World War 1 Draft Registrations
Surnames Beginning with "T" |
Last Name | First Name | Permanent Address | Age | DOB | Birth place | Race | Occupation | Marital Status | Nearest Relative | Registration Date | Notes |
Talbott | Clarence Johnson | Albany, KY | 30 | 6/21/1886 | Albany, KY | W | Farmer | Married | | 6/5/1917 | |
Talbott | Joe Haskel | Albany, KY | 18 | 12/24/1899 | | W | Laborer | | T.C. Talbott | 9/12/1918 | Employed by Smith & Shelly's Mill, Clinton Co., KY |
Talbott | John Fieldson Washington | Albany, KY | 23 | 5/31/1894 | Albany, KY | W | Farmer | Single | | 6/5/1917 | |
Talbott | Lemuel Roscoe | Albany, KY | 24 | 9/27/1892 | Albany, KY | W | Factory employee | Single | | 6/5/1917 | Employed by Maxwell Motor Co., New Castle, IN |
Talbott | Ruben | Albany, KY | 36 | 6/21/188 | | W | Farmer | | Bula M. Talbott | 9/12/1918 | |
Tallent | Aaron O. | Aaron, KY | 25 | 10/1/1893 | Seventy Six, KY | W | Farmer | Married | | 6/5/1917 | |
Tallent | James Hurt | Seventy Six, KY | 18 | 12/19/1899 | | W | Farmer | | Aaron Tallent (father) | 9/12/1918 | |
Tallent | Nathan | Aaron, KY | 33 | 10/6/1884 | | W | Farmer | | Brina Tallent | 9/12/1918 | |
Tallent | Richard McPherson | Seventy Six, KY | 34 | 9/15/1884 | | W | Farmer | | Leleen Tallent | 9/12/1918 | |
Tallent | Thomas S. | Aaron, KY | 25 | 12/8/1891 | Aaron, KY | W | Farmer | Married | | 6/5/1917 | |
Tapley | Henry J. | Savage, KY | 37 | 6/26/1881 | | W | Coal Miner | Married | | 9/12/1918 | Employed by Bill Patton |
Taylor | Bennie Estle | Albany, KY | 25 | 5/17/1882 | Albany, KY | W | Farmer | Married | | 6/5/1917 | |
Taylor | Floyd | Albany, KY | 18 | 8/24/1900 | | W | Farm Laborer | | W.H. Taylor | 9/12/1918 | Employed by various parties. |
Taylor | Jesse Morton | Albany, KY | 28 | 2/10/1889 | Clinton Co., KY | W | Factory employee | Married | | 6/5/1917 | Employed by Maxwell Motor Co., New Castle, IN |
Taylor | Oscar | Albany, KY | 23 | 7/11/1893 | Albany, KY | W | Laborer | Single | | 6/5/1917 | Employed by Maxwell Motor Co., New Castle, IN |
Thomas | Bethel | Seventy Six, KY | 19 | 11/21/1898 | Seventy Six, KY | W | Laborer | | Ada Thomas | 9/12/1918 | Employed by American Tin Can Co., Hoopeston, Vermillion Co., IL |
Thomas | Cullwell | Seventy Six, KY | 37 | 7/25/1881 | | W | Farmer | Married | Ollie Thomas (wife) | 9/12/1918 | |
Thomas | Noble | Seventy Six, KY | 35 | 8/18/1883 | | W | Farmer | Married | Maddyville Thomas (wife) | 9/12/1918 | |
Thomas | Willie Elza | Browns Crossroads, Ky | 19 | 12/4/1899 | | W | Farmer | Married | Effie Thomas (wife) | 9/12/1918 | |
Thompson | Calvin | Savage, KY | 23 | 4/10/1894 | Savage, KY | W | Farm Laborer | Married | | 5/28/1917 | Employed by August Sorrenson, Fowler, IN |
Thompson | John Frank | Huntersville, KY | 28 | 1889 | Huntersville, KY | W | Farmer | Married | | 6/5/1917 | |
Thompson | Marion King | Huntersville, KY | 44 | 3/15/1874 | | W | Laborer | | Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Thompson | 9/12/1918 | Employed by Iliff-Bruff Chrmical Co., Hoopeston, Vermillion Co., IL |
Thompson | William | Huntersville, KY | 38 | 2/15/1880 | | W | Farmer | | Sarah Thompson | 9/12/1918 | |
Thompson | William Henry | Huntersville, KY | 36 | 9/12/1882 | | W | Farmer | | Jane Thompson | 9/12/1918 | |
Thornhill | John Henry | Savage, KY | 24 | 4/2/1893 | Albany, KY | W | Farmer | Single | | 6/5/1917 | Employed by J.W. Smith, Savage, KY |
Thrasher | Adam Orlando | Albany, KY | 44 | 7/25/1874 | | W | Farmer | | Sallie Thrasher | 9/12/1918 | |
Thrasher | Burly Duke | Albany, KY | 42 | 10/25/1876 | | W | Farmer | | Minnie L. Thrasher | 9/12/1918 | |
Thrasher | Edward Horace | Albany, KY | 41 | 2/22/1877 | | W | Rubber worker | | Wm. Thrasher (father) | 9/5/1918 | Employed by Goodyear Tire Co., Akron, OH |
Thrasher | Elza Beckett | Albany, KY | 45 | 12/14/1873 | | W | Farmer | | Iota Thrasher | 9/12/1918 | |
Thrasher | Emmanuel Adam | Hobart, KY | 44 | 12/1/1873 | | W | Farmer | Married | Elzana Thrasher (wife) | 9/12/1918 | |
Thrasher | Frank Bliss | Albany, KY | 34 | 3/21/1884 | | W | Farmer | | Clara J. Thrasher | 9/12/1918 | |
Thrasher | Isaac Luther | Browns Crossroads, Ky | 33 | 11/7/1885 | | W | Farmer | Married | Lula Thrasher (wife) | 9/12/1918 | |
Thrasher | James Floyd | Snow, KY | 37 | 12/12/1880 | | W | Milling | Married | Amy Thrasher (wife) | 9/12/1918 | |
Thrasher | James Oscar | Browns Crossroads, Ky | 35 | 8/15/1883 | | W | Farming | | Clameze Thrasher | 9/12/1918 | |
Thrasher | Jesse Robert | Snow, KY | 40 | 7/20/1878 | | W | Farmer | Married | Alice Thrasher (wife) | 9/12/1918 | |
Thrasher | Jesse Robert | Browns Crossroads, Ky | 18 | 5/31/1900 | | W | Farming | | J.E. Thrasher (brother) | 9/12/1918 | Employed by W.A. Thrasher, Brown's Croasroads, KY |
Thrasher | John Davidson | Highway, KY | 37 | 7/7/1881 | | W | Teaching & Farming | Married | Myrtie Thrasher (wife) | 9/12/1918 | |
Thrasher | John Ridley | Albany, KY | 36 | 9/23/1881 | | W | Farmer | | Emma Thrasher | 9/12/1918 | |
Thrasher | Luthur Delmer | Huntersville, KY | 18 | 5/25/1900 | | W | Farmer | | Alta Thrasher | 9/12/1918 | |
Thrasher | Marion Harrison | Browns Crossroads, Ky | 30 | 6/28/1887 | Brown's Crossroads, KY | W | Farmer | Married | | 6/5/1917 | |
Thrasher | Tilmon Jackson | Browns Crossroads, Ky | 33 | 9/30/1884 | | W | Farmer | Married | Flora E. Thrasher (wife) | 9/12/1918 | |
Thrasher | William Walter | Huntersville, KY | 37 | 12/12/1880 | | W | Post Master | | Margaret Thrasher | 9/12/1918 | Employed by government, Huntersille, KY |
Thrasher | Willie T. | Shipley, KY | 23 | 7/31/1891 | Hegira, Cumberland Co., KY | W | Farmer | Single | | 6/5/1917 | |
Thurman | Bud | Aaron, KY | 25 | 3/13/1892 | Aaron, KY | W | Farmer | Married | | 6/5/1917 | |
Thurman | Edd | Albany, KY | 18 | 10/1/1899 | | W | Finishing Dept. | | John Thurman | 9/12/1918 | Employed by Indiana Rolling Mill Co. New Castle, IN |
Thurman | John Shelby | Hobart, KY | 19 | 12/27/1898 | | W | Farming | | Bud Thurman (father) | 9/12/1918 | |
Thurman | Luther Lee | Aaron, KY | 32 | 11/22/1885 | | W | Farmer | | Martha Ann Thurman | 9/12/1918 | |
Thurston | James W. | Creelsboro, KY | 30 | 5/22/1887 | Creelsboro, KY | W | Farmer | Married | | 6/5/1917 | |
Thurston | Otha Nile | Watauga, KY | 42 | 9/12/1876 | | W | Farmer | | Ollie Thurston | 9/12/1918 | |
Tidrow | Derris N. | Savage, KY | 23 | 5/13/1875 | | W | Farmer | Married | Mary E. Tidrow (wife) | 9/12/1918 | |
Tobin | Sheard | Shipley, KY | 22 | 9/25/1895 | Clinton Co., KY | N | Farm Laborer | | | 6/3/1917 | Employed by John G. Huff, Clinton Co., KY |
Tompkins | Ed Chilton | Albany, KY | 42 | 12/21/1875 | | W | Farmer | | Ethel Tompkins | 9/12/1918 | |
Tompkins | Emery | Frogue, Y | 38 | 9/3/1880 | | W | Farmer | | Sally Tompkins | 9/12/1918 | |
Travis | James Walter | Albany, KY | 25 | | Albany, KY | N | Day Laborer | Single | | 6/5/1917 | Employed by J.G. Huff, Albany, KY |
Tuggle | John P. | Nora, KY | 22 | 9/6/1894 | Powersburg, KY | W | Farmer | Married | | 6/5/1917 | |
Tuggle | John Weseley | Highway, KY | 25 | 6/4/1892 | Highway, KY | W | Farmer | Single | | 6/5/1917 | |
Tuggle | Louis Pearson | Savage, KY | 44 | 9/2/1874 | | W | Farmer | Married | | 9/12/1918 | |
Tuggle | Roscoe | Highway, KY | 19 | 1/16/1899 | | W | Farming | | Moses Tuggle (father) | 9/12/1918 | Employed by Moses Tuggle, Highway, KY |
Tuggle | Samuel Patton | Highway, KY | 21 | 12/12/1896 | Highway, KY | | Self employed | | Moses Tuggle (father) | 6/5/1918 | |
Tuggle | William T. | Shipley, KY | 29 | 12/24/1887 | Hegira, Cumberland Co., KY | W | Farmer | Married | | 6/5/1917 | |

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