 Clinton County Reference Books
Available from The Clinton County Historical Society 103 North Cross Street P.O. Box 177 Albany, KY 42602 (606) 387-6021 Add $3.00 per book for shipping, except as noted.
Publication |
Price (As of 12/19/01) |
Clinton County, Kentucky: A Pictoral History, Vol. I Published in Observance of the Kentucky Bicentennial Celebration 1792-1992 |
$20.00 |
Clinton County, Kentucky: A Pictora History, Vol. II Clinton County Historical Society, Albany, Kentucky |
$20.00 |
Clinton County, Kentucky: A Pictoral History, Vol. III Clinton County Historical Society, Albany, Kentucky |
$20.00 |
Clinton County, Kentucky Census 1890 The 1890 Federal Census for most states, including Kentucky, were destroyed by fire. this census is compiled from deed, mortgage, Court, marriage and other records in 1890. Compiled by Clinton County Historical Society, Albany, Kentucky |
$20.00 |
Clinton County, Kentucky Census 1910 Compiled by Clinton County Historical Society, Albany, Kentucky |
$20.00 |
Civil War Abstract, Field Reports and Correspendence This book contains abstracts of Field Reports and Correspondence found in the Civil War records on sections of South Central Kentucky and North Central Tennessee, with particular emphasis on Cumberland and Clinton Counties of Kentucky. Compiled by Randolph N. Smith, Cumberland County Historian; 1975 |
$20.00 |
Some of the Descendants of Reverend Richard Denton This book is a history of the Denton family with information on noted Clinton County preacher, Isaac Denton, his ancestors and his descendants. By Edythe Whitley |
$10.00 |
Champ Ferguson, Confederate Guerilla By Thurman Sensing |
$15.00 |
Homecoming and Centennial Souvenir Program, 1935 A 50 page book compiled in commemoration of Clinton County's Centennial celebration, August 26-29, 1935. Contains interesting informtion about Clinton County, biographical sketches of many citizens, and numerous interesting advertisements. |
($2.00 shipping) |
A Military History of Clinton County, Kentucky Contains military and family information on over 3,000 Clinton County soldiers from the Revolutionary War to present (with photos of over 800 soldiers); also, copies of newspaper articles from 1917 to present; contains miscellaneous military records and informtion. |
$30.00 (Softbound) $40.00 (Hardbound) ($5.00 shipping for hardbound) |
The Patriots and Guerillas of East Tenessee and Kentucky Brents raised a Company of approximately 90 men in Albany which became Company C, First Kentucky Volunteer Calvary, Union Army. He fought agains John Hurt Morgan and the noted Clinton County Guerilla, Champ Ferguson. Brents wa promoted to Major. He resigned this comission on July 2, 1962. Brents later served in the Kentucky State Legislature (1883-1884) as a representative of Clinton and Cumberland Counties. He was a member of the 1890 Kentucky Consititution Comittee. He was editor and publisher of The Albany Banner, a Clinton County newspaper published in 1891. The book contains information about the Civil War in Clinton County and Clinton County residents who fought on both sides. Originally written in 1862 by Clinton County native and lawyer Major J.A. Brents. Reproduced by the Cinton County Historical Society. |
$25.00 (Hardbound) |
Things I Remember About Clinton County Written in 1982 by Clinton County native, this 160-page book contains a very good history of the county and its people in the early 1900s. It contains many rare, early photographs. By Ella Andrew Nunn (This book has been out of print and unavailable for several years. Very limited availablity.) |
$40.00 (Hardbound) |
This or That The fifth book written by the author of History of Cumberland County. This 217-page book written in 1962 contains various items about Cumberland and Clinton Counties. By J.W. Wells (This book has been out of print and unavailable for several years. VERY limited availability.) |
$30.00 |
Go Tell It On The Mountain: The Life and Times of Isaac Tipton Reneau A biography of Isaac Tipton Reneau, the prominent Clinton County, Kentucky minister (1805-1885) whose work in the Christian Church during the Civil War was inspiring. Available Jan. 2002 |
$20.00 (Hardbound) ($4.00 shipping) |
Available from Gary D. Norris 217 Nolan Street Albany, KY 42602 Add $5.00 shipping per order.
Publication |
Price |
Dale Hollow Lake Graves |
$15.00 |
Rocks of Ages Compilation of Clinton County Cemetery Records |
$45.00 |
Clinton County High School Graduates 1917-2000 |
$5.00 |
Tinker Dave Beaty's Independent Scouts |
$30.00 |
Pen and Ink Sketch of Champ Ferguson (11" x 14") |
$5.00 |
Available from Datatrace Systems P.O. Box 1587 Stephenville, TX 76401 Shipping is included in cost.
Publication |
Price |
Abstracts of Clinton County, Kentucky, Circuit Court Orders, Volume I (1864-1866) |
$30.00 |
Available from Jack Ferguson 202 Cross Street Albany, KY 42602 Add $2.40 for shipping.
Publication |
Price |
Early Times in Clinton County, Volume III |
$25.00 |

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