars" while a student at Princeton, and was proud of his military career. He died January 1, 1999 at his home in Louisville and missed by so many. There are more - but it is to these I would like to pay tribute. We owe you men everything.
Sandi Gorin |


I would like to honor Arnold Curtis Miller for his service in the first World War. Uncle Curt's daughter, Thelma served in the Navy almost three decades later.
I would like to honor two great uncles who served in the Civil War, one who lived in and is buried in Hart County, Archibald N. Wheat, the other Alexander Wheat who did not return from this war to his family in Monroe County, KY.
Also, a great-grandfather and a great-great grandfather of my husband who died from diseases during their service in the Civil war-1. James A. Brown, Jackson County, IN., who had been taken prisoner at the Battle of Munfordville, released and died in Memphis, TN 2. William Moore, Jackson County, IN., who died in the state he had been born, North Carolina. Most of his life he had lived in Indiana.
My husband never knew that two of his ancestors had died while in service to their country until we started doing our genealogy.
Thanks once again for this opportunity to honor our servicemen and women.
Nancy |


Please allow me to recognize the family members whom I know to have served in combat, in *chronological* order.
Everts L. Jenkins (great or grand uncle) -- gone to the ancestors (1972) U.S. Navy World War I
Harold A. Jenkins, Sr. (father) -- gone to the ancestors (1996) U.S. Army (LTC) World War II, Korean Conflict
Harold A. Jenkins, Jr. (brother) U.S. Army (LTC, Retired), Vietnam War
Kenneth Bruce Jenkins (brother) -- gone to the ancestors (1968, in combat), U.S. Army (CPT), Vietnam War
Joseph S. Jenkins, Sr. (1st cousin) U.S. Army (COL, Retired), Vietnam War
Everett R. Jenkins, Sr. (1st cousin), U.S. Army (LTC, Retired) Vietnam War
Christopher E. Jenkins, Sr. (brother) U.S. Army (LTC) Persian Gulf War
Nothing I might say is sufficient to express my love and pride.
Thank you, Sandra |


Here is my list of Vets:
Revolutionary War
Henry Hines
Nathaniel Porter
John Porter l
John Porter ll
William Porter
Oliver Porter
Thomas Carson
John Walton
John Harvey
Thomas Madding
War of 1812
Francis Porter
Champion Madding
Francis L. Berry
Black Hawk War
Champion Madding
Starling Hill
Civil War
Jasper C. Berry
Jasper M. Madding
Thomas Madding
Christopher C. Ricks
Charles L. Atterberry
Charles G. Moore
William L. Hedrick
Ernest L. Madding
Samuel C. Ricks
Carson L. Ricks.......ship sunk on way to England
Benjamin F. Ricks
Willam P. McCarthy
Edward Zimmerman
Iris O. Womac
Fayne B. Womac
Leroy Moses
Dennis R. Madding
Luther C. Ricks................... USS Bushnell
Jeremy P. Basham
Serving now
Norman D. Gilbert
Diane2000@ga.prestige.net |


This tribute to family members who have served:
John Flatt, Revolutionary War (from Pa/Maryland)
Daniel O'Rourke, Civil War (from Columbus Co., Wisconsin)
Keith Snyder, Army, WWII; served at Los Alamos, NM
Denny McGuire, Navy, WWII (from Chicago, Ill.) His ship sank - no survivors
Edward Quin McGuire, (Pvt.), Army, WWII Died at Camp Blanding, Florida
Edward Goodman, (1st Sgt, ret.), USMC, Korea, Viet Nam (2 tours)
Now serving:
Christian Mueller, SeaBee's, Guam
My gratitude to all those who served, who are now serving and who will serve our country in the future.
My empathy to those who lost family and friends. War changes all it touches; all scars are not visible.
You who have been there are appreciated.
Sandy S. Goodman |


I wish to add my voice of thanks this Memorial Day. It is so kind of you to allow us to pay tribute to those we love who so selfishly gave of themselves to protect our great nation. I wish to salute all of my relatives - living and dead - who have served in the armed forces. Like many on this list, I am proud to be able to say that I have a family member or ancestor who has served in every war this nation has seen. I would especially like to salute my father, Winfred James "Jim" Fowler, a descendent of John & Nancy Brown. My father was under-age when he asked his mother to allow him to enlist in the U.S. Navy. My grandmother, Mary (Brown) Fowler willingly signed the papers permitting her first born to fight. My father served in the South Pacific. He has spoken very little about what he say & experienced while fighting the Japanese. What little he has said has given me great respect for my father. So I, too, wish to thank and salute ALL - past & present - who have given so selflessly. We, who have stayed at home, can never fully
thank you enough.
Caren |


You have my permission to publish this to the new veteran's page. My name is Kenneth C. Dell I served in the Gulf war for 9 months as a member of the US Air Force military police Squadron, the support we received from everyone stateside during the time we were there helped all of us get through the loneliness of being away from our loved ones. Bless everyone who prayed for our safety.
Kenneth C. Dell US Air Force Veteran |


Thank you for allowing me to share what I know about my uncles that served in W.W.II. The Whobreys are from the Grayson County area.
Enoch Ambrose Whobrey
Entered Service: September 1, 1943
Branch: US Navy
Training Stations: Great Lakes, Ill; Gulfport, Miss; New Orleans, La.
Sent overseas: January 1944
Theatre of Operations: Atlantic and Pacific
Decorations: WWII Victory Medal; Asiatic-Pacific Theatre Medal; American
Defense Ribbon
Returned to US: November 1945
Discharged: Great Lakes, Ill; Jaunary 5, 1946
Rating: Seaman First Class
Served: 28 months
Charles Edward Whobrey
Branch of Service: US Army - Company K, 108th Infantry and Headquarters Co.,
32nd Infantry
Sent overseas: May 11, 1945
Theatre of Operations: Asiatic-Pacific, Southern Philippines
Decorations: Army Occupation Medal (Japan); Asiatic-Pacific Ribbon w/1
Bronze Star; WWII Victory Medal; Philippine Liberation Ribbon w/ 1 Bronze
Star; Good Conduct Medal
Returned to US: September 28, 1946
Discharged: Fort Sheridan, Ill; November 22, 1946
Rank: Private First Class.
Served: 23 months and 5 days
Charles returned to Grayson County for several months and then re-enlisted, in the US AirForce and served another some 20 years. He retired with the rank of Master Sgt.
Sharon Decker Garwood |


Folks, while we are thanking and giving thanks, let's please go a little further and also thank all the nurses, doctors, and allied helpers that on this Memorial day, while everyone else is out doing varied things, they were at their jobs administering to the vets in the hospitals and health care facilities throughout the nation. This is aftercare, the glory has passed and they are picking up the pieces and attempting to put lives back together, relieve minds of tortuous memories, and trying to relieve the pain and suffering of broken bodies.
These folks deserve a tremendous amount of gratitude. Doing a very difficult task in oftimes a thankless environment. I salute them.
Tom Pennington |


I wish to pay tribute here to two of my many veteran ancestors from Clinton
My father, Walker Allen Brents, Sr., born in Albany, Clinton County,
Kentucky, Dec. 25, 1896. Served in the Navy in World War I and the Army in
World War II. Highest rank, Lt. Colonel. Was a reservist called up in our
first major mobilization for World War II, October, 1940; over a year
before Pearl Harbor. Most men of his age and family status did not have to
go. Died Fort Worth, Texas, Aug. 10, 1975.
The grandfather of the above, John Allen Brents, born in Clinton County,
Kentucky, Aug. 15, 1833. Served in the First Kentucky Cavalry Regiment
(Union), Civil War. Highest rank, Major. Survivor of many hardships and
skirmishes in Tennessee and Kentucky, and battles of Camp Wildcat and Mill
Springs. Author of "The Patriots and Guerillas of East Tennessee and
Kentucky". State legislator, delegate 1890 Kentucky Constitutional
Convention, county clerk, lawyer, etc. Died Albany, August 10, 1900,
exactly 75 years before his grandson above.
Thank you, and thanks to all American veterans.
Walker Allen Brents, Jr. |


Over my extensive research for many years, I have many veteran ancestors, and I belong to the Daughters of the American Revolution. I joined through
Private George Rogers who was born Feb. 6, 1764 in Fauquier County, VA. He
served in many battles including Cowpens and the Seige of Yorktown. He died
in Wayne County, KY, on November 28, 1858, and is buried with his wife,
Elizabeth Randall, on the farm that he settled in 1799. The DAR had a
ceremony last October to mark his grave for his service. The farm remains in
the family.
My supplementals for the DAR are Anthony Gholson, who served in Virginia, and
is buried in Wayne County, KY. Also, Jesse Powers 1759-1840, buried in Wayne
County, KY. He served in Virginia, too.
Isaac Chrisman 1766-1829, from Wayne County, KY, served in the Cornstalk
John Dick, Jr., my grgrgrgrandfather, 1782, died August 24, 1869, in Wayne
County, KY. He served in the War of 1812, and I am a member of the Society of
the War of 1812 through him. Johm Dick, Jr. married Elizabeth Chrisman, and
they had 16 children. She was the daughter of Isaac Chrisman. The Dick farm
remains in the family.
Granville C. Perdue served in the Civil War, confederate side. He was born
Dec. 14, 1839 in Clinton County, KY, and died June 15, 1908 in Clinton
My dad, Wendell Sherman Jones, served in World War II.
Thank you for this privilege to honor these veterans. I have many cousins and
other ancestors who served. A warm gratitude to all of them.
Nora Hickham |


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