1916 Births, Hopkins County, Kentucky Home Page

Some names have numbers in them. I assume they are typo's but I've left them as they were. A "2" probably should be a "W"
A "1" probably should be either a "Q" or an "L".

Child                       Mother                     Month  Day  Year   Cert.

Aaron, Francis M            Chandler, Mary               3     5   1916   14037

Adams, Anna                 Green, Myrtle                9     14  1916   46148

Adams, James 1              Stottler, Nancy              4     11  1916   19920

Adams, Jessie L             Qualls, Lula                11     28  1916   56018

Adams, William 1            Shelton, Delia               6     21  1916   30488

Adamson, William F          Brown, Cora                 11     21  1916   56044

Adcock, Dorice F            Todd, Emma                   4     22  1916   22851

Addams, Edd 2               Clark, Verdie               12     18  1916   60595

Adkins, Caldonia J          Fenwick, Vina               12     31  1916   60624

Adkins, Newt 2              Lennings, Nora              12     13  1916   17261

Adkins, Rudolph R           Hawkins, Ruby               10     14  1916   51083

Alderson, Charles V         Obryan, Lena                 2     6   1916    8157

Alen, Johnie E              Lynch, Ada                   6     24  1916   30556

Alexander, Kenneth R        Keysor, Ellen               10     23  1916   51105

Alexander, Lonnie J         Dunning, Millie              6     18  1916   30549

Allen, Lucille              Cunningham, Eva              3     19  1916   14054

Allen, Sue F                Baker, Robbie                4     4   1916   19900

Alsbrook, Elmer F           French, Leota                8     2   1916   40698

Anderson, Anna L            Laffoon, Mollie              6     10  1916   30528

Anderson, Charline          Baker, Laura                 8     19  1916   40702

Anderson, Jay F             Fergerson, Lula             10     22  1916   51104

Anglin, Dallas              Robinson, Janey              6     6   1916   30512

Armstrong, John W           Woodruff, Bessie            11     7   1916   24582

Armstrong, John W           Sharber, Ida                 7     11  1916   35649

Arnold, Homer               Branson, Nola                8     14  1916   43505

Ashby, Kitty E              Galloway, Addie              8     9   1916   40670

Ashby, Margaret L           Ashby, Mary                 11     1   1916   55984

Ashby, Mary L               Barrett, Anneral             1     26  1916    2669

Ashby, Sara K               Weir, Ruth                   7     25  1916   43501

Ashley, Mary                Scott, Maud                  2     6   1916    8224

Atkinson, Archie L          Fox, Archie                  4     25  1916   19937

Austin, Mildred             Mclemore, Lizzie             1     25  1916    2700

Babb, Ralph W               Sisk, Myrtle                 8     19  1916   40677

Bable, Frank E              Gibson, Mary                10     3   1916   51077

Bailey, John E              Gunther, Plina               9     18  1916   46161

Baker, Falcon V             Galliday, Myrtle             4     13  1916   19902

Baker, Mary                 Gower, Elzania               2     12  1916    8158

Barden, James T             Scott, Sylvia                7     30  1916   35629

Barnes, Evaline G           Moore, Willie                5     25  1916   25274

Barron, Jane R              Cox, Mattie                  1     14  1916    5748

Bartlet, Dortha             Baker, Lula                  9     9   1916   46179

Bass, Frank                 King, Mary                   6     12  1916   30524

Bass, George 1              Prince, Josephine            8     14  1916   24569

Bassett, Mary R             Wilson, Ella                 6     3   1916   30480

Bean, Mary B                Gills, Alice                 2     12  1916   11277

Beasley, Sarah E            Robinson, Annie              5     5   1916   25283

Beckner, Hattie             Carr, Hettie                 9     22  1916   46175

Beeny, Edmond B             Buchanan, Ida               10     8   1916   51110

Bell, Arthur                Adams, Annie                 4     23  1916   19930

Bell, Righs A               Rucher, Maggie              12     17  1916   60583

Beshear, James M            Clark, Sallie                2     16  1916    8215

Beshears, Jennie            Dunbar, Signard              1     7   1916   11279

Bivins, James C             Crick, Georgia               9     2   1916   46147

Black, Eddie                Davis, Vera                  9     2   1916   53843

Blades, Agness              Seates, Delia                5     10  1916   25273

Blakes, Katherine L         Stockhill, Ellie             5     8   1916   25247

Blalock, Margaret H         Gatlin, Sidney              10     5   1916   51103

Blanchard, James A          Howton, Ida                  3     31  1916   14068

Blankenship, Charles R      Dawson, Charlie              2     26  1916    8212

Blanks, Elzarah G           Gribble, Ruby                4     17  1916   19953

Blue, John M                Turley, Della                6     30  1916   43508

Blue, Oscar                 Arnett, Lee                  5     10  1916   25304

Boitnott, Inez              Steward, Lila                4     29  1916   19965

Bone, Paul A                Frazer, Mattie               9     10  1916   46159

Bord, Frances               Boyd, Sallie                 1     4   1916    2718

Bounland, Charlie O         Dillingham, Mamie            3     5   1916   14040

Bourland, Earl C            Damon, Lillian               5     12  1916   25248

Bourland, Margret L         Duncan, Annie                4     25  1916   19946

Bowler, Lizzie R            Jackson, Ruby                9     2   1916   46130

Bowles, Catherine O         Rickard, Addie               2     12  1916   17266

Bowles, Salena O            Oliver, Nora                10     28  1916   53842

Bowley, Ruth H              Page, Maggie                 7     28  1916   35655

Boyd, James 1               Williams, Anna               4     14  1916   19923

Boyd, Louis I               Frisby, Ella                 9     24  1916   46136

Boyd, Nelda L               Reed, Metta                 12     7   1916   60600

Boze, Ollie B               Fox, Bulah                   1     1   1916    2680

Brackett, Georgia E         Evans, Eliza                 4     28  1916   19914

Brady, William L            Sisk, Effie       e0523197   4     24  1916   91351

Braidy, Layman M            Eastwood, Ida                4     7   1916   19960

Brandon, Carmel I           Barnes, Verna                2     3   1916    8207

Brandon, Robert O           Hammonds, Ethel              9     4   1916   46170

Braxton, Willis R           Thomas, Bessie               4     20  1916   19905

Brinkley, Billie B          Gentry, Clara                6     7   1916   30502

Brooks, Kirby H             Tyler, Mary                  9     3   1916   46122

Brooks, Nora N              Bashears, Birdie             6     30  1916   30492

Brooks, Thomas L            Prather, Blanche             3     17  1916   14026

Brothers, Bessie L          Whitfield, Ina               1     18  1916    2684

Brothers, Dorene E          Josey, Amanda                8     11  1916   40694

Browdr, Thomas              Fugate, Inez                 3     24  1916   14024

Brown, Bonnie L             Williams, Martha             8     9   1916   40686

Brown, Dorothy M            Lamb, Maude                  4     23  1916   22846

Brown, Ema O                Garnett, Annie               8     4   1916   40710

Brown, Hugh S               Orton, Georgie               1     17  1916    2144

Brown, Lelia E              Lenord, Mary                 6     29  1916   30544

Brown, May A                Ligon, Ada                   5     16  1916   25287

Brown, Opal M               Roberts, Edna                5     15  1916   25299

Browning, Charlie B         Mercer, Lucy                 6     21  1916   30522

Browning, Rodger E          Hunter, Ora                  5     20  1916   33204

Bruce, Edgar                Lee, Minnie                  3     16  1916   14050

Bryson, Elizabeth V         Suter, Minnie                4     14  1916   19945

Buchanan, Lillian L         March, Bonnie                6     4   1916   30481

Buchanon, Virgil            Click, Frankie               9     18  1916    2183

Bunton, Lucile              Slaton, Mable               11     29  1916   56000

Burden, Waneta E            Marks, Hallie                6     29  1916   30507

Burnes, Pauline             Mccauley, Beulah             4     22  1916   19928

Butler, Lorena              Denton, Mutilela            11     22  1916   60632

Butter, Bernice L           Tryor, Ora                   3     17  1916   14056

Byles, Clyde H              Smith, Willie               11     15  1916   55990

Byrne, Sam 1                Waller, Lamarte             10     20  1916   60628

Byrum, James H              Porter, Edna                 5     20  1916   28144

Calvert, Opal R             Mcneely, Rosa                6     19  1916   37073

Camal, Alfred 1             Basham, Melvina              6     10  1916   43496

Campbell, Addie Neveline    Franklin, Rebecca           11     10  1916   92220

Campbell, Arletta           Haddox, Lillie               6     23  1916   30506

Campbell, Nora M            Morris, Nova                 3     14  1916   14015

Campbell, Will J            Harris, Ivy                 10     25  1916   53837

Camplin, James F            Bennett, Della              12     31  1916   60592

Cantrell, Hobart            Murphy, Mary                 1     17  1916    2656

Carlisle, Margaret R        Chatman, Alice               8     27  1916   40689

Carlisle, Nanie E           Kerr, Minnie                 7     31  1916   35682

Carnal, Harold Timmons      Beckham, Malvina             6     14  1916   92191

Carner, Dixie R             Beshear, Delcie             12     14  1916   24529

Carr, James                 Nance, Lucille              11     8   1916   56058

Carroll, James R            Woodruff, Kate               4     19  1916   19972

Carter, Anna B              Chambers, Florence          11     2   1916   55986

Carty, Annie L              Prather, Lillian             8     5   1916   40693

Castel, Harald L            Hall, Annie                  6     22  1916   30535

Cates, Jettie B             Pritchett, Fannie            6     25  1916   43498

Cates, Margret H            Combs, Eveline              11     1   1916   56026

Cates, Virgie C             Cates, Elizabeth             6     23  1916   30538

Cates, William D            Allender, Bessie             8     10  1916   40707

Cates, Woodrow              Morrow, Myrtle               1     4   1916    2706

Catton, Sarah L             Crick, Allie                 4     8   1916   19939

Causler, Wm                 Hibbs, Nora                  3     18  1916   17260

Cavanaugh, Luther C         Whitfield, Elizabeth         9     10  1916   20035

Cavinaugh, Luther C         Whitfield, Elizabeth         9     10  1916   46141

Cevels, Roy 1               Griffie, Laura               7     13  1916   35635

Chamberlain, Audry N        Williams, Lucy               2     17  1916    8195

Chamberlain, Ophelia        Stanley, Ollie               8     16  1916   40681

Chandler, Cora C            Williams, Myrtie             6     4   1916   30534

Chandler, Dolton B          Clark, Fairy                 2     1   1916    8204

Chandler, Willie L          Prow, Bertha                 8     26  1916   43487

Chappel, Irene              Kaiser, Ethel                4     14  1916   19981

Chappel, Robert T           Cox, Martha                 10     8   1916   51115

Chappelle, Herman E         Stewart, Lucy                1     8   1916    2721

Chatman, Roger W            Chatman, Rosa               10     28  1916   51095

Cheek, Harold S             Stewart, Vera                8     6   1916   40712

Childers, Edward W          Keysor, Lela                 8     1   1916   40723

Chilton, Robert             Thucker, Rosegal            10     25  1916   51101

Choat, Henry W              Stringfellow, Artie         11     1   1916   56012

Choate, Edgar W             Bridges, Vurna              11     21  1916   56013

Choate, James L             Duer, Bessie                 2     25  1916    8162

Chonler, Evelyn             Moore, Audrey                4     25  1916   19908

Christian, James E          Blain, Hattie               10     17  1916   51116

Christian, Jesse 1          Jamison, Ellen               6     30  1916   30525

Clark, Agatha I             Jackson, Lula                9     15  1916   56057

Clark, Ann E                Lampson, Magdaline          12     16  1916   60580

Clark, Edna L               Clark, Edie                  9     26  1916   58556

Clark, Edner                Clark, Minnie                9     8   1916   46158

Clark, Ellena C             Kemp, Dora                   3     4   1916    3680

Clark, Ellena C             Kemp, Dora                   3     4   1916   14063

Clark, Liggett L            Wood, Louise                 6     10  1916   30510

Clark, Margaret             Cox, Berthie                 3     14  1916   19977

Clark, Marguerite G         Prince, Pearlie              3     25  1916   14047

Clark, Rodmore F            Trover, Ethel                5     6   1916   25293

Clay, James                 Scott, Sallie                1     18  1916    2697

Clayton, Blanche L          Winstead, Francis            8     12  1916   43485

Clayton, Edwin D            Gibbs, Minnie                3     27  1916   22849

Clayton, Evelyn O           Davis, Daisey                4     28  1916   43489

Clayton, George             Clayton, Ola                 6     12  1916   43497

Clayton, James E            Buchannon, Sarah             8     15  1916   43486

Clayton, Marvin C           Dixon, Flora                 6     7   1916   30553

Clayton, Myrtle             Payne, Mary                  4     19  1916   19978

Clayton, Robert L           Clayton, Lilly               6     14  1916   38359

Clayton, Sarah T            Clayton, Grace               9     15  1916   46131

Clayton, Vance              Harris, Myrtle               4     29  1916   19979

Clayton, Waurika            Clayton, Ora                 6     12  1916   37093

Cochran, James S            Hulsey, Beulah               1     1   1916    2686

Coffman, Edney O            Melton, Cora                10     4   1916   51078

Coffman, William F          Wyatt, Dura                  3     29  1916   14064

Coffman, Woodrow S          Williams, Golda             11     14  1916   56052

Coker, Ward P               Gardner, Lindia              7     11  1916   35633

Cole, Rosa L                Parker, Bessie               4     14  1916   19971

Cole, William R             Harris, Ida                  7     14  1916   35639

Coleman, Charles E          Ligon, Lottie                4     23  1916   19929

Cook, Imogene               Blankenship, Annie           6     23  1916   30519

Cook, Robert L              Payne, Oda                   6     23  1916   30518

Cooley, Theopolis W         Cashinghery, Ada             4     1   1916   19938

Coomer, Dorothy M           Gentry, Bayden               2     6   1916    8223

Coomes, William J           Harris, Estella              5     20  1916   29124

Cooper, Geneva P            Cooper, Mary                10     13  1916   51106

Corbet, Hazel               Carter, Hollie               2     12  1916    8165

Corbett, Homer L            Croley, Meldy                4     30  1916   19983

Corbin, George M            Rogers, Acta                 1     16  1916    2708

Cornell, Essie M            Barck, Ella                  8     14  1916   40700

Cortes, James M             Campbell, Gabrella           7     12  1916   35660

Corum, Bernice M            Thomas, Hallie               7     9   1916   35680

Cotton, Virginia            Morris, Jimmie              12     19  1916   24587

Coutrill, Robert L          Salmon, Jessie               3     7   1916   14069

Covington, Frank A          Johnson, Stella              7     13  1916   35652

Cox, David F                Northern, Mary              12     18  1916    2125

Cox, Evelyn                 Baker, Annie                 7     4   1916   35673

Cox, John 2                 Baker, Annie                 7     6   1916   35672

Cox, Vernon N               Coy, Irene                   2     21  1916    8198

Coyle, John 1               Ferguson, Anna               4     19  1916   19925

Crabtree, Gilbert 2         Ashby, Lannie                4     12  1916   19961

Crabtree, Lois L            Lunsford, Dixie              2     17  1916    8164

Crenshaw, Roy R             Diller, Rebeca              12     13  1916   60617

Crick, Lawson               Lewis, Frankie               7     6   1916   35644

Crow, Lillian A             Fuller, Margie               6     9   1916   24581

Crowley, Eva G              Moore, Dellia                5     7   1916   25303

Cullen, John D              Barnes, Lilly                8     6   1916   40717

Cumeal, David F             Jones, Elizibeth            12     17  1916   60586

Cunighan, Arthur D          Murrah, Gaby                 2     13  1916    8182

Cunningham, Cora            Almon, Mattie                3     21  1916   14016

Cunningham, Strother        Daniel, Mary                 7     26  1916   35628

Curneal, Marvin C           Jones, Winnie               12     16  1916   90495

Cushengberry, Martha        Gant, Lucy                   9     22  1916   46145

Daniel, Mary                Ligon, Lula                  8     31  1916   40679

Daugherty, Elerbrance       Dockery, Edith               1     20  1916   93419

Davenport, Ethel N          Boyce, Mary                  2     5   1916    8168

Davenport, Mabel            Lyons, Mary                  8     23  1916   40678

Daves, James C              Wilson, Mattie              10     28  1916   51086

Davis, Carl E               Sadler, Hattie               7     16  1916   35661

Davis, Emmagene             Kington, Willie              9     20  1916   46150

Davis, Jessie M             Howell, Hazel                5     15  1916   25298

Davis, Louis 1              Pandy, Cora                  9     21  1916   46127

Davis, Mary E               Crick, Myrtle               11     22  1916   56022

Davis, Ray                  Browder, Annie               7     15  1916   35640

Davis, Rob                  Browder, Annie               7     15  1916   35641

Davis, William B            Williams, Mattie            11     23  1916   56011

Dawson, Edna M              Vandiver, Girtrude           1     24  1916    5746

Debow, James C              Weock, Dessie                4     25  1916   19907

Denton, Leenora 2           Kirby, Emma                  6     16  1916   30530

Denton, William R           Clark, Charlie               1     4   1916    2698

Dexter, Annie M             Babb, Anna                   7     5   1916   35662

Dickerson, Berthia L        Tucker, Verna                8     15  1916   40729

Dickerson, Edgar D          Wines, Myrtle                9     12  1916   29112

Dickerson, Iola             Cushingberry, Lena          10     31  1916   51089

Dillender, Clifton          Wells, Gertrude     121419  10     2   1916   93619

Dillingham, James           Beshear, Mary                8     8   1916   40720

Dillingham, Pauline         Lee, Odie                   11     5   1916   56024

Dixon, Thelma L             Blakely, Bettie              9     15  1916   46149

Dockery, Finis 1            Burden, Leah                11     17  1916   56034

Dockery, Izetta             Tinsley, Roma                6     18  1916   24534

Dockrey, Ruby               Howton, Irora                6     23  1916   30540

Dooley, Janie M             Bellafant, Rosetta           5     25  1916   25264

Dooley, Mary L              Drake, Kittie                7     15  1916   35627

Dores, Martie D             Slaton, Nannie               3     17  1916   14023

Doris, Charles M            Wilcox, Katie                7     28  1916   35656

Doris, Marion L             Oakley, Virginia            12     21  1916   60581

Dorris, Daisey P            Patts, Greek                 9     13  1916   24590

Dorris, Lee D               Brinkley, Bircha             9     5   1916   46167

Dorris, Mattie              Edwistons, Bernie            2     15  1916    8205

Douahue, Marie J            Caraness, Annie              5     9   1916   25261

Doughett, Apia 1            Myers, Lena                  8     30  1916   40704

Drake, Dasie                Winstead, Golden             4     10  1916   19904

Drake, Geo G                Galbreath, Susie             2     3   1916    8167

Drake, Napolian             Ray, Mary                    1     18  1916    2658

Draper, Laura E             Pate, Lieuettie             11     12  1916   55997

Drury, Charles 2            Andrson, Blanni              9     23  1916   46181

Dubree, Harold M            Hunniecutt, Lizzie           3     2   1916   14043

Dulin, Cleard               Clark, Mattie                4     25  1916   19936

Dunlap, Simon A             Hill, Mary                   1     16  1916    2676

Dunning, William J          Ford, Kate                   2     9   1916    8211

Durham, Roy D               Tapp, Cora                   2     19  1916    8197

Dwing, Ora N                Knight, Hadie                6     30  1916   30533

Eades, Mary H               Stilliams, Georgia           1     23  1916    2703

Earl, Lee T                 Neblic, Eliza                3     1   1916   14012

Earl, Wilson 1              Bradley, Maggie              8     13  1916   40672

Eaves, Novella              Weir, Mary                  11     22  1916   56016

Eberle, Bethel L            Cavanaugh, Ora               8     30  1916   40690

Edmiston, Augustus W        Brinkley, Nora               9     3   1916   46162

Edmiston, Robert L          Fox, Dolan                   5     23  1916   25289

Edmonds, Frank 2            Merriwether, Polly           4     28  1916   19932

Edmonds, Melvin             Merriwether, Polly           4     28  1916   19931

Edmonds, Nellie N           Booker, Elnora               6     15  1916   30508

Egbert, Marie C             Barnes, Laura                4     4   1916   19980

Eison, Pauline              Carter, Alma                10     13  1916   24532

Ellis, Margaret L           Ferrel, Hellen               1     25  1916   17263

Epley, James V              Nauce, Eliza                 5     4   1916   25260

Evans, Addie R              Vinson, Julia                7     18  1916   35678

Faireline, James 1          Burton, Georgia             11     7   1916   56050

Fancher, Mary J             Martin, Katherine            9     17  1916   46163

Farmer, Ola M               Gunn, Martha                 9     12  1916   46138

Fears, Merval E             Bailey, Mervie               7     20  1916   35642

Feletcher, Clayton W        Dunning, Melissie            1     17  1916    2687

Felker, Jesse R             Croak, Myrtle               11     17  1916   56010

Felts, Monon W              Fox, Lena                    5     15  1916   25297

Fields, Will 2              Booker, Nettie               3     16  1916   14035

Finley, Agnes I             Salmon, Mary                 5     2   1916   25292

Fitsworth, Nannie B         Ellison, Janie               6     9   1916   30503

Floyd, Bessie               Ponder, Lula                 6     10  1916   30558

Folk, Homer 1               Mason, Dovie                 1     18  1916    2694

Folks, Alberta              Folks, Fannie                1     7   1916    2672

Ford, Flora E               Barlon, Antha                8     7   1916   40711

Ford, Francis L             Sewell, Eva                  6     5   1916   30511

Foster, Clara A             Rogers, Myrtle               9     10  1916   46133

Foster, Mary T              Hall, Lillie                 7     21  1916   43504

Fowler, Annie E             Barnett, Bernie              7     12  1916   35650

Fowler, Eugene              Nesbit, Eunice              10     24  1916   51080

Fowler, Gilbert H           Rudd, Macie                  5     21  1916   28143

Fowler, Hershel             Fowler, Odie                 6     3   1916   29114

Fowler, James W             Young, Geneva                6     17  1916   30548

Fowler, Leo                 Brown, Mattie                3     13  1916   14034

Fowler, Olcie B             Ranes, Helon                 5     29  1916   43490

Fox, Nell                   Boitnott, Bertha             3     16  1916   14075

Francis, Martha E           Parker, Addie                5     23  1916   25277

Franklin, Freda             Sugg, Minnie                 4     21  1916   19906

Franklin, Gladys T          Saffson, Elsie               6     3   1916   30526

Franklin, Howard M          Bishop, Lillian              3     23  1916   14067

Franklin, Otho D            Long, Nora                   9     16  1916   46173

Franklin, Roy N             Ligon, Carrie                4     11  1916   19943

Franklin, Thelma G          Loffoon, Elsie               6     3   1916   76440

Franklin, William M         Fox, Ruth                    5     14  1916   25296

Frasier, Willie             Scott, Mildred               6     23  1916   43494

Frazer, Raymond T           Perry, Ida                   9     20  1916   46164

Frederick, Pauline          Campbell, Annie              8     19  1916   40709

Fryer, Richard H            Bruth, Ophelia              12     9   1916   60625

Fuday, Thomas 1             Campbell, Clara              5     22  1916   25252

Fugate, Henry W             Moore, Jessie                8     15  1916   40680

Furgerson, Dupre E          Allison, Mary                6     16  1916   30514

Gaither, Bural A            Ligon, Rosa                 10     27  1916   51113

Gamblin, Edward L           Richard, Nellie             12     3   1916   60616

Gamblin, Raymond C          Vinson, Fannie               1     1   1916    2717

Gamblin, Raymond O          Stewart, Gertie              4     24  1916   19954

Gamlin, Mildred M           Sadler, Sarah                7     31  1916   35659

Gammons, Elizibeth          Clayton, Nancy              12     10  1916   60587

Garhen, John 1              Folk, Gertrude               1     12  1916    2673

Garret, Susie               Garret, Ada                  7     31  1916   38360

Garrett, Gwendolyn L        Robinson, Fannie            12     2   1916   60619

Gentry, Bill                Clark, Kittie                2     30  1916    8214

Gibbons, Minnie M           Wade, Myrtle                 1     2   1916    2681

Gibson, Bertha L            Lynn, Ella                   1     6   1916    2649

Gidens, Pauline             Mcnary, Marie                3     15  1916   14060

Gill, Charlie H             Gill, Emma                  10     23  1916   51112

Gill, Virginia              Hibbs, Annie                 2     24  1916    8203

Gipson, Alice 2             Matheeny, Marthy             5     20  1916   33205

Gipson, James L             Gipson, Dollie               6     20  1916   33208

Gipson, James L             Skimehorn, Dolly             6     20  1916   38336

Gipson, Rice R              Young, Annie                 8     15  1916   40695

Givens, R 2                 Walker, Ruth                 6     30  1916   43499

Gomer, Ruth M               Lacey, Topetha               5     28  1916   25276

Gooch, Martha M             Henson, Halcye               2     19  1916    8159

Gooche, William 1           Barley, Angella              1     17  1916    2657

Good, Alberta L             Rambo, Flossi                6     2   1916   30542

Good, Virginia D            Tutt, Katie                  3     19  1916   14041

Goodacher, Elmer            Alderson, Mary               1     17  1916    2719

Goodrich, William B         Lewis, Blauchie              1     20  1916    2668

Gordon, Charles W           Cathers, Nellie              6     12  1916   93295

Gowers, Helen R             Baker, Pearl                 5     12  1916   25256

Grable, Alford H            Howton, Sada                 9     21  1916   46165

Grady, Frances R            Burton, Martha              10     7   1916   51120

Grant, Ampelius O           Kelly, Martenia              4     21  1916   19926

Green, Kathleen E           Mcgary, Lena                11     5   1916   55987

Griffin, Mamie F            Robinson, Mamie              1     20  1916    2660

Griffin, Virgil L           Harry, Dora                  6     19  1916   43493

Griffin, Willard B          Smith, Mamie                 4     4   1916   19956

Griffy, Homer R             Richardson, Maggie           2     20  1916    8222

Grimes, Francis E           Driar, Beulah               10     26  1916   51081

Gross, Edward E             Hopgood, Rebecca             4     5   1916   19975

Grover, Essie M             Farmer, Amanda               5     30  1916   25268

Grover, Mary L              Majors, Winnie               7     24  1916   35663

Groves, Ada B               Orsborn, Maybell             5     23  1916   33206

Grundy, Van                 Daniel, Reberta              8     14  1916   40708

Gunn, Jesse B               Sisk, Tridlie                3     11  1916   14044

Gunther, Lena M             Wadley, Evie                 9     25  1916   46166

Hailey, Nell R              Carter, Crystal              9     28  1916   46178

Hall, Allen 1               Gladys, Edna                 4     11  1916   19921

Hall, Leota H               Poole, Pearl                 1     16  1916    2655

Hall, Sarah E               Hibbs, Ruby                 11     25  1916   56048

Halloway, Thelma            Slaton, Lula                11     26  1916   55994

Halmes, Hellen M            Owen, Mary                   3     27  1916   14020

Hamby, Duvoil R             Swiney, Nannie               2     6   1916    8178

Hamby, Eugene G             Prowse, Lola                 9     14  1916   46143

Hamby, Henry G              Mcgregor, Ida                1     10  1916    2723

Hamby, Rhoda G              Lamb, Elsie                  4     7   1916   19970

Hamilton, Richard           Kirkwood, Rena               2     24  1916    8160

Hancock, Jesse C            Daniel, Mable               11     22  1916   55999

Hankins, William P          Tapp, Girtie                 8     24  1916   40674

Hankins, William W          Williams, Josie              9     22  1916   46168

Hardin, Clifford A          Herrin, Pauline              5     8   1916   28148

Hardin, Joe N               Crabtree, Lena               7     19  1916   43500

Hardin, Other               Kinnett, Lethie              7     26  1916   35658

Harnes, James H             West, Mary                   9     16  1916   24585

Harrilson, Noah 2           Harrilson, Emma              1     3   1916    2705

Harris, Cora L              Poole, Novella              11     28  1916   73193

Harris, David T             Ashmore, Ila                12     21  1916   60605

Harris, Emma L              Mcfadden, Mary               1     30  1916    2690

Harris, Fred                Franklin, Ivy               12     25  1916   60582

Harris, Kathryn             Mccormick, Melvira           6     6   1916   30557

Harris, Nell                Poole, Norella              11     28  1916   56005

Harris, Vera L              Seitz, Tressa                2     4   1916    8190

Harris, Verbel G            Hinkle, Thonie               8     24  1916   40714

Harris, William 1           Alford, Ida                  3     3   1916   14065

Hart, Durwood 2             Hopper, Daisy               11     10  1916   56007

Hart, Gladis L              Rogers, Ineatte             10     13  1916   51092

Haskins, John R             Jones, Nora                  2     26  1916    8186

Hawkins, James F            Obryan, Dixie                5     22  1916   25301

Haywood, Mafor              Price, Sallie               12     14  1916   60630

Helier, Elizabeth           Oldham, Naomi               11     16  1916   56036

Henderson, Edgar 1          Marrsbough, Maude            8     8   1916   40667

Hennen, Annie L             Sisk, Lena                   3     21  1916   14017

Henry, Chas S               Hancock, Alice               4     27  1916   19947

Herald, B D                 Mcelroy, Cerel               3     6   1916   14058

Herbert, Roxie A            Smith, Zellie                3     22  1916   14042

Herrin, Olie L              Harris, Bessie               3     6   1916   14066

Herron, Pansy W             Hobgood, Lois                7     6   1916   38362

Hester, May E               Garrett, Ora                12     31  1916   60591

Hewifee, Helen L            Waller, Aureli               6     7   1916   30501

Hibbs, Corine               Maudley, Berle              11     21  1916   55992

Hibbs, Elizabeth E          Stuart, Emma                11     2   1916   56047

Hicklin, Mary F             Ashby, Ona                  10     4   1916   51084

Hicks, Bonnie M             Dockny, Mallie               1     21  1916    2714

Hicks, Mary A               Marks, May                   4     2   1916   19933

Higdon, Roy W               Cane, Nora                   1     31  1916    2725

Higginbottam, Mattie K      Cook, Georgie                5     30  1916   25282

Higgins, Henry E            Crowley, Beulah              8     30  1916   43509

Hight, Chauncey W           Sisk, Mamie                  2     29  1916    8177

Hill, Sozia P               Gepberry, Frankie            1     16  1916   17269

Hinton, Hilda L             Blanks, Naomi                9     22  1916   46174

Hite, Elmo 1                Duncan, May                  6     10  1916   30521

Hobgood, Lelah L            Prow, Bessie                11     20  1916   56002

Hobgood, Rex B              Brooks, Lila                 6     21  1916   92772

Hoffman, Hazel D            Dorris, Mary                 5     17  1916   25250

Hoffman, Mildred T          Perkins, Myrtle              7     15  1916   35666

Holland, Eunice V           Waters, Lula                 3     25  1916   14036

Holt, James E               Cushingbery, Gertrude       11     20  1916   56019

Hopgood, Elroy              Jones, Emma                 11     19  1916   56015

Hopkins, Garnett L          Harris, Velva                9     28  1916   46169

Hoppes, Annie L             Marheng, Ellen              12     18  1916   60593

Hopson, Robert S            Taylor, Maude                7     4   1916   35648

Hopson, Ulysses             Hopson, Lacelle              9     1   1916   46146

Houston, Lula M             Holden, Virginia             3     8   1916   14074

Howton, Edward G            Graham, Willie               6     25  1916   30543

Howton, James C             Smith, Alas                  4     9   1916   19968

Hubbard, Emma E             Barnett, Lou                 6     16  1916   30537

Hughes, Nannie D            Harkins, Lillie              3     22  1916   14061

Humphrey, Oswald            Demass, Melissa              2     28  1916    8226

Hunt, Alberta               Davis, Malissa               4     2   1916   19915

Hunt, Clinton 2             Holmes, Ellen                8     6   1916   40682

Hunt, James W               Williams, Lula               6     15  1916   30485

Hunter, Neicie J            Williams, Fannie             3     5   1916   14051

Hurley, William C           Bean, Dot                    8     8   1916   40685

Hyatt, Hellen L             Harris, Nealy                7     24  1916   35668

Hyde, Katherine             King, Tishie                 7     9   1916   35632

Inglis, Annie B             Veach, Eva                   1     20  1916    2711

Irvin, Rupert               Brooks, Marine               1     26  1916    2662

Isaacs, Jerome J            Veatch, Irene                1     28  1916    2663

Jacksen, Ralph H            Redd, Claria                 8     11  1916   40699

Jackson, Edward A           Beshear, Minnie              6     3   1916   30545

Jackson, Ellis              Richardson, Gertie           6     9   1916   30554

Jackson, Robbie F           Fugate, Luaddie              8     6   1916   40666

Jackson, Vada P             Brown, Melvie                9     14  1916   46155

Jagoe, Rhea                 Heynes, Myrtle               1     15  1916    2653

James, Andrew               Casey, Ruby                  8     12  1916   40691

Jarvis, Beatrice            Alan, Lillian               11     6   1916   56033

Jefferson, James R          Clark, Fannie                8     25  1916   40688

Jennings, James D           Whitsell, Ida                2     17  1916    8183

Jennings, Margaret          Fox, Lula                    6     6   1916   30551

Jogo, Charles 2             Carter, Stella               9     16  1916   46126

Johnson, Arletta            Gant, Carrie                12     22  1916   60597

Johnson, Ben 1              Sydney, Mattie               4     23  1916   19934

Johnson, Dora H             Jayo, Laura                 10     19  1916   51099

Johnson, Frank N            Tucker, Myrtle               9     30  1916   46132

Johnson, J S                Thompson, Anna               5     7   1916   25271

Johnson, James D            Lamb, Maggie                 8     30  1916   40675

Johnson, Johnie O           Hammond, Margie              3     9   1916   14073

Johnston, Ida B             Hauks, Ellen                 5     15  1916   25267

Johnston, James E           Sisk, Connie                 8     11  1916   40718

Jones, Carson               Walker, Carrie               4     7   1916   19963

Jones, George               Camal, Elmar                 2     13  1916    8200

Jones, Hazel                Garten, Virginia             1     13  1916    5747

Jones, Howard S             Carnel, Maude                1     31  1916   68801

Jones, Joda R               Gooch, M                     9     14  1916   46157

Jones, Lou K                Kington, Rena                3     9   1916   14049

Jones, Mary F               Key, Lois                   10     14  1916   51088

Jones, Randa J              Nance, Ella                  7     5   1916   43503

Jones, Robert C             Campbell, Genoa             12     15  1916   60608

Jones, Robert E             Tomblinson, Martha          11     25  1916   56037

Jones, Tula M               Adcock, Bertha              11     28  1916   56004

Jordon, Helen V             Davis, Ethel                11     25  1916   24592

Josey, Connie E             Dukes, Pearl                 1     1   1916    2691

Joy, Irene E                Young, Dellia                9     14  1916   46172

Keller, Margaret            Clark, Francis              12     4   1916   60604

Kemble, Lucy K              Uzzel, Clara                 5     9   1916   28145

Kennerly, Lillian M         Garrett, Ellen               3     1   1916   14053

Kennett, Joyce E            Oats, Hattie                 4     16  1916   19952

Keown, James W              Bowell, Maggie               1     14  1916    2727

King, Anetta                Lash, Myrtle                11     9   1916   56051

King, Ernest C              Jockey, Viola               10     2   1916   51121

King, Ida M                 Malone, Nannie               3     4   1916   14031

King, Randolph 2            Johnson, Ivory               1     13  1916    2674

King, William L             Browning, Julia              1     28  1916    2664

Kirkman, Pearl M            Moore, Nora                  5     25  1916   25263

Kirkwood, Edith O           Beard, Ida                  11     7   1916   56039

Kirkwood, Ruby E            Perkins, Elizabeth           7     23  1916   35671

Kirkwood, Samual            Lurur, Mattie                7     22  1916   35625

Knight, Carmel L            Wilson, Lula                11     1   1916   68249

Knight, Jewel U             Tabar, Ova                   1     6   1916    2699

Knight, Paul E              Wilson, Rosa                11     14  1916   64840

Knight, William G           Knight, Maud                 5     12  1916   25280

Lacy, Arthur B              Brasher, Maude               1     22  1916    2688

Ladd, Margarett E           Smiley, Sarah                8     15  1916   40722

Laffoon, Joseph L           Farmer, Metta               11     8   1916   55989

Laffoon, Lyle B             Tribble, Lula                2     6   1916    8213

Lail, Robert L              Eaden, Elizabeth            10     16  1916   51079

Lamb, Elvin 1               Dixon, Lizzie                5     16  1916   25257

Lamb, Samuel                Sharp, Bettie                6     15  1916   30547

Lander, James E             Shaw, Mattie                10     13  1916   51097

Langhary, Mabel I           Springfield, Imy             4     20  1916    3685

Lanier, Ernestine           Wilson, Emma                 3     26  1916   14062

Lantrip, Lonnie H           Furgerson, Elcie             2     9   1916    8181

Larmouth, John W            Baldwine, Willie             2     16  1916    8170

Laughary, Bulah             Springfield, Imy             4     20  1916   19959

Laury, Mattie M             Parker, Mattie              11     27  1916   55995

Leasure, Mary E             Brooks, Lula                 3     24  1916   14072

Leasure, Willie B           Renshaw, Katie               9     7   1916   46171

Lee, Laurean                Hendricks, Martha            2     21  1916   38308

Lee, Mary S                 Sweeney, Elzia               2     5   1916    8210

Lewis, John                 Nicholls, Rachal             3     31  1916   14029

Lile, Bonnie O              Browning, Ammer              8     14  1916   40701

Liles, Reybidd 1            Jogoe, Lula                  5     27  1916   25254

Lindsey, Andrew             Tapp, Emma                   8     16  1916   40687

Line, Herbert J             Fletcher, Maud              11     28  1916   56023

Lipscombe, Leroy            Johnson, Virginia           11     18  1916   56008

Littlepage, Cammie C        Pendergraph, Pennie          3     5   1916   14052

Littlepage, Nellie F        Gatlin, Ruby                 9     7   1916   46154

Littlepage, Rachel A        Hicks, Verdie               11     2   1916   76434

Logan, Clarence A           Slaton, Ruth                11     28  1916   56035

Logan, Dixie E              Kirkwood, Ruth              11     3   1916   56040

Logan, Helen                Davis, Helen                 6     2   1916   30479

Logsone, Cortney            Bradley, Maggie              9     23  1916   46128

Long, Catherine L           Adames, Olie                 4     12  1916   19941

Long, Sadie M               Fletcher, Georgie            5     27  1916   25275

Lovan, Velma                Clark, Vinnie                8     21  1916   40703

Love, Albert                Smith, Lena                  5     24  1916   25306

Lowery, King E              Bailey, Goldie               6     22  1916   30490

Lowry, Nannie E             Kemp, Neicy                  1     1   1916    2709

Lung, Mary F                Burton, Farry               11     21  1916   56021

Lusby, Morris               Gentry, Edna                 4     10  1916   19974

Luton, Ardenia M            Radford, Nellie              9     23  1916   46135

Lutz, Auther W              Dame, Pearl                  9     28  1916   46177

Lutz, Luetta                Daniel, Mary                 2     11  1916   90315

Lutz, Nannie L              Daniel, Ella                 2     11  1916    8219

Lutz, Ollie B               Tucker, Namie                2     2   1916    8218

Lutz, Theo 2                Harris, Alice               12     5   1916    2178

Lynch, Annie M              Burnett, Maud                5     10  1916   25290

Lyon, Thelma L              Morgan, Sula                 7     10  1916   35676

Magenheimer, Emma L         Vincent, Ethel               5     4   1916   25246

Mahan, Catherine D          Victory, Mary                9     29  1916   48868

Mangram, W 1                Hibbs, Nellie                2     24  1916    8161

Manning, Arthur P           Redd, Terry                  7     16  1916   35622

Marbury, James H            Oats, Birda                  6     15  1916   30491

Marks, Athol M              Myers, Geneva                8     28  1916   40683

Marks, Edward J             Lamb, Naomia                 7     21  1916   35667

Marks, Francis C            Hubbard, Ida                11     1   1916   60627

Marse, George               Bailey, Clara               12     27  1916   60602

Martin, Lee L               Crick, Leelah                1     6   1916    2693

Martin, Lillian H           Harland, Lillie              8     23  1916   40726

Martin, Mada L              Mcroy, Lillie                4     26  1916   22852

Martin, Marvin T            Thomas, Delora               6     6   1916   30500

Martin, Rafe                Keeler, Maud                 9     18  1916   46134

Mason, Albie 1              Riley, Kittie                3     31  1916   14027

Mason, Dorsthea V           Thomas, Susie                8     15  1916   48870

Mason, Zilphie O            Bell, Effie                  7     22  1916   35646

Matchew, Elmo               Gillum, Annie                8     16  1916   40692

Mathews, Elroy              Amgeo, Clara                 3     29  1916   14021

Matlock, Leonard            Offices, Olie                2     17  1916    8196

Maxwell, Elizabeth B        Amos, Ada                    5     13  1916   25262

Maxwell, Mary L             Drone, Ethyl                11     2   1916   56006

Mayes, John C               Vaughn, Mattie               5     4   1916   25245

Mccarmick, Carl C           King, Sarah                  1     16  1916    2728

Mccarmick, Nettie D         Crabtree, Annie             11     15  1916   56053

Mcclaren, Georgie I         Solmon, Bertie               1     31  1916    2701

Mccormick, Myrtle           Stanly, Fannie               4     16  1916   22853

Mccoy, Harvey M             Gallaway, Rosa               9     27  1916   46129

Mcdonald, Donald            Weir, Lelia                  4     15  1916   19903

Mcdonald, Ollie             Hobgood, Macie               6     17  1916   33207

Mceven, John J              Fraser, Isabelle             6     6   1916   30499

Mcgee, Nacoma               Pulley, Willie              10     20  1916   51117

Mcgregor, Birt 2            Brooks, Sarah                1     29  1916    2671

Mcgregor, Birt 2            Brooks, Sarah                1     29  1916    2670

Mcgregor, Frederick T       Dockery, Grady               8     13  1916   40673

Mcgrew, John B              Morris, Mary                 2     7   1916    8163

Mcgrew, Lamont              Todd, Mayme                  6     25  1916   30495

Mcgrigor, Dorthy C          Roberts, Myrtie             11     22  1916   56042

Mcintosh, Winnie E          Oldham, Emma                 7     27  1916   35643

Mckinney, Howard A          Whitfield, Annie             5     30  1916   25269

Mclayea, Lafayette          Moore, Alameda               4     10  1916   19919

Mclean, William L           Obrien, Aloysia              5     3   1916   25259

Mclemore, Dorothy M         Morgan, Ola                  5     22  1916   25253

Mcmullen, Leliais E         Utley, Bertice               7     25  1916   35670

Mcreynolds, Viola           Dukes, Willie                1     28  1916    2713

Meadows, Emma K             Potts, Enola                12     16  1916   24530

Melton, Henry               Rye, Annie                   6     9   1916   30546

Melton, Justin S            Kirkwood, Ermie              7     28  1916   35679

Melton, Lina C              Kendricks, Lina              5     30  1916   28150

Menser, Virginia P          Wilson, Elsie                9     14  1916   46160

Mercer, Francis E           Ausbrooks, Ella              4     3   1916   19951

Merrell, Carl C             Barber, Mossie               4     12  1916   19949

Merrell, Mattie V           Lovan, James                 9     4   1916   46153

Merriweather, Alverta       Sluggs, Elnora               7     18  1916   35638

Michell, Henry W            Day, Laura                   1     16  1916   17264

Miles, John T               Willis, Annie                8     20  1916   40731

Miller, Fonso 1             Mauzy, Lizzie               10     1   1916   53839

Minder, David S             Melton, Omer                 4     1   1916   19913

Minor, Walter               Davis, Arleni                7     18  1916   35624

Minser, Lucile              Linoel, Bertie               1     12  1916    2724

Mitchel, Fred D             Robinson, Mammie             5     22  1916   25251

Mitchel, Nell G             King, Carl                   4     10  1916   19962

Mitchel, William D          Willkerson, Arah             1     6   1916    2692

Mitchell, Goynell           Putman, Leota                9     1   1916   46139

Mitchell, Kennith A         Tsrudweny, Eudocyr          12     12  1916   60626

Mitchell, Mabel             Henderson, Rosa             11     21  1916   56030

Mitchell, Mary L            South, Ida                   6     11  1916   30536

Mitchell, Thomas B          Hibbs, Ila                   5     2   1916   25244

Moon, Frank 1               Hoose, Henrietta             7     23  1916   35637

Moore, Ada J                Johnson, Cella               1     1   1916    2715

Moore, Anita B              Hall, Lorena                11     7   1916   55988

Moore, Chas L               King, Margaret               6     13  1916   30484

Moore, Cornett              Tyson, Lee                   1     19  1916    2685

Moore, Edward L             Harvey, Ada                  6     7   1916   30513

Moore, Francis E            Powell, Tommie              11     12  1916   60611

Moore, Jesse 2              Wilks, Stely                12     13  1916   60618

Moore, John L               Dubree, Myrtle               2     22  1916    8185

Moore, Lalie B              Gracy, Gertrude              3     7   1916   14033

Moore, Louise               Woodard, Nancy              10     13  1916   51087

Moore, Mary                 Kirkwood, Mary               2     19  1916    8202

Moore, Mary J               Johnson, Cella               1     1   1916    2716

Moore, Rufus E              Littlepage, Osie             8     23  1916   40696

Moore, Thelma               Peyton, Sallie               8     16  1916   40715

Morgan, Herman              Smith, Martha                2     17  1916    8184

Morgan, James R             Morgan, Mattie              10     28  1916   51094

Morgan, Orvel O             Mccoy, Ora                   4     14  1916   19922

Morison, Thomas M           Holms, Bertha                1     8   1916    2710

Morris, Ollie S             Hawkins, Ivy                12     24  1916   60599

Morrow, Bennal 1            Hughes, Roxie                7     16  1916   35623

Morrow, James C             Bynum, Ella                  1     2   1916    2704

Morrow, Lila I              Bone, Ada                    2     22  1916    8220

Morrow, Pratt 2             Morrow, Amanda               6     2   1916   30552

Morton, John H              Whitsell, Kate              10     2   1916   51102

Murphey, Helen R            Rich, Willie                10     14  1916   53840

Murphy, Finis K             Hanner, Mattie               8     18  1916   40713

Myers, Louise               Stewart, Fannie              3     13  1916   14014

Myers, Ollie S              Kirkwood, Jessie            11     27  1916   56009

Nall, Gusta M               Below, Sussie               11     8   1916   56038

Nall, Hubert O              Oliver, Thereasa            10     16  1916   53841

Nance, Coleman B            Neal, Bertha                 2     6   1916   17265

Nance, Elsie M              Nance, Flora                 3     21  1916   17267

Nance, W 2                  Qualls, Clara                6     27  1916   43495

Nance, Willie 2             Crabtree, Willie             3     10  1916   28147

Nauce, Lessie L             Doine, Kate                  7     15  1916   35626

Neally, Adel                Miller, Rosa                11     17  1916   55991

Neisz, Ernestine            Lanier, Emma                 3     26  1916   29367

Neisz, George 2             Perry, Abbie                 4     11  1916   19964

Neisz, William C            Dockny, Cynthia              1     23  1916    2712

Nelson, Mary E              Campbell, Ima                7     18  1916   35681

Nelson, Valeria A           Mitchell, Maud               6     19  1916   30505

Nevitt, Mary C              Rickard, Lizzie              4     7   1916   19911

Nibet, Mary J               Parish, Willie               1     12  1916    2652

Nichols, James V            Ellis, Josie                 4     12  1916   19912

Nichols, Mattie L           Skinnor, Fannie              7     29  1916   35669

Nisbet, Mary J              Parish, Willie               1     12  1916   64902

Nisuanger, Mable M          Winstead, Helon             11     15  1916   60603

Nixon, Eugene               Nixon, Almira                6     8   1916   30523

Nixon, James E              Bradshaw, Lena               3     17  1916   14057

Nixon, Lena N               Trotter, Martha              6     27  1916   30532

Noal, Lucy                  Noal, Helen                  4     26  1916   19909

Noel, Hellen D              Thomas, Ora                  4     12  1916   19901

Noel, James B               Goodloe, Ella                7     27  1916   65588

Noel, Scott N               Ligon, Laura                10     5   1916   24584

Nuckolls, Terry K           Kamper, Clora               11     30  1916   56031

Oates, Anna G               Stanley, May                 3     12  1916   14045

Oates, Imogene              Stanley, May                 3     12  1916   46103

Oates, William H            Allen, Ruby                  2     4   1916    8175

Obannon, James K            Daniels, Margaret            3     2   1916   14030

Obrien, John P              Whalen, Annie                4     6   1916   19917

Obryant, David R            Shaw, Annie                  4     12  1916   19944

Obryant, Flossie            Lamb, Nora                   3     4   1916   14059

Offutt, John                Hewlett, Lena                6     8   1916   30483

Offutt, Margret E           Lovan, Henry                 8     3   1916   40706

Oglesby, Glendle W          Miller, Annie                6     8   1916   30509

Oglesby, Grady E            Shorter, Nina                5     11  1916   25265

Oglesby, Lou E              Crick, Buelah                8     29  1916   40697

Oldham, Ella E              Campbell, Fannie            10     14  1916   51090

Oldham, Nadine              Epley, Ruth                  2     8   1916    8191

Orange, Catherine           Obryan, Florence             6     2   1916   30520

Osburn, Helon               Bishop, Eunice              10     28  1916   51082

Owen, Audine R              Denney, Fannie               7     16  1916   35631

Owen, George W              Elender, Maudie              5     12  1916   25266

Owens, Coretta              Morgan, Mary                 5     20  1916   25305

Parish, Jennie              Thomlin, Effie               5     2   1916   43491

Parkest, Will 1             Brinkly, Nora               10     13  1916   51109

Patterson, Tollie E         Reynolds, Ura                2     17  1916    8174

Patterson, William 2        Haggard, Mary               12     31  1916   60610

Patterson, William A        Lovan, Nellie               12     28  1916   60589

Payton, William L           Dawson, Ella                 5     10  1916   25285

Pearce, Charlie 1           Howell, Nora                 2     2   1916    8172

Pendleton, John             Crimes, Mary                11     14  1916   56028

Perkins, Maurice H          Hodge, May                   5     11  1916   28142

Perkins, Raymond L          Cook, Mary                   4     7   1916   90368

Perkins, Rodney             Latta, Pearl                 5     30  1916   25286

Perry, Ralph                Kennaday, Margaret           8     21  1916   40716

Peterson, James O           Grace, Vivian                2     27  1916    8176

Peyton, James               Graham, Wahneta              7     23  1916   35653

Peyton, Kirby C             Fox, Annie                   5     27  1916   25291

Peyton, Thelma V            Stanley, Ethel               6     2   1916   30497

Peyton, William L           Dawson, Ella                 5     12  1916   33215

Phelps, Herman 2            Swinney, Lillian             7     15  1916   35677

Phelps, Lucy                Louis, Chatie                8     6   1916   40705

Pleasant, Roy               Boly, Frances                1     26  1916    2661

Pofford, Lillian M          Robertson, Zora              2     17  1916    8171

Port, Frank 2               Bragham, Hanet               7     23  1916   48867

Porter, Annie L             Mccarmack, Martha           11     4   1916   56049

Porter, Francis L           Mitchel, Annie               2     6   1916    8199

Powell, Helen K             Sweeney, Minney              8     2   1916   40724

Prather, Geneva C           Rudd, Dosie                  7     31  1916   43502

Presley, James A            Walker, Stella               1     12  1916   28146

Preston, Edwin H            Rodgers, Ida                 9     11  1916   46137

Price, William B            Burr, Susanna                4     22  1916   19927

Proctor, Isaac L            Rush, Mary                   3     28  1916   14028

Pryor, Flossie L            Denton, Grace                2     11  1916   11276

Purdy, Carmon R             Buntin, Minnie               4     5   1916   19966

Purdy, Cecile               Wilkey, Flora                6     1   1916   30541

Putman, Ella M              Cates, Mamie                11     25  1916   56017

Pyle, Eddie L               Mcclearn, Essie             11     10  1916   56025

Qualls, Hillard J           Wooldridge, Lavana           7     2   1916   35620

Rabards, James 1            Eads, Minnie                10     12  1916   51111

Radford, Marvin             Radford, Elizabeth           2     28  1916    8173

Rambo, Margarette P         Lovell, Mary                 9     9   1916   24533

Ramey, James E              Mclay, Reba                 10     21  1916   51107

Rankins, Bradley 1          Holt, Mary                  10     18  1916   51093

Rasco, Lucian L             Beshears, Charlie            5     16  1916   25300

Rash, Maudie                Farmer, Elizabeth            2     1   1916    8188

Raughley, James E           Hundcock, Allie             10     17  1916   51122

Ray, Vella V                Perry, Otie                 10     28  1916   51114

Ray, William H              Gray, Jessie                 7     8   1916   35674

Rector, Jessie M            Young, Altie                 2     27  1916    8187

Reed, Charles W             Webster, Florence            4     17  1916   19958

Reeder, Willie B            Moore, Willie                6     18  1916   30486

Rhodes, Mary K              Baker, Bernice               6     11  1916   30529

Rhye, Eddie                 Capps, Cora                  5     2   1916   25294

Rice, Nancy E               Crick, Cynthian              9     19  1916   46144

Richards, Edith             Neisz, Ruby                 12     3   1916   60584

Richmand, Johnie            Cotton, Francis              3     30  1916   14039

Richmand, Lonnie            Cotton, Francis              3     30  1916   14038

Rickard, Willie B           Ruby, Sallie                 9     6   1916    2152

Riggs, Edna E               Williams, Irmie              4     9   1916   19967

Riley, Beattrice            Sullivan, Willie             5     23  1916   43510

Ringo, Jeslare V            Sigeler, Gertrude           11     12  1916   60601

Roberts, Genivia P          Qualls, Ida                  4     9   1916   19957

Roberts, Jeff D             Roberts, Mattie              1     30  1916    2666

Robinson, Breathitt T       Mcelza, Marie               11     23  1916   56045

Robinson, Laura L           Cardwell, Bessie             7     31  1916   35630

Robinson, Nola E            Dunbar, Evie                10     30  1916   24583

Robinson, Thelma            Walker, Annie                2     15  1916    8169

Robinson, William L         Whitfield, Mary              9     15  1916   46151

Rodgers, Effie L            Moore, Lizzie                6     18  1916   30515

Rodgers, Geo M              Fuller, Mattie               7     25  1916   35647

Rodgers, James              Bowles, Iva                 12     22  1916   60622

Rogers, Joe D               Payne, Mattie               10     5   1916   51118

Rondan, Ruby N              Childers, Emma               1     9   1916    2696

Rose, Madel 1               Driver, Francis             10     8   1916   51091

Rose, Ramona E              Talley, Veaneese             1     12  1916    2651

Ruby, Jodie L               Deck, Pear                   9     27  1916   46183

Ruby, Robert D              Oakley, Jennie               6     14  1916   43492

Ruby, Violet                Ford, Carline                5     7   1916   25279

Rudd, Parneta F             Hampton, Nannie              1     13  1916   17262

Rudd, Rigena                Hampton, Eupha              11     30  1916   56001

Russell, Robert L           Allen, Mary                  1     25  1916    2720

Sandefur, Lewis T           Bershem, Sellia              8     24  1916   40727

Sandifer, Ordell            Huddleston, Nolen            4     3   1916   19969

Satterfield, Benjamin C     Hommunds, Mary              11     3   1916   56043

Satterfield, Owen           Marghb, Margaret             3     18  1916   14071

Scott, James P              Smith, Jennie                1     6   1916   22848

Scott, Joseph N             Hoard, Nola                 12     15  1916   60623

Scott, Leburn 1             Brown, Eula                  6     3   1916   30498

Seitz, Gilbert C            Ashby, Laura                12     29  1916   97393

Settle, William W           Johnson, Pearl               3     12  1916   14013

Shadrick, Dollie T          Williams, Emy                1     1   1916    2702

Shadrock, Sarah F           Price, Olga                  4     10  1916   19948

Sharp, Eulala               Poindexter, Lucy             3     30  1916   14019

Sharp, John U               Sisk, Fannie                 1     20  1916    2679

Sharp, Richard E            Curtis, Eliza                8     7   1916   40684

Shaw, Amy V                 Morton, Levert               7     14  1916   35651

Sherrod, Francis L          Sherrod, Mable              10     7   1916   51108

Short, Alice                Martin, Prince              12     29  1916   60620

Simmons, Orville L          Janson, Bettie               9     19  1916   46180

Simms, Ortha B              Sisk, Willie                 8     17  1916   40730

Simms, William A            Allinder, Ambie             11     30  1916   55996

Simon, Annie K              Durham, Nellie               1     9   1916    5745

Simpson, Ophelia I          Hancock, Ethel               7     16  1916   49392

Siria, Joseph D             Arnold, Mary                12     7   1916   60588

Siria, Villa W              Garrard, May                10     24  1916   51119

Sisk, Audry M               Grable, Bertha               7     11  1916   90450

Sisk, Lonnie R              Moore, Ruby                  4     21  1916   22845

Sisk, Mary H                Auetin, Flora                3     4   1916   14032

Sisk, Nellie L              Wooten, Neva                 2     15  1916   11275

Sisk, Silas 1               Ward, Ruby                   2     21  1916    8216

Sisk, Woodrow A             Combs, Della                 9     22  1916   46152

Sizemore, Catherne P        Pryer, Ida                   5     6   1916   25270

Sizemore, Lonnie M          Lewis, Arra                  2     8   1916    8180

Slatom, J 1                 Clark, Lillie                6     20  1916   30517

Slatom, Lourine             Clark, Lillie                6     20  1916   30516

Slaton, Brasil P            Williams, Leona             11     27  1916   56003

Slaton, Liggett B           Walker, Addie               12     8   1916   60578

Slaton, Lorene              Clark, Lillie                6     20  1916   12326

Slaton, Oscar H             Furlow, Viola                2     2   1916    8189

Smith, Curtis 1             Smith, Willie               11     15  1916   55998

Smith, Edith                Young, Janie                 1     13  1916    2675

Smith, Hazel R              Phelphs, Ella                4     17  1916   19924

Smith, Helen K              Blanchard, Zilpha            5     19  1916   28141

Smith, Hogel M              Guin, Katie                  3     3   1916   14025

Smith, James C              Auston, Cora                 9     26  1916   46182

Smith, Lona R               Buchanan, Ina                6     18  1916   60575

Smith, Mark                 Carroll, Ella                6     26  1916   30531

Smith, T 2                  Bryant, Annie               12     6   1916   24593

Smith, Vada L               Forkner, Daisy               2     28  1916   11278

Smith, Vernon C             Snead, Lela                  6     6   1916   30527

Smith, Walter H             Gatlin, Ara                  2     7   1916    8179

South, Harley D             Hume, Annie                 12     29  1916   60612

Southard, Homer             Hicklin, May                10     23  1916   51085

Springs, Will 2             Love, Annie                  9     5   1916   24563

Stanley, Liggett A          Fox, Lucy                    9     20  1916   53838

Staton, Voigt               Bratcher, Louana             5     5   1916   25302

Stephenson, Jesse A         Knight, Minnie               1     9   1916   81807

Stephenson, Virgie T        Knight, Minnie               1     9   1916    2726

Steven, Bernie L            Haley, Nannie                1     19  1916    2659

Steward, James R            Boilnott, Retta              5     26  1916   25288

Stewart, Carl W             Witty, Hallie               10     1   1916   28907

Stewart, James R            Boitnott, Retta              5     26  1916   64889

Stodglute, Nancy            Galloway, Myrtle             3     26  1916   14018

Stone, Bonnie L             Sadler, Ina                 12     25  1916   60607

Stone, Harrold E            Allen, Lula                 11     2   1916   55985

Stone, James W              Vandiver, Sula               7     20  1916   35645

Storey, Mary M              Cobb, Nina                   6     14  1916   24570

Strother, John W            Kittinger, Martha            5     13  1916   25249

Stum, Lonnie                Shultz, Mary                12     27  1916   35229

Sublett, Lorene             Brand, Zora                 12     3   1916   60614

Sugg, Ada B                 Davis, Maud                  6     21  1916   30487

Sugg, Carmulions 1          Goodworthy, Lucy             1     20  1916    2678

Suthard, Katie I            Nuckolls, Beulah             4     30  1916   19955

Suthard, Mary F             Gamblin, Sarah               5     30  1916   25281

Symons, Cordie              Oakley, Sallie              12     12  1916   60585

Taliaferro, William S       Kington, Ora                10     3   1916   51098

Tally, Anne M               Wyatte, Martha               8     24  1916   40719

Tapp, Elsie                 Crabtree, Cora              12     16  1916   60609

Tapp, Jack T                Prather, Mamie               6     7   1916   30482

Taylor, Margarete           Robinson, Willa              8     9   1916   40671

Teague, James L             Simpson, Lilliy             10     23  1916   51100

Teague, Jine M              Crunk, Jinnie                3     12  1916   14046

Thomas, Dorothy E           Martin, Rosa                 4     7   1916   19918

Thomas, Mildred L           White, Casnely               7     12  1916   35621

Thompkins, Lorena M         Crabtree, Lola               5     27  1916   28149

Thompson, Edward C          Fisher, Maud                 6     18  1916   30504

Thornhill, William H        Green, Bertha                7     31  1916   35657

Tillotson, Mary L           Levelle, Edna                9     16  1916   46156

Tippett, Joseph S           Carnal, Lena                 8     26  1916   43507

Tippett, Susie M            Day, Ada                     2     1   1916    8217

Tirey, Genivia P            Armstrong, Ivia              2     5   1916    8209

Tompkins, Lorene M          Crabtree, Lola               5     27  1916    3677

Townzen, Mary A             Duncan, Lousuida             2     2   1916    8208

Toy, Hube L                 Eakins, Mona                 6     22  1916   30550

Tribble, Carl               Clark, Ruby                 12     2   1916   24568

Troop, Alice L              Hammons, Hazel              12     8   1916   60594

Troop, Walter F             Cartwright, Addie            5     4   1916   25255

Trover, Margaret            Southerd, Lena               8     21  1916   40725

Tucker, Adrian              May, Helen                   4     8   1916   90374

Tucker, Agnes M             Hibbs, Ettie                 5     8   1916   25258

Tucker, Edna                Taylor, Elizabeth            5     19  1916   25284

Turner, Archie N            Keplinger, Lula              5     8   1916   25272

Underwood, Bernard          Wright, Nannie              11     7   1916   56027

Utley, Elizabeth            Davenport, Bessie           10     30  1916   18898

Utley, Mildred C            Castleberry, Edna           12     31  1916   60590

Utley, Virginia B           Kirkwood, Letha              8     11  1916   40721

Vandiver, Chester           Neal, Minnie                 9     3   1916   46140

Vanover, Cerdine            Warren, Ethell              12     16  1916   60598

Vaughn, Smintha M           Matley, Eva                  1     25  1916    2695

Veasey, Joseph 2            Beeney, Ira                 11     30  1916    2176

Veazey, Hattie L            Beeny, Dora                 11     30  1916   94965

Veazey, Lessie L            Fossett, Annie              10     10  1916   60629

Vickers, Edith M            Mantle, Lillie               9     7   1916   46124

Vickery, Ruby L             Browning, Lizzie             4     20  1916   19950

Vincent, Gladys M           Sipanott, Viola              1     14  1916    2683

Virge, Pauline              Hunter, Minnie               1     18  1916    2667

Vucrees, Lee 2              Brooks, Mimie                2     24  1916   11280

Walker, Linnie M            Morgan, Audra               12     6   1916   60579

Walker, William O           Sisk, Atha                   6     20  1916   30539

Wall, Grace M               Alfen, Sallie                2     14  1916    8225

Walls, Herman G             Cates, Daisy                 1     6   1916    2707

Warren, India B             Kennedy, Vallie             10     16  1916   45356

Warren, Willis K            Crabtree, Cassie             7     25  1916   35654

Washington, Wiley 1         Jones, Elinner               4     29  1916   19935

Watkins, May L              Tandy, Mollie               11     24  1916   56046

Watson, Charlie E           Tow, Nora                   10     2   1916   90704

Watson, Eara E              Roberts, Roan                3     4   1916   14022

Watson, Everett             Mulisn, Virginia             8     8   1916   40668

Watson, Joe                 Rushin, Ruth                 2     10  1916    8221

Watts, Grover 1             Lutz, Lennie                 7     12  1916   35634

Webster, David              Benlriyer, Lizzie            8     5   1916   40728

Welch, Julian 1             Miller, Verna               12     16  1916   60613

Wells, Arthur R             Baden, Birchie               2     28  1916    8193

Wells, Clyde G              Crick, Isabel                4     11  1916   19940

Wells, Ollie H              Barnes, Zoe                  1     7   1916    2682

Whitaell, Mary L            Legan, Pearl                 1     16  1916    2654

White, Cecel A              Slaton, Noverta              7     14  1916   35664

White, Jesse W              Adams, Addie                12     15  1916   60596

White, Marvin C             Cavenah, Jessie              3     6   1916   14048

White, Robert E             Mills, Cora                  9     10  1916   46125

White, Thomas L             Davis, Ella                  9     3   1916   53844

Whitfield, Henry D          Smith, Carlin                2     11  1916    8194

Whitfield, Iva G            Obryan, Jessie               9     30  1916   46176

Whitsell, Hazel             Pritchet, Bell               3     16  1916   17268

Whitsell, Mary N            Mcgary, Mattie               7     10  1916   38361

Wiles, Charles E            Emery, Stella                3     21  1916   14076

Wilford, Ina G              Johnson, Carrie              6     22  1916   30489

Wilhuin, Charles M          Wren, Lura                  11     20  1916   56020

Wilkes, Curtis B            Carter, Clara               10     27  1916   51096

Wilkes, Lucile              Jones, Jennie               11     17  1916   56014

Wilkie, Earl L              Lampson, Ollie               4     4   1916   19973

Wilks, Cordie C             Mckin, Anna                 12     16  1916   60615

Williams, David P           Wells, Mary                  8     18  1916   40676

Williams, Emie J            Miller, Adeline             11     23  1916   55993

Williams, Fred              Beard, Georgie               4     29  1916   19910

Williams, James             Whitmore, Add               12     6   1916   60631

Williams, James T           Doss, Ora                    2     21  1916    8206

Williams, Lawrence W        White, Henrietta             4     2   1916   19916

Williams, Lottie B          Tandy, Edna                  3     7   1916   14070

Williams, Martha G          Blankenship, Ettie           6     24  1916   30496

Willis, Joe                 Mccormick, Nelley            4     20  1916   19982

Willis, Lyle O              Edmonds, Mary                9     29  1916   48869

Willis, Queen E             Shelton, Lurlan              7     21  1916   35636

Wilson, Alvine              Young, Alpha                 1     21  1916    2689

Wilson, Mary E              Wood, Bertha                 2     28  1916    8166

Wilson, Surch               Love, Lula                  12     21  1916   92686

Wines, Freda L              Armond, Essie                8     19  1916    2153

Winstead, Chas 1            Thompson, Alfie              6     30  1916   30493

Winstead, Conard E          Johnson, Leble               4     13  1916   22850

Winstead, Mary B            Cox, Laura                   2     3   1916    8201

Winstead, William F         Riley, Mable                 4     7   1916   19976

Wint, Gladdys M             Lee, Florence                8     22  1916   43488

Wios, Sue C                 Taylor, Elsie                1     1   1916    2665

Woodruff, Donna M           Chappell, May                7     2   1916   35675

Woodruff, Earmin M          Camplin, Mary               11     16  1916   56029

Woodruff, Eva               Smith, Laura                12     16  1916   60606

Woodruff, Paul              Chaney, Ermi                11     7   1916   56032

Woods, George 2             Mcnary, Corona               8     8   1916   40669

Woodward, L C               Bardon, Pearl                2     18  1916    8192

Woodward, Mary C            West, Willie                 4     12  1916   19942

Workman, Isaac N            Calvert, Orlena              8     23  1916   24586

Wright, Don B               Young, Camelia               1     7   1916    2650

Wright, Ezra                Larwauth, Mary               6     24  1916   30494

Wright, Robert M            Anderson, Virda              9     13  1916   46142

Wyatt, Dorothy J            Davis, Sallie                1     23  1916    2677

Wyatt, Erma L               Coyle, Carrie                9     5   1916   46123

Wyatt, Ernestine B          Dunbar, Otie                 5     3   1916   25295

Wyatt, James W              Swimers, Burthea             6     15  1916   30555

Wyatt, Roy 2                Lauch, Jamie                 4     24  1916   22844

Yates, Johnnie W            Cheatham, Minerva            5     24  1916   25278

Young, A 1                  Davenport, D                 8     16  1916   43506

Young, Freda                Cardwell, Frances            7     29  1916   35665

Young, Larna B              Wyatt, Ella                 11     8   1916   56041

Zentmyer, Henry             Bryant, Jennie              12     16  1916   60621