1915 Births, Hopkins County, Kentucky Home Page

Some names have numbers in them. I assume they are typo's but I've left them as they were. A "2" probably should be a "W"
A "1" probably should be either a "Q" or an "L".

Child                     Mother                       Month  Day  Year   Cert.

Adams, Charles H          Brown, Eunice                  3     7   1915   12922

Adams, Louis              Green, Myrtle                  8    28   1915   40679

Adams, Lucile             Green, Myrtle                  8    28   1915   40680

Adcock, John A            Bows, Eva                      2    26   1915    7656

Adkins, Agnes R           Stephens, Bessie               9    26   1915   46219

Alender, Hazzel L         Moore, Fannie                 10     3   1915   22854

Alexander, Catherine J    McGregor, Minnor               3    17   1915   15943

Alexander, Joseph C       Loffoon, Mary                  9    22   1915   46225

Allen, Margie D           Hampton, Norma                12     8   1915   90695

Allen, Marjorie           Hampton, Norma                12     8   1915   65123

Allen, Mavorene           Allen, Fishie                  5    10   1915   23632

Allen, Mildred L          Hammer, Mable                  6     3   1915   29305

Allinder, Hazel L         Moore, Fannie                 10     3   1915   29125

Almon, Lucian E           Duncan, Callie                 5    12   1915   23645

Alsbrook, Paul C          Elza, Anna                    11     1   1915   52984

Anderson, Ila R           Fields, Clara                 10    22   1915   52194

Anderson, John T          Kirkwood, Maude                9     4   1915   46159

Anderson, Ora B           Randle, Mollie                12    14   1915   65139

Armour, James L           Morton, Lillie                 4    20   1915   18248

Arnold, Bonnie R          Branson, Cora                 12     1   1915   65162

Arnold, Christopher C     Arnold, May                    1    11   1915    2525

Arnold, James             Tucker, May                    7    30   1915   35062

Arnold, Jessie F          Tapp, Lenn                     8    31   1915   40693

Arnold, Kathleen E        Moore, Carrie                  5     7   1915   26728

Ashby, James E            Pemberton, Maude               7    22   1915   35054

Ashby, Mattie M           Jones, Martha                  3     6   1915   12890

Ashley, Elizabeth E       Gooch, Beulah                 12    31   1915   65129

Ashley, Harry P           Mathews, Myrtle               11    13   1915   57934

Ashley, Lachie B          Bolin, Daisy                  11    20   1915   57987

Ashmore, Morse J          Croark, Ollie                  9     9   1915     362

Ausbrook, Paul C          Eli, Annie                    10    31   1915   52232

Ausenbaugh, Durwood B     Webb, Frankie                 10    15   1915   52217

Ausenbough, Charles E     Gamblin, Addie                 6    28   1915   29317

Ayers, Lucian A           Davis, Ideamie                 6    21   1915   29350

Bailey, Luther H          Laugley, Maggie                8     9   1915   40641

Baker, Ruby J             Oldham, Sammie                10    14   1915   52205

Ballard, Mildred R        Doyle, Roxie                   9     4   1915   46175

Barnett, James            Haywood, Lottie                9    27   1915   46169

Barnhill, John W          Dorris, Carmen                 9     2   1915   14081

Basham, Dorothy L         Hanks, Zelma                   8     7   1915   40671

Basheam, Hordy 1          McGregor, Lula                 6     6   1915   29290

Bass, J D                 Lacy, Ruth                     9     5   1915   46188

Bauls, Fanny M            Martin, Lassie                 8    10   1915   40645

Baurland, Wm G            Johnson, Mareoh                6    10   1915   29292

Baxter, Irene             Eddings, Della                10     6   1915   52233

Beard, Wallace E          Mabrey, Merley                 7    27   1915   35053

Bearden, Joel             Clayton, Frances               6    24   1915   29299

Beasley, Geneva E         Crabtree, Pearl                8    11   1915   40672

Beeny, Glover W           Oakley, Effie                  3    18   1915   12924

Beeny, Walter A           Cunnard, Harvet               12    21   1915     359

Belcher, Howell H         Price, Sallie                 10    17   1915   52210

Bell, Charles H           Daugherty, Annie               6    21   1915   29312

Benn, Margaret L          Linch, Sallie                  4    19   1915   18280

Benny, Virginia J         Dillingham, Audrey             3    11   1915   12905

Berry, Luro J             Whitfield, Sophia             10    31   1915   52214

Berry, Marguerite         Hawton, Susie                  4    10   1915   18233

Berry, Orie L             Peterson, Mamie                3    15   1915   12912

Bershears, Ressie M       Ladd, Carrie                  11    27   1915   57981

Best, Edith E             Adams, Rossie                 11     1   1915   57949

Biles, James T            Smith, Willie                  1    29   1915    5307

Bishop, Harry B           Skaggs, Stella                 2     3   1915    7618

Black, Alice              Myers, Leona                   9     9   1915   46191

Blackburn, Charles E      Barnes, Gussie                11    15   1915   57957

Blades, Harol E           Hanks, Victoria                1     2   1915    2505

Blaine, Olyde 1           Horde, Dora                   12     6   1915   65157

Blair, Marion P           McCord, Mary                  11     9   1915   57939

Blanchard, Naomi          Huddleston, Cordia             3    30   1915   12934

Blankenship, Leslie R     Howton, Mary                  12    20   1915   65173

Blue, Lacy L              Ashby, Laura                   9    23   1915   97916

Bobbs, Nioma L            Springfield, Lillie           11     7   1915   57931

Bone, Iseel               Hundon, Vick                  10     7   1915   52199

Booker, Sam 1             Bailey, Jimmie                 9    30   1915   46187

Bouland, Orbra 2          Williams, Annie                8    23   1915   40655

Bourland, Annie D         Stewart, Milie                 3    27   1915   12908

Bowler, Thalia L          Murphy, Marie                  8    29   1915   43537

Bowles, Paul G            Gamblin, Effie                 5     2   1915   23619

Bowley, Robbert C         Rage, Birdie                  11    14   1915   57984

Bowman, Mary L            Wyatt, Frances                 7     2   1915   35064

Boyd, Charles E           Bourland, Virgie               9    30   1915   46200

Boyd, Marshall C          Thomas, Laura                  9     5   1915   46183

Brace, Richard E          Brace, Nellie                  6    23   1915   29367

Brackett, Laughlin L      McLaughlin, Mary               8    12   1915   40646

Bradley, Dock             Green, Lizzie                  5    30   1915   23614

Branson, Ray F            Blue, Jeona                   11    21   1915   61343

Brantley, Noble           Blackburn, Cora               10    20   1915   52249

Brantly, Adelean          Robinson, Cora                 4    26   1915   18297

Brasher, Margaret L       Board, Alice                   6    13   1915   29309

Brinkley, Elisabeth       Williams, Bessie              11     7   1915   57966

Brinkley, Francis F       Fewvich, Estelle              11    17   1915   57941

Bronaugh, Catherine E     Bell, Mary                     1     2   1915    2496

Brooks, Rufus 2           Oakley, Verlie                10     7   1915   52196

Brown, Arden              Crabtree, Nellie              12    14   1915     361

Brown, Clay W             Fugate, Bessie                 9     7   1915   46203

Brown, Elmer J            Haughen, Clara                 6    11   1915   29329

Brown, Georgie            Sisk, Jessie                   5    13   1915   23656

Brown, Harry W            Gill, Mary                     8    22   1915   40666

Brown, James O            Wilson, D                     12    14   1915     358

Brown, Major N            Cardwell, Bessie               4    21   1915   18234

Brown, Mildred            Brunson, Ethel                 4     2   1915   18243

Browning, Daniel A        Lovan, Willie                  9    28   1915   46206

Browning, Russell N       Smith, Effie                  12    11   1915   65150

Bruce, Margaret E         Williams, Grace                1    31   1915    2532

Bryan, Virginia           Brown, Queen                  10     3   1915   52195

Bryson, Joe 1             Bryson, Etta                   8     3   1915   40699

Bubs, Janetta M           Earl, Minnie                   5    24   1915   26716

Buchanan, Homer L         Clayton, Mary                  8    20   1915   43532

Bunton, Wm 1              Davis, Dena                    8    22   1915   40697

Burden, Daisy M           Handcock, Besey                9    10   1915   46236

Burden, Goebel L          Hayes, Ethel                  10    15   1915   52218

Burgess, Raymond E        Davidson, Mannie               2     4   1915    7610

Burk, Robert C            Rolph, Mamie                   2    25   1915    7601

Burnett, Flora E          Dempsey, Ollie                 7    16   1915   43535

Burns, Vivian R           Pofford, Lola                  5    20   1915   23623

Burns, Wm 1               Johnson, Kate                 12     4   1915   65121

Bush, James 1             Meacham, Ruby                 11     7   1915   57938

Butler, Jenetta M         Earl, Minnie                   5    24   1915   38340

Butler, Joe 1             Earl, Nettie                  11    24   1915   57965

Butler, Joel 1            Earl, Willie                   1    27   1915    2518

Butler, Ruby P            Anderson, Henry                9    21   1915   46210

Byars, Goal 1             Baker, Flora                   9    20   1915   46166

Byrd, Pauline E           Wilkinson, Lutie              10    17   1915   52248

Byrum, Anna L             Brown, Eva                     9    29   1915   46226

Byrum, George M           Brinkly, Irene                12     7   1915   65166

Byrum, Martha I           Toombs, Lillie                 8     6   1915   40684

Cabb, John B              Singleson, Maud                9     1   1915   46234

Calvert, Lena R           Ausenbaugh, Ella              11    12   1915   57975

Calvert, Virginia A       Hamby, Lula                   11     8   1915   57974

Campbell, Versie          Harris, Iva                    6    18   1915   29301

Campbell, Willie C        Farmer, Annie                  5    12   1915   23633

Cannon, James W           Pettus, Heneritta              3    16   1915   12898

Cardwell, Martha L        Snider, Mary                   1    15   1915    2521

Cardwell, Robert S        Strand, Eva                    1     5   1915    2520

Carner, Mabel K           Graham, Birdie                 7    17   1915   35098

Carr, John W              Gary, Melvina                  2     8   1915    7594

Carrico, Marvin           Robards, Lizzie                7    14   1915   43533

Carrico, Melvin           Robards, Lizzie                7    14   1915   43534

Carrier, Helen F          Medlock, Catherine             7     6   1915   35086

Carroll, Gertie E         Smith, Florence                1    25   1915    2516

Carslisle, Jearlene       Tomblusm, Dollie               1    18   1915    2546

Carter, Ada B             Neal, Pearl                    9    13   1915   46163

Carter, Della L           Corbitt, Ada                  10    15   1915   52189

Carter, Georgia L         Carter, Rosie                  6    18   1915   60587

Carter, Margarette E      McNeely, Mandy                 1    25   1915    2537

Carver, Erma P            Whitsell, Floy                 7    28   1915   35104

Cary, Willie 1            Towns, Emma                    5    21   1915   23663

Cash, William L           Crawford, Mattie               7    24   1915   35082

Cates, Artie M            Jackson, Alberta               5    17   1915   23652

Cates, Edd 1              Babba, Clara                   7     3   1915   35048

Cates, Eula               Jones, Lou                     4    30   1915   20944

Cates, Geo 1              Pate, Effie                    8    27   1915   40656

Cates, Helen L            Mangrum, Grace                 4    21   1915   18239

Cates, Jewell L           Higdon, Ollie                 10    27   1915   52234

Cates, Josephine          Gross, Catherine               3    15   1915   93306

Cates, Mary J             Cates, Effie                   6    30   1915   29353

Cato, Mary J              Gleaves, Rosa                  6    14   1915   29362

Catron, Cleatrice         Rudolph, Pearl                 7     4   1915   93107

Caudle, Georgia A         Lisauley, Mattie               2    25   1915    7651

Cavanaugh, William H      Outlaw, Georgia               11    14   1915   57956

Chamberlain, Thomas M     Howard, Stella                 7    11   1915   29374

Chamberlain, Thomas M     Howard, Stella                 7    11   1915   35101

Chambers, Leroy           Reed, Mary                     8    10   1915   40644

Chandler, Robbie A        Booth, Daisy                   2     3   1915    7645

Chaney, Vivian N          Smith, Rolla                  11     9   1915   61326

Chappel, Mable R          Kimble, Bessie                12    23   1915   65184

Chappell, Bud L           Chappell, Annie                4    14   1915   18294

Clark, Catherine J        James, Lucinda                 7     6   1915   61328

Clark, Dorthia            Oldham, Emma                   3    20   1915   12910

Clark, Francis A          Miller, Ethel                  9     8   1915   46190

Clark, Margaret L         Newcomb, Nellie                8    19   1915   40708

Clark, Margarette         Ladd, Eula                     6    12   1915   29360

Clark, Melvin K           Day, Ina                      12    17   1915   90629

Clayton, Cayce M          Clayton, Clora                12    21   1915   65163

Clayton, Connie M         Clayton, Ina                  11     3   1915   57933

Clayton, Coy R            Clayton, Verna                 4    26   1915   20942

Clayton, Elmer S          Baney, Alice                  10    14   1915   52251

Clayton, Etta G           Veasey, Birdie                 5     3   1915   26727

Clayton, Falemn O         Buchaman, Lizzie               2    10   1915    7643

Clayton, Macil            Cunningham, Nilie              2     2   1915    7634

Clayton, Maggie B         Clayton, Vandie               10    12   1915   52198

Clayton, Oby E            Sirah, Cattie                  3    17   1915   12939

Clayton, Ottis A          Jones, Chris                   1    19   1915    2522

Clayton, Ruth             Knight, Julia                  3    16   1915   12923

Cline, Owen 2             Ashley, May                    9    10   1915   46235

Cloern, Lawrence          Forguahas, Fannie              3    15   1915   12895

Cloud, Ernest P           Simes, Willie                  7     2   1915   35065

Coats, James R            Dockery, Augustane             9     4   1915   46220

Cobb, James B             Hitt, Maud                     8     3   1915   40677

Coffman, James C          James, Grace                   6     5   1915   29347

Collings, Melvin H        Crowley, Minnie                9     4   1915     360

Collings, Melvin H        Crowley, Mina                  9     4   1915   92926

Collins, Letha M          Shasher, Addie                 3    19   1915   12906

Collins, William E        Denton, Mollie                 1     2   1915    2542

Combs, James              Davis, Georgie                 9    23   1915   46168

Combs, Sidney             Oglesby, Hetty                 6    10   1915   29341

Connell, Richard          Cates, Berthia                 4    15   1915   18276

Cook, John T              French, Ora                    5    18   1915   23659

Cook, Thomas E            Clark, Ruth                    8    25   1915   40650

Cook, Thomas F            Campbell, Lottie              11     4   1915   57922

Cooksey, Dennis           White, Lola                    8    31   1915   40653

Cooksey, Jessie           McCray, Pausy                  8     4   1915   40637

Cooksie, Charles E        Radford, Carrie                6     9   1915   29308

Coombs, May J             Crabtree, May                 10    19   1915   52255

Coomes, David G           Smith, Paralee                 7     4   1915   35074

Corley, Bailey            Mates, Icy                     2     2   1915    7617

Cornell, Owen E           Back, Ida                      2    14   1915    7624

Cornell, Rusa O           Pendley, Maud                  7    20   1915   35083

Cornn, Frances M          Cobb, Lesba                    9    27   1915   46239

Corum, Opal E             Caslise, Mary                  3    23   1915   15945

Cothran, Wm H             Clements, Zadie                7    31   1915   35072

Cotton, Jesse J           Bates, Anna                    9    18   1915   90938

Couch, Ernestine          Dyle, Henrietta               11    29   1915   57929

Cowan, Mary N             Carlin, Clara                 12     5   1915   61344

Cox, Clara B              Prince, Jennie                 5     8   1915   23651

Crabtree, Claudia A       Cobb, Mary                     9     8   1915   61333

Crabtree, Willie R        Beal, Sophia                   1    24   1915    2527

Crafton, William L        Watts, Annie                   8     9   1915   40643

Cranon, Edwin P           Morris, Lula                  10    31   1915   52246

Cranor, Joe N             Eli, Pearl                     7    27   1915   35119

Craw, Parker H            Hart, Mary                     8    16   1915   40689

Creekmier, William L      Barnes, Mattie                 9    20   1915   92970

Crick, Bailey F           Crick, Maudie                  6    10   1915   29322

Crick, Edward             Sesk, Hollie                   8    14   1915   40658

Crick, Ella M             Miller, Mary                   9    11   1915   46196

Crick, James T            Ross, Bula                     5    12   1915   23641

Crick, James W            Childers, Laura                9    11   1915   46189

Crick, Lassie B           Rice, Burchie                  6    25   1915   18869

Cronor, Francis           Hamby, Meda                    2     4   1915    7652

Crowder, Owen             Fletcher, Linnie               4    28   1915   18295

Crowley, Zada             Jones, Ellen                   5    15   1915   26724

Crumbaker, Vivian E       Olliver, Sarah                 8     1   1915   43536

Crunk, Charles R          Brewington, Laura              6    27   1915   29338

Cullen, Imon E            Dorris, Gertrude              11    22   1915   57973

Cullen, Thomas E          Peyton, Gaither                4    23   1915   18283

Cunningham, Elva M        Cates, Flora                   5    14   1915   23612

Cunningham, George 2      Kirby, Mary                    7    19   1915   35094

Cunningham, Georgia L     Galloway, Ollie                3    19   1915   12892

Cunningham, Lonnie 1      Altman, Mattie                 3    24   1915   12894

Curneal, Barbara          Daniels, Nola                  8     2   1915   40705

Curneal, Clifford         Jones, M                       9    10   1915   46232

Curneal, Melvin D         Jones, Sibbey                  6    10   1915   29365

Curtis, Helen             Lutz, Minta                    7    31   1915   35071

Dackery, Genoa            Keith, Viana                  11     6   1915   57985

Dame, George H            Herron, Hallie                11    15   1915   57967

Dame, Lena M              Lutz, Ina                      5    11   1915   23661

Dame, Lydia Catherine     McEven, Mabel                  7    18   1915   90551

Daniel, James D           Pool, Naoma                    5    16   1915   23662

Daniels, Gladys L         Branson, Thusy                 3    30   1915   12941

Darnell, Marvin E         Darr, Hester                   1    31   1915    2539

Daugherty, Lorine         Burden, Minerva                4    12   1915   18261

Daves, Thomas R           Rea, Bessie                    5    12   1915   23654

Davis, Bill 2             Dame, Margret                  7    14   1915   35089

Davis, Cora               Howton, Georgia                6    10   1915   29354

Davis, Jewel B            Whitfield, Donie               3    27   1915   12911

Davis, Lillie M           Crick, Frankie                 4    19   1915   18258

Davis, Linnie             Thomas, Kate                   5    18   1915   23637

Davis, Lucian E           Williams, Mattie               1    30   1915    2501

Davis, Luther W           Blades, Margarete              5    11   1915   23635

Davis, Neviline           Laffoon, Minnie                6    30   1915   29359

Davis, Rachel G           Weir, Mabel                    1     9   1915    2533

Day, Noah 2               Curneal, Blauch                3    18   1915   12900

Dearmon, Rice C           Causler, Ora                   5    22   1915   23653

Demoss, Annie F           Howell, Carrie                 8    30   1915   56051

Dennis, Elizabeth         Yarbrough, Minerva             6    23   1915   29358

Denton, Thomas P          Rotes, Iva                     7    16   1915   35107

Devault, Rosa R           Doleson, Willie                7    14   1915   35067

Dewelder, Ernest V        Windes, Lesse                 10     9   1915   52253

Dickerson, James 1        Willis, Jennie                 7    12   1915   35051

Dickerson, Mabel W        Hawkins, Katherine            10    31   1915   55416

Dickerson, Thomas F       Gamblin, Dematra              12    23   1915   65160

Diggs, William E          Taylor, Carrie                 2    28   1915    7602

Dillingham, Ina           Allen, Elsie                   4     9   1915   18255

Dillingham, Lena G        Greenwood, Mabel               8    13   1915   40673

Dillingham, Mary M        Farmer, Willie                 5     9   1915   23631

Dillon, Edward E          Hernes, Minie                  4    16   1915   18257

Disk, Elsworth R          Durham, Cora                   8     7   1915   40678

Dixon, Vera I             Blalack, Minnie                3     4   1915   12936

Dockery, Garland          Wyatt, Estella                10    27   1915   52238

Dockery, Margarett L      Fox, Lela                      1     8   1915    2722

Dockery, Raymond          Wyatt, Estella                10    27   1915   52239

Dockrey, Reita A          Strong, Zelia                  9    30   1915   46223

Doris, Ella M             Heron, Fannie                  1    30   1915    2536

Douglas, Louise           Holliday, Ester               11     4   1915   57921

Doves, William T          Mcgriger, Willie               4    23   1915   18284

Drafer, Charles B         Larwar, Charlie                8    21   1915   40665

Drake, Billie             Morrow, Elsie                  4     4   1915   18244

Drake, Mary H             Wilson, Kenny                  2     6   1915    7622

Dulin, George E           Lucket, Loena                  5    30   1915   23643

Dunbar, Garlan            Dunbar, Iocia                  2     8   1915    7653

Dunbar, Ora P             Herndon, Parlee                1    23   1915    2490

Duncan, Annie E           Harris, Cassie                12     7   1915   68779

Duncan, Annie E           Purday, Annie                  2    16   1915    7650

Duncan, Georgia M         Satterfield, Georgia          12    22   1915   65174

Duncan, Harow E           Helsley, Nancy                 6    22   1915   29334

Duncan, Samuel C          McNeely, Jimmie                8    15   1915   40696

Dunkerson, Bearl J        Arnold, May                    1     1   1915   52977

Dunkin, Annie             Harris, Cassie                12     7   1915   65164

Dunkin, Milliard E        Settle, Eavy                  10     6   1915   52252

Dunlap, Annie O           Killibrum, Annie               2     2   1915    7590

Dunn, Main                Jane, Katie                    7     9   1915   35057

Durham, Connie M          Tapp, Cora                     1     4   1915    2519

Durham, Hazel L           Siyler, Annie                  2    12   1915    7623

Eades, Mable E            McClearn, Laura                4    23   1915   18281

Earl, Eddy 2              Sisk, Matilda                  1     6   1915    2514

Eaves, Luciles            Clements, Sallie               3    22   1915   12904

Edward, Paul              Brewer, Georgia                5    10   1915   23640

Edwards, Geo 1            Horten, Mary                   4    21   1915   18235

Edwards, J R              King, Cordie                   2    28   1915    7638

Edwards, Luther           Lamb, Bobbie                  11     6   1915   57977

Eison, Willie H           Carter, Alma                   2     9   1915    7631

Elam, Elizabeth D         Green, Jessie                 10    30   1915   52203

Eldridge, Cora N          Lyle, Nannie                   7     1   1915   35058

Eli, Lorne                Johnson, Minerva               6    23   1915   81813

Eli, Lorne                Johnson, Nervie                6    23   1915   29343

Eli, Raymond M            Alexander, Marcella           11    29   1915   57982

Evans, Margaritte F       Casey, Hattie                 12    31   1915   65149

Ezell, William A          Woolf, Edith                  12     4   1915   65177

Faran, Effie J            Purdy, Maggie                  2    15   1915    7649

Farmer, Charlie 1         Allen, Amanda                  7    25   1915   35078

Farmer, Margarete M       Moore, Mary                    6     1   1915   29325

Federick, Lawrence        Cates, Pearl                   2     9   1915    7604

Finn, John 1              Davidson, M                   11    12   1915   61340

Fitzhugh, Lady P          Christian, Hassie             10     9   1915   55414

Flinn, James E            Mauzy, James                   3     2   1915   12925

Floyd, John               Rucder, Ledie                  4    19   1915   18298

Ford, Cathern L           Carroll, Carrie                6     2   1915   29326

Ford, Grace I             Shank, Essie                   8    14   1915   40647

Ford, Will 1              Shanks, Edith                 11    26   1915   57927

Forrester, James R        Draper, Ella                  12     9   1915   65136

Fort, Mary                Cunningham, Lorett             8    29   1915   40651

Foster, George            Ray, Mary                      3     7   1915   12887

Fowler, Audry T           Noblett, Cora                 11    14   1915   61341

Fowler, Herschel          Moore, Odie                   11    11   1915   58256

Fowler, Rosa L            Jamison, Carrier               9    21   1915   46185

Fox, Burgess C            Blann, Bertha                  9    26   1915   46216

Fox, Everett W            Page, Julie                   10    20   1915   52225

Fox, Pearl                Brown, Anna                   12     6   1915   65168

Fox, Ross C               Smith, Laura                   7    15   1915   35060

Franklin, Alta M          Brown, Nola                    4    22   1915   18285

Franklin, Clarence D      Teague, Dollie                12    29   1915   65148

Franklin, Irene M         Clark, Lulu                   12    10   1915   65158

Franklin, James A         Franklin, Rutha                6     9   1915   29356

Franklin, Jeff            Clark, Gusta                   7    14   1915   35117

Franklin, Lilburn E       Combs, Vivan                  12     5   1915   65156

Franklin, Thomas N        Mitchell, Jessie              12     8   1915   65178

Franklin, Toy             Hix, Mallie                    9     4   1915   46221

Franklin, Virginia L      Dillinghan, Opie              10     9   1915   52228

Frazer, Mary J            Daves, Esther                  1    22   1915    2535

Frazer, Sarah A           Daves, Esther                  1    22   1915    2534

Fuller, Audrey J          Hicks, Maud                    2    22   1915    7648

Fuqua, Redford 2          Kenbrough, Fannie              7    25   1915   35069

Furgurson, J R            Scott, Nora                   12    26   1915   65187

Gains, May E              Jameson, Annie                 9    22   1915   46201

Gamblin, Charles R        Furls, Ruby                   11    25   1915   57947

Gamblin, Durwood A        Furls, Sarah                  12    23   1915   65142

Gamblin, Marshall N       Cotton, Rebecca                1     6   1915    2498

Gamblin, William C        Mcilvain, Myrtle              12     1   1915   65154

Gammon, Chas 2            Clayton, Jene                  4     3   1915   26731

Gannon, Melain A          Buncy, Lydia                  11     9   1915   61342

Gant, James A             Etta, Julia                   12    10   1915   65137

Gardall, Carrie E         Huddleson, Anna                8    10   1915   40670

Gardiner, Ray N           Manning, Tina                 11     1   1915   57919

Gardner, James G          Staton, Ora                    5    14   1915   23636

Garret, Cecil 1           Garret, Cecil                  9    28   1915   46171

Garret, Charles           Gaston, Lela                  12    16   1915   65126

Garrett, Paul C           Robinson, Fannie               6    26   1915   29314

Garrett, Rosa M           Campbell, Lucy                 9     9   1915   46208

Giannini, Frank           Wilkey, Lilian                 7    18   1915   35123

Gibbons, Effie L          Metton, Nellie                 2    21   1915    7608

Gibson, Gertrude          Raves, Eula                    1    28   1915    2492

Gilvean, Frank 2          Hawkins, Mary                 11    20   1915   57943

Gipson, Ethel M           Ranes, Eula                    1    28   1915    3675

Givens, Velma             Hughes, Elector               10    21   1915   55420

Gleas, Louetta 1          Wall, Flora                   11     2   1915   57920

Good, Lois                Wilkey, Dora                   2    26   1915   10465

Gordon, J 1               Sigon, Henretta                7     4   1915   35113

Gordon, Laurence T        Watson, Mary                   1    27   1915    2491

Goryan, Baxter 1          Harris, Selia                  7     9   1915   35087

Gossar, Clarence          Cavenaugh, Ida                10    18   1915   52191

Gossar, George            Covenaugh, Ida                10    18   1915   52192

Gower, Ola P              Clayton, Alice                10     9   1915   52197

Graddy, James E           Whitfield, Dellie              7    16   1915   35092

Grady, Jabuir             Morehead, Divilie              5    23   1915   23624

Grant, Charles L          Jenkins, Ellie                 6    16   1915   29333

Green, Rolliebell         Heandcock, Lullie              6    18   1915   29349

Griffin, William C        Foster, Annie                 11     2   1915   33767

Grover, Roy N             Ray, Pearl                     5     6   1915   23629

Gun, Alven                Martin, Minnie                10     1   1915   52216

Gun, Alvis                Martin, Minnie                10     1   1915   52215

Gunn, James G             Slaton, Ora                    5    14   1915   38324

Haggard, Herman F         Bearden, Mary                  4     2   1915   18273

Hammons, Munroe G         Hale, Mayonea                  3    26   1915   12902

Hampton, Minnie           Givens, Alvie                  4    30   1915   55418

Hancock, John N           Kraig, Mary                    2    16   1915   15944

Hancock, Myrtle C         Dupass, Cora                   8    14   1915   40702

Hanly, Mary 1             Hanly, Mary                    9    20   1915   46167

Hanna, Christine E        Weldon, Edna                  12     7   1915   65186

Hard, J B                 Ely, Maydeline                 6    10   1915   29328

Hardwick, Estella         Morris, Fanny                  4    28   1915   18270

Hardwick, Lora M          Carter, Eddie                  8    20   1915   40695

Hardy, Enza J             Hughes, Protella               7     2   1915   90887

Harper, Robert W          Wiggins, Thenie                9    25   1915   46198

Harrell, Wm H             Harper, Mabel                 12    25   1915   65181

Harrifield, Josie B       Fitzgerald, Judie             10    26   1915   52220

Harris, Arlan L           Bawland, Dicie                 6    18   1915   29366

Harris, Ismel E           Foley, Maggie                  1    17   1915    2509

Harris, Nadine            Brinkley, Lizzie               1    10   1915    2529

Harris, Nola M            Pool, Novella                  5    10   1915   23616

Harrison, Jessie K        Craig, Nannie                  7     2   1915   35046

Hart, Amphlis O           Franklin, Pearl                4    12   1915   26732

Harvey, Ellen M           Whitfield, William            11    23   1915   57960

Hawby, Lucian 2           Cannon, Lettie                12    27   1915   65141

Hawkins, Mabel L          Carroll, Bertha                1    19   1915    2500

Hayes, Anna R             Pritchett, Mayme              11    17   1915   93062

Hays, Sudie B             Logan, Amanda                  9    15   1915   46213

Heady, Rena B             Grable, Susie                  3    18   1915   12927

Heard, James 1            Barnes, Ruth                   9    26   1915   46194

Hearin, Nevalive          Boyd, Margarett                6     2   1915   29289

Henson, Lambert B         Key, Cora                      2     8   1915    7607

Herald, Francis N         Eakins, Georgia                1    27   1915    2523

Herb, Margaret N          Geikel, Margaret               9    17   1915   46178

Herndon, Robert J         Powell, Leona                  2    14   1915    7595

Hester, Duglis            Richdee, Bare                  5    31   1915   23650

Hester, Lottie P          Smith, Josephine               2    10   1915    7657

Hester, Lula M            Hester, Josephine              2    10   1915    7658

Hettsley, Josjua C        Latham, Dora                   2    27   1915    7620

Hewlett, Judsutte         Smith, Jerry                   8    10   1915   61331

Hibbs, Dorthie            France, Ethel                 12    13   1915   65183

Hibbs, James M            Stewart, Emma                  1    19   1915    2494

Hibbs, Richard D          Peck, Esther                   4    15   1915   18277

Hicks, Bernice E          Gipson, Laura                  7    17   1915   35112

Hicks, Laura B            Blanchard, Mary                9     4   1915   46217

Higdon, Ettie C           Cavanah, Myrtle                7     8   1915   35106

Higdon, Nannie L          Barnett, Pearl                 3     9   1915   12938

Hill, John 1              Coffman, Hallie                7     3   1915   35049

Hillard, Geo N            Clark, Mary                    9    30   1915   46182

Hines, James W            Radford, Golden                8    31   1915   40667

Hobgood, Nina F           Stewart, Mina                  1    13   1915    2487

Hoemake, Agnes S          Hoope, Agnes                   4    16   1915   18238

Hogan, Mary Ruby          Cobb, Callie                   9    25   1915   91666

Hoggard, Margaruerite     Barr, Bertha                   7    19   1915   73192

Holland, Catherine L      Wadlington, Mary               6    23   1915   29313

Holland, Ellenora         Garbrough, Callie             10    19   1915   52245

Holland, Odie 1           Johnson, Jessie                7    26   1915   35070

Holloway, Emma M          Slayton, Lula                  2    15   1915    7596

Hollowell, Pauline O      Grearer, Pearl                 4     2   1915   18268

Holmes, Agnes A           Porter, Ludie                  7    27   1915   40692

Holmes, Winfred B         Evans, Rosa                    3    16   1915   12926

Hopkins, Mary E           Tyler, Viola                   5    21   1915   23630

Hopwell, Gladys G         Booth, Bernice                11    11   1915   57970

House, Olivia             Williamson, Minnie             6    17   1915   29310

Howell, Anna K            Walker, Louise                11     2   1915   61337

Howell, Nellie M          Page, Fannie                   8    21   1915   40657

Howell, Sayyer 2          Hewlett, Ruby                  9    15   1915   46177

Howley, Elbert H          McKnight, Clarissa            12    24   1915   65175

Howton, John H            Purdy, Unknown                 3    19   1915   12928

Howton, Polly R           Capps, Effie                   6     3   1915   59395

Hudson, Euvena            Alexander, Elma                4    29   1915   18292

Huffman, Lee A            Melton, Dove                   2     2   1915    7614

Hughes, Robert E          Meriweather, Edna              9    27   1915   46181

Hughett, Ralph H          West, Pearl                   10    16   1915   52231

Hulsey, Leman             Dunning, Tessie                9    10   1915   46224

Hundon, Rener             Hundon, Protella               7     2   1915   35059

Hunt, Ben 1               Rice, Callie                   5    14   1915   23642

Hunt, Carlon Hall         Stokes, Ada                   10    22   1915   52219

Hunt, Ruth A              Mosley, Carrie                10    17   1915   52211

Hurley, W 1               Bean, Dot                      5    13   1915   23622

Hutcherson, Mary          Hutcherson, Geora              6     6   1915   29300

Hutchison, Thomas S       Stoker, Sadie                  1     4   1915    2497

Igleheart, Louis T        Rich, Agnes                    3     2   1915   12935

Inglis, William S         Niesz, Victoria                8     5   1915   49364

Irvin, Katherine          Irvin, Robbie                  5    20   1915   23610

Isabell, James W          Willis, Heneritta              8     1   1915   40663

Jackson, Clarence R       Swinney, Ollie                 4    22   1915   18259

Jackson, Raymond          McIntosh, Ethel               10    29   1915   52246

Jackson, William E        Dockreg, Essie                 2    22   1915    7647

James, Jewel              Day, Callie                    9     5   1915   61335

Jenkins, Myrtle M         Bowles, Easter                 7    25   1915   35075

Jennings, Hallie E        Wyatt, Eliza                   5    23   1915   23660

Jobe, Jess W              Fauster, Mary                  9    18   1915   46238

Johnson, Alberta G        Tate, Etha                    10    20   1915   55415

Johnson, Catherine        Dulin, Allie                  10    19   1915   52212

Johnson, Cynthia V        Johnson, Hattie                7    11   1915   35111

Johnson, David L          Allen, Josie                   7    28   1915   35096

Johnson, Ernest E         Davis, Maud                    7     4   1915   35085

Johnson, Evelyn           Taylor, Jessie                 6     7   1915   29307

Johnson, Francis L        Powell, Margaret              12    10   1915   65170

Johnson, Irie             Mays, Ekkie                    2    13   1915    7605

Johnson, John             Mayes, Nellie                  4    21   1915   18236

Johnson, John A           Wilby, Bertha                  3    21   1915   12918

Johnson, Leroy            Smith, Fannie                  7    17   1915   35061

Johnson, Oscar 1          Cary, Gussie                   8    23   1915   40649

Johnson, William E        Powell, Rosa                  12    17   1915   65172

Johnson, William H        Smoot, Rosa                    9    11   1915   46192

Johnston, Grace A         Sish, Pernecia                12    23   1915   65167

Jones, Arter              Jones, Sarah                   2     1   1915    7640

Jones, Callie E           Ester, Katie                   2     7   1915    7592

Jones, Edward 2           Garrett, Estella              12    24   1915   65152

Jones, George J           Jones, Ordesser                8    28   1915   40660

Jones, Hardy E            Hubbard, Maud                  2    15   1915    7625

Jones, Hazel L            Cox, Chessie                   8     3   1915   40661

Jones, Lottie A           Bumfus, Lottie                 2    22   1915    7641

Jones, Mary P             Lofton, Anna                   2     1   1915    7635

Jones, Neva L             Collins, Annie                 9    29   1915   46202

Jones, Robt T             Moore, Laura                   4     6   1915   18240

Jones, Wallace R          Denton, Gertie                12     3   1915   65120

Jones, Walter M           Campbell, Minnie               8     6   1915   40688

Jonts, Sarah E            Jinkins, Evaline               7    17   1915   35080

Jordan, Richard L         Ashby, Vera                    8    10   1915   37082

Josey, Johnnie            Maxwell, Queen                11    14   1915   57954

Keikwood, Hortence R      Dedrumd, Bessie               12     3   1915   92738

Kelley, R V               Day, M                         6     1   1915   29351

Kelly, France M           France, Grace                  9    10   1915   46195

Kembel, Georgia S         Cobb, Mary                     7    25   1915   35127

Killebrew, Lula C         Hopson, Alice                  6    23   1915   38092

Kimbley, Charles W        Clark, Ida                     3    19   1915   12915

King, Carl                Sights, Annett                 8    29   1915   40652

Kington, Carmen F         Moore, Francis                 7    12   1915   35088

Kington, William H        Jones, Lila                    9    26   1915   46205

Kirkwood, Hortense        Dearmon, Bessie               12    31   1915   65128

Kirkwood, James L         Rose, Neeley                   5    23   1915   23655

Kirkwood, James R         Berry, Alice                   7    19   1915   35102

Kirkwood, John            Sisk, Effie                   12     5   1915   65122

Knight, Claud             Jefferson, Nettie              9    30   1915   46231

Knight, Clyde             Jeffers, Netha                 9    30   1915   46230

Knight, Edith E           Reubon, Cora                   1    24   1915    2517

Knight, Gordon            Willson, Rosie                 6    28   1915   29372

Knight, Juanita C         Knight, Jessie                10    12   1915   52230

Knight, Mary W            Haynes, Annie                  6     1   1915   29332

Knight, Ruby L            Knight, Laura                  6    21   1915   29342

Knight, Verlie            McElroy, Hellen                8    16   1915   45354

Knox, Walmoth G           Veazey, Effie                  4    17   1915   18278

Lacy, Edd 1               Miller, Helen                  7     5   1915   35050

Lacy, Eugene              Webb, Connie                   8    14   1915   40674

Laffoon, Maudra           Page, Sarah                    5     9   1915   23639

Lafford, Jewell G         Pentecost, Dallis             11    12   1915   57946

Lamb, Bessie M            Knight, Minnie                 6     3   1915    2502

Lamb, George M            Matheny, Myrtle                7    12   1915   35097

Lamb, Ishmael W           Littepage, Ida                 9     9   1915   46240

Lamb, T 1                 Pinkson, Sarha                 7     3   1915   35099

Lamb, Will 2              Smith, Harpy                   6     1   1915   29304

Lampson, Sarrah           Eison, Stella                  7    20   1915   35124

Lantrip, Lottie M         Whitfield, Myrtie             10    10   1915   52209

Lapradd, Nora F           Yandell, Malissia              9    18   1915   46211

Larkins, Oleta            Lawson, Elma                   5    21   1915   55421

Laugzell, Eber 2          Yates, Mary                   11     8   1915   57950

Lawson, Louise            Brown, Lizzie                  9    14   1915   46184

Lennings, Luther T        Jones, Blancha                11     8   1915   61339

Lentmyer, Otha M          Falk, Nola                    11     8   1915   57983

Leosure, Blanche          Anderson, Mavis                3    16   1915   12932

Liles, Lula V             Browning, Georgia              3    24   1915   12907

Littlefield, Mary J       Vaughn, Martha                10    24   1915   61345

Littlepage, Lula F        Obryan, Margaret               2     5   1915    7627

Logan, Annie O            Slaton, Ruth                   9    16   1915   46174

Logan, Horace             Scott, Mollie                  9     2   1915   46172

Logan, Laura R            Armstrong, Leuron              5    28   1915   23611

Long, Agnes L             Sullivan, Kate                 1    22   1915    2495

Long, Edker H             Long, Coria                    9    17   1915   46164

Long, Violet D            Benton, Fary                  10     6   1915   52208

Loorlace, Kemet A         Allen, Ethel                   1     4   1915    2503

Lovan, Edna M             Lovins, Lila                   9    14   1915   46197

Lovan, F 2                Tinsley, Annie                 4    29   1915   18260

Lovan, Isaac H            Thompson, Iva                  6    10   1915   93906

Lovan, Richard E          Lester, Nina                   6    20   1915   29331

Lucas, Dawson             Oldham, Edie                   7     3   1915   35125

Lulz, Russel A            Tucker, Janie                  1    10   1915    2493

Lutz, Thommas E           Gipson, Emma                   1     9   1915    2528

Lynn, Beatrice V          Hart, Eva                      6    20   1915   29298

Lynn, Gerald              Martin, Regina                11    26   1915   57926

Lyon, Essie L             Slaton, Anna                   8    13   1915   40662

Lyons, Martha L           Barnhill, Mattie               2    26   1915    7609

Madison, Gene D           Dickerson, Annie               6     6   1915   73195

Madox, Alford H           Burton, Golla                 11    22   1915   57971

Mahan, John V             Victory, Margaret              3    18   1915   12899

Maning, Mamie B           Diggs, Effie                   9    12   1915   46162

Manning, William H        Reidd, Terra                   3     4   1915   12886

Manow, Ulipes             Vare, Sallie                  10    14   1915   52222

Mapraids, Walter          Edmonds, Doshie               11    20   1915   57958

Martin, John D            Harris, Lolia                  7     5   1915   35105

Martin, Velvie R          McCroy, Cora                   6    11   1915   29297

Marton, Ruby              White, Lillie                  4    19   1915   18263

Masoncup, Eva M           Salerfield, Johnnie            8     4   1915   40687

Matchen, Elmo 2           Gillum, Annie                  4    24   1915   18252

Matchen, Norris G         Armstrong, Annie               5    10   1915   23606

Matthews, Mandra          Holmes, Mary                   4    25   1915   18286

Maxwell, Lucille          Bradley, Celia                 4     8   1915   18251

Mays, Mable A             Griffy, Cora                   4    26   1915   18288

McBride, Emma E           Robinson, Delia               10    21   1915   52221

McCurdy, Percy L          Dix, Lockey                    4     1   1915   18265

McGary, Margaret L        Osborn, Leatrice               3     9   1915   12940

McGregor, Anita M         Woodruff, Essie                9    11   1915   46229

McGregor, Benjamin        Margan, Daisy                 12    12   1915   65171

McGregor, Burton 1        Brooks, Anna                   5     8   1915   23604

McGregor, Daniel B        Fox, Maud                     10    17   1915   52237

McGregor, Herbert E       Carroll, Della                 6     6   1915   29340

McGregor, Sarah E         Wilingham, Mary                7    27   1915   38095

McGuyer, Fannie M         Hibbs, Georgia                 2     7   1915    7642

McGuyn, Francis           Robinson, Bertha              12    25   1915   65182

Mclemore, Claud           Harper, Lula                   7    26   1915     363

McMary, Richard 1         Rawkins, Clara                12    14   1915   65147

McNary, Clide             Smith, Josie                   7    23   1915   35055

McNeely, Hallie           Crisp, Cora                    6    22   1915   29364

McNeely, Mallie           Crisp, Cora                    6    22   1915   29363

McNeely, Roy L            Dillingham, Myrtie             2     4   1915    7646

McRoy, Roy M              Martin, Eliza                  9    29   1915   46215

Medlock, John W           Lamb, Nida                     9    20   1915   46204

Meerser, Edna A           Laffoon, Josie                10    18   1915   52244

Melton, Everett H         Wrye, Annie                    6    15   1915   20951

Melton, Lloyd E           Brooks, Minnie                11    24   1915   93590

Menser, Ada L             Wolfe, Stena                   5     1   1915   23658

Merritt, Katherine        Wright, Cora                  11    29   1915   57953

Merriwether, Ellis 1      Mcadoo, Leauer                 4    23   1915   18250

Michael, Mary H           McNeelan, Goldy                3    22   1915   12888

Miller, Ethel             Russell, Mary                  7     2   1915   35047

Miller, Jesse H           Hammonds, Flora                8    30   1915   40676

Miller, Viola             Richard, Annie                 9     9   1915   46212

Mitchel, Earnest C        Hudson, Glennie               10    28   1915   52235

Mitchel, Georgie L        Cumeal, Nannie                 8    22   1915   40690

Mitchel, Sarah I          Peterson, Maud                 3    25   1915   12916

Mitchell, Virginia F      Lovan, Rama                    5    11   1915   23644

Montgomery, Harry E       Johnson, Lula                 12     4   1915   65151

Moody, Geo L              Loving, Cloudy                 4    18   1915   18279

Moore, Carl L             Holt, Gertrude                 4     1   1915   18242

Moore, Cordie L           Miller, Idley                  4    24   1915   18249

Moore, Golden L           Whitfield, Eddie               7     3   1915   35091

Moore, James A            Price, Dorothy                10    20   1915   52193

Moore, Laura B            Forester, Estella             10    19   1915   52213

Moore, Martha R           Fox, Martha                   10     5   1915   64882

Moore, Ola M              Hooser, Heneritta              6    13   1915   29318

Moore, Wafle              Moore, Annie                  11    25   1915   57944

Moore, Willard B          Sisk, Mammie                   5     2   1915   23615

More, Martha              Fox, Martha                   10     5   1915   52206

Morgan, Charles R         Morgan, Clara                 12     9   1915   65169

Morgan, Edward D          Pleasant, Lizzie               6    29   1915   29337

Morgan, Nellie K          Reynolds, Willie               4    23   1915   18296

Morris, Charlie           Cobb, Sihyl                    7    11   1915   35121

Morris, Lenola            Davis, Bessie                  8    24   1915   40700

Morrow, James E           Cardwell, Laura               10    21   1915   52236

Morrow, Mary L            Hughes, Roxie                  8    20   1915   40648

Morrow, Rufus             Graham, Halsie                 5     2   1915   23602

Morrow, Ulyses            Weir, Sallie                  10    15   1915   52985

Moss, John B              McEdmond, Elizabeth            7    12   1915   35130

Mullen, Horace W          Stewart, Eva                   5    14   1915   23608

Mullinix, Herbert N       Kimble, Anna                   5     5   1915   23628

Mulvaney, Kathleen        Cavaness, Katherine            4     7   1915   18245

Murdock, Howen            Bowles, Della                  2     3   1915    7591

Murphy, Carrie L          Hanner, Mattie                 9     6   1915   46173

Murphy, Catherine         McConnell, Eliza               2    24   1915    7606

Myers, Lucile             Smith, Bulah                   4    19   1915   18247

Myers, Rebecca A          Jones, Ruthie                 11     5   1915   57969

Nall, Chas B              Ashby, Lizzie                  5    26   1915   23648

Nance, Avley R            Neel, Bertha                   1    25   1915    2524

Nance, Ruth               Nance, Viola                   4    17   1915   26720

Nelson, Martin L          Gaines, Laura                  8    31   1915   40668

Netherspoon, Jesse G      Giamini, Amanda               12    11   1915   65138

Newbold, Hazel            Gentry, May                    6     4   1915   29306

Nichols, Naomi            Eaves, Inez                    3    16   1915   12903

Nichols, Robert J         Anderson, Lilley               8     2   1915   40686

Nisbrt, James W           Sisk, Elizabeth               12    30   1915   65133

Niswouger, Lillie P       Winstead, Helon                8    26   1915   40691

Nixon, Mabel              Bradshaw, Lena                 4    12   1915   18269

Norris, Paul              Dunlop, Rosa                   1     2   1915    2513

Nunnelly, Arthur J        Doss, Jossie                   6     8   1915   29348

Oakley, Blanchie B        Neal, Roxie                   12    11   1915   65165

Oakley, Gertha V          Fronpengeisen, Sophia         11     5   1915   61338

Oakley, Robert A          Bunton, Dora                   7    11   1915   35114

Oates, Earle W            Kinnett, Mattie                6    22   1915   29324

Obryan, Hershel           Page, Susie                    1    26   1915   29131

Obryan, James R           Jones, Essie                   6    26   1915   29357

Obryan, Lilian            Obryan, Glada                  6    26   1915   29352

Odena, Dick 2             Tribble, Nellie               10    26   1915   52250

Offutt, Joseph C          Gattin, Eliza                 10    23   1915   55413

Offutt, Lola M            Browning, Roxie                4    23   1915   18264

Oglesby, Harvie L         Miller, Gertie                 8    12   1915   40681

Oglesby, James C          Oglesby, Estella               6    23   1915   29368

Oldham, Agnes L           Knox, Fannie                  11    16   1915   57940

Oldham, Louise T          Trover, Lela                   2    20   1915    7613

Oldham, Mamie V           Hoard, Jane                    6     5   1915   29339

Oldham, Robert L          Warren, Ida                   11    27   1915   57936

Olpahau, William D        Moodueff, Annie                4     2   1915   18266

Onan, Alvie 1             Smith, Jeofie                  3    22   1915   12913

Orange, Marion            Scott, Margarette             12    14   1915   65179

Orange, Will 1            French, N                     10    30   1915   52243

Orr, John G               Orr, Emma                      7    29   1915    5311

Orten, Lucy F             Graddy, Odie                   5    19   1915   26726

Osburn, Leroy             Kindrick, Ethel                5     8   1915   23664

Outlow, Herman E          Webb, Essie                   12    10   1915   65146

Owen, Elizabeth V         Smiley, Addie                  9    14   1915   46176

Pack, Earl D              Spencer, Lyda                  8     7   1915   40701

Page, Hershel             Page, Susie                    1    26   1915    2541

Page, James H             Offutt, Emma                   3     1   1915   12914

Palmer, Cora L            Bass, Francis                  2     5   1915    7621

Parchman, Elizabeth       Roberts, Vina                  2    15   1915    7597

Paris, Geo W              Baker, Maggie                  9    17   1915   46218

Parker, Chas C            Slaton, Nina                  12    30   1915   65132

Parker, Jas B             Dunning, Mary                 12    25   1915   65176

Parker, Wallace J         DeMoss, Stella                 9     8   1915    2489

Pates, Tillie P           Fox, Stella                    2     5   1915    7639

Patterson, Gertrude       Young, Docia                   7    31   1915   38093

Patterson, Lela           Dixon, Ermie                   1     9   1915    2499

Patterson, Lorine         Jovan, Nellie                  2     9   1915    7628

Patterson, Mildred C      Ezell, Alvira                  5     8   1915   23603

Patterson, William T      Patterson, May                 6     3   1915   29344

Penacke, Addie L          Ealin, Pinkie                 12     9   1915   65124

Penrod, Alis O            Ligon, Myrtle                  7    27   1915   35093

Peppers, James W          Hunt, Althea                  11    17   1915   57959

Perkins, Woodrow W        Cook, Mary                     4     7   1915   18289

Peters, Lena 1            Peters, Lena                   5    31   1915   23646

Pettus, Paul 1            Murphy, Mary                   9     7   1915   46161

Peyton, Garland C         Coats, Vena                    9    12   1915   46222

Peyton, Gerald L          Maraman, Mable                10    12   1915   55419

Peyton, Howard N          Kestner, Hettie                4    18   1915   18246

Peyton, John E            Martin, Fannie                 5    23   1915   23625

Phaup, Emma L             Welch, Nora                    1    28   1915    2507

Phelps, Mary F            Sweeney, Lillian               3    14   1915   12919

Philips, Thomas A         Melton, Ada                    1    30   1915    2531

Phillips, Aubrey L        Dockery, Aby                   6    13   1915   29303

Phillips, Lela            More, Effie                   10    15   1915   52200

Pierce, Anna M            Jernigan, Clara                3     5   1915   12885

Pinkston, Myrtle M        Dillon, John                   9    11   1915   46237

Plesant, William T        Nickols, Cora                  8    28   1915   40683

Poindexter, Lorene        Hines, Ruth                    5    13   1915   23621

Pollard, John A           Jamerson, Carrie               7    19   1915   38096

Pollock, Archie R         Farmer, Edna                  12     6   1915   65145

Pool, Kathleen            Lutz, Nellie                   4    25   1915   26721

Pool, Willie K            Lutz, Nellie                   4    25   1915   92271

Poole, Garland            Couch, Laura                   3     6   1915   12931

Porter, James G           McNary, Ida                   11     9   1915   57923

Porter, Woodrow S         Wearings, Martha               5    24   1915   23665

Pressley, William Lovi    Pressley, Mollie               4    27   1915   91555

Preston, Dorthy B         Adcock, Manora                 7    12   1915   35077

Price, Agnes E            Ayers, Maudie                  2    12   1915    7632

Price, Maxine R           Armstron, Rowena               4    28   1915   18293

Pritchell, Walter B       Bass, Mary                     7     6   1915   35100

Pritchett, Joe N          Powell, Jessie                11    14   1915   57924

Pryor, Ray T              Hoard, Minnie                  5    10   1915   23634

Pryor, Sadie L            Hale, Margaret                 3    30   1915   12921

Purdy, Irene              Davis, Sarah                   8    24   1915   40698

Pursell, Joseph W         Nicholds, Clara                6    17   1915   29293

Puryear, Ella L           Clemont, Effie                11    26   1915   57972

Pyle, James T             Gates, Edna                   11    13   1915   57961

Pyles, Roy L              Jones, Clara                   4     8   1915   18290

Qualls, William R         Qualls, Ella                   6    10   1915   29345

Quaws, William            Ashby, Mildred                 4    25   1915   18274

Radolph, Margaret         Moore, Celeste                 2     5   1915    7611

Rainwater, Paul J         Smith, Maud                   11    26   1915   61324

Ramer, Hubert 2           Johnson, Roney                 1    29   1915    2508

Ramsey, Rosemary          Cato, Margaret                 4    27   1915   20946

Ratliff, Raymond S        Ashby, Clyde                   4    13   1915   18241

Reeder, Agnes L           Moore, Beatrice                6    18   1915   92506

Reever, Wm E              Burnett, Evilin                5    26   1915   23649

Renshaw, Casey A          Hays, Ira                      9    29   1915   46199

Reynold, Lewis E          Gilkey, Iva                    1    26   1915    2530

Rice, Ernest T            Rice, Georgie                  4    27   1915   18252

Rice, Floyd P             Page, Lillie                   4     5   1915   18254

Rice, Mary                Murphy, Lucy                  11    15   1915   57925

Rich, Robt M              McGaughey, Ola                 5     9   1915   23605

Richard, Martha R         Neusg, Ruby                    4    16   1915   18287

Richard, Mary             Clayten, Nena                  2    17   1915    7636

Richard, Robert           Auston, Hallie                12    31   1915   65188

Richard, Sylvia E         Dunkerson, Dersie              6    18   1915   29346

Richards, Clyde M         Calvert, Annie                 9     7   1915   46228

Richardson, David 2       White, Eva                     8     5   1915   61330

Rickard, Hester E         Poole, Fannie                  7    12   1915   61329

Rickard, Leland 1         Case, Anna                     5     7   1915   26730

Rickard, Lowell           Ruby, Sallie                   8    27   1915   61332

Rickard, Thurman H        Bracket, Ira                   2    17   1915    7637

Rickard, William A        Nance, Carrie                 11    18   1915   61334

Rigney, Harry 1           Aaron, Cecelia                 4    12   1915   18262

Roark, Ed 1               Eades, Nellie                  8    25   1915   40685

Robinson, Frances C       Collins, Alice                 7     8   1915   35095

Robinson, Jas 1           Mcelya, Marie                 11    16   1915   57978

Robinson, Sallie B        Bates, Mary                   10    10   1915   52229

Robinson, Zelma R         Roark, Birdie                  7     1   1915   35122

Rodgers, Archie W         Fox, Audrie                    8    17   1915   40675

Rodgers, Lonnie 1         Bowles, Mary                  10    22   1915   52207

Rorer, John               Eastwood, Susie                1    12   1915    2526

Rose, James M             Deivet, Francis                7     8   1915   35116

Rudd, Eva G               Hampton, Birdie                7    17   1915   61327

Russell, Jeff             Mcgary, Jennie                 2    16   1915    7599

Russell, Mary F           Prince, Martha                 8    30   1915   40700

Russell, Will L           Mayweather, Gredic             7    31   1915   35120

Ryan, Garnett C           Roney, Robbie                  7    10   1915   35073

Sadler, Henry B           Johnson, Myrtle                2     5   1915    7619

Sadler, Susan K           Brewer, Mary                  11    17   1915   57942

Saffoon, Mary E           Lanie, Mary                    4    28   1915   18272

Sam, H 2                  Burton, Dorthy                 1    21   1915    2540

Sams, James R             Knew, Mamie                   12    31   1915   65153

Sandefur, Gertrude        Drury, Lily                    1    18   1915    2545

Saunders, Edward 1        Tolliver, Stella              11    19   1915   57952

Schmetzer, Annie E        Craig, Emma                    6    30   1915   29369

Scott, Herbett C          Cobb, Valeria                  7     4   1915   35128

Scott, James L            Cross, Willie                  3    10   1915   12891

Scott, Nathaniel          Brown, Beulah                  2    11   1915    7612

Scott, Ralph              Timous, Grace                 10    15   1915   52254

Seaton, John W            Hicks, Deller                  6    30   1915   29373

Shadrick, Harper C        Ashby, Addie                   4    26   1915   18275

Shaw, William A           Ashby, Laura                   1    23   1915    2511

Shelton, James            Stacker, Katie                 3    10   1915   12917

Shields, Robert R         Childress, Lula                6     7   1915   29370

Shipp, Mary B             Miller, Virgie                10    29   1915   93141

Simms, Lee 1              Rodgers, Lottie                8    12   1915   40654

Simons, Elsie E           Fowler, Annie                  6    30   1915   29294

Simpson, Odie A           Dossett, Minnie               11     4   1915   57955

Siria, Abner D            Garriel, Mary                  2    22   1915    7655

Sish, Augustus O          Hill, Margerett               10    28   1915   52223

Sish, Ola P               Holmes, Vona                   7     9   1915   35076

Sisk, David L             Sisk, Mary                     4    12   1915   26719

Sisk, Eva L               Carroll, Massie                4    28   1915   18271

Sisk, Gary L              Hall, Lucy                     9    11   1915   46209

Sisk, J R                 Franklin, Melvie               6     9   1915   49403

Sisk, Lola G              Moore, Ruby                    3     1   1915   12909

Sisk, Mary                Shouks, Louisa                 4    30   1915   20943

Sisk, Mary A              Mitehell, Emily                8     1   1915   40682

Sisk, Parlein             Dawson, Marie                 11    20   1915   57980

Sizemore, Harold R        Tucker, Willie                 4    28   1915   18267

Skaggs, Lonnie B          Pool, Lula                     6     4   1915   29321

Slaton, Charlie H         Walker, Addie                  1     9   1915    2504

Slaton, Delilah M         Hardin, Lola                   1    23   1915    5309

Slaton, Hazel L           Ratcliff, Alle                 5    22   1915   23613

Slaton, Jesse N           Moore, Maggie                 11    10   1915   57935

Slaton, Lorenzo D         Littlepage, Bessie             9    22   1915   46193

Slaton, P 1               Slites, Sara                   6    21   1915   29296

Slaton, Ruby A            Slaton, Vera                   2     3   1915   10467

Slaughlers, Lea A         Gibson, Lucille                8     8   1915   40640

Slaughter, Ruth N         Warner, Kate                  10     6   1915   52226

Sledge, Henry             Franklin, Sallie               2     7   1915    7593

Slone, Barnett O          Saddler, Ina                   2     7   1915    7633

Smiley, Charlie A         Dawe, Mary                     7     2   1915   35063

Smish, Roat 2             Goodaker, Mary                11    10   1915   57964

Smist, Robt 2             Tordak, Mary                  11    10   1915   57963

Smith, Berylene B         Bassett, Beryl                 8    15   1915   40694

Smith, Bessie L           Iuales, Rosa                   7    25   1915   35068

Smith, Dellie 1           Blanchard, Zelpha              2    17   1915    7654

Smith, George G           Heiron, Kate                   9    22   1915   46227

Smith, Ida                Bryan, Anna                    8    23   1915   40703

Smith, Inez V             Tapp, Bessie                   2    15   1915   10466

Smith, James E            Deck, Martha                  12    27   1915   57988

Smith, James E            Deck, Martha                  12     1   1915   65185

Smith, Katie L            Rash, Deatrice                 6    27   1915   29315

Smith, Margaret R         Mcelroy, May                   3    23   1915   12920

Smith, Margie E           Blades, Annie                  3     5   1915   12937

Smith, Mary L             Harris, Laura                 11    24   1915   57976

Smith, Ray T              Mcintosh, Eula                 9    27   1915   46170

Smith, Robert             Nisbet, Eva                   12    14   1915   65125

Smith, Ruby               Landers, Janer                 9    11   1915   46186

Smith, Sara               Littlepage, Dessie             1    15   1915    7598

Smothers, Earl N          Blanks, Estella                1    29   1915    5308

Springfield, Spencer      Drake, Minnie                 10     5   1915   52187

Stallins, Beatrice        Chappel, Ethel                12    15   1915   65180

Starks, Jack              Venson, Carrie                10    17   1915   52190

Starks, Lois              Duke, Ida                      6    11   1915   29361

Steele, Francis J         Bacon, Cassie                 11    20   1915   57932

Steffy, Albert R          Griffin, Maudie                5    11   1915   71905

Steinle, William          Crofton, Carrie                9    26   1915   46180

Stevens, Lon 2            Peppen, Bettie                 3    11   1915   26718

Stewart, Henry B          Smith, Leila                   9     6   1915   46160

Stinnett, Woodrow D       Pyle, Maud                     2     8   1915    7616

Storks, Marvin E          Springfield, Mamie            12    18   1915   65127

Straud, B L               Ward, Maryett                  4    25   1915   18299

Sturn, Alonzo             Schuttz, Mary                 12    27   1915   65130

Suggs, Mary E             Davis, Mary                    6     7   1915   29295

Taff, John G              Hibbs, Minnie                 11    21   1915   57968

Taff, Thelma R            Artley, Sallie                 3    21   1915   12929

Tamblin, Lucille          Knight, Minnie                11     8   1915   57962

Tamblinson, Velmer V      Lucky, Elizabeth              10    27   1915   52256

Tandy, Margaret L         Slaughter, Nannie              7    10   1915   35066

Tapp, Lucy B              Bassett, Nina                  9    20   1915   46165

Tauender, Lula A          Walker, Mary                   1     5   1915    2543

Taylor, Elsie M           Foster, Lieuetta               1    13   1915    2544

Taylor, James M           Williams, Bertha               4    29   1915   26723

Taylor, Odett             Gaston, Annie                  3     5   1915   91164

Taylor, Reta G            Williams, Ellen                6    23   1915   32643

Teague, Lena G            Oglesby, Ollie                 4    15   1915   18256

Teague, Lenard F          Sinipoon, Effie               11     4   1915   61325

Teague, Nevilene          Bendley, Altha                10    17   1915   52224

Teague, Sela G            Rose, Bybie                    7    20   1915   35081

Terley, James E           Crowley, Fannie                6    22   1915   32641

Terry, Edwin M            Hawmby, Delia                  4    30   1915   18291

Terry, Henry B            Miller, Bell                   8    11   1915   40664

Thomas, Deward E          Gill, Bessie                   7    13   1915   35110

Thomas, Lonnie L          Wilcox, Mary                   7    10   1915   35079

Thomason, James D         Davis, Laura                  11    19   1915   57979

Thompson, Isaac H         Thompson, Iva                  6    10   1915   29327

Thompson, James R         Goodson, Joenna               10     9   1915   52201

Thomson, Robert E         Hopewell, Mamie                5    11   1915   92184

Thornburg, Callie H       Davis, Ila                     5    24   1915   23617

Timble, Alphie L          Gossett, Sarah                 5    13   1915   23647

Tirey, William F          Sisk, Debbie                  10    26   1915   61336

Todd, Ettie B             Hall, Etta                     7    19   1915   38094

Todd, Houston F           Adcock, Margie                 7    16   1915   35052

Todd, James E             Qualls, Nora                   8     9   1915   40642

Todd, James K             Williams, Lucy                 9    22   1915   46233

Todd, Kenneth D           Laffan, Maud                  11    26   1915   57948

Todd, Lee T               Trover, Helen                 12    20   1915   65143

Todd, Mollie              Crouley, Lillian               6    30   1915   32642

Tomblinson, Hilda R       Cobb, Valerie                  6    22   1915   29371

Tomblinson, Jetrue A      Conn, Ethel                    8    22   1915   40709

Tomblinson, Velma V       Luck, Francis                 10    27   1915   73181

Torian, Leroy             Christian, Jewel               9    21   1915   46207

Townsel, Thomas O         Cash, Mary                    12     2   1915   22847

Trathen, Charles M        Tipton, Ella                   2    17   1915    7626

Travis, Nell M            Robinson, Ivy                 10     9   1915   52227

Troop, Annie L            Pate, Lizzie                   8     2   1915   40706

Troop, James E            Hamilton, Lucite               2    28   1915    7603

Troover, Lamon C          Hibbs, Ruth                    8    30   1915   40669

Trotter, Monroe L         Alexander, Maud                5    27   1915   23657

Trover, Mary S            Southard, Lena                 6     2   1915   29316

Truelove, Alma M          Jernigan, Ethel                4     5   1915   18232

Tucker, Eleanor           Crowder, Nellie                3    26   1915   12901

Turley, Jessie W          Woodard, Fannie               10    28   1915   55417

Tyson, Relous M           Mathena, Elizabeth             1     2   1915    2512

Ulley, Lena               Morten, Lena                   6     2   1915   29302

Ultey, Kate A             Ligon, Georgie                10    11   1915   52240

Utley, Garner O           Tapp, Robie                   10    28   1915   52241

Utley, Wilma E            Crawel, Ola                    3    22   1915   12893

Utterback, John W         Salerfield, Renna              8    21   1915   40659

Vandiber, Virginnia L     Browing, Lillian               7     2   1915   35109

Vandiver, Flora A         Bryan, Artancy                 8     7   1915   40638

Vandiver, Wm A            Bryan, Artancy                 8     7   1915   40639

Vannay, Frank W           Wilson, Elsie                 11    26   1915   57928

Vannoy, Jesse M           Dukes, Ethel                   4     7   1915   18237

Vannoy, Ruby E            Clemente, Maggie              10    31   1915   52204

Vanover, Ester K          Warren, Ethel                  1    12   1915    2506

Veach, Ida O              Davis, Laura                  10    11   1915   52242

Veasey, Durwood C         Cavenaugh, Lula                4    27   1915   26722

Veazey, Opal M            Fawcett, Nancy                12    14   1915   90591

Vickers, James D          Chandler, Goldia               2    22   1915    7600

Vickers, Thomas 2         Agee, Susan                    5    15   1915   23609

Villines, Elizabeth       Buchanan, Nolie                5    27   1915   26729

Wagoner, Pansy            Wiar, Ida                     11     7   1915   57930

Walker, Agnes L           Wedding, Annie                 1    21   1915    2547

Walker, Etoile L          Morgan, Ordra                  1    23   1915    2510

Walker, James W           Comer, Mattie                  6    29   1915   29320

Walker, Lorene A          Scot, Goldie                  12    22   1915   65131

Walker, Nelma L           Lamb, Anna                     7    16   1915   35126

Wallace, Charles          McKnight, Minnie               3    13   1915   52517

Walton, Alford A          Burues, Cannie                 5     8   1915   23620

Waltrip, Rada H           Spicer, Ethel                 11    14   1915   57986

Warfield, Naplair 1       Cury, Lizzie                  12     8   1915   65135

Warham, Janey 1           Calvert, Lena                  1    30   1915    2538

Warner, Herbert L         Walker, Nina                   1    22   1915    2548

Warren, D W               Kenady, Vallie                 7     7   1915   35129

Washington, Georgie B     Washington, Mandy              6    13   1915   29319

Waskins, Willie 2         Toudy, Mollie                  3    24   1915   12933

Waters, Ada B             Edwards, Mary                  9    18   1915   46179

Watson, Albert 2          Armstrong, Emma                6    30   1915   29335

Watts, Mildred L          Lock, Annie                    2    25   1915    7615

Weatherspoon, Raymond     Gentry, Jessie                10    10   1915   52247

Webb, Mary E              McCowen, Alice                12     4   1915   65161

Wells, George 1           Brown, George                  6    11   1915   29323

Wells, Gladys L           Bunton, Dallie                 8    29   1915   40704

Wells, Sam T              Creek, Serena                  4     3   1915   18253

White, Kerlin             Miller, Cora                   1    15   1915    2488

Whitfield, Bob 2          Durham, Flora                  6    17   1915   29336

Whitfield, Glover A       Ashby, Mamie                   7    31   1915   35084

Whitsell, James 2         Ligan, Pearl                   1    22   1915    2489

Wiar, Gobel C             Whitson, Annie                 7    19   1915   35108

Wilcox, James 1           Raley, Ola                     6     9   1915   29291

Wilcox, Joe 1             Hopgood, Bettie               10    24   1915   52202

Wiles, Lb                 Goodman, Lillie                8     8   1915   40707

Wiley, Thelma             Rodger, Minnie                12    11   1915   65134

Wilhes, Eugene            Jones, Jeuwr                   1    13   1915    2502

Wilkerson, Howard S       Ford, Flora                    3    30   1915   12889

Wilkerson, James A        Kington, Iona                  7    19   1915   35090

Wilkerson, Kerney L       Carnal, Mytie                  2    20   1915    7630

Wilkey, Marcy R           Wilkey, Tiney                  6     9   1915   29355

William, Lewis M          Bennett, Andrea               12    20   1915   65159

Williams, Lolla B         Lamb, Margie                   5    28   1915   23626

Williams, Lottie Mae      Wilson, Macie                 11    14   1915   91496

Williams, Martha J        Bailey, Virginia               2    18   1915    7629

Williams, Ola L           Lamb, Margie                   5    28   1915   23627

Williams, Rooswelt        Burnett, Nora                  1    14   1915    2515

Williamson, Louise E      Anderson, Alice               12    24   1915   65140

Willis, Hary S            McCormick, Vivia               7    26   1915   35131

Willis, James B           Shelton, Lurla                 6    21   1915   29311

Wilson, Earl W            Outlow, Lillie                12     6   1915   65144

Wilson, Lena P            White, Ethel                   4    20   1915   18282

Wilson, Margaret H        Masten, Mary                  10    31   1915   58255

Wilson, Margaret H        Wooten, Mary                  10    31   1915   94127

Wilson, Mary R            Obryan, Nellie                 5    31   1915   23618

Wilson, Mary R            Obryan, Laura                  5    30   1915   68793

Winstead, I 2             Winstead, Blanche              5    16   1915   26725

Woodard, James E          Woodard, Dory                  7    29   1915   35056

Woodcliff, Charles R      Croark, Ida                    3     3   1915   12930

Woodis, Roy C             Davis, Mamie                  11     7   1915   57945

Woodruff, James S         Everett, Nannie               11    14   1915   57937

Woodruff, Solomon R       Emmett, Minnie                11    14   1915   57951

Woodruff, William R       Camplin, Mary                 12     3   1915   65155

Woodruff, William T       Woodcuff, Mary                 7     5   1915   35115

Woods, George 1           Doolin, Norma                  5    14   1915   23607

Woodward, Jack B          Inman, Nannie                 10     8   1915   52188

Word, John W              Stroud, Ellar                  9    24   1915   46214

Wriley, Mary              Knight, Idar                   5     2   1915   23638

Wyatt, Ermitt 2           Coyle, Carrie                  3    15   1915   12896

Wyatt, Ermitt 2           Coyle, Carrie                  3    15   1915   12897

Wynes, Sim 1              Wynn, Lemma                    7    26   1915   35118

Yarbrough, James W        Harmon, Opal                   2    21   1915    7644

Yonts, Sarah E            Jenkins, Evalina               7    17   1915   56047

Zentmyer, Otha M          Fork, Nola                    11     8   1915   38330