Deaths, Hopkins County, Kentucky

Some names have numbers in them.
I assume they are typo's but I've left them as they were.
A "2" probably should be a "W"
A "1" probably should be either a "Q" or an "L".

Name                           Date        Age   Cert.


Oakley, Arena                 06/14/1912   042   18661

Oakley, Frank                 05/07/1920   072   13843

Oakley, Goldie A              11/09/1913   U/1   29442

Oakley, James                 12/26/1911   066   31432

Oakley, James H               05/31/1929   011   14578

Oakley, Jewell                06/17/1920   004   27263

Oakley, John 2                06/27/1924   064   18309

Oakley, Lear F                07/19/1915   027   17081

Oakley, Mable E               02/27/1912   U/1   04187

Oakley, Ray L                 12/17/1928         30566

Oakley, S                     05/20/1911   U/1   12385

Oakley, Spencer I             02/26/1913   056   04387

Oakley, Tom L                 07/14/1924   060   16014

Oakley, W                     08/13/1929   055   21512

Oakley, Woodsan               11/09/1919   029   29911

Oakley, Woodson               01/27/1917   U/1   01288

Oakly, W 1                    05/30/1912   U/1   12633

Oates, Ben E                  01/12/1918   056   01259

Oates, Bengiman               08/01/1926   080   20246

Oates, Bertha                 07/26/1924   001   16007

Oates, Ceal                   01/31/1919   026   01898

Oates, Charley                02/08/1911   046   03694

Oates, Clarence               03/27/1911   023   06637

Oates, Earlwain M             02/19/1917   001   04426

Oates, Edd                    05/15/1920   U/1   13844

Oates, Harry M                12/29/1924   U/1   01037

Oates, James B                09/22/1929   U/1   23973

Oates, James F                03/26/1922   U/1   06573

Oates, Lola C                 04/07/1921   020   07906

Oates, Morris 2               03/15/1922   056   06577

Oates, Sarah E                10/24/1911   005   25804

Oates, Sophia                 09/26/1918   076   22769

Oates, William                09/08/1923   U/1   23554

Oatis, Emmie                  12/07/1918   044   39471

Oatis, Willard R              01/07/1923   051   04619

Oatre, Eliza P                02/24/1916   095   04873

Oats, Cherrie                 07/12/1926   058   17602

Oats, Dock                    03/26/1919   044   10026

Oats, Duke B                  12/14/1912   032   30666

Oats, Escel M                 02/28/1914   001   05893

Oats, James L                 02/15/1928   U/1   03828

Oats, Virgie T                02/20/1914   002   04259

Obannon, Thomas M             07/26/1921   074   14954

Obanon, Edward W              04/26/1911   056   09637

Obrien, Lena                  01/15/1926   027   01348

Obrien, Lewis                 11/03/1918         33978

Obrien, Michael G             11/07/1925   065   26721

Obrien, Mrs a                 11/21/1916   042   28042

Obrient, Mary W               01/22/1917   008   01256

Obryan, Billy F               07/31/1926   U/1   20240

Obryan, Emmett C              06/01/1917   062   16971

Obryan, Eva S                 07/10/1920   061   18292

Obryan, Everette              09/04/1920   034   22525

Obryan, Everette L            09/04/1920   033   24699

Obryan, Hess M                05/19/1924   098   11661

Obryan, James 2               10/09/1922   007   24332

Obryan, John 1                04/22/1913   085   10240

Obryan, Lucian L              11/07/1920   001   27224

Obryan, Lucy H                03/18/1913   073   07287

Obryan, Mary 2                06/24/1911   060   15096

Obryan, Mary A                10/23/1928   083   25008

Obryan, Mattie D              08/31/1926   038   20233

Obryan, Pauline C             03/03/1919   069   10036

Obryan, Pryor G               09/16/1928   031   22412

Obryan, Velmer B              01/14/1920   011   01079

Obryant, Bell F               11/08/1922         24339

Oconnell, Joseph C            09/03/1913   U/1   24331

Oconnell, Robert              07/05/1912   001   17261

Oconor, Michael 1             07/10/1923   U/1   18336

Odam, Elizabeth 1             04/12/1917   078   14114

Odem, Dick                    10/26/1915   U/1   24558

Offit, Milie 2                09/18/1912   U/1   22343

Offitt, Robert                02/06/1911   037   03693

Offuth, James B               03/17/1925   005   26725

Offutt, James                 12/01/1915   001   30215

Offutt, John                  02/23/1920   084   20368

Offutt, Mary V                03/23/1920   U/1   08234

Offutt, S E                   08/29/1911   075   20886

Offutt, Thomas                08/31/1911   U/1   22420

Offutt, Thomas 2              12/21/1918   U/1   39452

Offutt, William A             02/25/1926   061   04069

Ogburn, Brad                  04/24/1918   036   10297

Ogelsby, George               02/26/1924         06295

Oglehart, Mers                06/02/1925   047   14170

Oglesby, Bob B                12/02/1917   U/1   33111

Oglesby, David J              10/07/1912   001   24963

Oglesby, Eura                 09/07/1913   U/1   24336

Oglesby, Frances              11/08/1911   067   28524

Oglesby, Henry L              04/13/1913   069   10250

Oglesby, Lou H                10/23/1928   038   24995

Oglesby, Owen B               11/21/1917   U/1   35485

Oglesby, Perry E              02/16/1920   U/1   04332

Oglesby, Ronie K              05/20/1915   U/1   12369

Oglesby, William H            05/12/1927   003   10827

Ohandler, Edna P              01/03/1915   085   24529

Oitin, Sarah 1                12/01/1915   079   30227

Oldham, Alfred 1              11/12/1911   062   28520

Oldham, Annie 1               10/31/1912   041   24992

Oldham, Barney                10/28/1912   U/1   24991

Oldham, Ben E                 09/10/1921   081   19611

Oldham, Edgar E               08/01/1912   U/1   19793

Oldham, Elizabeth             12/11/1922   090   27187

Oldham, Eula                  02/05/1911   024   03692

Oldham, Frank 1               04/19/1915   046   09888

Oldham, Grover                04/14/1927   042   08525

Oldham, J C                   07/20/1913   U/1   18817

Oldham, James                 02/02/1929   016   06112

Oldham, James                 11/24/1916   059   28037

Oldham, James 1               12/28/1928   042   30603

Oldham, James H               12/07/1918   058   39504

Oldham, Janie                 12/16/1917   023   33119

Oldham, Joel D                09/09/1927   068   20543

Oldham, Jonathan              01/17/1918   074   01226

Oldham, Louis J               01/16/1929   072   02061

Oldham, Lucindy               10/03/1917   068   27697

Oldham, Lucy B                04/17/1924   062   09169

Oldham, Margaret D            02/17/1923   005   07942

Oldham, Mary A                09/12/1927   092   20562

Oldham, Mary G                11/03/1919   072   29922

Oldham, Mary N                09/16/1917   U/1   25139

Oldham, Maude M               04/30/1924   037   09162

Oldham, Norra L               11/12/1921   024   24081

Oldham, Ova T                 08/31/1921   045   17454

Oldham, R T                   08/08/1912   U/1   19784

Oldham, Sudie V               06/27/1916   033   15437

Oldham, Tilbrian E            12/12/1926   069   31041

Oldham, Tommie L              08/16/1921   001   17444

Oldham, W                     09/12/1919   067   25528

Oldham, Wanda                 04/21/1924   U/1   09161

Oldham, William               04/01/1929   052   12072

Oldhan, L                     10/13/1914   065   25930

Oldhous, William              09/28/1924   006   20591

Oliver, Charles M             04/22/1928   U/1   09555

Oliver, James                 04/12/1928   U/1   09566

Oliver, Mary                  04/03/1920   039   11400

Oliver, Mildred               04/13/1928   039   14978

Oliver, Ruby                  07/06/1927   U/1   20569

Omer, Richard                 07/08/1916   062   18017

Onan, Alva                    03/22/1915   U/1   06943

Onan, Nannie                  01/09/1921   017   03292

Onan, Nettie                  07/28/1928   051   17360

Oneal, John J                 02/22/1928   025   03793

Oneal, Julia L                05/19/1912   045   12647

Oneal, Major R                01/15/1928   058   03807

Orange, Barrett C             10/13/1918   029   01981

Orange, Mary B                01/09/1921   008   01096

Orange, Will D                10/30/1915   U/1   24555

Oroark, Dan                   11/24/1913   054   29461

Oroark, Hannah                04/25/1916   080   10581

Oroark, James                 06/21/1917   068   16948

Oroark, Randall T             09/16/1913   U/1   24349

Orr, Edney                    06/16/1914   020   15612

Orten, Avia C                 02/24/1927   051   03602

Ortkiese, Mattie T            05/23/1912   002   12652

Orton, Bertha                 07/12/1911   017   18129

Orton, Charlie                02/10/1920   053   04360

Orton, E E                    02/23/1928   090   03791

Orton, Emma M                 01/17/1929   078   02085

Orton, Lillie M               05/06/1929   027   14588

Orton, Orville                05/29/1917   021   14109

Orton, Robert                 04/06/1925   U/1   09309

Orton, Thomas A               08/26/1929   070   21500

Orton, W S                    04/06/1924   048   09121

Ortors, Thomas                11/06/1928   066   27464

Osborn, Abe                   07/02/1920   076   18310

Osborn, David E               10/31/1927   U/1   22863

Osborn, Jas                   08/13/1923   U/1   20865

Osborn, John C                01/20/1924   079   01034

Osborn, Thomas A              01/12/1916   081   01596

Osborne, Mary C               08/13/1916   052   20705

Osborne, Mary R               02/03/1928   076   03789

Osborne, Ruby O               05/14/1929   063   16852

Osborne, Thos                 05/12/1923   U/1   13529

Osburn, Cordia C              12/27/1927   072   27929

Osburn, Edna A                06/07/1928   008   17381

Osburn, Emery                 10/21/1911   U/1   25784

Osburn, Isaac D               12/14/1912   U/1   30673

Osburn, John 2                11/05/1920   083   27262

Osburn, Laura                 06/22/1916   083   15409

Osburn, Martha L              05/22/1911   060   12352

Osburn, Mary L                12/03/1920   034   29905

Osburn, Nimma H               09/09/1918   035   22765

Osburn, Randel T              01/02/1918   054   01253

Osburn, Robert H              09/27/1929   023   24006

Osburn, Thos                  07/05/1912   005   17251

Osburne, Isaic                03/18/1912   084   07067

Oston, Roy A                  10/23/1927   018   25310

Ott, George F                 06/02/1916   067   14123

Outlaw, Arthur E              11/26/1919   U/1   29896

Outlaw, Georgie J             02/07/1920   064   04343

Outlaw, H E                   01/22/1918   055   01214

Overall, Juliet W             09/07/1916   094   23193

Overall, Richard W            05/12/1916   061   12992

Overby, Irnon L               09/29/1917   026   27685

Overby, Vria                  07/30/1915   020   18510

Overstreet, Grabriella P      07/29/1920   086   18320

Overton, Ada A                05/10/1924   048   11659

Overton, John G               07/24/1929   061   19109

Overton, Lucian M             02/15/1919   015   06123

Overton, Richard M Jr         07/23/1927   001   18184

Owen, Chas                    03/09/1919   073   10049

Owen, George                  07/19/1916   U/1   18026

Owen, Jessie L                01/16/1929   062   02033

Owen, Martha P                04/01/1922   048   09147

Owen, Rufus                   05/27/1922   U/1   11253

Owen, Ruth H                  12/08/1918   001   39500

Owens, Floyd 1                04/28/1912   U/1   10015

Owens, Josua S                01/17/1927   071   01096

Owens, Marjosie               05/13/1927   U/1   10785

Owens, Marvin G               12/07/1913   003   32257

Owens, Mary R                 04/02/1928   U/1   09596

Owens, Roy                    12/20/1923   U/1   30551

Owens, Rufus P                05/27/1922   U/1   11252