Membership List and Minutes of the Orville Baptist Church, 1886-87

Copied and submitted by Ramona McDowell Kelley,  member of Orville Baptist Church,  22 June 1982.

Recopied on 21 May 1997 and updated with new information until 2001.  I no longer live  in Kentucky or a member of Orville Baptist Church.

This is not a present membership but copied from an old book recorded in 1919 and added to until about 1960.

The *Spouse column has been added by me and is not a part of the original records. Anyone  that I did not know about is not noted in the status column as deceased or otherwise.  The  �Mrs.� and �Moved Letters� are a part of the original record. 

In the year 2001 the original records are in the possession of ,  Delilah Douthitt, Clerk of Orville Baptist Church.


Names of originally recorded members                 *Spouse             

 Status 22 June 2001


 O. B. Johnson                Mary Burdine Abshire                Deceased

Harvey Blackaby                              Deceased

Mrs. Ellen Blackaby                              Deceased

Mrs. Annie Hamilton                             Deceased

Caleb Browning                 Deceased

Ellis Wayland                    Deceased

Mrs. Ida Wayland                              Deceased

Mrs. Belle Ferguson                              Deceased

Sam Bennett                        Deceased

Mrs. Jennie B. Rodgers                                Letter Moved  & Dec.         Mrs. Minnie Craigmyle                            Deceased

Syrus Browning                 Deceased

Mrs. Acha Browning                             Letter Moved & Dec.

Sam Browning                   Letter Moved & Dec.

Theodore Craigmyle                Alice Luvinia Jones                Deceased

Mrs. Alice L. Craigmyle                Theodore Craigmyle                Deceased

Mrs. Leah Briely                                Deceased

John Eddins                        Deceased

Mrs. Maud Braden                  Deceased

Mrs. Josie Breeden                                Deceased

Willie Breeden                    Deceased

Clarence Breeden                                Deceased

J.W. Hopper                        Deceased

Ola Breeden                        Deceased

Mrs. Annie Moscow                                Deceased

Mrs. Lillian Baker                     Deceased

John Dowden                     Letter Moved & Dec.

Willie Glen                          Deceased

Mrs. Minnie Henderson                          Deceased

Penn Steagers                     Deceased

Mrs. Belle Steagers                                Deceased

Charlie Meriwether                Mae Ferguson                Deceased

Mrs. Bertha Williams                              Deceased

Tom Williams                     Deceased

Ben Williams                      Deceased

Wm. Williams                    Deceased

Mrs. Pearl Rice                   Deceased

Eva Browning                    Deceased

Zona Ayres                         Deceased

Ella Breeden                        Deceased

Catherine Mason                   Deceased

Ella Brieley                Sharp                Deceased

Leona Breiley                Miskell                Deceased

Lillian Miskell                Vest                Deceased

Frank V. Thomas                Mollie Mahan  Moved Letter & Dec.

Mrs. Mollie D. Thomas                Frank V. Thomas                Deceased

Mrs. Sallie Jones                Moses Gulley, Eddie G. Jones                Deceased


                                                  MEMBERS THAT WERE RECORDED LATER


Mrs. Edna Bennett                 Moved Letter

Mrs. Lorene Jones      William Pete Jones                Deceased

Mrs. Mae Meriwether                Charlie Meriwether                Deceased

Humphrey Kelley                    Deceased

Mrs. Murial Kelley                    Deceased

Jessie Kelley                Blackaby                Deceased

Arie Kelley                Harlow                Deceased

Luther Harlow                   Killed in action                               March 31, 1945

Virgie Kelley                Chisholm            Moved Letter

Ida Hamilton                Hamilton             Moved Letter

Neppie Hamilton                Mason Smoot    Moved Letter

Minnie Raisor                 William Frederick Drews                Deceased

Rosa Hamilton                Chisholm                Deceased

Porter Hamilton                 Deceased

Pryor Hamilton                  Moved Letter & Dec.

Walter Moreland                             Moved Letter

Phoebe Moreland                             Moved Letter

Maude Kelley                Alvie Hopper

Mrs. Lottie Bennett                 Deceased

Will Way                              Deceased

Miss Virgie Johnson                Thomas Arnn                Deceased

Haney Johnson                  Deceased

Dow Miskell                       Deceased

Porter Douthitt                   Deceased

Joe Raisor                             Deceased

Lillian Hamilton                Portly Thomas, Seamon                Deceased

Nettie Craigmyle                 Norman Neville                Deceased

Altha Craigmyle                George Kelley, Smallwood, & Clark                Deceased

Thomas Blackaby                              Moved Letter

Mrs. Lulu Bennett                 Deceased

Lottie Lee Bennett Winters                Deceased

William Bennett                 Deceased

Mary Bennett                Arthur T. Ebersbaker                Deceased

Aleene Bennett                Long     

Isabelle Bennett                Nelson                Moved Letter

Lurine Bennett                Henderson         Moved Letter

Cordie Hamilton                Henry Hamilton                Moved Letter

Viola Hamilton                Browning           Moved Letter

Ethel Hamilton                Dale                Moved Letter

Raymond Blackaby                              Deceased

Vina Meriwether                          Moved Letter

Dorothy Gulley                Daniel McDowell, John Crady    Moved Letter & Dec.

Arthur Gulley                Ollie Crump, Minnie Crump                Deceased

Russell Lee Broughton                           Deceased

Bertha Broughton                Hancock             

Frank Mitchell                    Deceased

Lola Bramblett                Davis                Deceased

Nancy Downey                Smith                Moved Letter

Mrs. Flora Downey                                Moved Letter

Cecilia Belle Downey                                Moved Letter

Willie Mae Wallace                Raisor                Moved Letter

Mrs. Edna D. Moore                   

Wm. Jones, [Church Clerk]                Lorene Ferguson                Deceased

Anna V. Douthitt [Sec. Tres.]                     Deceased

Rudolph Wilhoite                               Moved Letter

Stella Harlow                Wilhoite              Moved Letter

Gladys Harlow                Chisholm                Deceased

Lawrence Bramblett                            

John Emerson Bramblett                            

Samuel Downey                                Deceased

James Downey                   Deceased

Miss Burdine Drews                  

Ruby Moore                Black    

Christine Flack                  

Edward Flack                     Moved Letter

Mrs. Helen Moberly                                Deceased

Rev. Bruce Stivers, Pastor 1935                       Moved Letter

Mrs. Polly K. Hall                      

Forest Douthitt                Delilah Jones     

Delilah Jones [Clerk]   Forest Douthitt               

Jesse Francis Douthitt                                Moved Letter

Willena Marie Douthitt                Tucker  

Gertrude Douthitt                Eddins                Moved Letter

James Douthitt                  

Bert T. Douthitt                 

Mrs. Mary Kelley                    Deceased

Raymond Kelley                   Deceased

Ben Ethington                      Deceased

Alex Bailey                            Moved Letter & Dec.

Jim Chisholm                      Moved Letter

Howard O�Nan                

Robert Prentiss Adams                  Moved Letter

Zora Belle Adams                Aldridge              Moved Letter

Mary T. Broughton                Craigmyle         

Opal Ebersbaker                Berry     

Condie McDowell                Fred Coppersmith                Moved Letter

Ruth Thomas                Vic Johnson                Moved Letter

Mrs. Lizzie Eddins                  Deceased

John T. Meriwether                            Deceased

Wm. Harper                           Deceased

Mrs. Flora Harper                 Deceased

Rebecca Jones                Clarence Gilbert   

Carl Carnes                           

Gayle T. Harper                    Moved Letter

Mrs. Nannie Simpson                 Deceased

Juanita Raisor                Downey                Moved Letter

Earl Simpson                      Moved Letter

Elizabeth Downey                                Deceased

Scottie Pullman                 

Jessie Marie Hoskins                                Moved Letter

Claude Bramblett Jr.                       

Mrs. Jesse Bramblett                             Deceased

Phyliss Chisholm                Webster                Moved Letter

Elouise Stivers                    Moved Letter

Katherine Winters Woods                Moved Letter

Louis Chilton                     Moved Letter

Mrs. Margaret Chilton                 Moved Letter

Doris J. Moore                     Moved Letter

Betty Anne Hopper Elwood Gilbert   Moved Letter

Carol smith                Stucker                Moved Letter

Betty H. Smith                    Moved Letter

Yvonne Downey                                Moved Letter

Floyd Rogers                       Deceased

Robert Bennett                    Deceased

James W. Chisholm                             Deceased

Claude Webb                Annabell Harper                Deceased

Mrs. Annabell Webb [Tres.]                Claude Webb    

James Elbert Webb     Martha Sue Hopper        

Stevie Chilton                     Moved Letter

Marjorie Hoskins                                Moved Letter

Maggie Harper                   Deceased

Belle Chisholm                   Moved Letter

Noah D. Roberts                               

Sybil Roberts                      

Aquilla Giles                      Deceased

Phyliss Chilton                  Moved Letter

Jimmy Chisholm                             Moved Letter

Verna Hoskins                   Moved Letter

Linda Lou Chisholm                Roy Hutchinson        

Mrs. Minnie Hoskins                               

Elmer Hoskins                   Deceased

Alvie Hopper                Maude Kelley   

Martha Sue Hopper Elbert Webb    

Carol Dean Chisholm                Jones                Moved Letter

Bobby Jean Roberts                

Raymond Chisholm                            

Peggy Chisholm                                Moved Letter

Freddie Hoskins                                Moved Letter

Lorena Hoskins                Red Sams      Moved Letter

Barbra Rae Hoskins                                Moved Letter

Donnie Jones                      Moved Letter

Mrs. Myrtle Broughton                          



  Minutes transcribed from the original church records for

1886 and 1887

[Copied just as written]

  The Baptist Church of Jesus Christ at Gestville, Henry Co., KY met this 3rd Saturday in Oct. 1886.  After preaching by Rev. F. V. Thomas the meeting was then called to order by the moderator and proceeded to business.


1st                Visiting brethren of sister churches invited to seats.

2nd                        Minutes of the last meeting was read and adopted.


3rd                        Fellowship of the church called for, there being no complaint, new business called for when the committeemen, Brother Jacob Browning and Brother J. S. Wilhoite were appointed to consult Bro. A. B. Morgan and ascertain whether or not he would take charge a Pastor of this Church.  Brother Morgan agreed to be with us on our next meeting date, the 1st Saturday in Nov. and decide on the motion and 2nd so business ended, meeting adjourned.


                                                Harvey Blackaby, mod.

                                                Ellis Wayland,  clerk



The Baptist Church of Jesus Christ of Gestville, Henry County, Ky. met on the 1st Sat. in November, 1886.  After preaching by Bro. A. B. Morgan, the meeting was then called to order by the moderator and proceeded to business.


1st                        Visiting brethren of sister churches were invited to seats.


2nd                        Minutes of the last meeting read and adopted, Fellowship called for.  There was no complaint.


4th                         References called for there was none reported.  New business called for, then a motion made and seconded that we change our regular meeting from 11 o�clock to 2 in the evening on first Sat. in each month.  The vote was taken and agreed to by the church.


5th                  Bro. Morgan was given time to decide whether he would or would not take charge of this church as pastor. 


6th                        Sister Joan Wilhoite having been excluded from this church for dancing presented her acknowledgments by Bro. Morgan, which satisfied the feelings of the members against her, and at her own request was restored and granted a letter of dismission from this church.


7th                  Bro. James Hackett also having been excluded from this church presented his acknowledgments by Bro. W. H. Johnson which satisfied the feelings of the members against him and at his request was granted a letter of dismission from this church, after which the meeting adjourned.

                                                Harvey Blackaby, mod.

                                                Ellis Wayland, clerk

The Baptist Church of Jesus Christ of Gestville, Henry Co. KY met the 1st Sat. in Dec. 1886.  After preaching by Bro. A. B. Morgan the meeting was called to order by the moderator and proceeded to business.


1st                        Visiting brethren of sister churches were invited to seats, minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.  Fellowship of the church called for and no complaint, no references reported.


2nd                        New business called for and motion made to ask assistance of the board of the association to pay our Pastor for his services for the ensuing year.  The voice of the church being taken the motion prevailed.  On motion and second the voice of the church being taken the motion prevailed.  On motion and second the meeting called that some officers be retained for the ensuing year then the meeting adjourned.

                                                Harvey Blackaby, moderator

                                                Ellis Wayland, clerk




The Baptist Church of Jesus Christ of Gestville, Henry Co. KY met the 1st Sat in March 1887 at 2 p.m. after preaching by Bro. A. B. Morgan the meeting was called to order by the moderator and proceeded to business.


1st                        Visiting brethren of sister churches were invited to seats, minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. 


2nd                        Fellowship was called and no complaint.  No references reported during this meeting.


3rd                        New business called for the Bro. Morgan came forward and read a letter  to the church from the association informing us that it is beyond their means to assist the Gestville Church in paying their Pastor for the ensuing year.  The meeting adjourned.


                                                A. B. Morgan, mod. protem

                                                Ellis Wayland, clerk


The Baptist Church of Jesus Christ at Gestville, Henry Co. KY met this 1st Sat in April 1887.  After preaching by Bro. A. B. Morgan the church was then called to order by the moderator and proceeded to business.


1st                        Visiting brethren of sister churches were invited to seats, minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.    Fellowship was called for and a charge was preferred against bro. Alfred Parker for swearing.  after discussing the case brothers O. B. Johnson and John Hardin were appointed to see Bro. Parker and report the results of their interview at our next meeting.


2nd                        sister Maggie Johnson at her request was granted a letter of dismission from this church. also sister Katie Penn was granted the same at her request.


3rd                 Bro. Morgan came forward and asked the church to help bear his expenses to the general convention at Louisville, the amount asked was $5.00.  $2.00 was collected.  Meeting adjourned.

                                                A. B. Morgan, mod. protem         

                                                W. H. Johnson, clerk protem



The Baptist Church of Jesus Christ of Gestville, Henry Co. KY met the 1st Sat in June 1887 . After preaching by Bro. A. B. Morgan the meeting was called to order by the moderator and proceeded to business.


1st                        Visiting brethren of sister churches were invited to seats, minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.  Fellowship of the church was called and no complaint. 


2nd                        References called when Bro. Parker�s case came up in consequence of the committee being absent, after some discussion the case was continued until the next meeting.  On motion the meeting adjourned.

                                                A. B. Morgan, mod. protem         

                                                Ellis Wayland,  clerk




 The Baptist Church of Jesus Christ of Gestville, Henry Co. KY met the 1st Sat in July 1887 . After preaching by Bro. A. B. Morgan the meeting was called to order by the moderator and proceeded to business.


1st             Visiting brethren of sister churches were invited to seats, minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.  Fellowship of the church was called and no complaint.  References called for when Bro. Parker�s case came up. He being present stated to the church that he was guilty of the charges.  And that he had asked God to forgive him and also asked the church�s pardon.


2nd                On motion and second Bro. Parker was restored to full fellowship then Bros. Alfred Parker and ellis wayland were appointed to prepare a letter for the association which Bros. J. S. Wilhoite and Eddie Baker and Ellis Wayland were appointed to bear the association.


3rd                        Sister Margaret Chapman at her request was granted a letter of dismission from this church. the question was then brought forward by Bro. Morgan in regard to license Bro. Eddie Baker to the gospel.  The license was granted Mr. Baker to go out and preach.  It was also further agreed to by this church that we ask the association to assist us in paying Bro. Baker, our Pastor for his services for the ensuing year.  On motion and second the meeting adjourned.

                                                A. B. Morgan, mod. protem         

                                                Ellis Wayland,  clerk


The Baptist Church of Jesus Christ of Gestville, Henry Co. KY met the 1st Sat in August 1887 . After preaching by Bro. A. B. Morgan the meeting was called to order by the moderator and proceeded to business.


1st             Visiting brethren of sister churches were invited to seats, minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. 


2nd                        Fellowship of the church for when the church was informed that Bro. Syrus Browning and John Baker were guilty of violating the rules of the church by dancing.


3rd                 On motion and second the church appointed Bros. Ellis Waylan, alfred Parker, and Jacob Browning, committeemen to see the said brothers and report the results of their interview at our next regular meeting.  On motion and second meeting adjourned.

                                                A. B. Morgan, mod. protem         

                                                Ellis Wayland,  clerk



The Baptist Church of Jesus Christ of Gestville, Henry Co. KY met the 1st Sat in Sept. 1887 . After preaching by Bro. A. B. Morgan the meeting was called to order by the moderator and proceeded to business.



1st                        Minutes of the last meetig were read and adopted.


2nd                        Fellowship of the church was called for.  There were no complaints.


3rd                        References called for when Bro. Syrus browning�s case came and that of Bro. john Baker was taken up.  the accused brethren being absent, on motion and second they were given until our next meeting day to come forward and make acknowlegements of their guilt.


4th                  the same committeemen were continued and requested to notify the said Bros. to be present at our next regular meeting.  On motion meeting adjourned.

                                                A. B. Morgan, mod. protem         

                                                Ellis Wayland,  clerk




The Baptist Church of Jesus Christ of Gestville, Henry Co. KY met the 1st Sat in Nov. 1887 . After preaching by Bro. A. B. Morgan the meeting was called to order by the moderator and proceeded to business.


1st                        Visiting Brethren from sister churches were invited to seats and minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.


2nd                        Fellowship of the church was called but there was no complaint.


3rd                         References called for when Bro. John Baker�s case came up.  He being absent and having failed to come forward and make acknowlegement.  On motion and second Bro. Baker was excluded from the church for violating the rules of the church by dancing.



bro. syurus Browning�s case was then taken up on motion and second it was continued until our next regular meeting.


5th                  On motion and second the election of officers and calling of a Pastor for the ensuing year was postponed until our next regular meeting.


6th                  On motion and second the meeting adjourned.

                                                A. B. Morgan mod. protem

                                                Ellis Wayland, clerk